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I have a group of people that are VERY interested IN KARAOKE. The deal breaker to take a cruise is if the cruise ship allows you to use your own CDGs or DVDs. If you're aware of the ships let use your own CDGs or DVDs. PLEASE LET US KNOW. Mainly interested in Carnival cruise lines. THANK YOU

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We have been on the Elation out of NOLA several times. During Karaoke night the KJ's use CDG's. (at least they did on the cruises we have been on). Karaoke night is a lot of fun on that ship and and the crowd really gets into it. They let me use my discs. I do a "mean" Elvis and I really like the Sound Choice line of Karaoke discs. The ship is due for an upgrade so can't really tell you if that will change and go to a computer system instead.


Not a lot of info but I hope that gives you a start...


In fact, does anybody know what they use on the Breeze for Karaoke night? CDG or computer program?





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A lot of the ships have move away from the cd's and now are using a digital preloaded songs. If the ship has the new system then you will not be able to use disks. They are also cutting way back on Karaoke. There were several nights on the Legend 2 weeks ago that they did not even have Karaoke.

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I've been on ships where the KJ used people's discs and ships where the KJ didn't. The ones who didn't said that Carnival rules prevented it. The ones who did said they were happy to. I can see both sides as some may bring discs with profanity printed on the screen for all to see (many karaoke sessions are open to all ages - some are adult only). Not sure if CDGs can contain virus' like other CDs do, but that could be a problem. Also, some of the KJs are actually just asst Cruise Directors or other entertainment staff and know very little about the equipment they are using. Some are using computers and others use CDG.


But, getting back to your dilemma, since the KJs rotate from ship to ship and off the ship fairly frequently, it may be difficult to get a definitive answer for any ship. And then it may be even more difficult to book a cruise based on that information. For example, if you book a cruise 4 months out based on their use of private CDGs, the chances are pretty good that the KJ on that ship will not be there when you sail. If you book it 6 months out, the odds greatly increase that they will be gone.


Another possible downer is that there are some ships where the karaoke sessions are done in a hallway. Dues to limited lounges and other entertainment in those lounges, I have seen several instances of karaoke done in an "open" lounge with a main thoroughfare going thru the middle of it. Tough to get into your song when dinner lets out and hundreds of people walk through the middle of your rendition. :)


Dougie Downer - AKA Bob

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Bob is right about holding karaoke in a hallway. I've noted that ALL the Spirit class ships do this now, as the comedy club took over the lounge where karaoke was held in the past. I've pretty much stopped booking any Spirit Class vessel because of that.


Back to your question. I can tell you for sure that the "Dream", "Ecstasy", "Paradise" and "Liberty" all allowed me to bring, and use my own CD+G disks within the last year. "Breeze" did NOT allow that. I'd guess that most any ship that has been built, or had a MAJOR upgrade will have all solid state equipment, and won't be able to play your disks.


In the past, when all the ships had the ability to play the cruisers disks, some of the KJ's wouldn't allow it. Their excuse was that the ship didn't want the liability of damaging a disk. Other KJ's told me that they would play commercial disks, but not a disk that had been copied. (Commercial disks left less of a chance of vulgar words,,,etc.)


In any case, have a GREAT time at karaoke. If I'm aboard, I'll see you there! ;)



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Thanks for the info on the Breeze. RCCl's Explorer of the Seas is digital as well as HAL's Oosterdam. I always like to bring my own discs because some of the product out there is pretty bad quality wise and even some of the arrangements are a bit funky and the tempos are way off from the original version (one label comes to mind but we will keep hush on which one - but I will bet you know which one I am talking about). When I see that particular label come up in a Karaoke session I know what all of us are going to be in for.


On HAL I went for one of Meatloaf's songs (I can do a mean Meatloaf impression as well) hoping for the best and when I saw the version they were using I figured the entire room could come back later that night and the song would still be going on (it is that slow). Oh well....Makes it more of a challenge to keep the audience interested and not to strain your pipes.


As you said - If I'm aboard, I'll see you there.



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I know EXACTLY what you're talking about Mike. When I use my own discs, I know what the arrangement is going to be, I know what key we're going to be singing in, I know what tempo we're using, etc., etc. I HATE surprises! ;)


Depending on the KJ's arrangement, is pretty much like doing "Kamikaze Karaoke".


See you aboard.




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  • 6 months later...
I have been on a cruise where I can confirm they allowed you to bring your own cdgs... I did not personally do this, but there was a girl who did it EVERY night...


It might have been me you saw. LOL I always bring my disks with me. But my last Carnival cruise was the Inspiration on Christmas 2012. I have since cruised on 3 RCI & 1 Princess ship since then and gotta say none of them allow the use of CDG's nor have ability to play them and their shows only last about an hour. Not enough time to sing more than 1 song.


I am going on the Freedom in November with several other friends including 1 who is a KJ at home and I have told them how much better Carnival is at karaoke than the other lines so I will be disappointed to see much change. I hate the computerized karaoke. Most of the songs have words that are wrong, or music sounds way off & their song selection stinks. I want to sing "my" songs in the versions I'm used to. If Freedom got new "state of the art" equipment and they won't take my CDG's, I will be a little disappointed. I like to sing newer stuff too that most ships do not get updated songs so that is why CDG's come in handy.

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Oh no. I hope it isn't that way on the Freedom. Every cruise I have been on I have had a blast at karaoke and it may be slow the first night but by the end of the cruise, the place is packed. Other cruiselines only do it for maybe an hour at a time and there are many people get turned away to sing and those of us junkies that want to sing all night might get to sing one song so I've been soooo looking forward to my Carnival cruise where karaoke will be fun again.

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Oh no. I hope it isn't that way on the Freedom. Every cruise I have been on I have had a blast at karaoke and it may be slow the first night but by the end of the cruise, the place is packed. Other cruiselines only do it for maybe an hour at a time and there are many people get turned away to sing and those of us junkies that want to sing all night might get to sing one song so I've been soooo looking forward to my Carnival cruise where karaoke will be fun again.


Last 2 years or so Carnival has almost done away with karaoke , I have been on The Dream , Magic and Breeze , , These 3 have way more to do than the older ships in the fleet , May be the reason or less Karaoke . I did see John Hearld ,SR cruise director doing polls on his FB page , Karaoke was 1, I remember , comments were not good over all for Karaoke , Most people don't like anything where guest entertain guest , , Polls favor more ,music by bands ,comedy , Carnival entertainers .

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Why Carnival KJ's use them or don't probably includes any number of reasons....


...those who don't play burned/copied CDG's have possibly done their legal/licensing homework (or not...who knows?)...


It's illegal (or it was when I did MY homework many years ago) to use a burned/copied CDG in a for-profit establishment (bar, restaurant, vacation establishment, etc....). Granted, when a person buys an original Karaoke CD+G, the law (back then) allowed them to make one protective back-up copy - but those were for personal use (singing at home/private parties/etc.) and if that person wanted to sing off of their own personal disk at a bar, etc., they needed to bring their original, so that the bar (for example) would not be in breach of the various ASCAP/BMI/KAPA (Karaoke Anti-Piracy Association)/etc. laws regarding piracy.


It's a long story...and now with the digital karaoke age in full-force where human beings are almost unnecessary for a karaoke night to happen...just the push of a button or a song code and BOOM! There ya go! (This also brings the highly sensitive topic of illegal karaoke file sharing where some Joe Blow has a new karaoke business claiming to have EVERY SONG IN THE FREE WORLD and he paid (maybe) $500 for an external hard drive full of illegal, pirated tracks that hurt people, like me, who have had a legitimate business for over 21 years and have spent upwards in the amount of six figures (that's NO JOKE) staying legitimate and playing by the legal rules all these years....it hurts. It really does. (Don't get me started on the hobbyist who comes in and undercuts the cost of his services because he brings in cheap gear, burned illegal tracks and has low overhead so why does he need to charge a bar what a legitimate company charges?) GAH!


But I digress: the chances of a bar getting caught employing/contracting a KJ that uses illegal burns or lets people bring in copied CDG's to sing off of (because that requires proof that these tracks were legally obtained) are next to none...however, penalties (if caught, pursued and prosecuted by ASCAP, etc.) can include fines, jail time and a loss of a liquor license.


Could you imagine a cruise without a cocktail?


I realize my input with this topic was extensive and extreme...it's not my intention to put a damper on the topic or the life of Karaoke as a whole. The truth is, many of these on-board KJ's probably have a variety of reasons why they do and/or don't accept personal disks...some may have a certain degree of plausibility...many may probably have no idea about the legalities around the issue, but for those who don't accept burned disks (unless the cruise passenger is bringing a receipt for the original purchase...sounds incredibly anal and lame, but not unheard of), they're doing the right thing legally, whether they know it or not.


I am bummed at how karaoke is becoming less available on certain itineraries. I LOVED Superstar Live, but that's becoming one of those, "Hey, who remembers when Carnival had THIS or THAT?!" historic discontinued things-o-the-past. Bummer.


Okay...thanks for letting me partake in this dialogue. xoxo

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Also a bummer, is that the best karaoke host ever, Mathias, seems to no longer be with carnival[emoji22] I don't even sing karaoke, but when he was there, karaoke was the best entertainment on the whole ship.

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...and now with the digital karaoke age in full-force where human beings are almost unnecessary for a karaoke night to happen...just the push of a button or a song code and BOOM! There ya go!


I assure you the only CD's I bring with me are CD's I purchased and paid full price so no licensing offenses there. I have a personal collection of about 150 cdg's so a lot of songs for my personal home use and to take with me when I sing in bars so I can sing my version of tracks that I like. Nobody borrows them. They belong to me and I have the right to play them.


As for the comment that human being are almost unnecessary for karaoke is bogus. The KJ can make or break you. Most of the sit in KJ's on the ship don't even know how to change a key on their system. They are thrown into that job and that is all they do is push play. They don't adjust the volume, increase the mic when needed etc. Those are all things that a good KJ knows how to do. Carnival has had a couple KJ's that were good and knew how to do that but most were completely unfamiliar with the system.


Karaoke was usually popular from the middle to the end of the cruises I've been on. I understand that people want live entertainment by professionals. I personally like to do karaoke. It is fun for me. Much more fun than watching a stage performance of dancers. I'm not knocking those production shows, just not my thing. You have a ship with at least 3000 passengers with all different tastes. I don't see why a venue cannot be provided for 50 of those 3000+ people to have their fun.

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As for the comment that human being are almost unnecessary for karaoke is bogus. The KJ can make or break you. Most of the sit in KJ's on the ship don't even know how to change a key on their system. They are thrown into that job and that is all they do is push play. They don't adjust the volume, increase the mic when needed etc. Those are all things that a good KJ knows how to do. Carnival has had a couple KJ's that were good and knew how to do that but most were completely unfamiliar with the system.




You are 100% correct! I've posted before that I personally, had to "train" two different KJ's aboard ship, because they didn't have the slightest idea of how to use the equipment, other than put the disc in, and push play. Since Carnival decided to do away with dedicated Karaoke Host/Hostesses, the karaoke has gone down hill. Then they "upgraded" the equipment, which limited the play list, and made it nearly impossible for a singer to sing to his own discs. (Had to show a recent Host how to play a disc with the new equipment.) Just sailed "Paradise" where the upgraded equipment offered only 3 books of available songs, all listed by artist, none by song title???? Bottom line,,,it's MADDENING!



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I assure you the only CD's I bring with me are CD's I purchased and paid full price so no licensing offenses there. I have a personal collection of about 150 cdg's so a lot of songs for my personal home use and to take with me when I sing in bars so I can sing my version of tracks that I like. Nobody borrows them. They belong to me and I have the right to play them.




As for the comment that human being are almost unnecessary for karaoke is bogus. The KJ can make or break you. Most of the sit in KJ's on the ship don't even know how to change a key on their system. They are thrown into that job and that is all they do is push play. They don't adjust the volume, increase the mic when needed etc. Those are all things that a good KJ knows how to do. Carnival has had a couple KJ's that were good and knew how to do that but most were completely unfamiliar with the system.




Karaoke was usually popular from the middle to the end of the cruises I've been on. I understand that people want live entertainment by professionals. I personally like to do karaoke. It is fun for me. Much more fun than watching a stage performance of dancers. I'm not knocking those production shows, just not my thing. You have a ship with at least 3000 passengers with all different tastes. I don't see why a venue cannot be provided for 50 of those 3000+ people to have their fun.



My quote wasn't serious about not needing humans to run karaoke… LOL… I've been doing it successfully for 21 years, I would hate to see my field entirely replaced with a jukebox!


I was speaking hypothetically about how karaoke is advancing so much technologically, like everything else today, that actual human beings are starting to become unnecessary…but you are absolutely right: a good KJ absolutely makes a breaking show.


On the other hand, when you and I go on these cruises where the host clearly has no idea what he or she is doing with regard to sound, mixing, rotation, etc., if you think about it, how surprising is it when they either cut back on available karaoke or discontinue it altogether...? It's no fun participating in a show where they don't know what they are doing... Nothing sucks more than to be in the middle of singing a song and listening to all the sound issues: no efx, no volume balance, feedback...GAH!


Again a good KJ makes the show… but when I go to one where there's no personality, no experience and no idea how to put on an entire show from every angle, it's in those moments where I wouldn't be surprised if it was replaced with a jukebox.


Again, I've been doing this for a long time and it is disheartening to see the lack of experience onboard. I work really hard for a living in the karaoke/DJ world… Then I spend my hard-earned karaoke/DJ money on a cruise where I would love to see quality karaoke entertainment… More often than not it's a disappointment.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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