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Happy LEGENDary 100th Birthday Panama Cruise Review August 17th-30th 2014!


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Day 8 - Punterenas Costa Rica


We wake up to a lovely and slightly ghostly port with the sun in the distance. YES! This is the port I have been looking forward to the most.


Here is a press photo and video as the port was celebrating the beginning of their cruise season and wishing for more Tourism





We had booked a skywalk in the forest (If you go here do it...its the best)

so we head off the ship marinaded in bug spray and I strap bug bracelets round my ankles.


On the way up the Costa Rican forest land its like nothing else, you half expect some Tarzan type to fly out the bushes and splat onto the coach but alas we just saw lots of fruit stalls all the way up to the top.

The friendly tour guides ask everyone where they are from and somehow links every place to Costa Rica and then proceed to boast about its economy....damn Im jealous. We also have to sign a 'if you die by monkey assault or mango to the head your family cannot sue us' form.




Before the walk we stop at a resort in the middle of the rain forest that is like some massive ant rock festival. They are everywhere carrying their little green leaves across paths and up tables. Theres also Lizards everywhere so hubby has involuntary must take photo orgasm experience again. The resort has this beautiful chapel too.




I buy some chilli products and more wooden nick nacks and hubby gets a bowl...this place is gorgeous and we head up back on the coach.


We start and our guide with a stick (like hes a Spanish Gandalf) leads us through the rainforest. Naturally theres mainly birds and insects and all the fluffy things have ran away or are asleep. It does stop some texan lady moan throughout the tour until the guide explains why to her like shes 5 and thankfully she shuts up. There are 3 very high bridges and all offer scenes like you are in the film and I do a bounce on them for extra adrenaline. Our wonderful guide tells us we can eat a rare type of plum straight from the tree/ground. I am the only one in the group that does and its delicious.

We see our cutter ant friends everywhere including the 'gay' ones that carried flowers instead.




On the way back we stop at the resort for fresh juices and enough Papaya for the whole ship while some radio plays YMCA in the background. Then we have some homemade Costa Rican ice cream and coffee that round everything off perfectly.


Since we chose an early tour we still have lots of the day left so we look round the markets that are almost all coffee,clothing and jewellery so we buy lots to take home. We stop off at a place to eat and I do the British mistake of asking for chips with my Chicken dish and get what I call crisps....the waitress brings some fries as well but we have finished.Surprised I didnt do that it Tampa to be honest.


Forgot to mention Carnival gave us an extra 4 hours in this port for some reason so we get some local beers and ceviche and head back to the ship just as the first dinner service is finished. We feel smug we've been eating land grub when people went to the dining room.


An hour later we watch sail away in the dark as a lively port puts all its lights on and gets ready to party. Hubby and I share a platter of nibbles from the lido as we sit on Serenity deck watching Punterenas lights fade into the distance.


We go see the Rock show then have drinks with friends as we map out the crazy things that will be happening on our 3 sea days in a row.



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Day 9 - The sea day of Tequila


We get up very late as we have many sea days to do things so spend the morning by the pool and a lot of rides on the green thunder. If you get the chance to sail on the Legend when she returns this summer do it! Yes I know shes in Alaska in the summer but its a great water slide. We try the yellow twister one which we forgot about last cruise.


The damn thing is so slow you either push yourself along or stick to the slide like a limpet. We ride the thunder a few more times then chill out in the pool.


We have a glass of wine to prepare for....wine tasting! Its a bit like rubbing yourself in snow before skiing and it lubed us up nicely for a good afternoon.

We were the last to get there and find its packed (last cruise it was us and a canadian couple and we all drank extra wine and had a personalised experience). We sit next to two friendly chaps that are avoiding their wives and a Florida retired couple (the same couple our German friend from earlier told them their neighborhood was known for AIDS).




The sommelier was just as informative and I kept 'accidently' drinking the wine before the actual tasting which got me some more tipple....damn my thirst! Hubby gives me his salmon as he hates it and we leave. Even though its a very simple tasting class its a nice way to spend a sea day.


Hubby and I get wine sleeps and go to the cabin for a nap then go to see the marriage show as we want our newly married friends to be on stage (they want it too) and CD Eli says he wants the most newly wedded couple on the ship. We think our friends are a certain as they got married the day before we set sail but it turns out their was a elderly couple that got married in Cayman! We snorted that it probably wasn't even their first marriage but enjoyed the show anyway. This is the show where Eli names 'Ice cream' as a Euphemism for sex as their were kids about. For the rest of the cruise this gets used constantly and people break into hysterics in the MDR when ordering it. The other half of the ship that have not heard think we have had too much sun or a mental problem.


Here is an actual photo of that in cruise joke:




The evening flies by with some usual Trivia, Our hysterical German friend's one liners at dinner and shooting tequila. I explain to all my new friends about tequila rules in my UK circle.


1) You have to drink Tequila with nothing else except its usual friends

2) No vomiting or sipping anything else after

3) Shot of Tequila every 10 minutes in an hour.

4) Any violation of these rules is a suicide tequila which involves snorting the salt, drinking the tequila then squirting the lemon in your eye.


Needless to say I did not see any entertainment on this evening as I was too busy falling around my cabin wearing just socks and a Bikini. Everyone else had a good evening though at the shows.


I will explain here about a gripe a lot of people talked about on this cruise involving the piano bar. I had heard a lot of talk about Stormin norm and it did seem many cruisers and staff knew him so I figured he was a regular CCL cruiser. However, most nights him and his gang completely took over the piano bar so no-one could sit nearby and if it was empty all hats and things would be on the chairs like they were reserved so people didn't intrude. Some people were really upset about this including some of our friends and even though hubby and I didn't like that bar anyway we did feel for those upset about it. It also seemed the young piano player (Who seemed to know the group) got a bit tired of it by the end as well. I do not know any of them personally but I think they could have had some nights off or let others join in...in saying that though I have no personal problem as he was always nice to us and seemed to organise a lot for everyone. It is likely I will show some of his groups photos from the fb group if mine do not work.



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Day 10 - Sea day of Victory



This sea day gets off to an odd start when Customer service call me and I have to fill in some official report about my missing nightdress. I figure I will go down and do it later as its not like I will get it back now and Carnival didn't do anything to try.


Hubby and I decide to do sea day brunch as we forgot all last cruise, we also cleverly forget our SB drinks vouchers so that was a good start. We sit and have the mexican breakfast dish that I cannot spell and it is tasty! Especially with extra bacon and then fill up on the muffiny things they serve. Our fellow diners are nice enough but keep talking about american towns we haven't heard of so I nurse my hangover and eat more cheese and salsa.




Hubby goes to do Trivia and I take a walk to do this interview which all takes place in Bonsai sushi by a security official who has the compassion of a small potato. As much as I like Carnival their handling of complaints has a lot to be desired but hey I try and perk up.


I forgot to mention we did Tea time on sea days and it was just ok. A lot of our American friends asked us if it was like back home which was a no I am afraid. The food was adequate but the cups weren't fine china and Carnival's tea is drinkable but not to our quite high standards. If you are going to advertise afternoon tea it would be better to have a dress code and a special tea blend for that event as its considered quite special over here. I have had tea at the Savoy and various country estates as well as growing up in Devon (Clotted cream and scone haven) so I have been spoilt I guess.


We enjoyed going to chat to people and eat food that was not Lido including a gay couple who we got on so well with the MDR waiters asked us to leave and we realised everyone had gone!


We play some Cards against Humanity and word on the ship is people keep looking for it on the fun times. One of the entertainment hosts announces where it is played but that it is not a Carnival event for respectful reasons...hah! She joins in for a game though.We play the last Pub quiz of the cruise and wine our ship on a stick! It will go with the 3 we had back home. We also wine actual fish bowl and the girlies drink most of it. Must say I loved loved the Red Frog and all the new drinks there.




We decide that we should hit the club tonight which after dinner is excellent fun and even when its over run by young slim Asians everyone parties to the early hours. One of the girls take a tumble in heels and all the US folk teach me the wobble which is a new one. I thought about teaching them some morris dancing but thats just not hip (DISCLAIMER: All british folk hate Morris dancing). Hubby goes earlier than me as hes not feeling all the music.


We eat pizza to round the night off and as we have all had a bit to drink we somehow get into a crazy political debate thats just not coherent so I wobble off to the cabin and flop into bed. Hubby points out that the towel animal looks like lady parts (you know the one I mean) and we fall asleep.



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Ah...lots of posts and no replies...hope people are reading this!


Anyone on this cruise that can correct my mistakes as I probably mixed stuff up.

I will have photos from this cruise after hopefully!


However I did manage to get these few photos done:



and how full the priority lounge got....




and here is one of us on formal night where I have photo shut eye.



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Day 11 - The sea day that made me cover my eyes.


We start the day with a relaxed mood as it is the second formal night later and want to relax and chill out. We also got our Gold past guest invites the night before. We really felt lucky on this cruise with turning gold on the last day and getting things, the free drinks vouches and the FTTF refund.


We catch up with our friends over a leisurely brunch and some cards on the Lido deck when they ask us if we are staying to see the hairy chest contest. Now we avoided it last cruise due to sheer terror so we say no. After a few morning aperitifs they exclaim the husband is taking part so we have to stay.


It kicks off with a bit of chest groping which makes feel violently ill considering only one of the contestants is young enough to be strokable (our friend) and some men get booted. The assistant cruise director then makes them dance then act like dogs and my eyes are started to sting a little so I drink my cocktail quickly.




Our friend is out and proclaims its ageist (all in good humour) and there are too guys left. They have to 'take a sexy shower' and our friend is relieved but then Marvin Gaye starts up and a guy wiggles a bit in the show and my eyes and brain really start to hurt. Then the next guy is up (our day 1 dinner companion) and procedes to rub himself up against the glass shower walls and fondle himself...I suddenly realise my mind will be forever tainted and the cabin TVs remind of this every so often.


Hubby and I have some hot tub time to try and forget and head off to get ready for the past guest party which is our first one. We drink lots of different free drinks and munch through egg things and I get my first beads. Eli comes on and talks and they show every ship...the whole audience cheers for the Vista in some cocktail induced Frenzy. I proclaim we are going to be on her first season.




Our friends start muttering Kevin Noonan is on board (who?) and that hes hiding. We get the conformation of this from entertainment staff.


We get ready for our last Formal night and after an incident with zips and hair spray we are ready. There are even more free drinks of all kinds floating about and we mingle with the senior entertainment staff who are all from England and laugh about common things such as bad teeth, kilts and US folk thinking we must live near each other.


I have my photo taken with the cabin and lots of end of cruise friends shots (sob) then wander to dinner. We see Elena from our last cruise serving us and have a good chat. She was a diamond at getting dinner out in 1 hour flat and remembered us and we told her she was the best. Due to all the drinks I had consumed that day and seeing Elena a few of us get up to dance Gangnam style with the waiters.




...goodness I really got in the CCL mood that day.


Next up: Cabo San Lucas

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Day 12 - Luchadores, Arsenal FC and a well travelled seal.



Hubby leaves me in bed to chill as he runs up deck to see the beautiful Mexican Coast and runs back down to wake me up and tell me hes seen land's end. He also informs me it much better than the one we know in Cornwall UK (Although it is sort of pretty).


Here is a comparison:










We get up for our snorkelling excursion and realise we have made a bad error! We set our clocks last night instead of the following night and our excursion party has already left. We are thankful though we did book it otherwise the ship might have left us behind! Carnival refund our money and we board a tender a little down.


After our early success with beaches we walk round the bay and stop off at the beach. Apparently this pacific water is too cold for some cruise enthusiasts to snorkel which we think is absolute tripe and swim around gazing at the bay. STUNNING. After dripping wet and wandering ashore we stop off at a bar where a friendly Mexican waiter advises me on different beer types and ways to drink and interviews us like we are David Beckham because all Brits love football right? We explain we are not into football and he gives us a running commentary on Arsenal's season (They are the Seahawks of the leagues over here). Hes a friendly chap so we muse over our drinks and leave to which he promptly shouts 'GO ARSENAL! SEEYA GUYS!' as we walk away.


We book a water taxi that takes us to lands end and other side of the bay. It is at this point we see a hitchhiking seal and lovingly name him 'Wetface' and take lots of photos:




We get back and head for real Mexican food at a place next to Senoir Frogs and the food is to die for. I also have shots of proper tequila made from actual agave and its very pleasant compared to the usual 'my mouth is burning and I want to vomit' taste of cheap stuff.


We bump into everyone in the shops and I buy a whole host of sugar skull stuff, a big bottle of real vanilla essence and some pottery then we all board a tender back to the boat.


After getting through security I realise they haven't checked my Vanilla bottle! If I had known they had got slack I would have got Tequila! Ah well.


We go to a relaxed dinner with some other friends we met and people are going round with video Cameras so you can talk about your moments of the cruise. Lots of people talk about the ice cream and how amazing it has all been. Seriously, Carnival really did themselves proud on this cruise and we were sad it was ending.


We end the night with beers in the hot tub with everyone and then have some couple time as everyone headed to Karaoke and actually have an early night as the sun sets on the Pacific.


Next up: Last full cruise day at sea. :(

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Here is an actual photo of that in cruise joke:




OMG, we were at that Love and Marriage show. After that, every time James had an announcement, he would conclude by saying to go have ice cream. Our group laughed whenever we heard that. People looked at us strangely.


I will explain here about a gripe a lot of people talked about on this cruise involving the piano bar. I had heard a lot of talk about Stormin norm and it did seem many cruisers and staff knew him so I figured he was a regular CCL cruiser. However, most nights him and his gang completely took over the piano bar so no-one could sit nearby and if it was empty all hats and things would be on the chairs like they were reserved so people didn't intrude. Some people were really upset about this including some of our friends and even though hubby and I didn't like that bar anyway we did feel for those upset about it. It also seemed the young piano player (Who seemed to know the group) got a bit tired of it by the end as well. I do not know any of them personally but I think they could have had some nights off or let others join in...in saying that though I have no personal problem as he was always nice to us and seemed to organise a lot for everyone. It is likely I will show some of his groups photos from the fb group if mine do not work.


We were amongst those unhappy about the Piano Bar situation. Saving of seats at noon plus a piano player who was not that great pushed us to the Red Frog Pub on the third night of the cruise. We had an amazing time there every night after that! We got to know the bartenders and the performers well. We won a couple of the Pub Quiz Trivia games. As the cruise progressed, the RFP got more and more crowded. I guess people finally realized what a great place it was.


Spending 13 wonderful days on Legend really spoiled us. Seven-day cruises just won't seem good enough now.

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