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Island to Alaska with Pictures (part 2)


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Oh my gosh Carl am I impressed, what a great idea and alot of work.


#1. What options are you going to have for those who do not want to use Pay Pal.


#2. Minor but you need to fix the word different under reservations. (Picky I know)


#3. Under Contract and when I click the picture up in the right hand corner I get an 404 error message-file not found. Is that something your still working on?


I can't believe I know something about you now. Besides the fact that your a talented writer. I know YADA YADA YADA!!


For all those that haven't checked it out you had better look at Mr C's post and check out the sneak preview.


Carls Travels.com Amazing!!:)






Thanks, I've been working pretty hard, and hope to continue to do so. About your points:


#1 - When the site becomes fully operational (hopefully in August) the store stuff won't be Pay Pal based. At least that's the plan for now. They blog host's only way to take money is Pay Pal based. So the long answer to your point is that maybe in August there should be something different. I'm sure the reservation section will be credit card not Pay Pal based. Of course if you just want to send money, I'll probably have the address to the World Headquarters of CarlsTravels.com up before Friday. (That was an awful long answer to a yes or no question.)


#2 - From Carl's I'm typing so fast that I'm not reading what I'm typing dictionary Diffeent - not the same as something or somebody else. And maybe yes I'll fix it, or maybe no, I'll just leave it there. But I really do thank you for finding it. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for. If you want to you can be my proof reader. Pay's pretty lousy, but the hours are long.


3. Yep, you're right. I forgot to create a page I had planned. It should be up before the night is over. And again thanks.


So until 6:06... was that local time? Or was that Mountain time? or was that maybe we'll do it on Japan time, oops I think it's already tomorrow there. Or is it yesterday here? I get confused.


Carl - I have one thing to say, "thank you for taking your time to try and entertain us."




Your welcome, thank you for keeping me motivated to do it.

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It’s been a while since we’ve done this so, why don’t we play a little game?


cruisingbug’s message reminded me of a little, minor, insignificant, unimportant, petty inconsequential, item I may have forgotten to mention.


There was this thing that Mrs. C and I got every day we were in port. “It” usually led to the highlight of our day. “It” usually brought both of us a few moments of happiness, although a couple of times “it” brought an irritation. Every day I literally couldn’t wait until “it” happened. Sometimes “it” would come and go, at the most inconvenient times, and that made me sad.


What is “it”?


"It" is... "It" is... I can't bring myself to do it. You all are gonna die. "It's" so obvious. I can't believe nobody's figured "it" out. Maybe I ought to hide it somewhere on my new website and make you go find "it". Nope, that might constitute cruel and unusual punishment, so without further delay...


"It" is (drum roll please) Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... (that's a drum roll for those of you with no imagination.)



Can you believe that I'm still trying to string this along?


OK, OK, I can hear you all the way in Edmond OK.


It was cell phone coverage.


I'm not so much addicted to talking on the cell phone as I am to knowing that I can talk on the cell phone. I watch those little bars to see just when and how much coverage I can get. Can you hear me now? I love those commercials. Mrs. C has that as her message on her cell phone. 3 bars, 4 bars, and sometimes even 5 bars. Now that's as good as it gets.


We got cell phone coverage whenever we were in port, but mostly only when we were close to town. It didn't help alot to call home, since both kids were in school during the day. I did have trouble retrieving my messages. I wasn't able to get them until we got back to Houston, but we had cell phone coverage. I was happy.


What was really interesting (at least to my twisted mind) was that we had trouble getting coverage in downtown Anchorage. Right in downtown. At the hotel where they let us off there was no coverage. We had to walk a block to the east to get cell coverage. What's up with that?


Can you hear me now... Good. (I kill me)


So I guess that's another contest that nobody wins. I get to keep all of those wonderful prizes, pending the judges final rulings, which should come sometime in 2008.


And since it's 6:06:06 Oklahoma time on 6-6-06 I better quit stalling and post this.


Probably take down the whole system.

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Darn I wanted it to day 6:06 my time but the computer wouldn't cooperate! Gotta take my GD to dancing lessons now, but I'm going over your clues Carl. Why didn't we get that.????


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Thanks Carl for such a good time. This has been so much fun to read (and try but desperately failing to solve). You are a very entertaining author and have actually inspired me in my own composing. The Web Site looks awesome. I already put it on my favorites. Great work!

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Can't believe none of us got it! Guess I have to go back to Spy school!


Will be reading the blog for updates! and already sent in my donation!


Guess you'll all have to go back to Spy school, and wouldn't you know it, I have just the place. (Thanks for the plug.) Watch to blogs for how to enroll. Enrollment should start by July 1.


mich2, thanks, and wow, me inspiring. That's scary.


joy2day, you keep writing about your cruises and I keep being jealous. I hope you have a great time, and wish I was going. Maybe sometime we'll have a ItAwP reunion cruise. Then again, I'm still not through writing about the first one.


I'll try to get the next installment up tonight.

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But that still means up at or before 6:00 to shower, shave, eat, finish packing, and whatever else we need to do. I need a drink. What? I meant Dr. Pepper. You and your dirty minds. Just what kind of guy do you think I am? Don’t answer that.


After the grueling disembarkation talk, and the grueling from Mrs. C, I needed either to take a nap, or to go do something. My mind needed input. (A frequent problem with us highly intelligent Air Traffic Controller types.) We could go up on the deck and see Prince William Sound. Why? Just look go out on the balcony. Oh, boy Prince William Sound. That’s a famous place isn’t it? (I should start another contest right here, maybe you all could get this one. Ha, ha.) Yeah, dummy that’s where that tanker, the Exxon Valdez spilled a whole bunch of oil. Boy that’s what I want to see.


I couldn’t wait. I grabbed up the wonder camera and jumped out on the balcony. Hey, what’s going on? All I see is water. Maybe if I go on the other side of the boat. Mrs. C wasn’t quite as gung ho to see Prince William Sound as I was so she stayed in the room while I pranced over to the other side to see what I could see. Which was... nothing. I couldn’t see any land. I don’t remember if it was because it was cloudy and foggy or what, but I didn’t take any pictures of Prince William Sound. (Big sigh. Ahhhh)


So what now? It’s about 10:30 and the next thing on the agenda is the ice carving at 12:00. It’s too early for lunch, and I’m not very hungry. So what are we going to do for an hour and a half? I got an idea or tw... no it was really just one idea, but Mrs. C said why don’t we go to the, all together now, the casino.


I didn’t really care, it was cheap entertainment, at least if I stayed away from the blackjack table. So off to the casino we went.


Does Princess give frequent gambler points for people playing the nickel slots?

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But that still means up at or before 6:00 to shower, shave, eat, finish packing, and whatever else we need to do.



You seem to have a major problem with getting up early. I find it hard to believe that at some point in your career as an air traffic controller you wouldn't have been stuck on the 2nd or 3rd shift. Getting out of bed a little early can't be that traumatic? Can it???:eek:


Between my dad and the Navy I became accustomed to being an early riser a long long time ago.

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You seem to have a major problem with getting up early. I find it hard to believe that at some point in your career as an air traffic controller you wouldn't have been stuck on the 2nd or 3rd shift. Getting out of bed a little early can't be that traumatic? Can it???:eek:


Between my dad and the Navy I became accustomed to being an early riser a long long time ago.


What can I say? I'm a lazy slob and I'm a night owl. I prefer evening shifts to day shifts. At the time we took the trip I was getting up at 5:30 every morning, 5 days a week. So it isn't that I can't get up early, I just don't like too. Like I said before, I'm basically lazy.

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What can I say? I'm a lazy slob and I'm a night owl. I prefer evening shifts to day shifts. At the time we took the trip I was getting up at 5:30 every morning, 5 days a week. So it isn't that I can't get up early, I just don't like too. Like I said before, I'm basically lazy.


But I bet you are a rope drop kind of person at Disney and that means getting up early - right?

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But I bet you are a rope drop kind of person at Disney and that means getting up early - right?


Is there any other way? Rope drop on early entry days are the best, especially the really early ones. But I'm still gonna whine about it. I've got to say our Alaska cruise spoiled me. It's changing my mind about vacations. Sleeping late, taking naps, RELAXING that's what a vacation is supposed to be. Mrs. C and I are even talking about how we could change our Rodent World routine to (to all of my Rodent World friends, don't read the rest of this sentence) slow down, relax a little bit, maybe even take a nap on our next vacation to Rodent World. (Say it ain't so.)


It might just be that I'm getting older (sigh) but I enjoy slowing life down. I'm not very good at it, but the idea sounds good.


Calgon (Princess Cruise Lines) take me away!!!!

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Maybe sometime we'll have a ItAwP reunion cruise. Then again, I'm still not through writing about the first one.


I'll try to get the next installment up tonight.



We could have a "Final Installment of ITWaP" ala Extreme Makeover -- Home Edition. "CWORLD -- POST THATTHREAD!".

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Joy2Day~Yeah then we could all jump up and down, yell and revisit different areas of the post that we have made over. Actually we could all win the "IT" contest with just a little change.:D

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I promised you a sneak preview. From now till friday you can go here and get a peak at the Summers Biggest Blockbuster.


I know this is Sunday, but I tried looking at your website. How do I get to where your blog is. It looks like I need to join or something.

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I took the webpage down for some updates and some refocusing. They may or may not make a reappearance. You can go here for the blogs. This is for the main one and you can dig around to the others. They also will be undergoing some surgery over the next couple of weeks. (I had a brain cloud... I mean storm in the car yesterday.) I hope you enjoy

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Congratulations on the big win today by OU! Hopefully they can upset the #1 ranked team again tomorrow and advance to Omaha. Will you drive to Omaha to watch any of the games?


Yeah, it was pretty big. Hopefully they can duplicate it tomorrow. I hope one day to go to a CWS, but it won't be this year.



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I’m trying something new. Click here to see this post with the pictures built right in.


On the way to the casino we decided that Mrs. C needed some more stamps or something, so I wondered off to have some alone time with the wonder camera in the beautiful atrium. I couldn’t wait to try some different angles and settings with the wonder camera.


While I was looking at these pictures again, it struck me just how beautiful the Island Princess was. How so much more plush, opulent, lavish and truly decadent the Island Princess was in comparison with the SS Dolphin, Scourge of the Seas. I’m still in awe. I wasn’t expecting the Island Princess to be so mind blowingly beautiful. I’m still bowed over by it. Some of the memories have faded, but going back and looking at the pictures has brought a lot of it back. Just look at the atrium pictures. The attention to detail. From the lights on the ceiling, to the polished gold railings, to the palm trees, to the perfect marble flooring, to the lava lamp. It is just incredible. The colors that were on every level were just amazing. Sometimes the wonder camera really didn’t do them justice.


While I was snapping away, I ran into the adorable, saucy, little old ladies from Wales/Vancouver from dinner on pseudo King Crab night. In a couple of minutes Mrs. C caught up with me, and we yakked with these the adorable, saucy, little old ladies from Wales/Vancouver for a couple of minutes. (I think Mrs. C was jealous.) They had to run off to something or other, but before they left they offered to buy us a drink. (I’m pretty sure we had told them we didn’t drink, but that’s OK.) Again it’s funny how easy, and how interesting it is to meet people on a cruise.


I did take a picture of the adorable, saucy, little old ladies from Wales/Vancouver, but didn’t use the flash, still learning, and it didn’t come out great, besides I didn’t have them sign a model’s release. (Drats.) I better be good, and not publish their pictures, they seemed like the suing kind. NOT.


Mrs. C still wanted to go to the casino. I wasn’t really in the mood, so I dropped her off, and went exploring.


Free at last, free at last... Now what am I gonna do? Here I am, a smashingly handsome stud on a cruise ship full of senile, oops I mean nubile (senile was closer to the truth) ladies, wonder camera in hand, this ought to be good. I’ve heard about these photography fellows. Oh, boy I can’t wait.


I snapped a few more pictures of the atrium, and then started exploring. I came to the elevator. And I just couldn’t help myself. I just had to get in and ride. Up and down. Up and down. until everyone got off and I was alone. Just me and that wonderful sultry voice. Deck, 8, Emerald Deck. Ohhhh I was in infatuation. I snapped a couple of pictures just so I could remember our time together. It was one of those Visa moments. Priceless.

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