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Haven and kids.....pro? con??


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My point is, kids can't turn off being kids depending on which room they are in. It is their vacation too and that means fun. And in the Haven, they are in a space that allows children. And in fact, I have seen advertising for the Haven specifically targeting families.



I haven't read anyone asking that kids turn off being kids. I think what most people are saying, myself included, is that parents should not turn off being parents. There is appropriate behavior depending on the location.


I think the big debate here is twofold: first, is Haven a place where children should be allowed at all? (Clearly they are currently allowed. This is a hypothetical question). And second, what is appropriate behavior for children (and adults) in the Haven today? This second one isn't so hypothetical...is Haven meant to be quiet and reserved, or just another pool location reserved for those folks who paid extra for the privilege?


For the first hypothetical - personally, I'd like to see a Haven-like place that is adults only. Princess does a great job with this in their Sanctuary. It would need to be marketed and managed appropriately because as I've said many times, adults can be just as loud (if not louder) than some of the worst behaved kids.


For the second...having never sailed on NCL, and having only seen the marketing associated to Haven, my expectation is that it is exclusive and private so I won't have to deal with the masses at the main pool. I do not have an expectation that this means library quiet and no children (or obnoxious adults). Do I wish it did? Yes, I do....but that's another debate :)


Again, for me, vacation is not about being around children so I know go where I don't have to be with them. But I will stay in the Haven and know, kids will be part of the package. As will misbehaving adults if I am unfortunate enough to have them on the trip.


Agree! And this is why I try and cruise for more than 7 days, and during times where children are less likely to be present. But when I choose a cruise that is geared towards family like NCL is, then I need to set my expectations accordingly.


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1st it was the smoking police, now its the haven police, next it will be the drinking police.

How do some people manage to live in this world at all is my question. I honestly feel some people really should live on a deserted island as that is the only way they will ever be happy.

As an FYI I don't even have kids but I have no problem with kids having fun unlike other people on here.


This. You hit the nail right on the head. Why bother to even go on vacation if you're going to be a nasty grump?

Edited by SissasMomE
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It's almost always those who don't have children that are the biggest grumps :rolleyes: Kids will be kids. They are not going to sit there quietly, hands folded in their laps, etc. They are kids.


I'd sail another line, if I were you.


We HAVE sailed more upscale lines and will continue to do so. And I do not think it necessary for me to list all of those lines.....but at least on other lines where there is NO Haven....you just have the regular pool areas for the most part which are LARGE and can accommodate more people. The Haven is not that sort of space.


And to respond to your other comment.....I actually have nine children.....who have all cruised with us at various ages and times...so I DO understand children. I also have a severely autistic son who has gone on 5 cruises with us and we also manage to make sure that he behaves appropriately.


And it is not as if the suites in the Haven are the ONLY NCL suites/options that have space for a larger family......

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Your comments are right on the money. You sound quite reasonable, lol.

To the original poster who started this, now that you have read all of the comments, I will just add that I did understand what you were trying to say.

If, I had gone on the cruise with your expectations I would have been disappointed but I would have gone to the adults only area or Vibe.


Thanks for your support....but I was just curious as to what others thought primarily. And I do not even KNOW what Vibe is! Even having been on the Jewel and her sister ship numerous times. But this is PROBABLY due to the fact that I had already paid for the more secluded Have experience.


I LOVE the fact that I can walk out my stateroom door and be poolside or on the upper deck for sunning...within a few feet. So I do not think that another area (such as the Vibe) would handle that for me. And why don't the people with children go to pools that are more kid friendly?


Again.....I SO appreciate your vote of support.....but do not feel as though the Vibe would be a perfect "fix" for this situation.

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Chloemonkey....I was on the same cruise and I know the family that you are talking about because their kid was running around at check-in and ran into me and almost knocked me over. The mother apologized and the father just gave me a dirty look. This family also "took over" the suite/vip area at check-in. We saw them several times on the ship and they were always causing a stir somewhere. Luckily, we were only in Cagney's for breakfast and lunch a couple of times when they were there. Changed the mood of the whole dining room so I can only imagine what the Haven was like. Lordy, lordy and I think she was pregnant with another. The father just seemed oblivious.


THANK YOU! As I have responded....I have raised NINE children and do NOT mind a fun loving baby, toddler, etc....splashing and laughing do NOT bother me at all! ......but this was just a case of parents that assumed that we would ALL love their children as much as they do......even while they were being EXTREMELY rude to their OWN parents!


And the problem is that this is a similar experience that we have now had on the last 2 out of 3 Haven cruises...


Again....glad there is someone that truly "gets" what I was referring to!

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It's the same old people who think they are rich (if they were they would be on a fancier cruise line)that don't want kids in the Haven area are the same old people pushing my kids out of the way in the "kids only" buffet on the Dawn trying to get a cookie and french fries!!!




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Seriously? Not even sure why I am bothering to respond to this.....and as posted earlier......we have also cruised on more upscale lines...so this is DEF not the issue. We enjoy many aspects about NCL.....although not worth going into with you I am certain....but there are many reasons why we also cruise a lot with NCL. Not sure what my income bracket has to do with the issue that I originally posted about.......unless that strikes an "issue" with you?

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I don't have children, never wanted children, and have a low tolerance for misbehaviour. And I cruised the Epic for New Years Eve. You couldn't move for children.


I walked away completely amazed. Kids will be kids, but as a whole, the children I crossed were very mature, well behaved and quite amazing. Every generation says the old "in my day", but honestly, I saw kids misbehave 45 years ago, 20 years ago and today. They don't represent the majority and shouldn't be the stereotype on how kids behave. Adults should know how to behave. Kids are in the moment, and will yell, splash people and be, well, child like. They are supposed to be. They are someone else's responsibility, and we can't make them behave to our standard.


Walk by the casino after someone has had a big win, and tell them they shouldn't cry out in joy, because it disturbs others. They are not crying out because they are misbehaving. It is because they are happy and surprised. If you feel uncomfortable telling the adult, how can you stop a child yelling at the joy of getting a splash by a sibling.


Just my 2 cents.



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Not at ALL the behavior that I referred to in my original post. This went on every day ALL day.....and thankfully this was only a 7 day cruise.


And I forgot to mention....the fact that all three of her kids were in the hot tub all of the time...and the mom's solution was to say at the top of her longs when any of the other guests entered the Haven "Kids....If any of the adults want to use the hot tub...then you will have to get out"......


Well I am not going to be the one to tell these kids to VACATE the hot tub! Probably should have been the Haven attendant - but on this trip, he was very YOUNG and new at his position and would probably been frightened to do so.


Seriously.....how many of us would be comfortable actually telling kids to VACATE the hot tub or pool? I am not confrontational and would not have been comfortable being the "bad guy" and telling this OTHER mothers kids to get out of the pool..... and the sad thing is that it WILL be NCL that suffers as we book 3-4 Haven trips a year and are considering going back to other options....as might others.


And I doubt that the children on these Haven cruises spend as much as the adults do? So might it be more in NCL's interests to make sure that the ADULTS are happy with the Haven experience?

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This thread has focused mostly on children and the pool and that is not the only aspect of the Haven. We cruised Epic Haven and understand that children will be children in the pool and hot tubs. And yes we did escape to the Vibe area where there was a great bar and staff. I found overly tired children in the Haven dining room a bit much though. We were in the Western Med so days were long and very busy. Many children were beyond their limits so crying and/or running around were the norm on too many evenings when I would have expected a more adult environment. I would not enjoy this in any upscale restaurant.


And yes, we have children we have traveled with and yes we have cruised on multiple other lines.

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Not at ALL the behavior that I referred to in my original post. This went on every day ALL day.....and thankfully this was only a 7 day cruise.


And I forgot to mention....the fact that all three of her kids were in the hot tub all of the time...and the mom's solution was to say at the top of her longs when any of the other guests entered the Haven "Kids....If any of the adults want to use the hot tub...then you will have to get out"......


Well I am not going to be the one to tell these kids to VACATE the hot tub! Probably should have been the Haven attendant - but on this trip, he was very YOUNG and new at his position and would probably been frightened to do so.


Seriously.....how many of us would be comfortable actually telling kids to VACATE the hot tub or pool? I am not confrontational and would not have been comfortable being the "bad guy" and telling this OTHER mothers kids to get out of the pool..... and the sad thing is that it WILL be NCL that suffers as we book 3-4 Haven trips a year and are considering going back to other options....as might others.


And I doubt that the children on these Haven cruises spend as much as the adults do? So might it be more in NCL's interests to make sure that the ADULTS are happy with the Haven experience?

The mom told them they would need to vacate if an adult wants to use it. So what makes you think you would have to tell them? Sure, if they didn't get out like their mom told them, then that's an issue. But you just assumed they would disobey her, so you didn't bother to try. I guess I don't see why you wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt.


For what it's worth, I think the worst aspect of the Haven pool/hot tub area is there is no view of the ocean. If I want to sit in an enclosed courtyard as if there isn't an ocean around, there are plenty of upscale hotels in my landlocked state that offer that.

Edited by LrgPizza
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Not at ALL the behavior that I referred to in my original post. This went on every day ALL day.....and thankfully this was only a 7 day cruise.


And I forgot to mention....the fact that all three of her kids were in the hot tub all of the time...and the mom's solution was to say at the top of her longs when any of the other guests entered the Haven "Kids....If any of the adults want to use the hot tub...then you will have to get out"......


Well I am not going to be the one to tell these kids to VACATE the hot tub! Probably should have been the Haven attendant - but on this trip, he was very YOUNG and new at his position and would probably been frightened to do so.


Seriously.....how many of us would be comfortable actually telling kids to VACATE the hot tub or pool? I am not confrontational and would not have been comfortable being the "bad guy" and telling this OTHER mothers kids to get out of the pool..... and the sad thing is that it WILL be NCL that suffers as we book 3-4 Haven trips a year and are considering going back to other options....as might others.


And I doubt that the children on these Haven cruises spend as much as the adults do? So might it be more in NCL's interests to make sure that the ADULTS are happy with the Haven experience?


I would have no problem saying "let's take turns then"... How about in a half hour we get a turn."

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  • 2 months later...
And, my brothers dollar is just as green as yours. You will know who he is. On the next cruise, he will be the guy sitting next to you at dinner talking in a voice that can be heard across the room. His language will be colorful (no cursing, just colorfull). His muscle shirt will say " I am with stupid". Next to him is his wife that will be just as loud and will be asking you to take pictures for her. And she will want to show you all the funny pictures they took yesterday. They will be harrassing the waiter asking for a 3rd plate of food.


When you go to the jacuzzi, he will be the one singing with a beer bottle as a microphone. His 325 pound wife will be showing off her new bikini.


The kids will be dive bombing into the pool. And running from one end of the pool deck to the other getting points for each plate of food they knock over.


You will see him again riding up and down the elevator playing keep away from his kids who are running on the stairs.


No worry though, they have green money.


That's funny stuff reminds me of National Lampoon

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I LOVE the fact that I can walk out my stateroom door and be poolside or on the upper deck for sunning...within a few feet.


And why don't the people with children go to pools that are more kid friendly?



Maybe because the people with kids who probably spent MORE money than you for their cabin, like the fact that they can be poolside right outside their cabin.


Why should they have to fight for a lounge chair with the masses when they paid extra so they wouldn't have to.


Secondly, you should have just stepped right into the hot tub if you wanted to use it, you need not say anything to anyone. More than likely the kids would have just gotten out, and if they did not they most likely would have toned it down. I know this from a lot of experience on cruises and t upscale resorts, I would never let children in a hot tub intimidate me if I wanted to use it.

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Plenty of kids in the Haven on our cruise, and I never witnessed any bad behavior there - either from the children or the childless adults, though I spoke to my children a few times about toning down the splashing in such a small space.


While we are not "cruisers", this was a fun family vacation for us. And we booked the Haven, because the crowds are a bit overwhelming, and I don't really like to send family members off to "programs" so we can be off entertaining ourselves.


The child-free Haven guests were lovely and gracious, and if they didn't like children, they surely didn't show it. We, in turn, kept our children from being obnoxious, and returned to our room if we were not able to stop an incipient tantrum. Perhaps it's been different on other weeks.

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Plenty of kids in the Haven on our cruise, and I never witnessed any bad behavior there - either from the children or the childless adults, though I spoke to my children a few times about toning down the splashing in such a small space.


While we are not "cruisers", this was a fun family vacation for us. And we booked the Haven, because the crowds are a bit overwhelming, and I don't really like to send family members off to "programs" so we can be off entertaining ourselves.


The child-free Haven guests were lovely and gracious, and if they didn't like children, they surely didn't show it. We, in turn, kept our children from being obnoxious, and returned to our room if we were not able to stop an incipient tantrum. Perhaps it's been different on other weeks.

It would have been a pleasure to share the Haven with you.

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We were on the first trip out off Houston (10/11/14) on a 7 day Western Caribbean trip and although this was our fourth time in a Haven Two Bedroom Suite, we had a relatively large amount of children onboard AND in the Haven.


Previous trips in the Haven were 15 to 17 days long.....so that might explain why this 7 day cruise seemed to have so many kids in the Haven....but we were surprised....and I have to admit that I was NOT a happy cruiser.....


I understand that presumable everyone that is IN the Haven has paid accordingly for the experience.....but still found myself gritting my teeth on numerous occasions when I would try to go and enjoy this space and found that I had to deal with young couples with children that were fighting, yelling, monopolizing the jacuzzi.....running around......I am sure that you get the idea/


On numerous occasions, the mother would say something to the effect of "ok Jr....If an adult wants to use the jacuzzi....you are all going to o have to get out...." WHO in the world would ever THINK of approaching the jacuzzi after that sort of message????


Other times one of the boys would run and JUMP on the "focal" sun bed in the center of the Haven......message to boy from mom was "oh no Jr......those are for adults! You CANNOT be on that......." at which point the boy merely THREW the bolster pillows off of this sun bed.......began to roll around and around on this sun bed........and all the while the mom had NOTHING further to say to her little darling.....


There was yet another family with small children.....and this second group was "better" behaved.....but to tell the truth, I have decided that I really do not enjoy children in the Haven! And have decided that I have a better chance of not having kids share our Haven space if we go back to booking only cruises of 15 days or more.....


But I DO wonder if it is just me? As I AM getting old and cranky! But when paying for Haven suites and experience....and not being able to even lay out there or enjoy the area....I wonder if I am alone in my viewpoint......


Just curious.....as we LOVE the Haven....but this last trip was really NOT what we had grown to love......as we did NOT enjoy the loud outbursts of the kids that also apparently were booked in the Haven....We also had the experience of of one couple that seemed to have Haven priviledges - apparently brought another couple up to experience the Haven as well. I could tell that from their conversations......and this also did not seem fair to me......but I have to admit that I did NOT say anything...as at least these were aDULTS! and they were not screaming at the top of their lungs or throwing tantrums......as WAS the case with the kids that we were forced to share the Haven with on the week beginning 10/11/14....


Would like to know if anyone else thinks that the Haven might be better suited to be Adults only......I know that I would pay an additional fee.....


I agree with you, as a young adult with no kids I find kids to be particularly annoying. I have this trick I do anytime I'm in a relationship and thinking about having kids I go hang out with a friend of mine that has kids and it stops that thought process.


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I was debating whether or not I wanted to respond to this post as ones like this tend to get me fired up, but I'll keep it sane.


I agree with the OP on some aspects, but disagree quite a bit. Granted what those kids were doing were totally unacceptable and their parents should have put an end to it. Kids are kids and they'll do stuff like that. I think the parents are the ones to blame for this. They obviously weren't handling the situation.


As one of the posters stated....with the new ships the only rooms on board that'll fit a family with more than 2 kids are the 2-bedroom suites, and those happen to be in the Haven area. As a parent of 3 kids, I take offense to the OP stating that kids shouldn't be allowed in the Haven. Now granted if my kids were doing that, I'd usher them right out of the Haven. Basically you're almost saying that if you have more than 2 kids, sail on an older ship or one that doesn't have access to the Haven area.


You're are sailing on Norwegian Cruise Line....as line that's practically 100% geared towards families. Of course there are going to be kids on there. Maybe you should look at sailing on one of the more upscale cruise lines that's not completely geared/dedicated towards children.


They do not cater exclusively to families, if you have played the NCL cruise game the adult scavenger hunt you would see that for yourself lol. I understand why parents get offended by this sort of post the same way smokers get offended by anti-smoking posts. Last cruise I went on I apologized if my smoking bothered my neighbor he said he'd rather have 10 smokers in the next room to him then one family with loud annoying kids.


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I know they don't cater to families. They have to cater to everyone. It just the people who feel since they paid X amount of dollars for the haven and feel kids shouldn't be there, that bothers me a little. I'm curious how these people feel with the Breakaway and that class of ships. Where the only rooms that cater to larger families is in the haven area. I would never think to take my kids to the scavenger hunt. It does amaze when how many parents take their kids to it knowing exactly what it is.



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I don't think it matters whether you are in a Haven Suite or an inside cabin. Parents need to be accountable for their children and children need to be raised to be aware of their surroundings. There is a time and a place for children to run around, splash, etc. I am sure the Haven has many locations where this is unacceptable, but so does the rest of the ship.


As a previous posting said, my dollar is worth a dollar the same as your dollar is worth a dollar. Everyone spends their hard earned money (and vacation time) to take a cruise. Let's just be good parents and raise respectful children so we can ALL enjoy it, no matter which cabin we have!

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I know they don't cater to families. They have to cater to everyone. It just the people who feel since they paid X amount of dollars for the haven and feel kids shouldn't be there, that bothers me a little. I'm curious how these people feel with the Breakaway and that class of ships. Where the only rooms that cater to larger families is in the haven area. I would never think to take my kids to the scavenger hunt. It does amaze when how many parents take their kids to it knowing exactly what it is.



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Well in fairness ncl does tout The Haven has a quiet place to get away


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I don't think it matters whether you are in a Haven Suite or an inside cabin. Parents need to be accountable for their children and children need to be raised to be aware of their surroundings. There is a time and a place for children to run around, splash, etc. I am sure the Haven has many locations where this is unacceptable, but so does the rest of the ship.


As a previous posting said, my dollar is worth a dollar the same as your dollar is worth a dollar. Everyone spends their hard earned money (and vacation time) to take a cruise. Let's just be good parents and raise respectful children so we can ALL enjoy it, no matter which cabin we have!


I agree with that


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