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We think of refund of deposit , or lost luggage, no one really thinks of being ill.


So my advice is buy it, "just in case"


Here is my last review .


I bought Cunard Care when I paid the final invoice. For cost of cruise only.


When I was unable to care for myself, the ship staff packed up all my things and brought them ashore, very good job. My family were notified I was in hospital in Belgium. Call International (in NH ) who handle cases like myself contacted the hospital, they had problems with them.


For myself they did try to phone me at the hospital , to tell me they were working on providing an American Nurse to bring me home. This did take time but on 6th day I was "sprung" Kory bless her arrived late on 5th day , she took complete charge of everything, arrived at 6a.m next day, got me out of hospital, a car arranged by Call International drove us to Brussels we were booked on Deltas Business class for 11 hour flight back to USA. to Atlanta.( On flight Kory attended to all my medical and personal needs)


In Atlanta we were booked on American, to Fort Myers. There Kory took care of luggage, and again a car arranged by Call international drove us to Port Charlotte hospital . where I was expected, Kory saw me to my room before saying goodbye. I was given various test and treatment. before being released some days later into care at home.


Money spent on Cunard Care is not wasted if ever you need it as I did.


The Hospital in Belgium did make me pay a bill before I could leave Not fault of Call International or Cunard care, just "B******" mindeness on part of the hospital who were anti American and anti British!!!!!! I had my credit cards so was able to pay. Flight home was all taken care of for me by Call International.


Hope this review helps



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Lynn, it's very good to hear when insurance works well. I'm sorry, though, to hear that the hospital didn't cooperate!


I was unsure, though, who Call International are. Are they a separate medical company who insured you?


Am I reading this correctly, that Cunard Care got you and your luggage to a hospital but from then on it was Call International, a separate insurance group, who took care of you?


I am so pleased that they provided you with a nurse and got you all the way home. What a relief to not have to worry about things like that.

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just "B******" mindeness on part of the hospital who were anti American and anti British!!!!!! I had my credit cards so was able to pay. Flight home was all taken care of for me by Call International.


Hope this review helps




Hello Lynn,


sorry to hear that this all happened to you and wishing you well.


I am sure that any USA hospital would have demanded the same thing from me (payment when I am leaving the country) - I am sure that what happened in Belgium was not anti-you -US or -UK.

Edited by Yoshikitty
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Lynn, I am so sorry about your health issue on your cruise and the following dramas. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you, as always, for your informative posts. I do have a question though...is Cunard Care only for US passengers? It sounds like that was the best money well spent!

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Lynn, it's very good to hear when insurance works well. I'm sorry, though, to hear that the hospital didn't cooperate!


I was unsure, though, who Call International are. Are they a separate medical company who insured you?


Am I reading this correctly, that Cunard Care got you and your luggage to a hospital but from then on it was Call International, a separate insurance group, who took care of you?


I am so pleased that they provided you with a nurse and got you all the way home. What a relief to not have to worry about things like that.


Yes. Pretty much. Call International will be a company, contracted via the insurer who issues the Cunard Care package, to handle any medical cases from start to finish. They will offer the same service to many insurance companies as a medical repatriation provider and will take over when a case is a medical situation. Liaising with the hospitals, airlines, transport companies to arrange to bring someone home. They will also employ, whether directly or on a bank/freelance basis, medical staff such as Doctors and Nurses who have additional training to enable them to escort people home and care for them during the journey. I have come across many medical escorts in my time flying as crew for an airline, and also before that when I worked for the Ambulance Service, we used to seal with the companies when arranging transport for admission to hospitals when people would return to the UK etc.


Similarly, when I am away with work on a trip, if I become ill or have an accident, we have a similar system in place. I call a particular number and then everything is taken care of. Not directly by my employer, but a 3rd party who pick up the tab for everything, make all the arrangements, and will take over from start to finish till I am home if needs be.


As with all situations like this, there are the good and the bad, but the good vastly outweigh the bad and every medical escort I have come across has been like an angel.


Lynn, I am glad to hear you are home safe and sound, and do hope your recovery continues well and you are back fighting fit again soon.





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Lynn, I am so sorry about your health issue on your cruise and the following dramas. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you, as always, for your informative posts. I do have a question though...is Cunard Care only for US passengers? It sounds like that was the best money well spent!


As a UK customer, I have been offered it as an add-on to the booking when I am almost at the end of the booking process, so it is available to UK bookers too.

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Sorry to hear of your illness, and wishing you a complete and speedy recovery.


I'm struck by the generally positive tone of your initial posting, and of the others who commented. Letting you languish 6 days in a foreign hospital does not seem to me to be good customer service.


Granted, when your insurance company finally acted, they treated you well, but why did it take them so long to get their act together (unless of course you were so medically fragile that you could not be moved)? During your hospital stay in Belgium, did they do anything to provide you with access to an English-speaking doctor or nurse who could keep you apprised of diagnoses, treatment plans, etc.?


As to packing up your cabin and forwarding your suitcases, I suspect that Cunard would do that for any passenger taken off in a medical emergency, insurance or no insurance.


I certainly agree with your main point, on the importance of having trip insurance, but I'm not sure that you got all the benefit which I would expect from such a policy. BTW, I buy my trip insurance from Allianz, which directly employs the people who manage medical emergencies and evacuations rather than using a subcontractor such as Call International.

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Hoping you will soon be back in good health again.


One area of travel insurance that is often overlooked, is that of non travelling relatives. My mother is elderly, frail and has very poor health. Having said that, she has been much like this for the past 15 years! Despite this, because she has serious existing conditions, we can't find a SINGLE insurance company willing to insure us for cancellation or curtailment should she become so ill we need to cancel or curtail our holiday. Until recently we foolishly thought we were covered - until we tried to claim!


Consequently we now have to abandon ANY holidays while she is alive(!) or travel without adequate cover(!) What a choice!!!! And I suspect many others are in a similar situation, quite possibly in ignorance.


So f you have relatives with health issues, check your policies now.

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Hello Lynn,


I am sure that any USA hospital would have demanded the same thing from me (payment when I am leaving the country) - I am sure that what happened in Belgium was not anti-you -US or -UK.


Absolutely correct.

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Hello Lynn,


sorry to hear that this all happened to you and wishing you well.


I am sure that any USA hospital would have demanded the same thing from me (payment when I am leaving the country) - I am sure that what happened in Belgium was not anti-you -US or -UK.


Posted so others will know more about Cunard Care

However I must tell about being asked to pay before being able to leave. The Hospital had been informed by Insurer verbally, (given details of how to call collect from Belgium ) and also in writing that my bill would be paid by the Insurer.


When it came time to leave USA hospital no one asked me to pay ,


While Call International and Cunard Care performed excellently , I have advised them never to use the Belgium Hospital again. Anti USA, Anti British, absolutely. Head Nurse constantly taunted me that I was "rich American from Queen Mary" ( what a laugh as I travelled in lowest grade inside.) In past have been critical of Britannia , fare, All is now forgiven, Hospital meals were up -chuck making. 1st lunch was 2 slices dry rye bread, a cup of water in which a cabbage had been boiled, and a small plate of cold plain boiled potatoes. 2nd day lunch was 2 slices dry rye bread and slice of RAW Herring. When I refused this repast, head nurse remarked "This is Belgium, not Obama care America, you eat or nothing". In 6 days I never had a cooked meal, I lost 20lbs in weight.

Also never saw Doctor for first 4 days, no MRI or Ultra sound, no IV no,medication .


Stroke deprived me of use of all limbs on left side, but left my thinking ability intact.


Enjoy a glass od something (not Pol acker) in Chart Room for me






If you cruise you do need insurance to get you home in case of such illness wherever home might be.

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By contrast, Lynn, friends visited Budapest at the time of the Icelandic volcano and were stuck there for a week. He had a mini stroke, just one of those episodes that last a few seconds, and went to the hospital. The doctor was so insistent that he enter hospital and be treated that she would only let him go back to his hotel room (for his belongings) on condition that he leave his passport with her, to make sure he returned. He received full tests and was pronounced clear. (He had the tests repeated in London with the same results.) The hospital, however, was in a shocking state with broken windows and no linen and his wife had to bring in food for him - the remnants of a Communist system.


It sounds as though the care in Budapest far exceeded that of Belgium, and the conditions were not much different.

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Hello Lynn,


sorry to hear that this all happened to you and wishing you well.


I am sure that any USA hospital would have demanded the same thing from me (payment when I am leaving the country) - I am sure that what happened in Belgium was not anti-you -US or -UK.


I agree that almost any other hospital would have done the same, with some exceptions. There is, however, some truth in what Lynn says, it's not only anti-US or UK, but also anti-Flems and anti-Walloons, so some Belgians against some Belgians "A little country with little spirit" as their first King said.

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I agree that almost any other hospital would have done the same, with some exceptions. There is, however, some truth in what Lynn says, it's not only anti-US or UK, but also anti-Flems and anti-Walloons, so some Belgians against some Belgians "A little country with little spirit" as their first King said.


Some are also anti-German. It's adifficult country. According to our Dutch neighbours it shouldn't exist at all.

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Just browsing the boards and noticed your post.

So sorry to read of your illness while on vacation. Being taken sick and needing hospitalization at any time is dreadful enough - let alone when you are in a foreign country. And it didn't sound like a great situation with the hospital/country you happened to be taken to. But thank you so much for posting regarding the insurance - which I am glad to hear did work out for you in terms of coordination.

I hope you are feeling much better soon. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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While Call International and Cunard Care performed excellently , I have advised them never to use the Belgium Hospital again. Anti USA, Anti British, absolutely. Head Nurse constantly taunted me that I was "rich American from Queen Mary" ( what a laugh as I travelled in lowest grade inside.) In past have been critical of Britannia , fare, All is now forgiven, Hospital meals were up -chuck making. 1st lunch was 2 slices dry rye bread, a cup of water in which a cabbage had been boiled, and a small plate of cold plain boiled potatoes. 2nd day lunch was 2 slices dry rye bread and slice of RAW Herring. When I refused this repast, head nurse remarked "This is Belgium, not Obama care America, you eat or nothing". In 6 days I never had a cooked meal, I lost 20lbs in weight.

Also never saw Doctor for first 4 days, no MRI or Ultra sound, no IV no,medication .



Dear Lynn,


This left me stunned for a while, although I went through a similar (life-threatening) story. No more medical consultation in Belgium again.

Try to forget it and concentrate on your speedy recovery. We await your reports!


Cats 2010 :)

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Raw herring, called. "Matjes", is a regional speciality and highly rated along the north sea shores.


Everyone will have to accept local food when hospitalized abroad. You are free to order the food of your liking - in accordance with your doctor - at a local restaurant.

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Raw herring, called. "Matjes", is a regional speciality and highly rated along the north sea shores.


Everyone will have to accept local food when hospitalized abroad. You are free to order the food of your liking - in accordance with your doctor - at a local restaurant.



Perhaps you think so, but it is not possible in Zeebruge. Especially difficult if you are alone , and incapacitated by a stroke, speech slow, unable to walk, left side useless.


Also what do you do for currency? Believe me, when the stroke hit, I was dressed for dinner, all I had was small evening bag with door card, and handkerchief. Fortunately my cabin steward included a bag with my credit cards when he packed up my things, or I would not have been able to pay that demanded bill


I sincerely hope that you are never in that situation, being so helpless is terrifiying.

but this is not a subject for this site.




I tried to get help with this through Shore agents office, but they were no help either with food, or getting me phone calls to Call International (collect, even though I had instructions in writing saying they would accept collect calls from me or hospital).


Again must say my troubles were NOT fault of Cunard Care, Carnival, or Call international, but solely bad conditions , bad staff at Hospital. It seemed that doctor only worked 2 days a week, kitchen did not prepare "HOT meals."of any kind

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It was certainly a difficult situation. On the other hand it wasn't easy for the hostpital staff.


I would have expected a lot more help and support from Cunard, definitely when the take extra money for this care.

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On the other hand it wasn't easy for the hostpital staff.
How terrible for hospital staff. Let us all feel sorry for them. I mean an actual ill person turns up at hospital expecting to be looked after and needing care attention healing and occasionally fed? How thoughtless. I bet it disrupt staffs routine no end. One or two had to wake up. Obviously ill people should go elsewhere not be burden to poor overworked staff trying get some serious shuteye. Im sure we only want what is easiest for them.

Lynn. Please time next stroke to take place when convenient for hospital and notify well in advance and never at weekends. Thank you.

At last. A hospital system worse than the NHS.


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How terrible for hospital staff. Let us all feel sorry for them. I mean an actual ill person turns up at hospital expecting to be looked after and needing care attention healing and occasionally fed? How thoughtless. I bet it disrupt staffs routine no end. One or two had to wake up. Obviously ill people should go elsewhere not be burden to poor overworked staff trying get some serious shuteye. Im sure we only want what is easiest for them.

Lynn. Please time next stroke to take place when convenient for hospital and notify well in advance and never at weekends. Thank you.

At last. A hospital system worse than the NHS.



I cannot comment on the medical aspect. But in Europe nurses are not responsible for the personal comfort of patients - it is in the hands of their relatives. A hospital is not a hotel. Nurses have appr. 10 minutes per day to care for a patient in a public hospital.


Most hospitals have a section offering more comfort, but someone has to agree to pay the huge extra charges. Someone without any means of payment will probably not be accepted there.


Off cause Cunard is to take the full blame for Lynn's discomfort. The ships crew does not care at all once a passenger is of the ship, even when in the midst of a cruise. How can they leave you in a srange country without your passpot and wallet in a substandard hospital? I can only recommend never to travel alone.

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How terrible for hospital staff. Let us all feel sorry for them. I mean an actual ill person turns up at hospital expecting to be looked after and needing care attention healing and occasionally fed? How thoughtless. I bet it disrupt staffs routine no end. One or two had to wake up. Obviously ill people should go elsewhere not be burden to poor overworked staff trying get some serious shuteye. Im sure we only want what is easiest for them.

Lynn. Please time next stroke to take place when convenient for hospital and notify well in advance and never at weekends. Thank you.

At last. A hospital system worse than the NHS.



So far from what I am hearing - Jimsgirl did not like the food and the humor of one of the nurses.


She's received good medical treatment and support - and I am asking anyone if they ever found good food in a hospital.

After a stroke, the hospital diet is salt - free thus hardly comparable to the Britannia Restaurant.


So the critics about the personell and the hospital seems to be not really fair.

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