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I need help!!!


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Ok Here's the deal. I'm in my early 30's, 5'8, and hovering the 158 lb marker. I joined the Y back in March and was sporatic at going because of my daughters soccer practices and working so far away. About May I started going full force to work out, working out about an hour to an hour and a half everyday, but it was later in the evening and then going home to eat dinner and go straight to bed, how healthy was that. Summer came and I started working from home although a blessing it was also a stressful and scary change. I was religiously going to the Y every morning alternating between machines and water aerobics classes. Sometimes even going 2 times a couple of the days. Of course then my daughter was either at her dad's or in summer camp.


August came about and I had my daughter home for 2 weeks in a row and had trouble getting the motivation to go to the Y except to lay out to get the tan for my cruise in a month. Well needless to say I've gotten a bit lazy and laid back in my excersing, especially since she's doing cheeleading 3 nights a week and I ended up volunteering to coach her squad. They are 5,6 and 7 yr olds so it's not like I'm getting a major workout by jumping etc...


Sorry such a long story but here's my frustrations. Ever since I joined in March I've done nothing but yoyo between 5 lbs, 1 day I've lost 2 days later it's back up and back and forth. I could tell though that at the beginning I lost inches as I was in a 14 pants and can get into my 12's although sometimes a little snug. But now nada, I still have this hump in the upper ab area and then the tire in the lower ab area and then there's the hips we won't go there.


What can I do to get results? Bad thing is I try to cook a little healthier but my daughter won't eat dinner. And I'm having to really watch my budget. For instance stir fry tonight with all kinds of veggies (granted they were the frozen bag of mixed veggies) and some chicken sauteed in a little olive oil and rice and she wouldn't eat much but the rice. But of course right now she's thin.


I did get out for a quick walk tonight, but couldn't do it long as my daughter had to get to bed.


Sorry to vent, but I'm so frustrated and tired of feeling like I should of bought more one pieces instead of 2 pieces for the trip in Sept. And Iwant to be able to get into my 10 shorts that I've had.


Any advice to help me along? any way i can do it in a month?

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My advice.... portion control, go to the Y more... do cardio when you go everytime... weight training only 3 days/week. And don't sweat it. Have a great cruise size 10 or size 12.


I am in your boat. But I have more time to lose it. Good luck and check in when you can.

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Perhaps make a seperate meal for yourself if your daughter won't eat it?


Also maybe put in a typical days menu into something like fitday.com

Sometimes it's a real eye opener to see where our calories come from and it helps us make better choices. A good rule of thumb is to aim for about 10 times your weight in calories for weight loss. So that's about 1580 calories.


Don't forget that if you're doing weight training the scale really isn't an accurate measure of your success. But if you're saying your measurements aren't changing at all that is a problem. If you're getting your exercise in and aren't slimming down at all, you are likely eating too much food.


Try cutting out the bread/pasta, limit your cheese intake as it's quite calorie dense, save your splurges for things you TRULY TRULY will love, don't just grab a box of cookies because you can. Don't get down on yourself if you eat something you shouldn't have, just pick yourself up and keep going. Switch to brown rice if you can, anything that's less processed, and try to save your starchy meals (potatoes, rice, oatmeal, bread, pasta) for your post weight training meals. Eat often (every 2-3 hours) to keep your metabolism elevated all day. Drink plenty of water. Most importantly is portion control, a portion of protein should be no bigger than the palm of your hand.

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Thanks for the encouragement.


I'll try the cook the separate meal thing for her and that will give her leftovers for another day. For example, she absolutely loves Hamburger Helper, so I will have to fix for her and swear away from it. I was reading about the eating every 3 hours and was going to try that.


This morning I had a small bowl of plain cheerios with a little milk, yes it was 2% but I can't seem to handle skim it's just too watery plus my daughter needs the milk. I don't drink enough milk to warrant 2 containers. Then a couple of hours later I had a banana. Meanwhile drinking water.


Oh what do you make sandwiches with if you cut out the bread? I'm just wondering what others do or use? Besides sandwiches that's really the only bread I eat unless I eat out and well haven't been doing that with the money crunch.


I'll check out that website!


Thanks everyone, I guess I just need the encouragement.

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You might want to check out a book, Body for Life. It's a weight training diet.


It's pretty simple. Meals every 2-3 hours. Always eat a portion of protein with a portion of carbohydrate. A portion of protein is the palm of your hand, and a portion of carbohydrates is a clenched fist. Really easy and if you don't eat the same thing every day your calories will automatically be lower on some days and higher on the other so your metabolism is constantly guessing. Body for Life also allows you 1 free day a week where you can eat whatever you want, which is great for things like birthday parties or nights out on the town.


Another reason to eat protein with EVERY meal is that your body can only keep a certain supply of amino acids. If you don't regularly eat protein, your body will need to eat muscle in order to convert it to amino acids. By eating protein regularly you are feeding your body what it needs to not have to convert muscle to get it's amino acids, and this will help gain muscle mass as well. Also eating protein along with the carb helps stabilize your insulin levels (when your insulin levels spike too high, it sends a signal to your body that it has too much sugar and to start storing some away as fat). Of course this is a very oversimplified answer. And a third reason is that protein will keep you full and satisfied longer than eating just a carb alone will.


I would highly recommend getting the book, it helps alot! Also you can read information at this link, it tells you what goes on in your body when you eat, if you're anything like me, understanding the WHY of things helps me stick to it.




And his article on why the Body for Life program works:



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You know, I am in your same boat. I am in my early 30's, 5'6, 150 pounds and stuck in a rut. I have received some great advise here from so many wonderful people and realize that is just about making life changes. It is about portion control, eating to nourish oneself and not to fill empty voids or boredom, and about being healthy and fit.


After saying all that, keep excersizing, watch what you eat and try to limit the amounts of white sugars. That is what I am trying to do. If at least I do not lose weight, I will be healthy and will live longer.


As for your daughter not eating... ask her what she does like. My 9 year old son is very picky, so on nights that we order take out, he makes himself some raviolis or chicken nuggets. Other nights when I make certain meals, he has no choice. What is on the table is what is for dinner...eat it or don't, it's up to him. There is a compromise.


Just to let you know... I wore my size 10 bikinis on my cruise and enjoyed myself. I actually got a compliment on one of them...it might have been from a 10 year old girl, but still, it felt nice! So, wear your bikinis with confidence and have a great time!

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Hi. I face the same problem of cooking for a family. With two eleven year old twins and hubby, I must make a seperate meal for myself. I don't eat meat only fish so when I prepare chicken for them I usually throw a veggie burger or salmon filet in the oven for myself. I am new to being a vegetarian so I do still eat some dairy products. Small amounts of cheese usually but no milk. If you cut out processed foods and eat more whole foods with little or no butter that will help also. I also eat plenty of fruit when I get the urge to snack. I am 5'8 30 years old and 195lbs. I feel like a tub of lard and I am terrified of running into an old aquaintance who knew me when I was thin. I avoid parties and social gatherings with familiy and friends. I am a food lover and it is very hard for me to resist temptation but if I eat the way I want to or how my family does I will go from being a cow to a whale. It is very depressing and hard because I don't I have any support but I am trying my best to lose 55lbs by Christmas. My next cruise is not untill May 2006 so I do have plenty of time.

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It is very depressing and hard because I don't I have any support but I am trying my best to lose 55lbs by Christmas. My next cruise is not untill May 2006 so I do have plenty of time.


Heyyyyy you have US! We're all more or less in the same situations, and it's truly helpful to come on here and be accountable to SOMEONE! Sometimes a simple post saying "Guys, I'm having a bad day/week/month, I can't stop reaching for the cookies, I don't want to go to the gym, etc etc" will get you lots of posts from people giving you the encouragement you need!

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Thanks for the encouragement.


I'll try the cook the separate meal thing for her and that will give her leftovers for another day. For example, she absolutely loves Hamburger Helper, so I will have to fix for her and swear away from it. I was reading about the eating every 3 hours and was going to try that.


This morning I had a small bowl of plain cheerios with a little milk, yes it was 2% but I can't seem to handle skim it's just too watery plus my daughter needs the milk. I don't drink enough milk to warrant 2 containers. Then a couple of hours later I had a banana. Meanwhile drinking water.


Oh what do you make sandwiches with if you cut out the bread? I'm just wondering what others do or use? Besides sandwiches that's really the only bread I eat unless I eat out and well haven't been doing that with the money crunch.


I'll check out that website!


Thanks everyone, I guess I just need the encouragement.


I'm on WW and still have bread with my sandwiches - I just have very high fibre bread (The Dempster's whole grain breads are only about 110 calories a slice and have enough fibre to only make a slice 1 point with WW). I know people that will make their sandwiches with whole grain pita bread as well. Good luck - I know you'll do great!

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Thanks for the encouragement.



Oh what do you make sandwiches with if you cut out the bread? I'm just wondering what others do or use?


I buy a head of lettuce every 3 or 4 days and use the large leaves to make a sandwich. A piece of meat and cheese, some sliced pickles and some green chiles between 2 leaves of lettuce and I'm doing great.



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Thanks everyone. I actually did pretty well yesterday and today. I did the eating every 2 to 3 hours and only ate a little bit. I lost aboust 2 lbs in the 2 days. Today did ok except because of my schedule I was busy all day and didn't really have a good eating scenario.


I had my small bowl of cheerios and then had to drive to the field to coach my daughters squad. When I left the house I grabbed the can of peanuts and had maybe 10 before getting on the field. Afterwards I had a snack bag of oyster crackers with ranch seasoning I had made and ate them on the way back hom which was about 2 hours later.


I did notice my stomach wa growling and I was cranky, but I feel it was because I didn't have anything real substantial. And I refused to stop and get something at a fast food place.


When I finally got home I managed to eat the little bit of stir fry I had made Thursday so that when I went to a gathering a little later I wouldn't gorge. I hope I wasn't too bad though as I had a hotdog, and then had vanilla ice cream with cherries. I asked them to keep the portion small though. I guess I'll see if I'm paying for it tomorrow morning.


Thanks for the encouragement, hopefully together we can do what we need. How is everyone doing?

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Today is my birthday and I'm celebrating being under 300 lbs. for the first time in quite a while.;)


Starting weight 335 lbs.

Weight now 299 lbs.

Day 28, down 36 lbs.


I get my reward tonight, a small portion of low carb pasta, angel hair with a butter garlic parmesan sauce. YUMMY!


Everyone keep up the good work.



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Reggie you are doing awesome keep up the great work. I wish I could say the same thing but my body likes to hang onto the extra weight even though I am exercising and watching what I eat. I know I need to do better with journaling but I still stay within my WW points most of the time and for the week as a whole I am within the limits. I exercise 1 hour plus every day with 35 minutes being aerobic and 30 minutes with Pilates, Upper or Lower Body Strength training. I just started week 7 and have until October 21 to loose more weight and especially inches. I am planning on working out every day on the cruise this time and we always take the stairs at all times and walk through the towns or the beaches in all the towns we visit. It is consistancy that is the real key and not giving into temptation daily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi luv4trvl


A couple of things - a small bowl of cheerios doesn't sound very filling for breakfast. Consider adding some protein (other than the milk) - 1 hardboiled egg, or a couple of teaspoons of peanutbutter. Also - try having a higher fiber cereal like Kashi - more filling.


Lunch doesn't have to be sandwiches - a small piece of grilled chicken with a salad or 1/2 baked potato & some carrot sticks or fruit makes a lovely lunch alternative without bread.


Bottom line tho - with your busy life, it sounds like you need to plan your food for the day - including snacks - so you don't get stuck eating junk food. I applaud you for bypassing fast food while your stomach is growling - but if you are so hungry your stomach is growling, you run the risk of your body thinking it is starving & slowing down your metabolism! I pack ALL my food for the day in the AM in a little "softsider" cooler (big enough to hold a six-pack with no ice pack). I also include fruit & a few "bars" (my faves right now are Kashi snack bars & Slim Fast granola "meal" bars - read the labels - some "healthy sounding" bars are very hi-fat - particularly hi in saturated fats - not good!) Sometimes I include "easy to handle" veggies like a tomato, a small cuke, or baby carrots. You should have room for all your food, plus a small ice pack.


I usually have food left at the end of the day - but sometimes if my schedule getts busier than I expected - being able to have a bar for "supper" & then something light when I finally get home later has saved me quite a few times!


Good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...

One word: MILK! I had stalled out on my weight loss for a few months. Then I upped my milk intake and the weight literally started to melt off my body. Milk is good for you with everything it provides for your body. Also, its high in protein so it keeps you full longer. Good luck!

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Is it the milk or the calcium? I love milk but have shyed away from it and if I have any it is skim milk. I would love to have the weight just fall off of me but I will have to work harder on the eating if I want that to happen. Keep up the great work. 38lbs in one month doesn't even sound healthy nor does it sound fair but I won't begrudge you as it is awesome and I am jealous. Josie

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  • 2 weeks later...

The boys and husband eat one meal and I nuke a Lean Cuisine and it SUCKS but that is that and there is not much I can do about it. It's working tho.


Hang in there and remember muscle weighs more than fat, it takes up tons less room tho.

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