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WW Here I come AGAIN!!!

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Hi all,


I did find a WW thread here but it had been awhile since anyone posted. Well I find myself in the position (again) of joining WW. I am a lifetime member and gained all the weight I lost and some more. In 2013 I lost the weight again, wanting to look good in pictures, for my 25th anniversary cruise but unbelievably after the cruise...the weight found me! I am now cruising again this October and would like to lose 40 lbs.


A couple of things I have learned from the past...it is definitely harder to lose weight at this age o mine than it was when I was 36. Also I seem to have an every other week loss pattern which means every other week, I get a little:(!


Would love to hear from others who are taking this journey!:eek: We will persevere and win!!!!:p



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I am considering WW. Would like to lose about 40 pounds by my November cruise. Not sure it's possible, but I would like to try. Can anyone explain WW before I pay the money to enroll? I won't be doing the live meetings (usually can't weigh in there because I am in a wheelchair and I work crazy night hours so the meetings are difficult to schedule ) so I was looking at the online. Any info appreciated.

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The very basic info is that using the online program, you enter your current information (weight, exercise, etc) and it tells you how many points plus you have available for the day. Then you track your food - each food has a points plus value. You can eat whatever you want as long as you track the points plus for it. You can earn more points plus by exercising and you have several points plus given to you to spend through out the week however you want - all on one day, over several days, not at all - whatever works for you.


There's also a Simple Start/Core or whatever they're calling it these days. Basically with that, you have a list of foods that are "Power foods" they're designated on the online program with a green triangle or diamond. If you follow this plan, you can eat however much of these power foods until you are satisfied. It's a good idea to track it, but it's not necessary. You also have a few points plus that you can use on non-power food choices.


The biggest thing is that you need to keep yourself accountable. Most people do that by tracking their food, regardless of which plan option they choose. If you're online only, there are a few options now for personal coaches, forum boards, etc that you can utilize to help keep yourself accountable and motivated without attending meetings.


If you can keep up with the program, it's worth the money. You do have to work the program in order to lose weight, but as long as you keep going with it, it works.

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WW online didn't work for me. I guess I just didn't have the right motivation to do it by myself. I'm going to try it again with the meetings and the online support/phone call support they have now. I've lost 20 lbs on my own but I really want to lose another 100. I know I probably can't lose it all before our cruise in Feb 2016 but I can sure get a lot closer. I just need a support group to be accountable to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone I need to lose 50 lbs. I have a cruise in late April coming up and then going to travel around Europe for a bit. I was debating between Atkins and weight watchers. And decided on W this is day 3 so far so good. Also gave up drinking for lent. What do you think of my choice and do you think I can lose 15 lbs in 9 weeks?? Thanks cathy

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Hi all. I need to lose about 50lbs was trying to decide between Atkins and W and settled for weight watchers. Have 9 weeks to go before cruise. I also gave up drinking for lent. Want to lose 15 lbs by then. Do you think this is doable and did I make right choice? This is day3 . Thanks cathy

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Diane you are my WW twin! I became a lifetime member in 1995. Lost it again in 2006,now it is super hard. I love the tracking and making good choices. I wish that I didn't fall off the wagon because I get so lazy, first it is one missed tracking day, then two......


Cruising in September should be enough time for me to drop,enough weight to at least wear a suit!


Good luck to all the WW jumpers! We can do it! I found an awesome site for those of you that like to cook healthy, made the Balsamic pork roast (5 pts) last night, yum. Skinny taste.com



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Not trying to sound like a Debbie Downer but the typical pattern with WW is the lose and gain yo-yo. Having lost 80 lbs and kept it off for over 3 years now, I have found setting a daily calorie and macro-nutrient goal and using an app like myfitnesspal to track my intake to be far more effective for the long term.

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Questions for all of you that are deciding to jump into WW. How long is the longest you were on program at one timel. If you make it all the way to cruise time, do you think you will see all the cruise food in point value?


I stayed on program for 9 months once, lost 55 lbs, this is slightly less time than what I have to my cruise. If I make it that far, I will definitely be hoping they have a good selection of fruit! By then everything in my head will be a point value.

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I did WW 20+ years ago and lost 35lbs. Now, at almost 50yrs old, I have that 35 plus another 5 to lose.DH and I started WW Monday with the online program. My goal is to lose 40, his is 100. It's going well and we're learning that our main issue pre-WW was portion control. We'll still be on the program on our next cruise so that will be interesting. Does anyone here have experience cruising while still tracking points?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good Morning,


WW is what has worked for me in the past. I've lost the same 40-50 lbs about 5 times now. The program/new lifestyle works if you work the program. For me, I need the meetings to keep me accountable. I need the visual of others sitting in my meeting knowing they're in the same boat I am.


I'm not a big exerciser so I have to be very aware of what goes in my mouth. I have been back on program since October, 2014 and have only lost 17 lbs. so far. I am going to have to ramp it up to lose the additional 20-25 more before our next cruise.


What is the thing you're having trouble with the most? Me, I have to seriously go back to tracking every point. I haven't tracked since Thanksgiving. Today is my weigh in and after today I will go back to tracking.


And yes...when I see the buffet and the fancy/beautiful dishes they bring to the table for dinner I will see a little cloud over each thing with their points value. :D

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I've decided to join WW again starting Monday!! I find that WW is the only thing I can stick to and see results. However, I am soooo tired of the roller coaster ride. Lose weight, gain weight, diet again, lose weight etc. etc. So frustrating!


The weird thing is I don't find myself eating a lot!! We don't eat sweets in our house or junk food. Those things are very rare! We eat lots of chicken, fish, vegetables! So damn if I know what the problem is with keeping weight off!


The good thing I find with WW is it teaches you how to eat and what to eat and by tracking points you know exactly what you can eat and how much of it! Any suggestions or guidance will be greatly appreciated!


Good luck to you all!

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Hi all well one month in and I am down 8 lbs. Also week 3 of turbo jam. My cruise is one mo th away and while not worried bot doing well I am worried about traveling in Europe 3 weeks weeks after. Like I'm not going. To eat croissants in Paris? Or fish n chips in London? Also anyone know where I can get little booklet that lists points Plus for food? Lost mine. I also feel I should have lost more lol oh well lets keep this thread going!!!! Cathy

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Well, I did it. Rejoined WW this morning along with my husband. While I have 100 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight, I'll be happy to have just lost my first 10% by the time of our cruise in November. I tend to lose great one week, gain some the next, lose a little, gain a little, etc. As I also suffer with Fibromyalgia, if I push myself too hard with exercise too much too quickly, I suffer a setback as my fibro flares up.


Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you all better as we make this journey.

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I have been maintaining these past few weeks which is okay with me. Just had the family gathering at my in-laws yesterday and will have my family dinner Easter weekend. After that I will be back 100%. That leaves me 6 months until our cruise and if I can lose on average 4 lbs. a month I will only be 5 lbs away from my ultimate goal. Ultimately I want to be at goal but I also have to be realistic.


Congrats to everyone that has joined again. I would love it if this thread was more active. Maybe we could come up with a challenge to keep us coming back often.


So...no matter your weigh in day the first challenge is to drink 10 8oz glasses of water each day starting tomorrow, Monday, until Easter Sunday. Who's in?????

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I started (online only) 10 weeks ago and have lost 18 pounds. I had a couple rough weeks in there. It's a decent start but wish I had started earlier. We cruise next week. I will get back on track when we get back. I have a long way to go. Like others said, it was a lot easier when I was younger. Good luck to all on their journey.

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Congrats to everyone that has joined again. I would love it if this thread was more active. Maybe we could come up with a challenge to keep us coming back often.


So...no matter your weigh in day the first challenge is to drink 10 8oz glasses of water each day starting tomorrow, Monday, until Easter Sunday. Who's in?????


I only drink water, coffee or hot tea, so that isn't a challenge for me. For me, what is a challenge is 30 minutes of activity. I did do 30 minutes on Saturday and Sunday, as I walked on my treadmill each day.

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I, too, only drink water all day! With the exception of my coffee in the morning - It's a must!


I am starting our workout plan today! 30 min workout DVD and 30 min weights, etc. We'll see how this goes - 3 days a week. And as soon as the weather breaks here in MA I'd like to start doing some walking as well! (The way the weather is here, however, that could be in June! UGH!)

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WI today and I'm down 2#. So on the right path for losing my first 10% by my cruise in November. Granted I'd like to lose more then that, but I'll take whatever loss I can get.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 1 month later...

Just found this thread and wanted to chime in - I reached Lifetime in 2009, and we've gone on 6 cruises since then and stayed on plan... it can be done! I'm at the top end of my goal range and would like to lose 10 before our fall cruise, but I know that WW always works for me if I actually do the work.


Someone asked for tips about doing WW while on the cruise, and here are the best things that have worked for me:

  • Decide what kind of day you're going to have BEFORE you go to the dining room! For us, it's easy to have the same basic "yogurt + fruit" breakfast that we'd have at home for 6 of the 7 days at sea, and then have a "special" breakfast with an omelette or waffle one day. We do save up most of our Points for dinner, but you don't have to have three courses each night - every meal doesn't have to be treated like a special occasion.
  • Most desserts on the buffet LOOK much better than they taste (especially the cookies). If you take a bite and it's not fantastic, just give yourself permission to leave the rest.
  • Save your Points for what's really special or unusual, and skip the stuff that you can have anywhere. We "saved up" for gelato and crepes on our Mediterranean cruise, and it was totally worth skipping the fries and other fast-food-ish stuff on board. The kitchen staff has done all the work of cutting up fruits and veggies, so it's easy to have those as low-Point sides and snacks.
  • If you're going to the buffet, walk around and look at everything BEFORE you pick up a plate. This gives you a chance to see what looks great to you, vs. what's tempting just because it's there.


Almost forgot my favorite strategy - walk as much as you can, and always take the stairs if you're able to! :D No endless waits for the elevator, and you'll get a ton of Activity Points. (on our last vacation, we were logging 30-40,000 steps a day on our Fitbits - it really adds up.)


Have a great night!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am re-joining Weight Watchers tomorrow night for the umpteenth time! I too am a lifetime member and have lost and gained the same 80 pounds over and over again! Enough is enough! It is a great program if you stick to it....that much I've learned!

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Hi everyone!!! Well although I did start ww again I wasn't doing well so now I am doing the 21 day fix. My sister has done this very successfully and my husband who is doing this also has lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks. Unfortunately I am not doing as well despite following it to a tee!!! Oh well I will give it a couple more weeks and if no results, it will be back to counting points!!! Wish me luck!! I really want to lose some weight before cruise in October so I can look at pictures without cringing!!😀



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Hi everyone!!! Well although I did start ww again I wasn't doing well so now I am doing the 21 day fix. My sister has done this very successfully and my husband who is doing this also has lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks. Unfortunately I am not doing as well despite following it to a tee!!! Oh well I will give it a couple more weeks and if no results, it will be back to counting points!!! Wish me luck!! I really want to lose some weight before cruise in October so I can look at pictures without cringing!!😀




I'm doing the 21 day fix too!! Well...just the workout part, not the diet part! I'm sticking with WW - it's what I know works!! We do the workouts 3x a week - not 21 days straight - and have been at it since Easter!! I love it! I curse a lot at her sometimes, but it's a great workout!! 1/2 hour dvd then 1/2 in the weight room!


Good luck!! I'm sure you'll see results soon!!

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