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Chair hog solution?


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First...a chair is not SOMEONE'S for the whole day. If you go eat, sorry you should loose your chair. Chairs are for people sitting in them. If you spend hours dunking your feet into the pool...why do you need a chair for your stuff. Just pile it in a corner and retrieve it and find a chair after your wet toes session is over.




I believe people who are chair hogs are intrinsically rude...so chairs with only towels are not, in my book, being USED, I have no qualms with moving the towel and planting my butt in said chair.




Also, there are hundreds of unused loungers on most ships away from the pool area. So if you are not there to swim or dip then find a place to sunbath so that others can enjoy the water activities.



You have to be kidding me. You move my towel while I am taking a dip in the pool and you will need a life vest

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My last cruise I went out to the pool early. I saw a man and women starting to put towels down on chairs. I noticed she had an arm full of towels so I went to the other end of the row of chairs and put my stuff down and sat. She gave me such a look. Her husband said to her "how many do we need" she told him "the whole row" :eek: I pretented I did not hear her and stayed. She grabbed all of the towels and stomped off with her husband rolling his eyes at her. There had to be at least 8 to 10 chairs in the row :rolleyes:

Edited by reno3
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We sailed the Conquest in Jan and one day while at the aft pool, I decided to get up from my chair and get into the pool. I was in the pool, no lie, maybe 10 minutes and my DH was sitting on the edge when this elderly lady decided that she wanted my chair. She proceeded to take my towel off and throw my sunscreen on the deck between the chairs. I marched my happy a$$ up to her and asked why did she think she could just remove my things, that I was using that chair and had been in the pool only 10 minutes. She said well you weren't sitting in it. I told her I didn't appreciate her touching my belongings and asked where my towel and sunscreen were she pointed to a table and the deck. I refused to touch them and told her to get them and hand them to me since she moved them. I didn't make her give me the chair back as i assumed she needed the chair more than me . Had she asked me before for the chair, I most certainly would have given it to her as she was elderly, and I know how to be respectful. I could understand if I had left my towel for a long time but dang that has never happened to me when I've been right there in the pool

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Who watches chairs or "times" other people? I don't.


When you come to the pool and drop your things off, you probably have a bag, towel, sunscreen, glasses, ect...like most people who are using the pool, right? I doubt you put one flip flop in the chair or one book or an orange to go swim. Those are the people hogging chairs and I move their junk to actually use the chair. (Actually we don't just move it, we hand it over to the bartender or the wait staff.)


Like I said in a previous post, you can always tell who's "saving" themselves a chair while they sleep the morning away or go play bingo but "might" want to swim later. My kids cruise with me and I need to watch them to make sure they are safe and/or not splashing other passengers, etc...



Yes yes yes. I don't wait a certain time. If I want a chair I take one of the many that are obviously being saved and not used. If they are rude enough to hold a chair with a towel or flip flop then I am not waiting with a stopwatch.

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Here is a solution:

On day 1 at 3pm, Diamonds get first pick and get to hang a name tag on the chair of their choice and then Platinum's choose and then Gold and Red and Blue get chairs without name tags. If you don't want a chair, don't show up.

I hope your not serious. That is realy lame! Some sort of class system has no class

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This was very funny indeed. I saw someone tie bags from some store maybe the ship store tie about 10 chairs together and take off. We all went tooling around and 2hrs later the chairs were still there tied up so I asked around if any one has seen these folk they laughed and said nope so I untied all the chairs and for laughs I tied them all to one chair in the corner shaded area and the 4 of us sat and the rest were taken by other people. 45 min or so later this person shows up with an bunch of people and started screaming and yelling at all of us sitting down kids and adults. I dont know where they were from there english not so good. We sat there for about 10 more mins and the person was still going on so everyone got up and shook there heads prob thinking this is ruining my day and I think that was the goal. But no one from CC ever said a word.

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First...a chair is not SOMEONE'S for the whole day. If you go eat, sorry you should loose your chair. Chairs are for people sitting in them. If you spend hours dunking your feet into the pool...why do you need a chair for your stuff. Just pile it in a corner and retrieve it and find a chair after your wet toes session is over.


I believe people who are chair hogs are intrinsically rude...so chairs with only towels are not, in my book, being USED, I have no qualms with moving the towel and planting my butt in said chair.


Also, there are hundreds of unused loungers on most ships away from the pool area. So if you are not there to swim or dip then find a place to sunbath so that others can enjoy the water activities.

You are right because no one really knows how long the towel or flip flop was on that chair so what I do is plile all of them on one chair so the rude person that comes back dont know who to blame.

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Don't you just LOVE the people who threaten bodily harm "if their stuff is moved"? Guess it never occurs to them that the repercussions for actually harming someone over a stupid chair might be a bit severe. Of course, that sounds about right for someone who would actually do that. You can't fix stupid. :rolleyes:

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OK so how early should I be heading to the pool deck on sea days to lounge for the day in order to actually get a decent chair


I have never had a problem getting a chair. The only ones that seem to be taken early are the ones next to the pool. There are plenty of chairs away from the pool area or on the next deck up.

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Seriously, It would reward those that are loyal to Carnival. It would be your seat for the week.


Honestly, I would never sail a cruise line again if I was the lowest of their "loyalty" class and received this type of treatment. I doubt I'm the only one that feels this way.


I usually get to the pool early so I don't have worries. However, chair hogs usually have their stuff moved by someone, albeit a staff member or another guest. Personally, I'm not comfortable leaving any of my stuff sitting anywhere I can't see it.

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OK so how early should I be heading to the pool deck on sea days to lounge for the day in order to actually get a decent chair



Depends on what you view as "decent".


If you want to be beside the pool, then get there by 8ish. If there's a single flip flop, an orange or a row of chairs with the back tilted forward, either call a CC employee over or remove the stuff and take it to a CC employee and have a seat. (This is what we do WHEN WE HAVE OUR KIDS, because they enjoy the pool and I need to be able to see them at all times.)


Otherwise, there will be plenty of chairs on the upper decks that are completely empty, even at peak hours. When we DON'T have our kids, we much prefer this area and always look for something out of the way to sun, drink and read. We have a spray bottle of water with ice in it to cool off. We don't use the pools or hot tubs.

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You have to be kidding me. You move my towel while I am taking a dip in the pool and you will need a life vest



First, if you're really "taking a dip in the pool", then your chair will look used, like everyone's does who is actually using it and no one would move your things because that's rude if someone is using the lounger. I've never seen anyone move anything from a lounger that is very obviously being used! Ever.


Second, if you're not (and you can always tell!), then it'll look unused and it's not "your chair" and I'll move anything I want because you're rude for thinking you can "save" a chair when other paying passengers actually may need that chair to USE.


Finally, my man is 6' 4" and over 220lbs. Good luck with throwing him anywhere. I'll be waving at you when they sit you off at the next port after a night in the lower decks! :D:D:rolleyes::):p

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First, if you're really "taking a dip in the pool", then your chair will look used, like everyone's does who is actually using it and no one would move your things because that's rude if someone is using the lounger. I've never seen anyone move anything from a lounger that is very obviously being used! Ever.


Second, if you're not (and you can always tell!), then it'll look unused and it's not "your chair" and I'll move anything I want because you're rude for thinking you can "save" a chair when other paying passengers actually may need that chair to USE.


Finally, my man is 6' 4" and over 220lbs. Good luck with throwing him anywhere. I'll be waving at you when they sit you off at the next port after a night in the lower decks! :D:D:rolleyes::):p



The bigger they are the larger the splash

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Depends on what you view as "decent".


If you want to be beside the pool, then get there by 8ish. If there's a single flip flop, an orange or a row of chairs with the back tilted forward, either call a CC employee over or remove the stuff and take it to a CC employee and have a seat. (This is what we do WHEN WE HAVE OUR KIDS, because they enjoy the pool and I need to be able to see them at all times.)


Otherwise, there will be plenty of chairs on the upper decks that are completely empty, even at peak hours. When we DON'T have our kids, we much prefer this area and always look for something out of the way to sun, drink and read. We have a spray bottle of water with ice in it to cool off. We don't use the pools or hot tubs.


I am the same way . As long as there is sun , I don't care where the chair is . I don't use the pool, I don't need to be near all the noise and hub bub. I don't need kids running and screaming all around me



Let them fight over the "good" chairs all they want

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The bigger they are the larger the splash


Tell that to the FBI when they come looking for you for assaulting a passenger.


And yes, the FBI would have jurisdicition as I have actaul experience in regards to what happens if you get into an altercation while on a cruise ship. lol

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Tell that to the FBI when they come looking for you for assaulting a passenger.


And yes, the FBI would have jurisdicition as I have actual experience in regards to what happens if you get into an altercation while on a cruise ship. lol




Legal ramifications aside. When you want to push people around and throw belongings overboard , you have no idea how crazy an SOB the person you are about to screw with is .

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Legal ramifications aside. When you want to push people around and throw belongings overboard , you have no idea how crazy an SOB the person you are about to screw with is .



uhhh, nobody said throw there things overboard or push them around except for the person that said they would. I said give them to the pool attendant.


Also, I am just as crazy and have a short temper, the reason why I had to deal with the head of security, the ship's captain himself, and almost the FBI.

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First, if you're really "taking a dip in the pool", then your chair will look used, like everyone's does who is actually using it and no one would move your things because that's rude if someone is using the lounger. I've never seen anyone move anything from a lounger that is very obviously being used! Ever.


Second, if you're not (and you can always tell!), then it'll look unused and it's not "your chair" and I'll move anything I want because you're rude for thinking you can "save" a chair when other paying passengers actually may need that chair to USE.


Finally, my man is 6' 4" and over 220lbs. Good luck with throwing him anywhere. I'll be waving at you when they sit you off at the next port after a night in the lower decks! :D:D:rolleyes::):p



Oh I wish this were true. I don't like chair hogs and don't consider myself one. We had a group of 12 people on the Magic. We decided on an area above the aft pool on the Magic with a couch and a couple of chairs and a couple loungers to meet at for the day.....for 12 people! There were always at least 4-5 of us present in this area. And all chairs were used at least every 30 min. We got yelled at a couple of times by very rude people that we were hogging and saving. Once someone absolutely insisted on using one of the chairs in our circle. So, to prove a point they stayed there for like an hour in the middle of our group! While the friend/spouse whatever stood behind them watching for one of us to get up!

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1) Life is too short to spend your vacation "monitoring" what others are doing. Let the employees enforce (or not) the rules, while you enjoy a drink in the sun!

2) Anonymity of the Internet brings out the toughest, but seriously, who wants confrontation on a cruise? It happens, but rarely. Relax, and enjoy the salty sea air!

3) Of my many cruises, my favorite "spot" to sun bathe is the deck directly above the pool. More sun, more views of the pool and the sea, and easy access to the restaurants, bars, and restrooms, with less congestive traffic! Enjoy the unbelievable Carribean atmosphere and view!


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We've never had a single person even show back up...or if they did, they didn't say anything, which is what most people, including those who talk big behind a computer screen, would do.


The hoggers know they are wrong. There's signs everywhere saying don't leave your junk in a chair to save it, sometimes even a little tag on the big screen!


Don't worry about big mouths on here who know good and well they aren't going to do anything in real life except tuck their tails and go get the crap they left on the chair if it's something that has value, which it normally doesn't or they wouldn't have left it to "save" a chair in the first place. Just hand the stuff to a Carnival employee and get on with your day and your vacation.


If someone does wander over looking all confused, just point to an employee or tell them the chair was empty when you got there and THEN point to an employee. :D:D:p


And like I said before: You'll know which chairs are being used. You just will. They look...used! Even if they've just gone to the pool, they'll still leave a bag, or a drink or a towel with sunscreen beside the chair or something that will let you know it's actually being used for it's intended purpose. A "saved" chair looks vacant, empty and saved. Every. Single. Time.

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