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RCCL changed itinerary without telling us

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On Sept. 9 we are cruising the Mediterranean on Brilliance of the Seas. Yesterday, Sept. 2, I received an email from the driver we booked for Naples. He told me that RCCL switched the dates for Rome and Naples. He was kind enough to alert us of this change and offered his services for the new date. (He found out from another Brilliance passenger who learned about the change on Cruise Critic.)


I called RCCL to confirm that the dates had been switched. I asked RCCL why they did not notify me, as they had my email, phone number, and address. The customer service rep was rude. He said "we can change the itinerary anytime we want to...it is in your contract...we are not obligated to uinform you about itinerary changes..." I asked to speak to a supervisor and the rep hung up on me. I called back and had yet another not-so-nice customer service rep.


I feel bad for passengers who booked private tours in Naples and Rome but do not know about the itinerary change. They will be in for a surprise when they get on the ship.


It just isn't fair, especially for those whose credit cards will be charged when they don't show up for their tours.


I do understand sometimes it is necessary to change itineraries due to weather, political unrest, etc. But to change the dates BEFORE the cruise even starts and NOT notify the passengers just does not sit well with me.


Has anyone else had this experience?



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I'm glad you found out in advance. Your post is a good reminder to be proactive and take responsibility for our own vacations by checking itinerary changes (they seem to happen pretty often). The right thing for RCI to do would be to notify passengers - but they don't seem to do this very often. Sometimes TA's find out and notify their clients, but they don't always know, either. Have a good cruise - I love Italy!

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i completely disagree with you on this one. many of our cruises have had port changes. you must expect it. it happens a lot, even to us in the med. usually the changes are made once the cruise has started. i dont know how you could expect rci to try to call or contact every passenger every time one of their ships has to make an itenery change it would be a monumental task.

all you need to do is be aware and informed.

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On our upcming Hawaii cruise they have changed our itinerary 3 or 4 times now.... they didn't notify us officially at all. I happened to notice it on the website (I was looking to see what cabins were available) and called my TA she hadn't heard of it either..... Then when it changed this last time it was one way on the main reservations page and a different itinerary on the online excursion booking webpage so I called my TA again and found out the online excursion page was right..... I'm doing everything through the ship so it is not a big deal for me, but it is very frustrating not knowing when anything is going to happen, and I agree that they CAN do it, but they could at least send an email or something, they keep emailing about the FOS after all....

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If we change your itinerary...tough.

If we don't inform you...tough.

If it upsets your excursion schedule because we didn't tell you of the changed itinerary....tough.

If you had made arrangements to meet family and/or friends at a port and we changed the itinerary and didn't tell you....tough.


How can we do this you ask? We are a cruise line and we have a contract. If you are not happy with this...tough.


The reality is, it is only good business and common courtesy to advise customers of changes. This is NOT a last minute, emergency caused itinerary change. Is there anyone else out there who is as fed up as I am about the constant references to the "contract".

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If we change your itinerary...tough.

If we don't inform you...tough.

If it upsets your excursion schedule because we didn't tell you of the changed itinerary....tough.

If you had made arrangements to meet family and/or friends at a port and we changed the itinerary and didn't tell you....tough.


How can we do this you ask? We are a cruise line and we have a contract. If you are not happy with this...tough.


Is there anyone else out there who is as fed up as I am about the constant references to the "contract".


LOL, at least they are consistent in their responses. (in answer to your last question, yes, but I still book the cruises anyway ;))

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i completely disagree with you on this one. many of our cruises have had port changes. you must expect it. it happens a lot, even to us in the med. usually the changes are made once the cruise has started. i dont know how you could expect rci to try to call or contact every passenger every time one of their ships has to make an itenery change it would be a monumental task.

all you need to do is be aware and informed.


I guess I'm glad I have internet access. If I had booked through a TA who didn't know about the changes, or booked through RCI and didn't know about the changes, I'd basically be screwed, and that's not good customer service, regardless of how often it happens. Unless they tell me upon booking to check back often, and not to make excursion plans until the day we embark.


I wasn't aware that itineraries changed unless it was an emergency, much less that they changed often. At least the original post has helped me to realize that I need to check back often, which I didn't know when I booked!


Thank you!



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i completely disagree with you on this one. many of our cruises have had port changes. you must expect it. it happens a lot, even to us in the med. usually the changes are made once the cruise has started. i dont know how you could expect rci to try to call or contact every passenger every time one of their ships has to make an itenery change it would be a monumental task.

all you need to do is be aware and informed.


Sorry Brad - I will completely disagree with you on that.


How can it be such a monumental task? They have everyones phone number as well as the overwhelming number of passenger email addresses - there's an itinerary change - so big deal - they hit a button and the email goes out to those on the cruise. Not monumental at all - the airlines do this all the time when there is a schedule change. They don't wait for you to show up at the airport and then tell you your flight left an hour ago - they email or call and most times ask that you confirm the schedule change or make arrangements for an alternate flight.


I don't think it's very monumental at all - especially when they have the information. It isn't so munumental when they bulk email some promotional material - is it? This is much different?



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This has happened to me, and I have to say, while I was annoyed, I didn't really expect them to notify us. I have flights changed all the time, sometimes the airlines notify us, sometimes they don't. The tools are available for anyone booked on ANY form of transportation to follow-up, and I beleive it is the traveler's burden. Friends and family make fun of me when we travel because even though I have paid confirmations in hand, I ALWAYS call and verify that everything is still OK.

However, being hung up on is not acceptable, unless you became loud, belligerant or began cursing. Dealing with upset customers is their job, and they should have handled your complaint better.

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Here's the deal, I know there are risks when cruising, so should you.


This is straight of RCCL's website in a very obvious place.


*** All itineraries are subject to change without notice. Please confirm your itinerary on the Review page before purchasing your cruise.


It also has a similar and more in-depth statement in the brochure.


I know it sucks for people that have excursions but that's the chance you take when you book on your own.

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i completely disagree with you on this one. many of our cruises have had port changes. you must expect it. it happens a lot, even to us in the med. usually the changes are made once the cruise has started. i dont know how you could expect rci to try to call or contact every passenger every time one of their ships has to make an itenery change it would be a monumental task.

all you need to do is be aware and informed.


The original poster had no problem that itinerary chagres are sometimes necessary. The issue was notification.


First, RC doesn't have to notify ALL the passengers. RC must notify only those that book directly with them. That's far far fewer than ALL. Notifying the others is the responsibility of the passengers' TA's. Enough said.

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It sucks but I guess it happens.... just be thanksful you get to still go on your cruise. Think of all of those people on Carnival who have had their cruise swiped out from underneath them (for good reson though) to place them in New Orleans up to 6 months.:cool:

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Ericknow, RCCL telling you to check your itinerary before you purchase your cruise and changing it AFTER you purchase your cruise are two different things. I plan my trips according to itinerary; I guess I've been fortunate that (except for being unable to port in Key West because of weather conditions and the presence of naval vessels) I've never had a change of itinerary in 12 cruises. Even a switch in ports as described is troublesome.

A major reason cruising is popular is because it's essentially stress free travel; to find out without warning that your cruise has been changed is anything but.

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Yes, they can change the itinerary but the should NEVER treat you the way you were treated!!



Unbelievable!! I'm sorry you had to go through this and that you were treated so poorly.


Enjoy your cruise. Looking forward to a trip report!


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The contract with all cruise lines allows them to change itinery without notice. This is where a good tarvel agent comes in handy.


I was booked on the Empress of the Seas when about two or three weeks before sailing my TA called to inform us that she got notice of change in

the itineray (shipped a port).


When we were on the ship I found that those that did not book with a TA did not know of this change. The cruise lines inform the TA's but not those that book directly with the. Don't know why unless its much faster and easier

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Ericknow, RCCL telling you to check your itinerary before you purchase your cruise and changing it AFTER you purchase your cruise are two different things.

OK, but this is out of their brochure.


In the event of strikes, lockouts, riots, weather conditions or mechanical difficulties, or for any other reason whatsoever, Royal Caribbean may at any time and without prior notice, cancel, advance, postpone, or deviate from any scheduled sailing or port of call and may, but is not obligated to, substitute another ship or port of call, and shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever to guests by reason of such cancellation, advancement, postponement, deviation or substitution. Royal Caribbean shall not be responsible for any failure to adhere to the arrival and departure times published in this brochure for any of its ports of call. While every effort will be made to adhere to the specifics shown herein for a cruise, circumstances may necessitate changes or deviations therefrom. Neither Royal Caribbean nor any affiliated party shall be required to refund any portion of fare or other charges or make any compensation under these circumstances.



You may not like it. I may not like it, but that's the way it is.

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Typical contract boiler plate; but as you may have noticed they have stated they can change itineraries for any REASON; thus they are required to have a reason, and if they act in an arbitrary or capricious manner (i.e., without a reasonable reason) they may be deemed to have acted in bad faith and therefore violated the contract. It's unlikely and I'm not gonna take the case, and I don't know what jursidction is defined in the Contract; nevertheless good faith is generally deemed a factor in contracts and in business generally; not notifying 1500 or 3000 passengers of a minor schedule change would not rise to an actionable level, but in this day of e-mail, they could probably have sent out a notice that would have reached 80% of the affected cruisers or more.

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It sucks but I guess it happens.... just be thanksful you get to still go on your cruise. Think of all of those people on Carnival who have had their cruise swiped out from underneath them (for good reson though) to place them in New Orleans up to 6 months.:cool:


You took the words out of my mouth Cayman;)


I can see why this would be bothersome with private shore excursions. I too booked all on my own. But I checked the itinerary before I left (and reconfirmed with excursion operators) and if something had changed en route I had contact numbers and email onboard/phones in other ports in case I had to talk to tour opperators then.



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Typical contract boiler plate; but as you may have noticed they have stated they can change itineraries for any REASON; thus they are required to have a reason, and if they act in an arbitrary or capricious manner (i.e., without a reasonable reason) they may be deemed to have acted in bad faith and therefore violated the contract. It's unlikely and I'm not gonna take the case, and I don't know what jursidction is defined in the Contract; nevertheless good faith is generally deemed a factor in contracts and in business generally; not notifying 1500 or 3000 passengers of a minor schedule change would not rise to an actionable level, but in this day of e-mail, they could probably have sent out a notice that would have reached 80% of the affected cruisers or more.


You won't "take this case" because there is NONE. "Any reason" is just that, any reason. There is nothing arbirtrary or capricious to be defined, and your reference to "reasonable reason" is mind boggling. If the President of the Cruise Line wanted the ship to spin in circles for a day and skip a port, they would be in their right, legally. (It would be a horrible way to run a business, but, again, that's not the subject at hand)


The fact that you as a laywer (or at least implying by inference that you are a lawyer) would spew that much information as to why this situation just barely missess the threshold of an actionable case, highlights what's wrong with this country. The real reason you won't "take the case" is that the remedy (injunctive relief, or compensation to make whole), is paltry, and not worth your billable rate. However, the fact that you can define it out for all of us, should enlighten us all about how trial lawyers think. This is the finest example of why we need Tort Reform in this country.


Face it, contract proffered, contract accepted, Cruise line is within their rights, yet you're looking to make a big score. What, can't find enough Vioxx users?


Face it, the OP signed a contract, obviously the original poster didn't READ said contract, and made arrangements outside of the cruise line. Now that the Cruise line has changed the itinerary (for reasons yet to be mentioned in this thread) she is peeved. Well, hard cheese! I'm sorry for her, as this can happen to any of us (I've been on several cruises were ports/port stays/schedules were rearranged). That's the nature of this business. If the OP is so informed that she hangs out on CC, and is savvy enough to book outside tours, then she bears the responsibility to stay informed, because she should KNOW that this happens.


Again, I would like it if the cruise lines would notify passengers, but I know that they currently don't. That's a separate discussion.


As for being hung up on, there's no excuse for that. However, we are only hearing one side of this discussion, and we have not heard the tape of the call.

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Only one tough left to say: We could book another cruise line and say TOUGH to RCCL.


If we change your itinerary...tough.

If we don't inform you...tough.

If it upsets your excursion schedule because we didn't tell you of the changed itinerary....tough.

If you had made arrangements to meet family and/or friends at a port and we changed the itinerary and didn't tell you....tough.


How can we do this you ask? We are a cruise line and we have a contract. If you are not happy with this...tough.


The reality is, it is only good business and common courtesy to advise customers of changes. This is NOT a last minute, emergency caused itinerary change. Is there anyone else out there who is as fed up as I am about the constant references to the "contract".

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If we change your itinerary...tough.

If we don't inform you...tough.

If it upsets your excursion schedule because we didn't tell you of the changed itinerary....tough.

If you had made arrangements to meet family and/or friends at a port and we changed the itinerary and didn't tell you....tough.


How can we do this you ask? We are a cruise line and we have a contract. If you are not happy with this...tough.


The reality is, it is only good business and common courtesy to advise customers of changes. This is NOT a last minute, emergency caused itinerary change. Is there anyone else out there who is as fed up as I am about the constant references to the "contract".


I have a hard time understanding why some people get so upset on this board over the smallest things. Ports change all the time. It says that it could change on the web site etc. They would be contacting people forever to let them know. Some people need to take a doggy downer and relax. Life is too short. If it that big of a problem, go cruise with carnival.

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