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Urgent help required


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As with all the best laid plans ... I'm in a spot of trouble.


I am due to sail on the 20th transatlantic cruise for my honeymoon. My original plan was to travel down to Surrey where a very helpful relative was then giving me a lift into Southampton. Unfortunately he's been called out of the Country which leaves me in limbo somewhat. I have a spare key so can still park-up there.


First of all ... Trains to the Docks ...


Are there any? If so, from where, to where? Is there a central station in Southampton from which I will have to get a taxi or does the docks have its own station?


Rather than risk the train on the morning of the cruise I may simply travel by train the previous night, stay over and get a taxi the next morning. I have had a look at some of the hotels recommended elsewhere on the board and all are full. The only one I can see with rooms available is the "Express by Holiday Inn Southampton West" ... to be honest I'm at the stage where I don't even care if its any good or night, all I really need is a bed for the night. Does anyone know where this hotel is in relation to the Docks?


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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There isn't a direct train to the port but it is easily taxiabler from the main station however have you considered using cruiseconnect thru Cunard?


For such an important trip I would cover all bases my wife works in travel and we always give ourselves plenty of slack in travel plans and have needed it a few times like being delayed for 2 hrs when we were 10 mins from an airport when someone tragically threw themselves in front of the train and missing a flight by 5 mins - fortunately we had an overnighter pre-cruise so still made it!


From Barnsley its 59 quid return but at least it should be stress-free and I would think they would ensure you get to the ship or hold it in the event of m-way trouble!


V.Important on a honeymoon!


The hotel is definitely a taxi ride looks about 5 miles or so away




Have a great trip



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A honeymoon cruise that starts this coming Tuesday, the 20th, implies that he may be in the middle of wedding preparation this week. Yeah, if my honeymoon plans were in doubt and I had five days left, it'd be urgent to me, too.



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As with all the best laid plans ... I'm in a spot of trouble.


I am due to sail on the 20th transatlantic cruise for my honeymoon. My original plan was to travel down to Surrey where a very helpful relative was then giving me a lift into Southampton. Unfortunately he's been called out of the Country which leaves me in limbo somewhat. I have a spare key so can still park-up there.


First of all ... Trains to the Docks ...


Are there any? If so, from where, to where? Is there a central station in Southampton from which I will have to get a taxi or does the docks have its own station?


Rather than risk the train on the morning of the cruise I may simply travel by train the previous night, stay over and get a taxi the next morning. I have had a look at some of the hotels recommended elsewhere on the board and all are full. The only one I can see with rooms available is the "Express by Holiday Inn Southampton West" ... to be honest I'm at the stage where I don't even care if its any good or night, all I really need is a bed for the night. Does anyone know where this hotel is in relation to the Docks?


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Hi LANelson


Well I don't know when the wedding is/was but I hope all is going well.


Anyway, back to you question about travel to Southampton. I found out some time ago when I was just toying with the idea of going down to Southampton the night before that there is a bit boat show going on in Southampton which is still on next week. I think it's press and stuff this week and then general public next week. I too had problems finding a hotel. I managed to get a couple of rooms at the travel inn at a place called Ower which is very very handy for the docks. It is just off the M27 and about 20 minutes in normal traffic to the dock area.


If you want to get a train to Southampton then I am pretty sure that they go from Waterloo!! If you want to get one from where your relative lives in Surrey then I'm not sure. The station is not far from the docks. Probably about 10 minutes from Southampton Central train station.


I am glad now that we have booked to come down on the Monday as I do believe that the traffic in Southampton will be horrendous whilst this boat show is going on. Southampton can be horrendous at the best of times. Then you have the 2000 odd passengers (like us) heading for the QM2. Not sure if there are any other cruise ships in that day.


Have you tried the Novotel or Hotel Ibis. There is also a Jury's. There is also a holiday inn opposite the Grand Harbour. The Novotel and Ibis are not brilliant hotels, but it is just somewhere to lay your head for the night. There is also a Marriott just outside Southampton and a Hilton. Maybe see if they have any availability.


Good luck with your journey and also with the wedding. I hope all goes well.



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When we were last on the ship, a fellow passenger had left his car at one of the Southampton hotels for the duration of the cruise and it wasn't very expensive. I just can't remember which one. We just rent a car from Hertz which is v. close to the dock, and they will call a cab to take you over. Good Luck.

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The wedding was actually last Saturday ... I only classed it as urgent as I didn't want to be stuck without a hotel the night before. Having spent the last few months overlooking the honeymoon for the wedding my transportation plans were a little awry to say the least.


Elaine - it went very well thank you. Shame about the all day rain but that didn't bother us one bit. If you don't mind looking at pictures of total strangers we have some here: http://darren-goldthorpe.fotopic.net/


You can keep on eye out for me on board now!

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Wow, seriously the pictures are bringing a tear to my eye. It was 25 years we were married back in Feb. The day started off wet but by the time it came to the wedding service it dried up enough!! Other pictures were taken back at the hotel where we had the reception!! Wow what memories. Anyway I shall be looking out for you and your beautiful bride. I'm sorry the weather wasn't so good on the day, but I hope you both had a very good day!! All I can remember is it all went so fast. I hope you made the most of it.


Anyway, i'm going back to look at your pictures and hope I bump into you both on QM2. Did you manage to get anywhere to stay??




Just finished looking at the full set of photos. Where did you have your reception???? I really do I hope I bump into you both. BTW tell your wife I love her wedding dress. It's lovely. Safe journey to you both!!

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The only places that we could find were all outside of town so we decided against it. Seeing as how we don’t board till 14:00 we decided that we’d risk driving down to woking and getting the direct train from there. Should be fine – famous last words!




It was indeed a fantastic day but you are right, it went so fast. It was only a week ago that I was sat with my best man having a few ‘condemned man’ drinks [his description]. In no time at all the service was there (although she did manage to turn up 35mins late for that one!). Before we knew it the speeches had come and gone, the evening reception flew by and we’re stood alone in an empty room wishing we could carry it on all night. To be honest we’re both feeling a little flat now that it’s all over and done with … I’m hoping that will all vanish when we take our first look at the ship in four days time.




I will pass on your compliments as regards the dress. I have to agree, she made a great choice and believe it or not that was the first dress she tried on. It must the only time I’ve known her buy something after only one fitting!




The Hotel is something of a ‘Hidden Gem’ so to speak. It’s a relatively little local venue by the name of Burntwood Court (http://www.burntwoodcourthotel.co.uk) and is little known out of the immediate area. I have been going there for 15 years since my sister had her reception there and in all that time haven’t had one bad meal. The food and service are first class and when compared with some of the more expensive venues we have attended receptions at it leaves them standing. No tepid food or waiting half an hour to have your tables cleared. It’s also extremely handy for us as it is only 3 minutes from our house. We’ve had many a three course meal, bottle of wine, and taxi home on a Friday night … except of course tonight when the ‘Mrs’ has already left me home alone for a ‘girls night in’ … Good job I have a cruise to occupy my mind with!




Feel free to come over and introduce yourself if you see us … I should warn you however that I’m unlikely to look anywhere near as smart until evening dress!!

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The only places that we could find were all outside of town so we decided against it. Seeing as how we don’t board till 14:00 we decided that we’d risk driving down to woking and getting the direct train from there. Should be fine – famous last words!




It was indeed a fantastic day but you are right, it went so fast. It was only a week ago that I was sat with my best man having a few ‘condemned man’ drinks [his description]. In no time at all the service was there (although she did manage to turn up 35mins late for that one!). Before we knew it the speeches had come and gone, the evening reception flew by and we’re stood alone in an empty room wishing we could carry it on all night. To be honest we’re both feeling a little flat now that it’s all over and done with … I’m hoping that will all vanish when we take our first look at the ship in four days time.




I will pass on your compliments as regards the dress. I have to agree, she made a great choice and believe it or not that was the first dress she tried on. It must the only time I’ve known her buy something after only one fitting!




The Hotel is something of a ‘Hidden Gem’ so to speak. It’s a relatively little local venue by the name of Burntwood Court (http://www.burntwoodcourthotel.co.uk) and is little known out of the immediate area. I have been going there for 15 years since my sister had her reception there and in all that time haven’t had one bad meal. The food and service are first class and when compared with some of the more expensive venues we have attended receptions at it leaves them standing. No tepid food or waiting half an hour to have your tables cleared. It’s also extremely handy for us as it is only 3 minutes from our house. We’ve had many a three course meal, bottle of wine, and taxi home on a Friday night … except of course tonight when the ‘Mrs’ has already left me home alone for a ‘girls night in’ … Good job I have a cruise to occupy my mind with!




Feel free to come over and introduce yourself if you see us … I should warn you however that I’m unlikely to look anywhere near as smart until evening dress!!


Didn't realise that there was a direct train from Woking. I'm sure you will be OK. You will be getting a fairly early one though won't you???


I did ask the other day when I was on the phone to the world club lady down in Southampton about the recommended time for boarding. We will no doubt be kicked out of the hotel by 11/12 ish. I may be able to swing it to extend that to 1ish!! By the time we load up the car we will be there well before we are supposed to. I asked if we turned up earlier than we were supposed to would we be turned away. I was informed they would not turn us away, they just like to stagger the passengers arriving because there are so many passengers. As we will have 2 cars loaded to the rafters we really will have nowhere else to go, so I shall probably head down to the docks. From what I remember anyway, I think there will be quite a queue of cars waiting to enter the shed anyway!! You will be OK in a taxi because they will be let in without queing!!


It's amazing how us women see a wedding dress and fall in love with it straight away. I have known people search and search, but like your wife I saw my wedding dress very quickly and fell in love with it. When I look at my photos now it looks very dated but for the era it was very nice. I look at wedding dresses now that my daughter could wear. Just have to find a bloke for her though!! She reckons she wants her wedding reception at woburn abbey, but I reckon she had better keep dreaming!!!!! Unless of course we win the lottery in the couple of years or so!!!!!! Or she marries a Sheik!! Never mind she will come down to earth with a bang one day!!!!


I was wondering what you and your new wife had done this week?? Have you been at home together opening all your wedding presents or have you been at work?? Still come Tuesday you will be on a high again. I'm on a high already.


Hope you have a safe journey down. Don't leave too late!! You know what the M1 and M25 can be like!! Have you thought about driving down the day before and staying at a hotel near Woking instead. That way you won't have to worry about the M1 and the M25 on the day. I personally hate the M25 and hubby and I always argue about which route to take. I always opt for MK to Oxford then A34 down to the M3!!



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Been to collect the tickets from the travel agents this morning so having had the chance to read all the documents the excitement is starting to really set into both of us today.


We're travelling down the night before, catching the 9am train from Woking and aim to be hitting the 'terminal' by 10:30ish ... The letter we have says we can board from 12pm so if we're stuck in traffic it'll not be too bad and if we get there early we can happily wander around and take in the atmosphere ... as you can gather from the thread above I'm used to waiting around where my wife is concerned! :)

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as you can gather from the thread above I'm used to waiting around where my wife is concerned! :)


Brides are supposed to be late (not sure 35 minutes, where did she get to??)!!


Wow I thought I was going to get there early. 10.30 they will still be kicking off the eastbound passengers. You may be able to offload your luggage with them and then take your lovely new wife into John Lewis in Southampton for lunch maybe!! I am all excited now. Had trouble getting to sleep last night. Off to the shops today to buy another suitcase because even hubby is worried we don't have enough!! If he's worried then I'd better buy 2!! Also being the worry pot that I am I can't decide whether to buy timers that put the lights on in the house!! That reminds me of a sketch from Lee Evans at the wembley arena. He says us women have to leave the landing light on so that the burglar thinks we are home. He reckons it obviously deters them because we are gathered on the landing. If you've seen the sketch it is much funnier than how I have conveyed it here!!!!! So for comedy I personally love Lee Evans and having watched Peter Kay live at the bolton albert hall, I like him too. Don't suppose we will be lucky enough to have either of them two as entertainment on board!! Maybe when there old and grey like Tom O'Connor and their after a holiday that they get paid to go on!! Well better go and fold my tops etc for hubby. He did his yesterday whilst I cut the grass!! Safe travels to you both once again and don't worry I shall be looking out for you. Mind you big ship, lots of people!! It is going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack. I guess you may well go into G32 and no doubt we will be there with our kids!! So if you see a family of 4 sitting in a corner (maybe mum and daughter dancing) then pop over and say hi!!



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Elaine and LANelson - I feel as though I'm intruding but have enjoyed reading your messages. Hope you all have a great time. I'm sure you will meet on board. Don't you find that somehow you seem to see the same people around and about - aboard and ashore we would bump into the same ones.

At leat you have seen the photos Elaine so you have something to go on. I had a look too - a beautiful bride (and a handsome husband). Good wishes to you both. It rained on our wedding day too- after a week of blazing hot sunshine. As we knelt in church the rain was battering down on the windows. 'God's bessings' said our friend and we celebrate our 35th anniversary with our trip next year - we have been blessed. Not long for you both now- can't wait for the reviews.

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Elaine and LANelson - I feel as though I'm intruding but have enjoyed reading your messages. Hope you all have a great time. I'm sure you will meet on board. Don't you find that somehow you seem to see the same people around and about - aboard and ashore we would bump into the same ones.

At leat you have seen the photos Elaine so you have something to go on. I had a look too - a beautiful bride (and a handsome husband). Good wishes to you both. It rained on our wedding day too- after a week of blazing hot sunshine. As we knelt in church the rain was battering down on the windows. 'God's bessings' said our friend and we celebrate our 35th anniversary with our trip next year - we have been blessed. Not long for you both now- can't wait for the reviews.


Thanks Heywood for you kind words!! The old butterflies are kicking in now (or is that just I need some breakfast??). After waiting over 14 months and moving house earlier this year I can assure you that this is just the best time ever!! My son and I shall be driving the cars down to Southampton tomorrow morning and my husband and daughter (who both work in London) will be heading down by train from Waterloo!! I just cannot wait to get on board now!! Pretty much there except for actually putting the clothes in the suitcases!! That's my husbands job later on today!! Will definately be reporting back on my return!! It was a toss up between doing the QM2 or doing P & O's Oriana for this trip. We decided on QM2 a) because we are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary even though it was back in Feb and b) I felt that the QM2 was designed more for transatlantic crossings more than Oriana (not sure if you are familiar with the P & O fleet, but if it had of been Aurora, then it would be an even closer choice)!! Still having said that about Oriana we are off on her for xmas in the caribbean with long sea days!! I hope I don't find it too difficult to compare QM2 vs Aurora/Oriana!!



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