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GAPearl's "MAGIC"al Birthday Cruise! Complete Magic picture review-6/14/15 sailing.


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Have you ever wondered what it's like to sail through a tropical storm?




Boy oh boy, the ship was a rocking, and I'm telling you, it was not because of the honeymooners. It was bad. Really bad. Terribly bad. Unbelievably bad. It was as bad as Vanilla Ice's rapping and Kim Zolciak's singing. Yeah, THAT bad. I swear at any minute I thought we were going to end up like Poseidon upside down. I talked to a man later in the day that said it was his first cruise and his last cruise. I tried to reassure him that this wasn't normal and I haven't felt anything quite like this before.





It was crazy windy out there.









OMG...I loved the look on your face in the video, just priceless!!!

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Alrighty GP I'm ready for the next installment. LOL!! Girl you gonna get me fired! I'm in my office cracking up at your review. Not to mention there's not any work getting done! Girl when I seen those Qs I fell out!! My ex was a Q and sho'nuff when they play Atomic Dog something just goes off inside of them! LOL!!!!


Can't wait to read more on tomorrow. Now to complete my work that I've put off all day! LOL!!

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I KNEW you'd be here! lol I hope this has given you something to do at work today!




Awesome! You will have a great time! If I don't have anything covered later that you want to know, feel free to ask any questions.




Yes it did give me something to do beating the anticipation of my Splendor cruise, and now catching up has given me something to do in my Post Cruise Depression! The review is coming along great, and I cannot wait to read more soon. Keep it coming! :D

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Once back at the port, we browsed through a couple of the gift shops and I took a look through duty free. Sure enough, they had Sangster's there for $14 a bottle. Ugh I wish I had waited. I did find a pint of a local coconut rum for only $3, too good to pass up.





DH first went to Jamaica (Kingston, not the touristy parts) in the late 90's and was introduced to Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. He brought some home that trip but at that time, it was not easy to find the real thing here in the states.


While we were in Montego Bay in 2013, we decided to get some for our oldest son who LOVES coffee. We bought it at the resort where we spent the day but when we got back to the port and I started looking through the shops, I was so disappointed! It was considerably cheaper there than what I had paid at the resort. Oh, well...live & learn.

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You are by far one of the best at giving reviews. I love reading your reviews and I get more and more excited about my upcoming cruise in August on the Liberty out of San Juan. I was in tears laughing once Atomic Dog came on because I knew exactly what was going to happen. I am surprised not more of them showed up in that picture. Keep the pictures coming and I am on edge waiting for the rest of this review. Thank you


Question: What kind of phone is that? Did you take all of your pictures with your phone?

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Enjoying your review, I booked the nine mile tour with Peat Taylor for my up coming cruise from Montego Bay, i guess i can ice that idea huh, Oh well. Looking forward to the rest of your review it's the bomb.


Nah, I wouldn't do it. I wish they would have told me how far it was in my confirmation email. Nowhere on their website does it say 2 1/2 hours from Montego Bay. Glad you're enjoying the review and glad this helped you with MoBay.


Tour still looks like a good time. Sometimes the best times had are those unplanned. Drinks looked delish again!.


Next time pack a Tide stick... I take one with me to dinner all the time. Usually I have chocolate all over me, I swear Im like a 5yr old with dessert LOL.


Show looked like a good one too, we didnt go to any of them this time.


That Bob Marley drink was awesome! I've had it here at a local bar on the rocks and didn't know they make it frozen. I still don't think Carnival's shows are as big of productions as Royal Caribbean puts on, but some of the shows are actually pretty decent.

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I am absolutely loving your review! Thank you so much for taking the time out to post this, especially with all the photos. We leave on the Magic on 11/29 and reading this is keeping my excitement levels sky high!!!


Oh, and the towel animals you had in your cabin…. I have no idea what they are. LOL! I'm thinking the person who made them was secretly laughing her tail off knowing they aren't anything at all, and she had you guessing for days. ;O)


Keep the review coming please!


- Cindy


Hi Cindy! I'm glad you're getting excited for your cruise! November seems so far away but it will be here before you know it. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time. Don't worry, there's so much more review to come. ;)


We were on the Dream week before Christmas 2012 and there was a Santa on that cruise. I took a picture of him to show my grandbabies that Santa had to take vacation before his big night.


LOL even Santa needs a break too. :p

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Finally Caught Up! I'm loving this review so much! Thank you! You have inspired me to go all out review style on my (95% Sure I'm doing) cruise in February! Looking forward to see the rest! :)


Awesome! :D Thanks for the nice words! Lots more to come tomorrow.


Thanks! My late cousin and his wife (who is a CC member) took a couple of cruises a year, and are my inspiration for booking this one. I'm certain we will enjoy it.




My sons are teen and pre-teen, so they will be in Circle C (12 -14).




Looking forward to more of your posts!


You will definitely have an awesome time. Thanks so much for reading. :)

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Your reviews are so freakin' good, I feel the NEED to chime in.


1) Why didn't the cold moms share a room & u 2 warmer, fun seekers share the other?

2) What is with all the tip-me-to-take-my-photo natives? Ugh! I've only done it for the monkeys in St Kitts & the bridge diving kids in St Lucia. But, if I'm gonna do it, they better smile & not be mean-mugging like the first guy in Jamaica.

3) You are just so gorgeous, inside & out. I would love to go cruising with you. Wouldn't even mind being "the other chic". Lol

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Thanks! Your review was awesome and I laughed the entire time at your commentary it was amazing. You've given me inspiration to take solo cruises as a single female. You are so correct the 2015 dating world is CRAZY. I just joined the the 30's club and still single. *welp* I'm starting to look at it as my grocery bill is less and its cheaper for me to take myself out. Lol

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This review is great! I've learned a lot about Spanx as an added bonus! [emoji12]


Did you enjoy cruising with family more than you last solo vacation, or did you find them holding you back from doing some things you'd otherwise have done?


Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk


I hope you have a lot more empathy now for women and our struggles. lol :o


I did enjoy cruising with my family. I don't feel like I'm really held back when I go somewhere with them because I already have the attitude going into it that this is about them. This was the trip of a lifetime for the cousins and my mom's one trip she takes every 1-2 years. I've been known to say I want to go to Puerto Rico or New Orleans or wherever this weekend, and I get up and go. I travel so much I can always take spur of the moment trips back to wherever if I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do. If there's an itinerary where I have big plans for all the ports, I won't take that one with them, which is why I've sailed solo both times from San Juan. I do love my solo trips the best though!


Just ordered an Aqua Vault thanks to you. My husband and usually take turns going the water but now we will go in together. Yes someone could pick up the chair but that would be very obvious and don't think it will happen. Love love your review keep it up.


I doubt anyone will pick up the chair. That's too much work. lol That little box was a genius idea! Glad you're enjoying the review.

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I knew there was a reason I connected with you and your reviews on SO MANY levels...WE SHARE THE SAME BIRTHDAY, JUNE 19!!!Happy BIRTHDAY from one Gemini to another!!!:D:D:D


Now to settle in, go back to page 2 (LOL) and catch up on this review. Just what I needed to help me get thru the week before I head to NOLA for Essence Fest!!!


Yes! We're gemini TWINS! :D Happy belated birthday to you too! Hopefully you had an awesome day as well. Have fun at Essence. I've never been but will make it a point to go eventually.


I can't wait....


It'll be worth it :D

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Alrighty GP I'm ready for the next installment. LOL!! Girl you gonna get me fired! I'm in my office cracking up at your review. Not to mention there's not any work getting done! Girl when I seen those Qs I fell out!! My ex was a Q and sho'nuff when they play Atomic Dog something just goes off inside of them! LOL!!!!


Can't wait to read more on tomorrow. Now to complete my work that I've put off all day! LOL!!


There will be a part 2 featuring the Ques, so stay tuned. :p I'm going to get to work on Grand Cayman tonight so I can get it posted hopefully tomorrow morning. I still have a lot more to cover, so don't plan on getting any work done until next week. :D




Yes it did give me something to do beating the anticipation of my Splendor cruise, and now catching up has given me something to do in my Post Cruise Depression! The review is coming along great, and I cannot wait to read more soon. Keep it coming! :D


I'm glad you're enjoying it! Post cruise depression is the worse. :( Stay tuned cause it's going to continue to get better. :p

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DH first went to Jamaica (Kingston, not the touristy parts) in the late 90's and was introduced to Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. He brought some home that trip but at that time, it was not easy to find the real thing here in the states.


While we were in Montego Bay in 2013, we decided to get some for our oldest son who LOVES coffee. We bought it at the resort where we spent the day but when we got back to the port and I started looking through the shops, I was so disappointed! It was considerably cheaper there than what I had paid at the resort. Oh, well...live & learn.


Yes that's it! The Blue Mountain Coffee! That stuff is expensive! :eek: Combining it with the Sangsters rum cream couldn't make me any happier. Maybe I'll have a cup in the morning while working on Grand Cayman. :)


The best coffee I've had though was in Colombia last year. It was so good and I kept wanting more and couldn't help but joke and say what's in here, crack? lol :p




You are by far one of the best at giving reviews. I love reading your reviews and I get more and more excited about my upcoming cruise in August on the Liberty out of San Juan. I was in tears laughing once Atomic Dog came on because I knew exactly what was going to happen. I am surprised not more of them showed up in that picture. Keep the pictures coming and I am on edge waiting for the rest of this review. Thank you


Question: What kind of phone is that? Did you take all of your pictures with your phone?


Thank you so much! I still have yet to sail the Liberty. Stay tuned for Atomic Dog part 2. lol I have the iphone 6. It takes really good pictures. My photos are a mix taken from it and my Olympus Tough camera (the one I had to buy on my Splendor cruise when my good camera got wet and died). I have a basic photo editing program on my laptop which makes my pictures so vibrant.

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I don't want this review to end! :D We're going on the Magic for the 3rd time in October, she is so special to us! And oh, Sangster's Rum Cream.......lawd that stuff is EVERYTHING! LOL


I'm only half way done so it won't be ending any time soon. Have fun when you go in October. I really wish Sangster's was sold here in the US. I'd be rich if I managed o start a business importing and selling it!


Your reviews are so freakin' good, I feel the NEED to chime in.


1) Why didn't the cold moms share a room & u 2 warmer, fun seekers share the other?

2) What is with all the tip-me-to-take-my-photo natives? Ugh! I've only done it for the monkeys in St Kitts & the bridge diving kids in St Lucia. But, if I'm gonna do it, they better smile & not be mean-mugging like the first guy in Jamaica.

3) You are just so gorgeous, inside & out. I would love to go cruising with you. Wouldn't even mind being "the other chic". Lol


1- Didn't even cross my mind. I don't think I really knew the extent of how hot natured she is these days.

2- They're ridiculous in the islands! I wasn't expecting the guy with the fish to ask for a tip. We were just driving by. I don't mind tipping the people who are out with the monkeys or dressed as statues in the tourist areas, but it is weird for a random guy walking down the street to ask for a tip.

3- Awww thank you! Maybe one day we will end up on a ship together.


Thanks! Your review was awesome and I laughed the entire time at your commentary it was amazing. You've given me inspiration to take solo cruises as a single female. You are so correct the 2015 dating world is CRAZY. I just joined the the 30's club and still single. *welp* I'm starting to look at it as my grocery bill is less and its cheaper for me to take myself out. Lol


Thank you so much! I think you'll enjoy a solo cruise. I promise they're not as bad as you might fear they are. That's a good way to look at single life. Just sucks though when you need a spider killed or the car washed or someone to carry all your bags when you go shoe shopping and you actually have to do it yourself. :eek: lol

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Really? Naw, I don't think our generation of males do these things. I think maybe you're just fantasizing now. I've definitely had several put those fantasies out of my head a long time ago.

Notice I said our generation of males, not men.


OK, sorry, not what this thread us about. I couldn't resist.

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Help!!! We're cruising on magic in August!! Everything I've read, nothing shows magic go have a blue iguana. Does it have one? Like with the tacos and breakfast burritos and stuff?? I saw you said something about the tasting being from blue iguana. That would be so COOL!!

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Really? Naw, I don't think our generation of males do these things. I think maybe you're just fantasizing now. I've definitely had several put those fantasies out of my head a long time ago.

Notice I said our generation of males, not men.


OK, sorry, not what this thread us about. I couldn't resist.


LOL a girl can dream though. :p


Help!!! We're cruising on magic in August!! Everything I've read, nothing shows magic go have a blue iguana. Does it have one? Like with the tacos and breakfast burritos and stuff?? I saw you said something about the tasting being from blue iguana. That would be so COOL!!


No, unfortunately the Magic does not have a Blue Iguana. The Taste Bar had a sample from there one day, and it was not the tacos or burritos that you love but the small plate you saw in the picture. Sorry. :(

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I'm LOVIN these Reviews!! I am so excited!!! We will have the same Itinerary as you did! So looking forward to it. We are going to the steakhouse first night for anniversary and we want to do the BFT of the ship. My DH is an engineer so this will be so interesting to him.


ROPD184 When do you cruise in Aug?? We sail on the 9th!

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Great review as usual Kim. I don't know how you find the time to accomplish all that you do on the ship. I'm not able to get even half the stuff in that you do and I don't roll in til about 2 or 3am either! :p

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