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Love cruising, hate flying...

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1. Still trying....


2. Can hardly afford my home in LA.


3. Not a bad idea-which ship, and what date??-If you are being serious,I could do that, then do a second week to the Caribbean-of couse, #1 would make this a lot easlier as well...and I still need to get home!!


4. See #2.


5. See #1.


always with the jokes, I like that about you...


But I am SERIOUS-it's not fair that those of us on this coast are stuck with the Vision or the Monarch, and that's it-the Vision is nice, the Monarch I am done with after 2 cruises in 2004 and their sewage crisis of late-


I have a time share in Mexico,so its not a big deal for me to go there, cruise or otherwise.


How can I get to Florida without flying?? Someone could make a fortune if they could solve this question-look at John Madden-weekly games all over the country, and he refuses to fly-a man after my own heart-I guess if I had his paycheck, my problem would be solved with a luxury trailer and driver to boot-


Alas, I still am forced to fly, unless there's a LA-FL bullet train I don't know about!!!



We live just south of Chicago. I don't even have the option of just jumping on a cruise ship to mexico. How about all of us cruisers that live in the central states? Is it fair that no matter what cruise we want to go on we have to fly or drive to. Get over it if you do not like to fly move closer to where you want to cruise. I would love to live that close to a cruise port, but thats not going to happen so I will have to deal with flying!. I guess you will too if mexico is not an option.

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We live just south of Chicago. I don't even have the option of just jumping on a cruise ship to mexico. How about all of us cruisers that live in the central states? Is it fair that no matter what cruise we want to go on we have to fly or drive to. Get over it if you do not like to fly move closer to where you want to cruise. I would love to live that close to a cruise port, but thats not going to happen so I will have to deal with flying!. I guess you will too if mexico is not an option.


Hey Allan,


The OP started this thread to get some HELP with a fear of flying. This for some (myself included) is a very real and troublesome issue when wanting to go on a cruise, so for you to say "Get over it, if you do not like to fly, move closer" is rather an assinine and frankly, insulting statement to make. OP did not say she/he (sorry) did not LIKE TO FLY, he/she is TERRIFIED of flying. 2 very different emotions. I could say the same thing to you...get over having to fly to the departure port everytime you want to cruise because of where you live, or MOVE closer. Next time, maybe you could try to show a little kindness when answering a post.


And in case your wondering, I live in Las Vegas. No "just jumping" on a cruise ship for me. I too either have to drive or fly to get to a ship, but I wont even begin to start saying it's not fair, cause this is where I CHOOSE to live, just like you CHOOSE to live in Chicago.



To everyone else---I'm so very sorry, but I HAD to say something. :rolleyes:


Have a nice evening all.

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Except for a few random cruises to Hawaii or Canada, I have 3-5 hour flights to just about any cruise I go on-I am not a good flyer...I do it, but hate it, and things like the JetBlue issue this week make it worse...




I watched that Jet Blue landing gear incident this week on t.v. and have to admit at first I thought "That would be my luck" HOWEVER, I then had another thought. What a commercial for Jet Blue!!!..Imagine....."We'll land you safely even when our landing gear is screwed up!" And what does the outcome of that incident say about the Jet Blue planes and pilots? Planes that hold up even when something is wrong and pilots that really know what they are doing.


And yes, Jet Blue is the airline of choice for everyone that comes here from Long Beach, CA to Las Vegas in my circle of family and friends. I only wish they flew from here to Vancouver. Would make my life so much more simpler :D


JMHO (take it for what its worth)


Have a wonderful evening/day everyone.

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One bad flight 20 years ago did it for me. Small plane, going straight down into the ocean during a storm. Don't know how the pilot got out of that one. I have flown many times since then and hated each flight more and more and more.


I'd give birth a dozen times over without medication before I could step on a plane again. Last flight I took, my DH told me on the layover that he couldnt watch me get on the plane again and we hired a one way car rental and drove the rest of the way (6 hours).


I have tried Fear of Flying classes (the logic vs. a control freak just doesnt work!)


I've tried all kinds of medications (I power right through them and they don't affect me at all until AFTER the flight is over!)


I panic a month before the flight and I panic during the whole vacation about getting BACK on that plane!! (not worth all the grief and anguish)


My dentist gives my DH Halcion for all his dental work. It is the amnesia drug. I have considered trying it if I EVER fly again.


I have taken Amtrak for my last 3 cruises. Yes, VERY expensive, but SO relaxing and peaceful. Scenery like no one can see from any airplane or highway. Love it, love it, love it!


Dh wants to take a "road trip" for our next cruise in July. Kansas City to Port Canaveral.........UG!!!!!!!!!!! One way rentals are more expensive than the trains too!


So poster.......I feel your pain!! I wish there was an easy answer because I would love to be able to get back on a plane and travel the way I used to.

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All this talk about Jet Blue. It wasn't a Jet Blue problem, it is an ongoing Airbus problem. Boeing landing gear goes straight up and down, Airbus's twists to right angles

before retracting. This incident was at least the 7th time the landing gear has failed

to do that. Every landing was fine. We're flying Airbus on Air France to Paris in Nov,

and I hope it doesn't happen again, but I feel (?????) confident we'll be ok if it does.

After the crash of the United flight a few years ago that went end over end into a

cornfield, and there were some many survivors, I realized that if it's your time it's your

time, and if it isn't, you're not going anywhere. If it IS your time, it doesn't matter

where you are, so relax, and enjoy the journey...

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All this talk about Jet Blue. It wasn't a Jet Blue problem, it is an ongoing Airbus problem. Boeing landing gear goes straight up and down, Airbus's twists to right angles

before retracting. This incident was at least the 7th time the landing gear has failed

to do that. Every landing was fine. We're flying Airbus on Air France to Paris in Nov,

and I hope it doesn't happen again, but I feel (?????) confident we'll be ok if it does.

After the crash of the United flight a few years ago that went end over end into a

cornfield, and there were some many survivors, I realized that if it's your time it's your

time, and if it isn't, you're not going anywhere. If it IS your time, it doesn't matter

where you are, so relax, and enjoy the journey...


Well said. I always prefer Boeing over Airbus.


Re the cornfield: it's always the pilot's job to get the plane down as safely as possible - it's YOUR job to get out of plane!

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All this talk about Jet Blue. It wasn't a Jet Blue problem, it is an ongoing Airbus problem. QUOTE]


Sorry, didnt mean to ruffle any feathers. I was merely stating an opinion such as it was.


I was just stating that I was impressed with the success of the landing with the problems they had, that's all.


Have a good day.

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All this talk about Jet Blue. It wasn't a Jet Blue problem, it is an ongoing Airbus problem. QUOTE]


Sorry, didnt mean to ruffle any feathers. I was merely stating an opinion such as it was.


I was just stating that I was impressed with the success of the landing with the problems they had, that's all.


Have a good day.


Both points are valid.


Airbus screwed up, the JetBlue pilot did a great soft field landing. :D

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Seriously, your best option is to try medication.

I agree. I have problems flying too. I get very claustrophobic, especially in those teeny, tiny coach seats when it is a full flight and I am literally rubbing elbows with everyone on my row. And, no ... paying for business class is not an option ... not if I am gonna pay for the cruise.


So, what I do now is always insist on an aisle seat. I will not board the flight unless I can get this assignment.


I also take two Xanex (sp?) right after boarding. As soon as the cabin steward comes down the aisle offering drinks, I get a small whiskey sour. Works great with the Xanex. Knocks me right out. I wake up when I feel the bump onto the runway as we land. :) Of course, the doctor who prescribed the Xanex would have a bloody fit if he found out about the whiskey sour ... since you're not supposed to mix alcohol with them ... but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. :)


Gets me through the flight and that's all I care about.


Also, believe me ... people on the east coast don't have it much better than you do on the west coast. All we can get is Caribbean flights from Florida. If I want to avoid flying altogether and just sail out of Philly, I have a choice between Bermuda and Canada/New England ... and only during the warmer weather months. Cruises don't sail from here in the wintertime. I can go to New York and get more Caribbean ... and perhaps some repositioning cruises ... but they tend to be more expensive than just flying to Florida to catch the cruise.


Folks on the West Coast can enjoy Alaska, Hawaii or Mexico cruises. Folks on the east coast get primarily the Caribbean.


Blue skies ...



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I know Amtrak is in a bankrupt mode all the time and they have no money, but my sweet dream is that they make DIRECT routes to all the coasts from the middle of the US...........straight to Florida, straight to Cali, straight to upper east coast.........the routes now take you all over the place b/c the tracks arent connected.

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the flight attendant saw her fear, gave me a knowing look, then came by and asked if she could name all 11 body parts that contain only 3 letters.



well fie on you... now I'll never get any work done today - I came up with about 1/2 a dozen parts that contain only 3 letters.....


add me to those who hate to fly ... lack of control and motion sickness are my downfall. I can (usually) do a short (under 2 hr) flight with seabands, anythign else I need Bonine (relaxes me)


but for those who are drinking with Xanax - I know you know it is unsafe to drink with the drug... just 'cause you've been ok before, doesn't mean it will be ok next time....please don't do it - ask your doc if she can up the dose or help you some other way - we want to make sure that you do actually get to vacation.....

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Hey Allan,


The OP started this thread to get some HELP with a fear of flying. This for some (myself included) is a very real and troublesome issue when wanting to go on a cruise, so for you to say "Get over it, if you do not like to fly, move closer" is rather an assinine and frankly, insulting statement to make. OP did not say she/he (sorry) did not LIKE TO FLY, he/she is TERRIFIED of flying. 2 very different emotions. I could say the same thing to you...get over having to fly to the departure port everytime you want to cruise because of where you live, or MOVE closer. Next time, maybe you could try to show a little kindness when answering a post.


And in case your wondering, I live in Las Vegas. No "just jumping" on a cruise ship for me. I too either have to drive or fly to get to a ship, but I wont even begin to start saying it's not fair, cause this is where I CHOOSE to live, just like you CHOOSE to live in Chicago.



To everyone else---I'm so very sorry, but I HAD to say something. :rolleyes:


Have a nice evening all.


Thank you for sticking up for me, the big chicken-


But I am not surprised-people that don't mind flying-or even-gulp-LIKE flying, simply cannot relate to those of us who fear, loathe or despise it-they simply don't get it and I am used to that-but thank you for the support. I know there are many out there with the same problem, that's exactly why I started the thread, to see if anyone had some real answers to this-


In the end, I fly anyway, because its necessary if I want to go on the cruises that I like (caribbean) so, I suffer for 5-6 hours and then its over, until the next time...:(

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I am not sure what the situation is like in the US, but several airlines here in the UK offer 'Fear of Flying' courses. They are very successful and many people have managed to not only conquer their fear but grown to enjoy flying.


I have had experience of family members who really did not like to fly at all, they would either grip onto the seat or me with a grip that can only be described as vice like. Fortunately I have no fears of flight whatsoever, which given my forthcoming cruise is rather handy seeing as its an 8000 mile, 3 plane and two airline each way trip.


I really admire those with this very unpleasant fear who decide they are going to fly come what may. Its incredibly hard to get to an airport let alone board the plane when the fear is so pronounced.


I honestly hope that those who find this fear silly or unbelievable take stock and look into themselves in respect to fears they may have. Fear of flight is by no means trivial, it has potentially serious ramifications and can curtail much of what the rest of us call a full and active life.

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You may want to try EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). You can read about EFT and find a practitioner here: http://www.emofree.com/


My husband has quite a few fears (planes, bridges, tunnels, needles) and he has been working with an EFT practitioner. It has definatley helped with tunnels but we won't know about planes until our cruise in February. He will go back for a few more sessions prior to our vacation.


This is a great option if you are opposed to taking unecessary drugs.

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The way I see it, no matter what I do-drugs, fear/phobia treatments, nothing is going to change the fact that I simply don't like the idea that some random person is in the cockpit of this huge metal bird, and he/she has the lives of100-300 people in his/her hands-

I don't know this person-maybe they woke up on the wrong side of the bed, had a fight with their wife, had a drink or two (it happens,it makes the news)...

I don't know anything about this person, and they hold my life and my kids' lives in thier hopefully unshaky hands-it just freaks me out.

Not to mention the fact that I don't think humans were meant to fly around at 35,000 feet-

I think the only thing that may really help me would be to learn to fly and then fly myself-at least I would know that I was in charge-but I don't see that happening in the near future...
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Let me add to the list of those that suggested talking to your doctor about Xanax. Flying has always bothered me.....not to the point that I would not get on a plane, but to the point where I'd worry about it starting a week or so before I flew. I know, I know, we're all safer in the air than we are in our cars, I get that....could not matter in the slightest when the flight is approaching though.

Xanax relaxes me to the point where 15 minutes after I take it, I am no more nervous than I would be if I were getting on a bus. It even allows me to sleep on the plane sometimes. I usually have a sketchy memory of the flight itself, but can function fine once we land (although I wouldn't drive a car).
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Here's my completely stupid idea for today...

Maybe you should invest in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004! While probably not as bad as your case, before I was still a little afraid of planes, especially around takeoff. After playing this game, I now have a better understanding of what is exactly going on.
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[quote name='ElvisandTracey']Thank you for sticking up for me, the big chicken-

But I am not surprised-people that don't mind flying-or even-gulp-LIKE flying, simply cannot relate to those of us who fear, loathe or despise it-they simply don't get it and I am used to that-but thank you for the support. I know there are many out there with the same problem, that's exactly why I started the thread, to see if anyone had some real answers to this-

In the end, I fly anyway, because its necessary if I want to go on the cruises that I like (caribbean) so, I suffer for 5-6 hours and then its over, until the next time...:([/QUOTE]

Your more than welcome for "sticking up for you"...actually, I was sticking up for you and me both. I probably shouldnt have let it bother me, but saying you should just move closer to a departure port was such a stupid thing to say, that I just could not let it pass....I just couldnt [url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZS"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_19_4.gif[/img][/url]

Most of us know that it's a very real and hard to manage fear and for those that understand that==== [url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZS"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_114.gif[/img][/url]

However you get to your cruise, I hope it's a great one and like I said, don't forget your not alone in this....
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[quote name='CatsnVegas']Your more than welcome for "sticking up for you"...actually, I was sticking up for you and me both. I probably shouldnt have let it bother me, but saying you should just move closer to a departure port was such a stupid thing to say, that I just could not let it pass....I just couldnt [url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZS"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_19_4.gif[/img][/url]

Most of us know that it's a very real and hard to manage fear and for those that understand that==== [url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZS"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_114.gif[/img][/url]

However you get to your cruise, I hope it's a great one and like I said, don't forget your not alone in this....[/QUOTE]

Good post. :)

@Everyone: If you have [b]any[/b] questions about planes, I'm the one to ask! As I said earlier, I can even show you in Flight Simulator what the flight might be like.
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I can't relate to a fear of flying, but I feel for you.

Have you checked the San Diego sailings? Holland America used to have a round trip 14-night Panama Canal cruise. If you're cruising for the ship and not the itinerary, there are plenty of Mexican Riviera itineraries out of LA - the Sapphire Princess starts in a week or two. Go to [url="http://www.cruisecal. com/dnn/"]http://www.cruisecal. com/dnn/[/url] (no space before "com") and click on the "ports" tab. You can see who's going to be in port on any given day.

The repo tours up north are fun. I think you could take Amtrak back from Seattle in a couple of days. Good luck!
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[quote name='dandude22']Good post. :)

@Everyone: If you have [b]any[/b] questions about planes, I'm the one to ask! As I said earlier, I can even show you in Flight Simulator what the flight might be like.[/QUOTE]


If by some miracle I ever get on a plane again, where can I sit where I won't feel SO much motion? Is the air more mild/calm in the morning or in the evening?
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[quote name='ciship']Dan,

If by some miracle I ever get on a plane again, where can I sit where I won't feel SO much motion? Is the air more mild/calm in the morning or in the evening?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, a plane really isn't like a ship in which there are certain areas that are less bumpy (at least on smaller jets, I haven't noticed a difference depending on position).

But, you can use the roller coaster philosophy that works for me - when you're not seeing whats happening or anticipating something bad, it's not as horrible. In that case, I would avoid window seats and move away from the wings.

You can always prepare yourself for turbulence by looking at a map: [url]http://www.wunderground.com/Aviation_Maps/Turbulence/FL100-000.html#a_topad[/url]

No matter what, you're going to get bumps, especially on landing (when many get scared when the reversers come on).

The best thing I can recommed is sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. :D
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I never knew that so many of you were afraid of flying!!!! I love to fly, in fact, if it were up to me to book flights, I would book flights with the most connections and longest layovers!!! Obviously the DW doesn't let me do that! (Unless its a business trip and I'm by myself)

A few things-
1. Flying is safer than driving

2. Sleeping pills also work

3. If you are scared during turbulence, pretend that you are on a roller coaster

Trust me, flying is perfectly safe. I have over 220,000 miles with one airline and over 100,000 with another. I have been through quite a lot when it comes to flying! From aborted take off's, to go arounds, to bird strikes, to engine failures, and of course severe turbulence!!! I have been on 3 flights so far where the oxygen masks dropped down. If you would like to hear some stories, than ask! Hearing other peoples stories really makes you feel better when you fly.

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