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Possibly sick child 3 days before cruise.... Help!


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Folks I hate to burst your self absorbed bubble, but a common cold can indeed be deadly.............................:rolleyes:



I am very sorry for those with compromised immune systems and their loved ones. However, I don't think this is a matter of being self-absorbed. Rather, it's about just how common the common cold is. The chances are very good that someone on every cruise is contagious with a cold.


Children in school (and their parents) get frequent colds, each with symptoms lasting a couple weeks. The odds are pretty good that every family has had a sick kid when heading on vacation. And it can also be difficult in the early stages to distinguish between a cold and allergy symptoms. You must also remember that people can be contagious the day before they have any symptoms at all, and they may be less careful with not spreading germs than those who are sick.


Hand-washing and other techniques to minimize the spread of germs are more useful and practical than demanding people cancel their vacations. And yes, because there are so many undetected germs out there, it makes more sense for the immune-compromised person to wear a mask and take other precautions.

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Sorry for your father's passing. While I do understand the situation, the fact is that there are so many germs out there from all sorts of folks that for someone with a compromised immune system a cruise is probably not the best place to vacation just because of being confined with so many people. People who have a cold never stay home. It is just not reasonable to expect that. There are some who get colds several times each year, if they stayed home all the time, they would probably get fired from their job or if they missed school that much, they might be left back.


While it is up to others to be vigilant with hand washing and covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze, it is on the person with the compromised immune system to take their own precautions which might include wearing a mask. It is just unreasonable to expect everyone to stay at home with a common cold.


Why not, if someone is indeed sick with a common cold so much where as it affects their work duties then they need to find out why, do you really want to work with someone sneezing and or coughing all day long sitting next to you? As a supervisor I have sent people home for that as it is them that puts the rest of the work force at risk, again it comes down to honesty and integrity about risking everyone else.........;)


Trust me here as a family we all went through a HUGE learning curve about watching out for possible risks and even though it has been 10 years since my fathers passing I still have that sunk in my mind and watch out for the symptoms and to prevent it from getting worse because of other selfish needs and spreading the wealth when sick..............

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Sorry for your father's passing. While I do understand the situation, the fact is that there are so many germs out there from all sorts of folks that for someone with a compromised immune system a cruise is probably not the best place to vacation just because of being confined with so many people. People who have a cold never stay home. It is just not reasonable to expect that. QUOTE]


Worth repeating

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Sorry for your father's passing. While I do understand the situation, the fact is that there are so many germs out there from all sorts of folks that for someone with a compromised immune system a cruise is probably not the best place to vacation just because of being confined with so many people. People who have a cold never stay home. It is just not reasonable to expect that. QUOTE]


Worth repeating



Unfortunately, in today's world there are so many people out there with autoimmune diseases and many of them are on immuno-suppressing drugs, like steroids.


The NIH estimates that 23.5 million Americans have an autoimmune disease.


So, you want to condemn them to a life without vacations because people are not willing to use common sense and will travel while ill not caring that they are spreading their germs?


My adult son is one of the millions and inconsiderate people make his life much more difficult than it needs to be.

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Unfortunately, in today's world there are so many people out there with autoimmune diseases and many of them are on immuno-suppressing drugs, like steroids.


The NIH estimates that 23.5 million Americans have an autoimmune disease.


So, you want to condemn them to a life without vacations because people are not willing to use common sense and will travel while ill not caring that they are spreading their germs?


My adult son is one of the millions and inconsiderate people make his life much more difficult than it needs to be.


"worth repeating"...............;)

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Unfortunately, in today's world there are so many people out there with autoimmune diseases and many of them are on immuno-suppressing drugs, like steroids.


The NIH estimates that 23.5 million Americans have an autoimmune disease.


So, you want to condemn them to a life without vacations because people are not willing to use common sense and will travel while ill not caring that they are spreading their germs?


My adult son is one of the millions and inconsiderate people make his life much more difficult than it needs to be.


A life without vacations? What about daily life? Is everyone supposed to stay home because someone who is immunosuppressed might be nearby? People would croak if they had their own skin cultured. We are covered with staph and that's normal. Common sense is also the responsibility of the person affected.

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A life without vacations? What about daily life? Is everyone supposed to stay home because someone who is immunosuppressed might be nearby? People would croak if they had their own skin cultured. We are covered with staph and that's normal. Common sense is also the responsibility of the person affected.


Seriously, we are not talking about the immunosuppressed but the one who is spreading the germs, come on people get real.......... :rolleyes:

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A life without vacations? What about daily life? Is everyone supposed to stay home because someone who is immunosuppressed might be nearby? People would croak if they had their own skin cultured. We are covered with staph and that's normal. Common sense is also the responsibility of the person affected.



When I was teaching kids undergoing chemo I stayed away when I or my kids were sick. When they went out they wore a mask.

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Seriously, we are not talking about the immunosuppressed but the one who is spreading the germs, come on people get real.......... :rolleyes:


The whole world is nothing but germs, that's why the immunosuppressed must always be on guard. Germs come into our home in the food supply, at the doctors, the doctor, you, a pet, a taxi, your own phone.

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The whole world is nothing but germs, that's why the immunosuppressed must always be on guard. Germs come into our home in the food supply, at the doctors, the doctor, you, a pet, a taxi, your own phone.


If you only knew what these people go through on a daily basis, on guard, alert and very much aware of the world, now if the ones spreading the germs carelessly without a care knew, then even a suggestion of heading out would not even be at question......;) How about the senors out in the world whos suppression system is not at full strength, is it ok for them to stay home afraid of the uncaring world because of selfishness?:cool:

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I have severe IBD and have been on Humira for several years.. It's MY responsibilty to take precautions in regards to my somewhat compromised immune system..


Years ago, the health questionnaire asked if anyone had diarrhea instead of if anyone had developed diarrhea.. I answered truthfully and got pulled to the side. The Carnival rep. who started asking more health questions was clueless about Crohns/Ulcerative Collitis.. It was a stressful 10 minutes.. But it all worked out..

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If you only knew what these people go through on a daily basis, on guard, alert and very much aware of the world, now if the ones spreading the germs carelessly without a care knew, then even a suggestion of heading out would not even be at question......;) How about the senors out in the world whos suppression system is not at full strength, is it ok for them to stay home afraid of the uncaring world because of selfishness?:cool:


I'm sorry you are angry at the world.

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If you only knew what these people go through on a daily basis, on guard, alert and very much aware of the world, now if the ones spreading the germs carelessly without a care knew, then even a suggestion of heading out would not even be at question......;) How about the senors out in the world whos suppression system is not at full strength, is it ok for them to stay home afraid of the uncaring world because of selfishness?:cool:


It isn't always about selfishness, or uncaring. In my line of work, I come in to contact with dozens of illnesses every day. I am rarely sick, but I am likely a carrier for many illnesses. Am I selfish for going on a cruise? My immune system prevents me from being symptomatic, but I certainly can get others sick. Does that mean I don't deserve a vacation? Should I cancel because I have been in contact with people who have the flu?

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It isn't always about selfishness, or uncaring. In my line of work, I come in to contact with dozens of illnesses every day. I am rarely sick, but I am likely a carrier for many illnesses. Am I selfish for going on a cruise? My immune system prevents me from being symptomatic, but I certainly can get others sick. Does that mean I don't deserve a vacation? Should I cancel because I have been in contact with people who have the flu?


NO, I think you did not understand, as you are not the one sneezing, with a running nose at the time of your cruise, way, way different set of circumstances.....

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NO, I think you did not understand, as you are not the one sneezing, with a running nose at the time of your cruise, way, way different set of circumstances.....


No, I understand. I am saying, I can be just as contagious as someone who is. I may or may not be contagious at all, just like someone coughing or sneezing. A cough or sneeze, or even frequent events of either, does not mean someone is spreading an illness either.

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No, I understand. I am saying, I can be just as contagious as someone who is. I may or may not be contagious at all, just like someone coughing or sneezing. A cough or sneeze, or even frequent events of either, does not mean someone is spreading an illness either.


Ok then happy cruising! :rolleyes:

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It isn't always about selfishness, or uncaring. In my line of work, I come in to contact with dozens of illnesses every day. I am rarely sick, but I am likely a carrier for many illnesses. Am I selfish for going on a cruise? My immune system prevents me from being symptomatic, but I certainly can get others sick. Does that mean I don't deserve a vacation? Should I cancel because I have been in contact with people who have the flu?


I don't know what we people in the medical field are supposed to do:eek:

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And I am sorry you could care less about the world...........


I know this is a very personal, emotional issue for you, but you are not being fair. Do you buy peanut products, knowing you could contaminate a surface touched by someone deathly allergic? Do you order fish, knowing cross-contamination could send a fellow diner to the emergency room? Do you own a dog or cat, knowing the dander could make someone very sick? What about gluten -- people with Celiac should not be exposed to even a crumb.


Should I have stayed home throughout each of the fifteen weeks that I had cold symptoms a few years ago, when my DD was a kindergartner who carried home germs yet rarely got sick herself?

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I know this is a very personal, emotional issue for you, but you are not being fair. Do you buy peanut products, knowing you could contaminate a surface touched by someone deathly allergic? Do you order fish, knowing cross-contamination could send a fellow diner to the emergency room? Do you own a dog or cat, knowing the dander could make someone very sick? What about gluten -- people with Celiac should not be exposed to even a crumb.


Should I have stayed home throughout each of the fifteen weeks that I had cold symptoms a few years ago, when my DD was a kindergartner who carried home germs yet rarely got sick herself?



NO enjoy your cruise!!:cool:

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I know this is a very personal, emotional issue for you, but you are not being fair. Do you buy peanut products, knowing you could contaminate a surface touched by someone deathly allergic? Do you order fish, knowing cross-contamination could send a fellow diner to the emergency room? Do you own a dog or cat, knowing the dander could make someone very sick? What about gluten -- people with Celiac should not be exposed to even a crumb.


Should I have stayed home throughout each of the fifteen weeks that I had cold symptoms a few years ago, when my DD was a kindergartner who carried home germs yet rarely got sick herself?


EXACTLY! My cousin is deathly allergic to peanuts. We do not expect everyone in the world to avoid peanuts. We simply take precautions, including teaching her how to avoid her allergen. Frequent hand washing, and not touching surfaces that you do not have to touch, are just part of her daily life.

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Folks I hate to burst your self absorbed bubble, but a common cold can indeed be deadly.............................:rolleyes:


My father had a heart transplant and his immune system is basically killed, done, wiped out. His only defense is to stay away from the germ infested people who refuse to stay home..........:mad:


These types of illnesses are mostly transmitted by airborne or hand to hand transmission, to a person whom has a transplant and there are so many people these days, yes this can be deadly and can take the person 30 or so days to get over this basic illness. I read that they should be wearing masks, well I say the germ infested person transmitting should be the one wearing it! Should the people in these conditions stay home, would you, NO! We planned on taking my father and my mother on our/their first cruse but sadly he passed before the sail date, almost 1 year before the scheduled date...........:( We talked with his DR and he told him to got for it but be cautious about "other peoples ways" and to watch out for people like this thread is about, so just because it does not affect you and your family there are lots of other factors to ask this type of question and to be 1000% honest on the questionnaire or asked about being sick, honesty pretty simple if you ask me...................;)


I'm sorry about your father, (couldn't tell whether he passed away or not due to the present and past tense usage but either way my condolences). but honestly, I think your expectations are unreasonable. The average adult gets 2-3 colds per year and they last 7-10 days each time. Many people do not even get that many sick or vacation days from work. Many people have kids or are single parents and don't have others to help Them or their kids. Aside from that, life and responsibilities don't just go away. Until this year I worked a job with no vacation or sick time. If I didn't work, I didn't get paid, which meant I couldn't pay bills or feed my kid. I'm sorry, but that's my priority.


According to lung.org people in the U.S. suffer about 1 billion colds per year. You simply cannot expect everyone to stay home when the are sick. My husband has gone through radiation treatment and chemotherapy twice and also suffered a pulmonary embolism. He was at high risk for getting sick for a long time and in fact did spend about 23 days in the hospital CCU with pneumonia he developed after contracting a cold at one point. When he went out he wore the mask. He did that to protect himself because it's unreasonable to expect that he won't come into contact with sick people or even that sick people always have a choice to stay home.


People have to protect themselves. Of course everyone should be careful and wash their hands, cover their mouths when they sneeze, etc. But if you have a low immune system you can't expect the overwhelming majority of the world to stay home when they have the common cold on the off chance that they could unknowingly infect someone.


Flame me if you ant, but if I have a common cold I'm not staying home from a vacation I spent a hefty portion of my yearly salary on. I don't have the money to waste, vacations are good for the body and mind and keep people "healthy" in other ways. My mental health and family health are important as well.

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