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Stacey's Girl Getaway on the Breakaway- BA to BDA 10/4-10/11


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We drove past Warwick Long Bay on the way, and I was tempted to start out here, but the cabbie informed me that it was better to go from Horseshoe…not sure of the logic here, but ok.






Once we arrived at Horseshoe, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t that crowded…of course, us arriving at about 2:30-3pm probably helped. We found a spot on the beach for our towels and separated into various activities.






I ran into the waves, delighted to be back in the ocean at last. I swam and jumped waves for awhile until I saw C standing at the shore looking anxious and motioning me to come back. I wasn’t sure what was up, but I turned to swim back….and the current was going the other way.




Uh-oh. Don’t panic. I took a deep breath and tried to recall how to float with the current for a minute. Just then, a guy who was almost as far out as I was, leaned over and pulled me over to his area. I thanked him profusely, and was able to swim back to shore from here.






Obviously the lesson here is don’t drink and swim. I was lucky that it wasn’t that bad, and someone was nearby, but….If that person is reading, thank you again!






Sure enough, as I approached the shore, C said that she noticed me swimming out further and was getting worried. Drink or no drink, when you are jumping the waves, it can get away from you how far you go out, especially in clear water, so be careful.






Oh yeah, and really, DON’T do three shots of Fireball before heading into the ocean.






Since I was now a bit ocean shy, I decided to follow V in climbing this little hill next to the shore. There were a good amount of people climbing up and down, so it seemed relatively simple.






It was a bit steep, but it had several landings, where we took pictures and saw several little coves on the other side, where people were swimming. We did make it to the top though!





Don’t worry, no one was cliff diving.






Once we came down, poor L and C looked nervous, claiming the the hill/cliff looked a lot higher. We reassured them that the walk wasn’t bad, but they declined to make their own climb.






We spent the next hour or so lounging in the sun and taking some pictures that can only be inspired by Fireball. I’ll share some of the tamer ones here. Thankfully, the beach was emptying out at this time.















After we had thouroughly exhausted ourselves and the selfie stick, we decided it was time to head out. We found the showers at the entrance to the beach and washed off the best that we could.






In the parking lot, we saw the shuttle that carted people up the hill, but declined, as we figured that as New Yorkers, we should be able to walk up the hill. We did, but in the sunshine it was a bit exhausting, so I don’t think we’ll be trying to prove anything next time LOL.






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We arrived at the bus stops, which look like tiny little shelters, and it took a minute to figure out which one was the bus going INTO Hamilton. We saw a group of people on the side going BACK to the boat, and were thrown for a minute, but crossed the street to the other stop and found out that we were going the right way.







The bus was half empty, and the ride into Hamilton didn’t take very long. The sun was starting to set as we got out onto Front Street, and they were just setting up the booths and lights for Harbor Nights.






We walked down the street, checking out the booths and food options. There were a lot of trucks serving your basic grilled items, some Indian/Asian, a few soul food/jerk chicken places, etc.L and C, who can’t get enough Asian food, veered towards hose trucks. V, like me, has the same tolerance for Asian food (as in, will only eat it if we have been starving for weeks and even then not so much) so we kept looking.









I stopped to visit an ATM at HSBC and received Bermudian cash, which I knew was about equal with the USD.






Along the street, I saw a restaurant with a balcony, the Pickled Onion, I believe. I read the menu and saw that they had nachos, which I had NOT seen yet on the ship, so I decided to go here. The other three ended up coming along and getting appetizers as well.






We saw the parade go by as it grew darker. I started to get very sleepy, even though it was early. I did forgo the adult drinks, although V tried a Rum Swizzle, and was not impressed.





After our makeshift dinner, we wandered a bit more. It was nice, but pretty much like a street fair in NYC with lights.






The ferry terminal was nearby, so we headed over there, had about a 20 minute wait,and sailed back to the ship. I was struggling to keep my eyes open at this point, so when we docked and walked back to the ship, I declined to join the others at the Bonefish Bar, opting to return to the ship for a late nap and shower.






I was able to get through security quickly, noting the signs for the gangway being open 24 hours while in port.




Upon returning to the room….I noticed that we finally had(somewhat) of turndown service! Granted, the beds weren’t “turned down,” and there were no chocolates( I guess you reach them at silver level, which I was turning this cruise, but they don’t count it unless it’s completed), but there was a towel animal!!






I quickly snapped pics of the evidence, and showered. I laid down for a bit, attempting to check in online, but again, connection was pretty slow.



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I fell asleep for awhile, waking up at a little after 11, when L returned. She said that the other two were already up at Bliss, but she was worn out.






I woke up again at about 2 or 3 am, when V and C came running in, exclaiming that they were going to a beach party off of the ship with the gentlemen. L and I declined, but even so, my antennae was up. I inquired as to the safety of this idea, having visions of a well known disappearance on a tropical island running through my head.







“Oh,it’ll be fine, we’re with (Guy #1) who’s a cop,” C reassured me.







I reiterated that it was a foreign country, middle of the night, and that they had only met these guys THREE days ago.







(This may be how I got the “mom” title on this trip.)






(And yes, I knew that I had done some crazy stuff that day. I was crazy during the day, responsible at night…our schedules were completely reversed).







They kept insisting that they would be fine, and ran out before any further discussion could continue.







I made a mental note of what they were wearing and what the gentlemen’s names were when I would inevitable meet with Lester Holt and Lifetime for the upcoming specials on their disappearance.








Unable to return to sleep, I kept annoying L with my worries, who kept trying to reassure me-or was trying to shut me up so that she could go back to sleep.







So I stayed quiet, laying there, but I was wide awake. A few minutes later, I heard L whisper, “I’m hungry.”






I sat up. “We could go to O’Sheehans for some wings,” I proposed.







L laughed and said we were crazy, so I tried to go back to sleep.







But visions of those tasty, saucy little devils floated in my head, until I could take it no more






“I’m going to go,” I stated.







L was up in an instant too, insisting that we were totally out of whack, but followed me down to O’Sheehans, where we were seated promptly(it was about 3 am after all), and served with a hot, fresh plate of wings.







Over our snack, I kept worrying aloud to L about the other two, until she finally said that we could start a search party if they didn’t return by sunrise.







With our hunger somewhat abated, we returned to the cabin,citing that we needed chocolate. Then I remembered the cake that I had purchased the other day-and with that, we yanked it out of the fridge and scarfed down a few bites.








Now we were ready to sleep. I fell into a DEEP sleep, only to be awakened about an hour or so later, when my two alive but soaking wet friends bounded back into the room, hysterically giggling.







Had it been earlier, when I was fully awake, I would have fully participated in hearing about their tales of the beach party, where a bunch of crew members were, or about them jumping off the plank at Calico Jack’s-twice.







But I’ll be the first to admit that I am quite cranky when I am woken from a sound sleep, and it was the third time that night, so I was really not in a happy place. I ignored them at that moment, trying to bury myself into my pillow. Then the phone rang from the gentlemen.





I got up to go into the bathroom but it was in use. I went back to bed, trying but failing to sleep when the phone rang AGAIN. At this point, I stomped out to use the public bathroom on the 8th floor, beside the stairs, and contemplated curling up in a chair on a public deck somewhere.





Finally I returned to the room, where V tried to apologize, citing alcohol and plank jumping, but as I said, I was still cranky and tired, so I snapped and dove into bed. They had the lights out at this point, so I fell back asleep shortly.





And thus concludes our very long and adventurous first day in Bermuda!



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I shall post more tomorrow- I actually have half of Day 5 written, but I have some last minute charting to do before work tomorrow.


After I read Mitsugirlys update, that is [emoji5]


Thank you all again for the kind comments!!! I'm still a bit new to this writing and I know it's not the typical ship tour or stories so I appreciate everyone who is reading and taking time to comment!!





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Very fun review! We have not tried and really do not plan on taking a Norwegian but your stories make me want to. We have too many royalty points with the whale tail and crown&anchor -- I just happen to stumble on this delightful Girls Getaway.



Thank you so much!!!! I have to say I'm pretty split btwn the two lines, each does something better or worse than the other but I would go on either. I'd like to try Royal but the prices(Esp for solo) are so high it's hard to justify. In the meantime I'll continue to climb the ladder on these two- I'm now silver on NCL, gold on Carnival



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As a matter of fact, we were sitting a couple of seats down from you while you bravely fended off those wanting to have your seats for Rock of Ages. We were happy to see your friends arrive so you could relax your stance, that clearly indicated the seats were taken. Looking forward to the rest of your review....enjoying your sense of humor. Kind regards, Audra





LOL... Yes I'm sure I was quite the spectacle. Holding three seats is hard!! But that theme of me being first seemed to carry through the week [emoji5]



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I think my favorite line is now 'don't do 3 fireball shots before going in the ocean' That one made me rofl!! I can see my sister & I doing that in March, except never getting off the ship :D


Also have to add - you've had immense patience with being woken up during the night. I would have flipped out night 2 about that one.


Lastly look at Anthem of the Seas for solo rooms. They have a couple, nothing like the solo lounges on NCL, but it's something to consider.

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I am really loving your review. And it's especially fun for me because I'm friends with J and T and they have some funny pictures of you and your friends!:eek::D


Oh, I think you will need to post some of those photos!!!

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I am really loving your review. And it's especially fun for me because I'm friends with J and T and they have some funny pictures of you and your friends!:eek::D



Uh-oh.... I can only hope that these are the same pics showing up on FB, which aren't too bad LOL. I'm glad that you have extra visuals to enjoy the story though!



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Such a fun read!! Do you happen to remember if smoking is allowed at Vibe? Hopefully not, but just want to be sure before I try to purchase passes. Thanks!



Thanks!! In all honestly, there were never more than 10 ppl up there whenever I was there, due to the weather or time, and no one was smoking, so I'm not sure. Maybe give NCL a call and they might be able to tell you? I do know there was a smoking pen on deck 15 where they had ppl in a glass cage to smoke.



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I think my favorite line is now 'don't do 3 fireball shots before going in the ocean' That one made me rofl!! I can see my sister & I doing that in March, except never getting off the ship :D




Also have to add - you've had immense patience with being woken up during the night. I would have flipped out night 2 about that one.




Lastly look at Anthem of the Seas for solo rooms. They have a couple, nothing like the solo lounges on NCL, but it's something to consider.



LMAO, yes it was a poor decision but it was an entertaining day!! And thanks for the night sympathy... I felt bad, as I'll write in tomorrow's post, but it did get old night after night. I just felt like a party pooper at times, but as I said, we were all on different schedules- I was a day partier and liked my bed at night. It was bound to conflict.


I will check out the Royal ships, if they have a decent solo price, I may give one a try.



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Uh-oh.... I can only hope that these are the same pics showing up on FB, which aren't too bad LOL. I'm glad that you have extra visuals to enjoy the story though!



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Have no fear. They are the same pictures. It was just funny when I recognized you and your friends. ;)

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Thanks to everyone else who has commented!!! I'm glad that you are enjoying the review!


Work has been crazy today, so I'll update Day 5 tomorrow... I'm glad that I've been keeping a good pace on this! I almost hate to see it end, much like the cruise!


To hold anyone over in the meantime, I have found a few more suitable photos from day 4 for your viewing pleasure

















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I'm enjoying your very entertaining review. It's great seeing what you and your friends did and your stories are lots of fun! :D I'm sorry your steward was less than stellar; I've never seen one quite so lackadaisical before. :( We also had issues with those lights on Getaway, but our steward patiently helped us out. :)


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I'm enjoying your very entertaining review. It's great seeing what you and your friends did and your stories are lots of fun! :D I'm sorry your steward was less than stellar; I've never seen one quite so lackadaisical before. :( We also had issues with those lights on Getaway, but our steward patiently helped us out. :)







Stay tuned.... He gets worse



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