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Does this bother you, kids and crusing pranks..


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Hehehe your just a kid at heart halos...:D I know you want to put a bit of baby oil on that slide and watch thoes kids go shooting out the end of it...LOL:cool: :D



ROFLMAO Chuck!! :D No...Not the kind of fun I want to have....

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Celebrating an Empty Nest 11/05/06 on the Infinity



OHHHH, lucky,lucky, you not the cruise but the empty nest.. I had a semi-empty nest for a year when the last two were in college at the same time. Now they are home and they appeared to be NESTED for life. ;-).


I go on cruises BECAUSE I don't have an empty nest.

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Everyone enjoys a good prank once in a while but to have pranks pulled on me while on a vacation by kids I don't know is another story. I think everything the original poster said would have pissed my off big time. What if the vaseline or shoe polish would have gotten on her clothing? Who would have been responsible then? These kind of jokes are all fun and games until someone gets hurt. These are pranks are more approperiate done at home to people you know, not to strangers who paid sometimes thousands to be on a cruise vacation!


Do you think the parents of these prankster would have found it very funny had they been aware of the antics? I am assuming not.


Not amused by kids misbehaving one bit.



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Sadly Cruizin, some of the parents are just as bad as the kids and probably would have found it funny :rolleyes: And some would have just turned a blind eye... and some would have been too busy in the casino or getting drunk, to even care. Not sure why some parents bother taking their children on a cruise only to leave them to do their own thing for the week, having no clue what their kids are doing. Completely oblivious...

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I agree with everything you said there. Kids will try to do things. Mine are teens now (well...ooops, one is actually 20 although it pains me to say it) and I am slowly finding out things they did when they were little...like DD #1 used to tell DD #2 it was time for a 'nap', put her in a toy box and sit on the lid :eek:

BUT....they would never do anything right in front of me FTLOG....and as far as tossing stuff overboard, that would be one of the last things they would ever think to do because they were taught respect, not just of people but of the planet as well...not that ice cream is a toxic pollutant or anything, it's just about the respect.


I wish I could say I was tolerant of other people's children, but lately I even find it hard to be tolerant of other people :eek:

No one seems to use any common sense.


To the OP...You do have a wonderful attitude!! You rock! :D


What amazes me is how much more tolerant of bad or rude behavior some parents seem to become on vacation. I went on a cruise with my friend and her kids, at home my friend runs a tight ship so to speak, kids have boundaries and have been taught consideration of others. On the ship they became little hellions, throwing ice cream off the ship, mixing peoples things up on saved chairs etc etc. When I asked Tammy why it was OK on vacation but not at home, she said well its not like we will ever see these people again. So I guess the message would be consideration and respect is only required in your own environment.:mad:

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What amazes me is how much more tolerant of bad or rude behavior some parents seem to become on vacation. I went on a cruise with my friend and her kids, at home my friend runs a tight ship so to speak, kids have boundaries and have been taught consideration of others. On the ship they became little hellions, throwing ice cream off the ship, mixing peoples things up on saved chairs etc etc. When I asked Tammy why it was OK on vacation but not at home, she said well its not like we will ever see these people again. So I guess the message would be consideration and respect is only required in your own environment.:mad:


I know what you mean...that's what I meant about people not having common sense...WHAT are they thinking???????

I don't get it.

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Celebrating an Empty Nest 11/05/06 on the Infinity



OHHHH, lucky,lucky, you not the cruise but the empty nest.. I had a semi-empty nest for a year when the last two were in college at the same time. Now they are home and they appeared to be NESTED for life. ;-).


I go on cruises BECAUSE I don't have an empty nest.


LOL!! DH and I were talking about this the other day...it may only be 'empty' temporarily......so we're going to take advantage while we can!!!

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Your right GoinCruisin, must parents of these pranksters would probably find this behavior of their little angels funny! Unfortunately, we need to remember that if they act like this on a cruise ship vacation, can you just imagine what their like in there own enviroment? You will probably find it is the same parents that don't discipline at home that find it not nescessary to to it on vacation.


And the last posters comments about her friend saying she lets her children act like this on a cruise vacation bc "WE WILL NEVER SEE THESE PEOPLE AGAIN!" is ridiculous! What a roll model, huh? Trish, my suggestion to you would be not to go on vacation with such people again now that you know how the children act and that the Mother thinks this behavior OKAY?!


And these brats are the same people that in only a few short years, that will be running our country! HOW SCAREY IS THAT? God help us!



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What amazes me is how much more tolerant of bad or rude behavior some parents seem to become on vacation. I went on a cruise with my friend and her kids, at home my friend runs a tight ship so to speak, kids have boundaries and have been taught consideration of others. On the ship they became little hellions, throwing ice cream off the ship, mixing peoples things up on saved chairs etc etc. When I asked Tammy why it was OK on vacation but not at home, she said well its not like we will ever see these people again. So I guess the message would be consideration and respect is only required in your own environment.:mad:


I guess this is to be expected from some folk and was probably the real reason I didn't pursue it. Had I confronted the "Parents" and they had this ladies attitude I would have really popped a cork and that would have ruined my day and possibly my cruise, that I worked hard to pay for. I was a kid too, and did some really stupid things to impress my peers, so I can understand kids being left alone for hours (days) without any supervision, they basically get bored and then comes " I bet you won't do this..." I survived and so did DW, but we learned a lesson in not crusing when the ship is full of Munchkins. The worst was over in a week, but still had a great time during the cruise. Oh and parents most of the walls on these ships are thin so you can learn alot about what Johnny and Suzy are thinking by listening to their night time conversations, we sure got an ear full a couple of times.

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The one thing I saw on my first cruise that wasn't necessarily a prank, just plain FOUL was a group of kids in the buffet line that would pick up things and put them back in the buffet... one kid dropped something on the floor and picked it up, put it back :mad: Thankfully someone working the buffet caught it prior to us having to say anything, they had to remove the items from the buffet and refill with new trays... of course, parents were nowhere to be found :rolleyes:


On our last Elation cruise we witnessed a child drop food she took from the buffet and the MOTHER picked it up off the floor and put it back! Apparently it is not just the kids!

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When it comes to the buffet line my girls are given the same wise instructions I received in Basic Training: Take what you want, eat what you take.


I tell mine the exact same thing Duck. Wasting food really irks me.

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I tell mine the exact same thing Duck. Wasting food really irks me.


I think all us military types laerned that early on. Wonder how much food is thrown overboard on each cruise just from the buffet line, I've seen people take two heaping plates at a time I guess because they could and only eat a few bites. Gripes my buns..

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In your opinion perhaps but we are all entitled to our own way of thinking. :rolleyes:



Sadly, you're right about that. It struck me that "One child on a cruise ship, any cruise ship, is one too many" was a bit too mean spirited.


Cruzinsteve....are you Air Force?? Figure you gotta be, that near to old Carswell.

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Sadly, you're right about that. It struck me that "One child on a cruise ship, any cruise ship, is one too many" was a bit too mean spirited.



I was responding to your comment about "just plain wrong." I happen to agree with Tef when it comes to kids on a cruise ship...they don't belong.


I don't think Steve was in any of the "support Services" ;):D


I think all us military types laerned that early on. Wonder how much food is thrown overboard on each cruise just from the buffet line, I've seen people take two heaping plates at a time I guess because they could and only eat a few bites. Gripes my buns.


I think so too. I'd imagine probably a lot is. When I was on the CB this past February I saw an elderly lady that couldn't have been more that 4'6" tall and probably didn't weigh 80 pounds with a platter LOADED down from the lobster buffet. I had to wonder where she put it all...I know I couldn't have eaten was on her plate and believe me I can put some groceries away.

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Sadly, you're right about that. It struck me that "One child on a cruise ship, any cruise ship, is one too many" was a bit too mean spirited.


Cruzinsteve....are you Air Force?? Figure you gotta be, that near to old Carswell.


No way, Airborne/Ranger (Paratrooper to civilians), "Rangers Lead the Way"! Also Spent Many Years in the 82nd at Fort Bragg, NC, just retired to Texas, No state income tax.

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No way, Airborne/Ranger (Paratrooper to civilians), "Rangers Lead the Way"! Also Spent Many Years in the 82nd at Fort Bragg, NC, just retired to Texas, No state income tax.


Sorry, didn't mean to offend. I flew B-52's for 20 years and thought you might be someone I knew.


Spent some time with Rangers at Tay Ninh (you know where) as an ALO (Air Liaison Officer). Got to like you army dudes.


Don't believe anyone should leave a perfectly fine airplane unless it was absolutely necessary. Even then, when it wasn't working anymore and you decided to give it back to the taxpayers, it was nice to have an ejection seat help kick you out.:eek:


Ooops, this is supposed to be kids...back to the thread now.

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Oh for crying out loud!!!!! GOD lighten UP! It was me that put the part about the 11 year old throwing ice cream overboard. What I meant to imply, but clearly didn't, was that I STOPPED HIM! He never did it again. Now, how many of us have stood at the stern at night, looking down into the phosphorescent churning wake, and wanted to throw something- a cigarette, perhaps? (I DON'T SMOKE, don't bother to yell at me for that- my kids don't smoke either).


I wanted to say, in echoing the comments of the guy with four sons, how SOMETIMES small little things that would seem (clearly) totally evil and evidence of neglect on the part of the parents can seem to US (parents of many kids) kind of... funny. That's it.


You can stop with the wasted food, free vs. paid for ice cream, etc. Sorry! I don't even want to get into what adults do vs. what kids do... I have never seen bad behavior on a cruise ship, ever. Not kids, not adults. the worst thing I have ever seen was a plastic cup with leftover pina colada in an elevator.


Please, this is jamming me up, I won't come to this thread again, but can we please not focus on the bad here? I thought it was funny- little ha ha funny things, but now the police have taken over.

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Wow, getting a little testy huh? I think some people were replying to the post about the kids grabbing things from the buffet and putting it back???? Getting a little defensive when I don't see posts directed at you???? Why are you getting so upset??? Have you read all of the posts?? :confused: Did I miss the free vs. paid ice cream post?? Now I'm confused!!!! And for the record, I have never had the desire to throw anything off the ship... except for a few people :p

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I guess you won't be taking a Disney cruise anytime soon......I personally think I will feel the same about those annoyingly loud drunks.:D Well-behaved children are no problem for me.




What about rude and badly behaved children (since that is the topic of the thread - not obnoxious drunks)?


I'm not against threads on boorish behavior by intoxicated adults, I just don't see the relevance of your statement to this thread, which concerns misbehavior by children. Those types of statements to me seem to be deliberate attempts to deflect attention from the subject at hand. Being dismayed by this type of conduct does not make one a child hater, nor does discussion of this behavior imply that all children are bad. Due to the numbers of these types of threads, however, it is obvious to me that misbehavior by children is becoming an increasing problem on cruise ships, and failure of parents to properly supervise their children is the main reason for it.


By the way, well behaved children are no problem for me either. I cruise with my children, and to insure that they fall into this category, they are supervised. We enjoy spending time with our kids on vacation, and they actually prefer hanging out with us (I know, won't last forever), so it's really not that big of a chore. Too bad more people (and their kids) don't enjoy spending more time together on their family vacations.

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By the way, well behaved children are no problem for me either. I cruise with my children, and to insure that they fall into this category, they are supervised. We enjoy spending time with our kids on vacation, and they actually prefer hanging out with us (I know, won't last forever), so it's really not that big of a chore. Too bad more people (and their kids) don't enjoy spending more time together on their family vacations.


Bravo-Family vaca should be FAMILY VACA. I started this mess with the thought that I would share an experience DW and I had over a Christmas cruise and wanted to know if others had some of the types of situations that came up for us. Some are humorous now and of course some are not. I guess I just wanted for others to be aware of what goes on sometimes and how not watching bored kids, can allow them to get a little wild. I like to see families enjoy the vacations, its a time to recharge the batteries and spend some quality time together. Just try to keep a rein on some of these kids as alot of parents assume once they are on board, what harm can they do and where can they go. Keep on cruisin everyone with the Munchkins and I'll just avoid the times when its prime kid time, i.e. spring break, holidays, and the summer months. I meant to offend no one and didn't want this to turn into a "I hate kids thread" or "what about Obnoxious drunks, food wasters, etc."

Just shared life experience.

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