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Over 4,800 People Viewed Guy's Burger's, But ????


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Ok people - do you not realize that fecal matter you are obsessing over is microscopic and is EVERYWHERE - not just limited to the bathroom handles of public places. Do you realize that research shows that some of the most unsanitary objects in your own house are your own toothbrush, cell phone, computer keyboard, your remote control and the kitchen and BATHROOM SINK! If your own sink at home is loaded with fecal matter, I guarantee the public bathroom is. And the second I drop that paper towel in the basket after opening the door and pick up a tray, a glass for water, touch a chair on the lido deck - voila, I'm "contaminated" again.


Yes, I clean regularly. I shower AT LEAST once, if not twice a day, I wash my hands in places I trust, and use sanitizer in more public ones. But what I also know is that research shows that obsessing over it - and trying to constantly sanitize your environment - is actually harmful because your body does not build up and use its natural defense system.


Did you know that kids raised in homes with pets are healthier across the board? Why is that? Because they bring in all kinds of dirt and things like fecal matter and cover your kid in it. I'm sure it would probably freak you out that I intentionally my kids out of the high chair and let my dog lick the dinner off their face.


But the reality is that people who are obsessive about it are the ones that get sick the most. Yes, anyone can get a nasty case of anything. But in truth you have no way to know if it came from the elevator button, the spoon on the buffet or the fact that your waiter sneezed on your fork as he was setting the table an hour before you arrived at diner. So yes, I agree - please be clean - but also trust your body to do it's job. And stop worrying about what others do....because you aren't going to change my mind, just like I am not going to change yours. If you agree to be a "germ freak" you can call me dirty and unsanitary all you like.:D


Right, OK, I'm a "germ freak" for knowing that people should wash their hands after using the toilet. Yep, that makes perfect sense. I am aware of the facts. I have more knowledge and experience in health / hygiene / all aspects of pets and pet care / and medical experience than you would probably believe. I also have common sense.


But apparently I don't have enough sense to keep from trying to talk strangers on the internet out of their ignorance and their filthy habits. You either refuse to understand, or for some reason, are just incapable of understanding what most 4 yr-olds understand. You'll keep coming up with the most ridiculous, grasping inanities to justify your lack of hygiene, so you win: You keep being filthy and spreading filth, and I'll keep washing my hands, and not eating at the buffet because of people like you.

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Right, OK, I'm a "germ freak" for knowing that people should wash their hands after using the toilet. Yep, that makes perfect sense. I am aware of the facts. I have more knowledge and experience in health / hygiene / all aspects of pets and pet care / and medical experience than you would probably believe. I also have common sense.


But apparently I don't have enough sense to keep from trying to talk strangers on the internet out of their ignorance and their filthy habits. You either refuse to understand, or for some reason, are just incapable of understanding what most 4 yr-olds understand. You'll keep coming up with the most ridiculous, grasping inanities to justify your lack of hygiene, so you win: You keep being filthy and spreading filth, and I'll keep washing my hands, and not eating at the buffet because of people like you.


Lol, I'm just amazed that we're even talking about this. I never thought I'd have to try to convince an adult why they should always wash their hands after using the bathroom. It's one thing to let kids get exposed to germs (dirt, dogs licking faces, etc.), it's a whole other thing to say public sinks are full of germs, it's safer if I don't wash my hands. That kind of makes the OP the germaphobe doesn't it?

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Lol, I'm just amazed that we're even talking about this. I never thought I'd have to try to convince an adult why they should always wash their hands after using the bathroom. It's one thing to let kids get exposed to germs (dirt, dogs licking faces, etc.), it's a whole other thing to say public sinks are full of germs, it's safer if I don't wash my hands. That kind of makes the OP the germaphobe doesn't it?


Learn from my mistake: don't try to apply logic, common sense, or even preschool level hygiene facts to this case. Some ignorance can't be cured. I'm reminded of a quote involving chess with a pigeon...


But at least it can be a lesson to everyone else that these people are out there, touching everything. Gee, I wonder how all that microscopic fecal matter gets "EVERYWHERE"?:rolleyes: And there's no point in pointing out that viruses and bacteria and other pathogens are also microscopic.


Watch out for them, y'all. They walk among you and cruise with you.:cool:

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I've never gotten sick on a cruise and we always eat at the buffet for lunch and breakfast but believe me as I sit here in my relatively clean house I feel sick just reading all your comments. I hope you all try to enjoy yourselves on your next cruise but I doubt it.

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Learn from my mistake: don't try to apply logic, common sense, or even preschool level hygiene facts to this case. Some ignorance can't be cured. I'm reminded of a quote involving chess with a pigeon...


But at least it can be a lesson to everyone else that these people are out there, touching everything. Gee, I wonder how all that microscopic fecal matter gets "EVERYWHERE"?:rolleyes: And there's no point in pointing out that viruses and bacteria and other pathogens are also microscopic.


Watch out for them, y'all. They walk among you and cruise with you.:cool:


Yep, not going to waste my time on it.

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I've never gotten sick on a cruise and we always eat at the buffet for lunch and breakfast but believe me as I sit here in my relatively clean house I feel sick just reading all your comments. I hope you all try to enjoy yourselves on your next cruise but I doubt it.


Are you talking to me?:confused: I have enjoyed myself on every one of my cruises, without even having to "try", thank you. And I fully expect to thoroughly enjoy my next cruise as well, thanks.:D I hope the same for you.:)

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Ok people - do you not realize that fecal matter you are obsessing over is microscopic and is EVERYWHERE - not just limited to the bathroom handles of public places. Do you realize that research shows that some of the most unsanitary objects in your own house are your own toothbrush, cell phone, computer keyboard, your remote control and the kitchen and BATHROOM SINK! If your own sink at home is loaded with fecal matter, I guarantee the public bathroom is. And the second I drop that paper towel in the basket after opening the door and pick up a tray, a glass for water, touch a chair on the lido deck - voila, I'm "contaminated" again.


Yes, I clean regularly. I shower AT LEAST once, if not twice a day, I wash my hands in places I trust, and use sanitizer in more public ones. But what I also know is that research shows that obsessing over it - and trying to constantly sanitize your environment - is actually harmful because your body does not build up and use its natural defense system.


Did you know that kids raised in homes with pets are healthier across the board? Why is that? Because they bring in all kinds of dirt and things like fecal matter and cover your kid in it. I'm sure it would probably freak you out that I intentionally my kids out of the high chair and let my dog lick the dinner off their face.


But the reality is that people who are obsessive about it are the ones that get sick the most. Yes, anyone can get a nasty case of anything. But in truth you have no way to know if it came from the elevator button, the spoon on the buffet or the fact that your waiter sneezed on your fork as he was setting the table an hour before you arrived at diner. So yes, I agree - please be clean - but also trust your body to do it's job. And stop worrying about what others do....because you aren't going to change my mind, just like I am not going to change yours. If you agree to be a "germ freak" you can call me dirty and unsanitary all you like.:D


Hi dirty and unsanitary. :cool:

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I've never gotten sick on a cruise and we always eat at the buffet for lunch and breakfast but believe me as I sit here in my relatively clean house I feel sick just reading all your comments. I hope you all try to enjoy yourselves on your next cruise but I doubt it.


Not having to eat in the buffet = enjoying my cruise.


But thanks for hoping. :p

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But at least it can be a lesson to everyone else that these people are out there, touching everything. Gee, I wonder how all that microscopic fecal matter gets "EVERYWHERE"?:rolleyes: And there's no point in pointing out that viruses and bacteria and other pathogens are also microscopic.


Watch out for them, y'all. They walk among you and cruise with you.:cool:




Fecals fecals everywhere and not a drop of soap...


I was going to say that if you are going to do buffet it is a good idea to get there when it is opening. The food is better then and there have been fewer people handling the spoons.


I would like to see the spoons changed whenever fresh food trays are put out.

Edited by mzloolue
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Fecals fecals everywhere and not a drop of soap...


I was going to say that if you are going to do buffet it is a good idea to get there when it is opening. The food is better then and there have been fewer people handling the spoons.


I would like to see the spoons changed whenever fresh food trays are put out.


That would be a step in the right direction.

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I'm going to bring a Hazmat suit on my next cruise so I don't get those pesky fecal germs on me 💩💩😷😷


And just imagine in the casino where people's hands have been when handing the cards and chips 😱😱😳😳


That's it I'm never crusing again 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻.....now on to the bathroom 🚽:eek:

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I'm going to bring a Hazmat suit on my next cruise so I don't get those pesky fecal germs on me 💩💩😷😷


And just imagine in the casino where people's hands have been when handing the cards and chips 😱😱😳😳


That's it I'm never crusing again 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻.....now on to the bathroom 🚽:eek:


Only $697.86 on Amazon, 2 day delivery, comes with optional black tie for Elegant Night....

Lakeland Interceptor Fully Encapsulated Front Entry Level A Vapor Protective Suit, Disposable, Large, Blue




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Only $697.86 on Amazon, 2 day delivery, comes with optional black tie for Elegant Night....

Lakeland Interceptor Fully Encapsulated Front Entry Level A Vapor Protective Suit, Disposable, Large, Blue





To friggn funny. Can u imagine someone wearing that at the buffet . Lol


I was laughing also how a buffet post went fecal and germ crazy


Next it'll be bed bugs 😂😂😂.....

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I just love the way that thread having to do with the buffets always get taken over by the germophobes :rolleyes:


Yeah:mad:! Those crazy germaphobes that think people should wash their hands after using the toilet. What's up with those paranoid freaks? Always judging people that have diseases that preclude washing fecal matter off their hands. Stupid, judgmental, paranoid germaphobes.:mad: They should just live in bubbles and never cruise with all us normal people.:rolleyes:

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Yeah:mad:! Those crazy germaphobes that think people should wash their hands after using the toilet. What's up with those paranoid freaks? Always judging people that have diseases that preclude washing fecal matter off their hands. Stupid, judgmental, paranoid germaphobes.:mad: They should just live in bubbles and never cruise with all us normal people.:rolleyes:


Actually, they have my pity. I refuse to live my life feeling that my fellow human beings are disease-ridden germ infested sacks of walking pestilence, to be avoided and shunned at all costs....

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Actually, they have my pity. I refuse to live my life feeling that my fellow human beings are disease-ridden germ infested sacks of walking pestilence, to be avoided and shunned at all costs....


Yeah, you're right, poor pathetic ignoramuses:( thinking there are such things as "pathogens":rolleyes: and that these "pathogens":rolleyes: should be washed off of one's hands after using the toilet. As that famous sage, Mr. T said, I pity the fools. Poor, poor, ignorant fools.

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I worked in a hospital...learned the routine...love having paper towels to turn the handles off and open door and a waste basket close to entry exit door. If someone got this hoof and mouth disease in a public restroom..sad and understand....once a public restroom is bad and very dirty it is harder to do protocol...especially with a child.


I seriously understand people who avoid the buffet. My mom got a rare heart virus after a cruise and we say we can not blame the cruise..especially for my niece..last grandchild's turning 12 trip. And it is true..we can't and in 2012 there was more of this rare virus around, especially in England.. kids get it..not a problem..adults get it it goes to heart often not good..was not good with mom..so unbelievable and fast..one month later gone. I keep thinking about the little kids on the Disney Wonder running around the table and dipping their fingers in her drink..the group was a bit out of control that they sat with and they moved around dining rooms with. But you have to have a balance..hope mom asked for a new drink and we can't say she did not get it here right before at a grocery store cart. You do your best..really am on the try to clean your hands side but get it if bad happened for this soul..when your card is up it is up. I am not anal about it..but I do not like buffets for the germs...I do eat at them..and at weddings wipe my hands with sanatizer..love it when others serve..and our faces are covered from sneezing in the dishes...with those plastic covers. I prefer the other options and use them when I can.


Dishing up some salad and small bites for your drink in room..cheese and what not with a clean personal spoon is a nice thing if close to lido.

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I understand the germ thing being the reason why some people won't eat at the buffet, even though it's not been a big enough concern to me to swear off buffets. But, I don't think that the OP was actually asking about that, nor do I think they wanted this thread to turn into this. I think the OP wanted to know opinions about non-germ-related food quality & variety at the buffet. He can correct me if he actually did want it to be about germs, but my next paragraph will totally disregard the germ issue, for the sake of staying on topic.


In regards to the non-germ-related food quality, I think Carnival's buffets are quite good, and better than any buffet I've had on land. Like one other poster said, try a little bit of a lot, and you might find something that you're surprised you really like. That happened to me with the fish, which seem to always be very good at the buffet. Burgers, burritos, pizza, & subs are fine & good, and I do enjoy those too, and I will partake of those on the ship. But when there's an opportunity to try something different from the norm, I like to do that as well. A lot of the opinions about non-germ-related food quality at a buffet will be related to what we're used to in regular life. If you eat at fancy restaurants all the time, the Carnival buffet will be horrible quality. If you eat simple meals at home & fast food, the Carnival buffet quality will be quite good. (There will be exceptions to that.)

Edited by k2excursion
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I understand the germ thing being the reason why some people won't eat at the buffet, even though it's not been a big enough concern to me to swear off buffets. But, I don't think that the OP was actually asking about that, nor do I think they wanted this thread to turn into this. I think the OP wanted to know opinions about non-germ-related food quality & variety at the buffet. He can correct me if he actually did want it to be about germs, but my next paragraph will totally disregard the germ issue, for the sake of staying on topic.


In regards to the non-germ-related food quality, I think Carnival's buffets are quite good, and better than any buffet I've had on land. Like one other poster said, try a little bit of a lot, and you might find something that you're surprised you really like. That happened to me with the fish, which seem to always be very good at the buffet. Burgers, burritos, pizza, & subs are fine & good, and I do enjoy those too, and I will partake of those on the ship. But when there's an opportunity to try something different from the norm, I like to do that as well. A lot of the opinions about non-germ-related food quality at a buffet will be related to what we're used to in regular life. If you eat at fancy restaurants all the time, the Carnival buffet will be horrible quality. If you eat simple meals at home & fast food, the Carnival buffet quality will be quite good. (There will be exceptions to that.)


I respect your point, and I agree with your guess as to what MAGNUM PI (the OP) wanted. However, he did participate in the germ talk, agreeing with those of us who believe in hand-washing after toilet use (the fact that there are some that oppose this belief is mind-boggling:rolleyes:), and that it is a buffet-related issue. Also, the hand-washing discussion certainly raised the view count on this thread.;)


Message board conversations like this often have an organic, tangential flow that can make them more interesting, informative, and broader scoped. That doesn't mean that they are necessarily off-topic, just expanding the topic.:) But I understand how others could disagree with this viewpoint and feel that any deviation would be going off-topic.:o


So, in the spirit of trying to get this conversation back on its original non-germ-related topic, I'll try to help, since you probably see me as one of the biggest offenders of turning it off-topic;): I agree with Tapi's assessment of buffets in general, and cruise ship buffets: they are for eating a lot (which I don't like to do), or for eating fast (which I sometimes want or need to do), and are not where I would look for good food - just OK food.


Oh, and the Carnival buffet desserts suck - pretty on the outside and completely lacking or just plain nasty on the inside, like some girls I knew in HS.

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Thanks Shakeybeef..felt a bit hand slapped...and maybe said too much but they do flow..and it was well healing truth to type it out...people need to be realistic about what their immuno system is like and act accordingly. You are so young!!!


Agree on desserts....hot flaky danish in am are devine if they have them. And salad bar pupus...superb..cheese, olives, veggies I loved.

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Thanks Shakeybeef..felt a bit hand slapped...and maybe said too much but they do flow..and it was well healing truth to type it out...people need to be realistic about what their immuno system is like and act accordingly. You are so young!!!


Oh, I don't think there's any need for you to feel hand-slapped. I'm pretty sure I would be considered by most here to be the worst offender of going "off-topic" in this thread, based on my post count in it, if nothing else. Even though the one being most snarky about it was one of the first to steer it into a "germ talk".;) But I didn't take K2's post as being hand-slappy or snarky. He(she?) seemed to be keeping it respectful.:)


I am so young?!? 40 is young?:eek: Thanks.:o ...Darn, I guess that proves I'm not young - when I was young, I got offended when people called me young. Now, if called young, I feel complimented.:p

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I understand the germ thing being the reason why some people won't eat at the buffet, even though it's not been a big enough concern to me to swear off buffets. But, I don't think that the OP was actually asking about that, nor do I think they wanted this thread to turn into this. I think the OP wanted to know opinions about non-germ-related food quality & variety at the buffet. He can correct me if he actually did want it to be about germs, but my next paragraph will totally disregard the germ issue, for the sake of staying on topic.


In regards to the non-germ-related food quality, I think Carnival's buffets are quite good, and better than any buffet I've had on land. Like one other poster said, try a little bit of a lot, and you might find something that you're surprised you really like. That happened to me with the fish, which seem to always be very good at the buffet. Burgers, burritos, pizza, & subs are fine & good, and I do enjoy those too, and I will partake of those on the ship. But when there's an opportunity to try something different from the norm, I like to do that as well. A lot of the opinions about non-germ-related food quality at a buffet will be related to what we're used to in regular life. If you eat at fancy restaurants all the time, the Carnival buffet will be horrible quality. If you eat simple meals at home & fast food, the Carnival buffet quality will be quite good. (There will be exceptions to that.)



Thank you for returning to our original programming...


I probably fit into your last category. The only problem I had with the food at the Carnival buffet was it was mostly bland. On our Belize port day, DW and I hit the buffet after returning from shopping. I saw that the Burrito Bar line was short, so I had them make me a steak and chicken burrito with retried beans. I noticed they had 4 types of sauces, so I asked for the hottest one they had. After eating about half of it, I realized the burrito had little flavor and no heat. Guess I should have asked for extra sauce...



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Oh, I don't think there's any need for you to feel hand-slapped. I'm pretty sure I would be considered by most here to be the worst offender of going "off-topic" in this thread, based on my post count in it, if nothing else. Even though the one being most snarky about it was one of the first to steer it into a "germ talk".;) But I didn't take K2's post as being hand-slappy or snarky. He(she?) seemed to be keeping it respectful.:)


I am so young?!? 40 is young?:eek: Thanks.:o ...Darn, I guess that proves I'm not young - when I was young, I got offended when people called me young. Now, if called young, I feel complimented.:p


Good point on re-reading his words...thank you.


Yes..from now 56 very young...lol..one needs all ages I think as friends..my most special have been older and younger...10 years or so...my grandmother did that too...helps when you get to 90...lol and you are still spry...lol yes around 40 is that compliment change revelation:)..always good to be both and old soul, a kid, and your age and have friend in all groups methinks. My mid-40's friends just are the closest right now....lol..have a great Friday. Love your little icon doll. Had one as a child I loved...

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Good point on re-reading his words...thank you.


Yes..from now 56 very young...lol..one needs all ages I think as friends..my most special have been older and younger...10 years or so...my grandmother did that too...helps when you get to 90...lol and you are still spry...lol yes around 40 is that compliment change revelation:)..always good to be both and old soul, a kid, and your age and have friend in all groups methinks. My mid-40's friends just are the closest right now....lol..have a great Friday. Love your little icon doll. Had one as a child I loved...


Thanks, but that's not a doll - that's my now-13-yr-old DD, when she was about 6 months old, wearing that silly duck costume.:o You have a great day, too.


OK, so that there is some buffet talk in this post: speaking of duck, I haven't seen roast duck on the buffet since 2009.

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