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Oasis of the Seas Pre-Trip Report - 2 July 2016

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Quote from stacynray

I'm going to see Adele on Monday night and will do my first periscope from there just to see how it works.




But....WE CRUISE IN 19 DAYS!!!!!






Stacynray!!! I watched your scope. I was so jealous!! My daughter and I were dancing and singing around the kitchen. Lol [emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻. It was very fun. Thanks for sharing !!



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Edited by Sadet001 sadet001
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Quote from stacynray

I'm going to see Adele on Monday night and will do my first periscope from there just to see how it works.




But....WE CRUISE IN 19 DAYS!!!!!






Stacynray!!! I watched your scope. I was so jealous!! My daughter and I were dancing and singing around the kitchen. Lol [emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻. It was very fun. Thanks for sharing !!



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Really? I'm so glad I did it then! She's great, isn't she? I only wish I could've periscoped her whole concert, but the connection only worked before and at the end of the concert.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so sorry about this - I knew I should have stayed on top of it during vacation. I came home to fire after fire. I almost figured people had forgotten about me anyway. I will re-double my effort and get it posted this weekend. Thank you for your patience with me. Of course my back log of work would make for a great story also--- someday!



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Quote from stacynray

I'm going to see Adele on Monday night and will do my first periscope from there just to see how it works.




But....WE CRUISE IN 19 DAYS!!!!!






Stacynray!!! I watched your scope. I was so jealous!! My daughter and I were dancing and singing around the kitchen. Lol [emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻[emoji126]🏻. It was very fun. Thanks for sharing !!



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I was on the same cruise as Bajadahl, he was in our M&M. Ya'll are going to have so much fun :-) If u go to Labadee, I went on the BEST excursion "A Sandbar Adult Party". This was the Best part of the cruise. Also Hubby &I went to MOHO beach in St. Martin. At the end of the pier we got a taxi to Moho beach and watched the jets come in. That was so cool. We're going back in December. Have fun!!

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First - Let me apologize for the tardiness of this report. Skipping ahead to our last day - True story - We were delayed at the airport in Fort Lauderdale for the flight home. Remember my great airfare rate that came with the ridiculously early departure and late return. To refresh your memory we were scheduled to return at 10:40pm with arrival back in Austin at 12:40 am on Tuesday the 12th of July.


So….. Our plane finally takes off about 12:40 am Eastern time (2 hours late) and we land about 3 am Austin time. By the time we get the luggage, get the car, drive home and unload my head hits the pillow about 4:00am.


Phone rings at 5:30am - and my work day begins. Yep - that’s pretty much how my entire work week went. So apologies that this is tardy. I do hope it was worth the wait.


Finally - before we move on I want to make sure you get a refresher on my tone for this review. Our vacation was fantastic but it was not perfect. I will be honest and maybe even a little bit harsh (as I sit here reviewing my notes) I will be very specific with my complaints but please understand, just because I say something was bad or even awful does not mean we did not enjoy our trip. We had a fantastic time so please keep that in mind when reading some of my harsher comments.



Day 5 - 2 July 2016


Embarkation Day


It’s finally here embarkation day! 439 days ago I booked this cruise and it’s finally here!



Uber and Drop Off


If you didn't know by now I guess I’ll let you in on my little secret. I have OCD…. Obsessive Cruise Disorder. I also over plan everything which apparently is another type of OCD. Anyway, the one thing I did not preplan was my hotel to port transportation. I did a bunch of reading and just figured on using UberXL. The hotel did have a shuttle but my understanding was that I might have to wait a while for the shuttle depending on the hotel crowd.


I prepared by downloading the app and setting up my account in advance. At 10:00am I have all our luggage outside and put in my request. A few minutes later the driver called me and told me he was stuck and couldn’t come. So I put in a second request. Again the new driver called me but this time he told me he was on his way. Great!


My parents were in charge of making their own port transportation arrangements. They had opted for the shuttle but unfortunately they got bumped from the first shuttle and were going to have to wait until 11:45am for the second round of shuttles. Mom decided to cancel and try Uber for herself.


I took moms phone out and downloaded the Uber app, then setup her account. Once all that was done we put in an UberXL request for my parents as well. Her driver is 3 minutes away.


My driver calls again. Claims he got lost and needs me to cancel the request. You’ve got to be kidding me. This is starting to suck. I am ready to start panicking a little when mom’s driver pulls up in a very large Black Tahoe.


Oh Thank heavens! This guy is super cool and ready to help us get to the port in any way possible. So we load as much luggage as will fit plus Mom, Dad, Denise, Ashlyn, and Lindsay. I know Uber doesn't expect extra tips but I slip the guy an extra $20 for his effort. Did I mention he got the damn scooter in his SUV as well as most of the luggage!!


While he is squeezing as much luggage in as possible I put in a final request for a regular Uber since I don’t have as much luggage now. A young lady from Venezuela answers my request and literally pulls up as the Tahoe is driving away. Her car is pretty small but we only need to cram in 4 pieces of luggage, my camera bag, laptop bag, and myself. We get it all loaded up quickly and off we go.


She’s a very pretty young lady but she doesn’t speak much english and proceeds to take me to the airport. (I sure am glad she knew how to say airport - so that I could properly freak out and redirect her to cruise port) I mean Boat port, Water, Ocean… Are you understanding the words that are coming out of my mouth???? She finally get’s it and we get pointed in the correct direction. This didn’t take long at all.


She pulls up to a security check point at the port which is maybe a mile from the hotel at most and who do I see in the security line. Hello Black Tahoe!


I text my family, “Are you all just now getting to the security line at the port?”


“Yes” is the reply.


“I am directly behind you” Sweet!!


I tell my driver to stick to the Tahoe… I think she understands because she almost rear-ends him. No No - Just kidding


She follows him as closely as possible and we wind our way through the port driveway to the drop off area. I open my door and look at my watch 11:02am


That was an hour of shear panic and in the end we are all together at the drop off point! Score one for the Dahl team.


Between my parents and my family we have 14 pieces of luggage (This is not counting carry-ons nor does it count the scooter) A Porter walks up to take my tip… But then he didn’t take the luggage!


This was one of the reasons we were slowed down. I always tip the porters more than what I think the job is worth. I believe the rule is typically $1 or $2 per bag. I gave this guy $40. My reasoning for this is that with the mass of bodies both coming and going at the port I have no hope of keeping all my luggage together and I need his help. He tells me he will take them from here so we begin to walk away… but then I notice he also begins to walk away. Hmmm - If I’m walking away and you’re walking away, exactly who is looking after my luggage that is in no way secure at this point?


(It is after this point that I see many people taking their bags to the luggage carts and handing them off to a porter to be loaded immediately. But I have way too much luggage to do this myself)


I decide to walk back and say something to one of the porters. The porter that took my money has moved down about 30 yards from my luggage so I just grab one of the other porters that is working the cart. I mention to him that I have already tipped a porter but was a little concerned that he walked away and did’t secure my luggage immediately. He said no problem and that the luggage would be fine.


So I walked back to my family who had moved about 10 yards closer to the door of the terminal. We decided the cruise would be ruined if our luggage didn’t show up so we sat there another 5 to 10 minutes until the original porter came back and loaded our luggage on a cart. Ok - If it doesn’t make it to us now we at least know it was on a cart!


Check In


We enter the terminal and the approach security. For some reason I am the slow one today. My pockets aren't empty and my laptop was’t out. I am just a complete mess. Luckily this security team is a little more lax then the security at the airport. They get me sorted out and I make my way to through and catch up with my family.


We then immediately approach a check in counter. I was able to go through the Gold priority line which is the priority just above pond scum. However, there isn’t a wait at any of the lines so it doesn’t make much difference. We spend the required 10 minutes filling out the health questionnaire and getting our pictures taken. She then directs us to board immediately.


We walk to the boarding area and get in line. I step on the boat and look at my watch. 11:45am


Not bad at all considering I wasted at least 15 minutes with the luggage issue and my security ineptitude.


I know there are many great places to get that first meal on the ship and Windjammer is not the first choice for the veterans on Cruise Critic. But my family wanted Windjammer so Windjammer it is.


I also know that time is of the essence because the Windjammer will get incredibly busy as the ship fills up. I ask an employee for basic directions because even though I have spent every waking moment for the past 439 days studying the layout of the ship, my mind is mush.


The guide points the way to WindJammer but then comments that it is already very busy and we might consider something else. That’s not good but we decide to go anyway.



Windjammer -


We take the Aft elevators up to Deck 16 to find a small congregation of people making their way into the restaurant. The Windjammer has entry doors on both the Port and Starboard sides of the ship. I notice that the Port side is jam packed and they have just reversed direction and opened the Starboard side for guests. We walk in and immediately notice the Starboard side was completely empty. I immediately grab one of the huge round bench style tables (mental note to grab a picture to post later) This is perfect!!! Score another for the Dahl team.


We are able to enjoy a very pleasant lunch with a brand new serving line just opening up on the starboard side of the ship. I swear I was the first person to the hamburger bar. (and I took a picture - lol)


After making a couple of trips to the serving line I begin to notice the place is packed. We are a little sheltered from the madness in that large circular high back bench style table. A little after 12:30 they start making announcements about “Please enjoy your meal then leave so other guests could sit down” These announcements are made every 5 minutes or so.


We’ve already met a fantastic waiter. Adi went out and found ice cream for my girls and brought back 2 big bowls of soft serve. Everyone is very happy.


We finish up with dessert and vacate the table at 12:45 then we start to make our way to deck 14 to wait for the 1pm stateroom opening. As we are leaving the Windjammer I notice there is a ridiculous line waiting to get in.


A word about the food in the Windjammer. It is average to above average buffet fair. My family likes the variety but I understand the people who get bored with it. Also, They could have a better selection of desserts but otherwise I think it’s just fine.



Staterooms 14211, 14213, and 14251


We get to the landing of Deck 14 with about 10 minutes until 1pm. The doors are shut so we just figure on waiting the few minutes to see if the door opens at 1pm. Another guest cuts through the small line and comes up and just starts to try to open the door when a stateroom host opens it from the other side. It was almost a collision. I was rooting for the stateroom host. Alas, it appeared to be a draw.


We make our way to our cabins. We all have inside staterooms with balconies overlooking central park. Mom and Dad in 14251, Denise and I in 14211, and our girls in 14213. 14211 and 14213 are connecting but it appears that there is only one door so it’s either locked with privacy between the room or unlocked with no privacy between the room. For families I guess that would be fine, but for friends it is not ideal. (I confirmed this later - It is only one door. If unlocked you have no privacy between staterooms) If I had know this before I would not have stressed as much about having the connecting rooms. We ended up treating ours like a standard side by side staterooms and left the door locked.


Luggage was already starting to be delivered to the hallway so I started bringing it in. We met our stateroom host, Iwayan. We asked him for Ice and to split the girls bed. Found out Iwayan is our stateroom host but not our daughters. They have Derron. Both are very nice.

(Side note before I forget - We ended up tipping both Derron and Iwayan extra at the end of the trip) Fantastic service.


The view from our stateroom is amazing. It is exactly what I imagined.


Stateroom Notes: 14211 and 14213

This is the top deck just under the pool deck so you will pickup noise from the pool area. For my family this was not a problem but if you need dead quiet to sleep/relax then you should look elsewhere for your stateroom.


I enjoyed being able to hear the band up by the pool. In fact it was a highlight for us. Just keep this in mind if you are considering a top deck stateroom.


14211 - had the bed closer to the bathroom and the couch closer to the balcony. This is personal preference thing and I liked it this way.


14213 - was just the opposite with the bed closer to the balcony. My girls had no complaints. One note - My girls wanted their bed separated and Derron did this for them. I didn’t realize they only separate the beds by about 5 or 6 inches at the most. Just enough space to lose the TV remote each night or pretty much anything you leave on the bed. LOL


Exploring the Ship


Wow - this ship is gorgeous. Where do we start? How about Central Park? We take the aft elevators down to Deck 8 and enter Central Park. We stroll through the park and I’m having a great time. On the port side I see the Chops Grille 150 Central Park on the Starboard side. We walk past the Trellis Bar, Giovanni’s, and the Park Cafe. I take a peek inside the Park Cafe at the roast beef sandwiches…Yep I’m going to eat some of those this week!


We continue forward past Vintages as the winding path bends back around to the port side…… And then it happens. I start to get heart palpitations and my palms are sweaty. Maybe Denise won’t see it….. Too Late. Her eyes are all aglow… Tiffany’s Oh let’s not forget Coach is here as well.


My saving grace is that they are both currently closed….. I will spend the rest of the week modifying the ships maps to “warn” of the spider habitat on display here (This week only) :-) That should keep her away… I hope!


“Honey Let’s go check out the boardwalk” I say hoping to get her mind off shopping… at least for a little bit.


We make our way to deck 6 and stroll out onto the Boardwalk. Again - we weren’t disappointed. The carousel, and…oh come on! What’s with all the shops out here as well! Just kidding. This area also looked fantastic. We walk along the boardwalk and then it happens… I start getting heart palpitations and sweaty palms. I see the Margaritas at the Sabor Bar. Time to test out that ultimate beverage package. I’ll start slow with a good old fashioned Strawberry Margarita.


I’ve been on the ship 2 and a half hours and this is my first drink…. I have some catching up to do. lol


ok then - That margarita went down a little too quickly so I grab one more and decided to make my way up to the Solarium to check out the front of the ship.


Solarium -

To me the Solarium is a weird place. It’s beautiful but it can feel like you’re an ant under a magnifying glass. It get’s quite warm while the ship is docked. It’s no wonder why it was easy to get one of the big round cushioned loungers while we were still in port. Since I’m having a margarita all is good. I sat here for a little while relaxing on the lounger and enjoying that “doing nothing” feel.


About 3:30 I headed back to the stateroom to round up the family and head down for our muster drill.


Muster Drill -

The Code on our Sea Pass card is D4. We are directed to Studio B, where we get to relax in seats around the skating rink for our drill. This is probably the most comfortable I have ever been during a muster drill. Maybe a little too comfortable… While waiting for our little video I couldn’t help but to doze off for a minute or two. This is way more comfortable then having to pack onto the promenade deck like a bunch of sardines. However, I really can’t help thinking that the last thing I’m going to want to do in a real emergency is make my way into the bowels of a ship to our “meeting place” But I digress….



After muster drill we head up to the wing bridge on Deck 14 for sail away. We get there just in time to see the ship already moving. We visit and celebrate with the other cruisers who have chosen the wing bridge for sail away. We hang out there until about 5:15 and then head back to the stateroom to freshen up for dinner. Well the girls freshened up. I’m a guy so I just walk down to make sure they don’t take for freakin’ ever “freshening up” for dinner.



Main Dining Room


Dinner was at the MDR tonight -

I guess you can put me in the camp of people that think the MDR has become the also ran when it comes to dinners. It’s nice but nothing special.


(I wrote those last two lines early in the trip and I have to be honest here folks) It really was worse than that. It just was’t very good at all. Here I am a week later and I am struggling to come up with something nice to say. I mentioned on one of the periscopes that the food wasn’t poison and I know there were a few comments and giggles. But that’s really it the food was unmemorable and in some cases very, very bad.


With that said - not everything was bad. However - I didn’t have a single meal in the MDR that made me want to write all of you the way Huey’s made me feel back in Savannah…. To me that speaks volumes!


Our waiter was Trevor and he was excellent. I was quite honest with him on the quality of the food. I did not get the assistant waiters name (go figure) he was nice enough just not memorable.


On the first night I had Horseradish-Crusted Salmon - and it was good.

I am not going to spend a bunch of time beating up on the MDR. It was only a very small part of our overall experience. It didn’t ruin our trip or anything like that… it was just average food.


I think I have come to the belief that to keep cruise prices down the cruise lines are cutting back on things like food. For those that still want food the way it used to be, you can get it for an up-charge at the finer dining establishments. For the record, when I sail again in October I will be buying the 5 night dining package and skipping the MDR. I will role that cost up into the overall cost of the cruise and consider that my new normal. I really believe this is what the cruise line wants me to do anyway.


After dinner -


We went back to the Boardwalk and watched the girls ride the carousel. We also walked around the pool deck and sports deck just to get a lay of the land on our new home for the next week.


At about 9pm Denise decided to call it a night… I’m kind of surprised she lasted this long :-)


I made my way to the Schooner bar to setup my nightly hangout spot for the week.

At the Schooner bar I switched over to my nightly standard Captain Morgan and Coke. It helps loosen up the pipes so I am willing to embarrass myself singing with “Kim the Guy” at the Piano. This was a very good time and we ended up with several nightly regulars. This is also the spot I told my girls they could find me each night. Family rule - Dad doesn’t go to bed until the girls are done at the teen clubs.


12:30 am - The girls are ready to go to bed…. it’s been a long but very fun day!

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Yes! You're back! So glad you decided to continue the review, thank you!


Yes - Sorry for the delay. I am going to really try to get a post each day till it's done. I've got most of it typed up into "my notes" working at making each day more worth reading. Thank you for sticking with me. My girls are spending the week with Grandma and Grandpa since they didn't get enough of them on vacation! lol Barring another tough work week I should get it all done this week.

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3 July - Sea Day


Today I slept in… If you can call it that. I made it to the Solarium and into my new favorite morning chair by about 8am. I sat there contemplating how in the world I could stow away and do this every day for the rest of my life. I came up with nothing…. I’m not that smart I guess.


at about 8:30 I broke down and did my first periscope. You guys are too nice… I watched my recording a little while ago… it wasn’t very good. I guess I won’t be quitting my day job.


I sat there until 9:15 or so and then headed back to the room to meet-up with Ashlyn. Shockingly she is already ready….. She met a boy last night from our Cruise Critic group and now all of the sudden, she wants to go to the meet-n-mingle.





Ashlyn and I make our way down to the Meet-n-Mingle in the Jazz Lounge on Deck 4 as scheduled at 10am. We had a nice group but I think it was mainly a bunch of seasoned cruisers. There was not a lot of interest in a cabin crawl. Kind of disappointing but not the end of the world. They did give out some door prizes. I won a visor and Ashlyn won 30 minutes of free internet…like she needs anymore internet!! She ended up trading the internet for a highlighter. (since she already had the Voom package. The cute boy won a bottle of wine… so I’m locking Ashlyn in her stateroom for the rest of the trip.



After the meet-n-mingle we made our way back up to our stateroom to check on Denise and Lindsay. Lindsay’s still in bed…. of course she is. Well it is her vacation…. I am starting to think of ways to convince her we moved her bedroom on board a ship so future cruises could be much cheaper. I mean if you sleep the day away what’s the difference. It dawns on me that teen girls don’t spend money when they’re asleep so I decide not to give her a hard time.



About this time Denise is hollering that’s she hungry since we skipped breakfast, so we decided to head down to the Park Cafe.



Park Cafe - Opens at 11:30


We arrive about 11:20 and hang out until the doors open. The food here was pretty good.


Salad Station Fiasco -

I thought it was funny that the girl working the salad bar didn’t actually know how to make a salad. The salad station had a very odd arrangement for a food service line. The Salad Greens were in the middle and there were add-ins to both the left and right of the Greens. The worker was just starting at the left and working her way to the right asking what you wanted in the salad so that you ended up with things like croutons under the salad… It was amusing. Of course, I’m a guy…. I don’t care… but the lady behind me was having a fit. (Yes - I stayed to watch their exchange)


“No please put the salad in first”


“You want this?”


“No the Salad first please.”


The worker moves to the next item ignoring or not understanding the plea to go directly to the greens.




“No the Salad!!”


The girl finally gets to the Greens and puts some in the bowl… but now she doesn’t want to go go back to the left….. but you said no to all that stuff.


Trust me it was hysterical.


Finally a manager notices her struggle and shows her how to start a salad with the actual salad.


I then move on to get the almighty Roast Beef Sandwich. Yes - they are really that good. My one complaint. I wish they would take the time to trim the fat ring off the meat. I am not a fan of the fatty part of any meat. Yes - I’m from Texas and I trim brisket before I eat it also so sue me!


Anyway after trimming the fat ring I enjoyed 2 roast beaf sandwiches thoroughly!


For dessert I had a couple of chocolate chip cookies and two small cake squares with chocolate frosting. They were surprisingly good also!


Denise tasted the cakes and thought they were ok but she was in the mood for Ice Cream. So after lunch we made our way out to the Boardwalk to Cups & Scoops.


Cups & Scoops


What can I tell you about Cups & Scoops… I mean it’s Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. What’s not to love. I guess I can say this: There wasn’t a huge selection like you would see at an ice cream shop on land but the serving size was good and they had the the traditional favorites (Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies-n-Cream, Cookie Dough, and oddly enough Butter Pecan) I think they had a few others but I stopped looking when I saw Butter Pecan.


I had Butter Pecan and I believe Denise had Cookies-n-Cream. We enjoyed our Ice Cream while strolling around the Boardwalk.


This was shaping up to be a very nice day…… but then our ice cream was gone and Denise wanted to go shopping. Shopping - The bane of my existence!


I tried to follow her around the shops on the boardwalk but it quickly became the bored walk…. So I decided to go verify that the Sabor Bar hadn’t fallen off the back of the ship. I’ve already bought the drink package and I am going to get my monies worth!


I hung out at the bar having my chosen drink of choice in the afternoon sunlight - Little Ms. Margarita and doing some people watching. Watching all the poor guys following their wives into the shops pretending they’re having fun. It begs the question…. How is this different from the mall? So I turn my head a little bit and stare off into the churning water trailing the ship… Yeah..That’s more like it.


Wasting away again in Margaritaville…….


After a few or five Margarita’s I decided it time to Periscope again. So I whipped out my phone, ordered one last Margarita and embarrassed my self giving a tour of the Boardwalk, Royal Promenade, and Central Park.


Before I knew it we were creeping up on 3pm and decided we better touch base with the girls. Ashlyn had figured out how to break out of her stateroom (They don’t make scotch tape the way they used to) and both girls had meandered down to the teen club. We told the girls to be back at the room by 5pm to get ready for our first formal night dinner at 6.


We were back in the stateroom by about 4pm to relax a little and plan our evening. We have reservations for the Ice Show tonight (spoiler alert) we didn’t go. We figured after dinner we would make our way to the show in Studio B that started at 9:30. They say to be there 30 minutes early so I figure we don’t have much time to do anything else between dinner and the show. But that was the extent of our planning the evening…because, unlike me, my wife hates planning!!



Dressing for Dinner -


A little more about me - I am not a fan of dressing up for dinner. I could talk about this subject forever and still never convince those that yearn for the golden age of sailing that dressing up is simply unnecessary. So I won’t go there….anymore than I already have.

Do I dress up…. Yes, Yes I do. Why do I dress up? - The number one reason I still dress up (on my vacation) for Dinner is simple. No - it’s not because of my wife. (She and I actually agree on this one)


I do it to conform to the “suggested” dress attire for the evening. There is a mountain of funny stuff I want to say here but I won’t…. Too many people take this subject way too seriously.


Dinner -


MDR = meh


Can I say it now…… I over dressed for dinner. I had a way over-cooked New York Strip Steak and nothing else from the evening was memorable. I’ve had better steak at Golden Corral… ok that’s not true… nothing at Golden Corral is better than anywhere else. I think it would be just as insulting to say I’ve had better steak at Outback Steak house. And that is a true statement.

Did it ruin my night, trip, or cruise…. No it did not.

(Note from a month later - I can’t wait to try Chops in October and get a do over on my dinners)


It does make the whole dress up thing seem a bit silly when the food quality has truly gone the way of the DoDo bird.


So our second dinner was more disappointing then the first night. Oh well.



After dinner we went for a little walk up on pool deck to burn off a few calories while waiting to head to the “Frozen In Time” Ice Skating show but like I said… best laid plans and all. Denise decided she was just too tired from all that shopping earlier so she just wanted to go to bed.


I’m not much of a show person myself so I walked her back to the room and then made my way back to the Schooner bar to relax with a drink or two while listening to “Kim the guy” tickle the ivories.


I tortured everyone with another periscope while sitting in Schooners and I ripped a little more RCCL profit out of that drink package. I guess this is the night I decided this would be my official nightly hang out until my girls went to bed. It was nice and comfortable. Probably my favorite lounge on the ship


The girls texted me about 12:30 am - They are headed to bed and so am I.



It was a very relaxing sea day.

Edited by bajadahl
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Found your review this weekend and am now officially caught up. Just have to say I love your style and can't wait until we cruise on Oasis next summer. Also, I'm planning a trip to Savannah and now Huey's is on my must do list. Looking forward to the rest of your review!

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First time sailing on the Oasis is October. I have been LOVING your review and taking helpful hints so I know what the newbie must do or must not do. Can't wait for the next installment.


Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to share you experience with us. Your insight is going to be followed during our cruise!

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  • 2 weeks later...
This might be considered a drunk post but before I forget. Someone remind me later to explain that Sabor margaritas are not all the same!!! The bar outside does not have the capability to make the same amazing margaritas as the restaurant bar!!!


Very much appreciate this advise! I love margaritas and we're going to have the Platinum drink package (not coffee drinkers) on our cruise on 9/10, so awesome that they're included!!


Yes I did have the jalapeño cucumber margarita and it was amazing, however, the staple, and my reason for posting half drunk tonight is the perfecto!! Which is OMG good!!


Oh, I can't wait to try these!! Well, not the jalapeno (I'm not a spice-y kind of girl ;)), but the perfecto for sure!


So - as I said in the title, I'm only halfway through page 12 of this thread, so I haven't even gotten to the bulk of the actual cruise report, but I am SO LOVING this review! And I'll have to get signed up on this periscope thing you all keep mentioning. But unfortunately I really need to get back to work right now. :( Be back soon!! I cruise on Oasis in just 23 days!

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This has been a great trip & cruise report. We are going on the Oasis in December, so it's been a pleasure reading your report.


Your writing is creative and funny. You could write a book about being the geeky dad of two teenage girls - kind of a male Erma Bombeck. You have a similar style.

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