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Nov 20 Pacific Sun


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Was about to put money down for this cruise today and heard that it was a Schollies Cruise from another travel line. Cruise mart has assured me that it is not Does anybody know.I am a first timer and very nervous and my friend wont come of it is a schollies cruise as we are 35 .

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Was about to put money down for this cruise today and heard that it was a Schollies Cruise from another travel line. Cruise mart has assured me that it is not Does anybody know.I am a first timer and very nervous and my friend wont come of it is a schollies cruise as we are 35 .

Yes I reckon this is a schoolies cruise.This cruise is missing from the brochure from past times they have been the schoolies ones.There is a special brochure printed for them,I saw one once in a TA.Check one out to see.I would be giving it a miss

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you may be in luck with this one.

I was speaking to a lady about my cruise and she said she worked in a travel agents. They had a really cheap cruise on offer. (i was going to post about it but didnt have any details and might have been untrue). anyway she said as one cruise for schoolies booked out so fast, they decided to put another one on but that didnt sell as well. Now they have to offload a lot of cabins. I am not sure if a lot of schoolies are still on it or not.It could also be the cruise you are talking about is the main schoolies one, but i thought that was sold out. i would be checking again to make sure.

She said the price was less than $900


good luck


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I have the schoolies brochure in front of me and the 20th of November is a schoolies cruise.


schoolies cruises listed are:

Pacific Sun - N535 - 20 November

Pacific Sky - P540 - 27 November

Pacific Sun - N536 - 29 November

Pacific Sky - P541 - 6 December

Pacific Sun - N537 - 8 December


Hope this helps


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N535 is a Schoolies Cruise. I've seen a special advertised for 17-19 year olds only for that cruise.


N536 is a special cruise hosted by John Burgess (of Wheel of Fortune fame/infamey).


This would fit with what Karon said about hearing that one of the Schoolies cruises has been cancelled.









I have the schoolies brochure in front of me and the 20th of November is a schoolies cruise.


schoolies cruises listed are:

Pacific Sun - N535 - 20 November

Pacific Sky - P540 - 27 November

Pacific Sun - N536 - 29 November

Pacific Sky - P541 - 6 December

Pacific Sun - N537 - 8 December


Hope this helps


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My daughter who will be 16 in the new year has mentioned that she doesnt wish to go to schoolies on the Gold Coast ( we live 35 minutes away) and we are happy about that. She wants to go on the schoolies cruise in 2 yrs.She is now finishing Yr 10. Hubby said he would prefer her on a normal cruise not the schoolies cruise. What do you think?

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Congratulations to your daugther for not wanting to go to the Gold Coast - she must be a very smart girl.


I guess I'm just getting old (33) but a schoolies cruise would be my idea of hell..... I don't think even when I was leaving school I would have wanted to do that.


I think the better option would be for your whole family to go on a non-schoolies cruise at the end of your daughters schooling - that way you can all celebrate



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My daughter who will be 16 in the new year has mentioned that she doesnt wish to go to schoolies on the Gold Coast ( we live 35 minutes away) and we are happy about that. She wants to go on the schoolies cruise in 2 yrs.She is now finishing Yr 10. Hubby said he would prefer her on a normal cruise not the schoolies cruise. What do you think?


Im 16 too, im thinking about a schoolies cruise next year, i finish year 12 then.. but i doubt dad will let me cause i wont be 18 :mad:

a normal cruise would probably be better anyways.. she can still have a great time partying all night, im thinking there would be too many d*** head boys on there wanting a F***.. sorry about the language.. but even on a normal cruise its still like that just less of it.. no matter what she will have a great time.. the advantage if u went is she would never run out of money!!:p

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My daughter who will be 16 in the new year has mentioned that she doesnt wish to go to schoolies on the Gold Coast ( we live 35 minutes away) and we are happy about that. She wants to go on the schoolies cruise in 2 yrs.She is now finishing Yr 10. Hubby said he would prefer her on a normal cruise not the schoolies cruise. What do you think?


I think this whole schoolies thing is a baaaad idea! Most kids that age are too irresponsible to be away from home with hundreds of other teenagers. My oldest is in year 9 and I dread when the time comes because there is no way would I want him going away with all those kids and no adult supervision. Not that he's irresponsible but no matter how good a kid they are, get them with the wrong crowd and you don't know what will happen. In most cases it's not your child you have to worry about, it's all the idiots out there and while they're not all idiots it only takes a few to spoil it for everyone else. I'm very old fashioned when it comes to this sort of thing and whilst some people think I'm too strict with my kids, I look at them & compare them to all the other kids I know and I think I'm doing the right thing by them. I have 3 great kids. (Not perfect-but great!)



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Karen, I agree with you totally and I to have 3 great children who I adore and when I was reading your post it is exactly what I would have written.

My daughter has an aquired brain injury and she is so vulnerable. I am also a VERY over protective mother but I also allow freedom but within limits. I have never been fond of schoolies either. I have done a great job raising my kids and I also know I have done a good job when looking at other kids their ages. I think the idea of taking her on a celebratory cruise with us would be the best idea. Not to say that she couldnt have her friends come along and they stay in their own cabin! At least I was onboard somewhere to keep an eye on things. We are very close. I would hate for something to happen to her.

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I'm glad someone agrees with me Anissa. I have quite a few friends (including my best friend) who think I'm an "old fuddy duddy" when it comes to my kids but I can assure you that my kids don't disrespect me the way their kids do them. I give them their freedom but I set limits as I believe you have to to gain respect.


PS. Only 12 days to go, you lucky thing.



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My sentiments exactly. My 18 year old talked of doing a schoolies cruise last year for this year until we heard (rumour) that the last lot of schoolies on the Sky were appalling and a disgrace. The same of it all is that it is only a few, but it's those few that completely wreck it for everyone else. I've heard some horror stories on these cruises and frankly I'm surprised they still run them.

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Yes , I'm surprised they still run them too. Same with the hotels up on The Gold Coast. If I owned a hotel there's no way in the world I would let be taken over by a huge bunch of 17 & 18 year olds.

As for the schoolies cruise, I think I'd be paranoid about my child ending up overboard. When kids (and they are only kids) that age get a few drinks in them, anything can happen. Personally, I think schoolies week should be banned alltogether.



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Ok as a youngish male (25) I feel I need to stick up for some of the youngsters.

It was not that long ago that I was that age and I know how it feels to be excited about finishing school. It is a big step in their lives and they are now legally adults (most of them). I think the under 18's should be restricted a bit more (and that would have affected me being a Feb birthday). In fact it was the reason i didnt go as i was underage to get into the clubs.

But at 18 they are adults and need to be treated like them.

So i dont think banning the schoolies thing is resonable idea.


From what I've herd from younger friends who have been in the last few years things have gotten a lot more controlled up on the GC. A lot less underage drinking and violence.


However I also work as a DJ in Sydney and let me tell you its not just events like these where things get out of control. And its not just 18-19 year olds. I have seen plenty of 20 somethings and even 30 somethings have bar fights and get out of control after to much drinking or drugs.


So before everyone is quick to dismiss these things remember that everyone was young once and everyone deserves a coming of age experience.


I think the most important thing parents can do is trust their children and trust that their children will make the right choices and decisions.


Ok im getting off my soap box now.





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Hi Dan. I can understand what your saying and yes I was young once and wild at the best of times. The difference is that back in the 80's alot of things were different. It was safer to go out to bars etc and I am not saying that things didnt happen than. They did! but it wasnt as many types of drugs as there are now etc also we now have internet predators as well. So whos to say that they didnt meet up with someone from the net on the cruise or schoolies and something bad happened. It happens all the time.


I would however like to thank you all for your comments on this. I know where my thoughts lie when it comes to my daughter and her safety.


Only living 35 minutes away from the Gold Coast they say they have calmed things down with the schoolies but it isnt as clean cut as they are saying.


With the cruise I would also be worried about drinking and going overboard it only happened this year when someone in Brisbane went overboard.

Yes, when youre 18 and coming of age you want to go and party but I do believe that not all are bad but with some influence kids can make some choices they will regret later.


I would not allow my 17yr old daughter on board a schoolies cruise. When she is 18 she can make her own choices but I would still steer in the direction of taking a cruise with a family member onboard at least knowing she could always come to us if she needed to. I would allow her freedom as she would deserve but be there if need be. The same would go for a holiday somewhere. I trust her its others that I can have a problem with but it all comes down to the choices she makes in life and we all make mistakes. I guess what I am trying to say is that I would try to deter a possible "bad" situation by giving her the option of a schools out cruise or schoolies week.


From what I can gathere and forgive me if I am but schoolies appears to be just an excuse for kids to go and out drink themselves into the gutter and sleep with as many people as they can. I could think of better things to do with your money but I know when we are young some dont know what the meaning is.


This is a very delicate posting! Each for their all! We all make our own choices and we would hope they all turnt out to plan.


Take care and have a great day!

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Hi Anissa,


I guess being so close you probably know more about what goes on during schoolies on the Gold Coast then I would.


I guess the school leavers feel the need to get away from the parental controls and let their hair down. This isnt always a bad thing. But i do agree that it can be!


Whilst I do conceed that stuff happens and whether it be a cruise or a week on the gold coast or a holiday anywhere. I guess the point im making is that it could happen anywhere. Hell it could even happen on a cruise with your parents. Or on a night out in the city.


The main point i want to make is that people are all to quick these days to "ban" things as soon as it goes against what they believe. I dont want the schoolies cruises banned or schoolies week on the GC banned.


Im sure there are plenty of teenages who go on these and dont have any problems, but its a minority thing. Its the classic "one bad apple to spoil the bunch".


I think by the time your kids have reached 18 they should hopefully be responsible enough to drink responsibly (and take care of their friends that wont) and make the right decisions. After all at 18 you should have done all your growing up and should literally be making your own life.


I guess it depends on the individual person. But I would like to think that being able to trust your child to go on a schoolies week or cruise and know that they will be ok would be a credit to you as a parent.


I have had my fair share of wild nights in the city, holidays to various destinations and even cruises. (Hell my last 2 cruises were both wild and I was 24!!) but still like to think I turned out ok.





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Hi Dan


Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at anyone. I was also young once (too long ago!). When I left school there was no such thing as schoolies week but we still went out & partied, we just did it someones house. All I'm trying to say is that if you're somewhere where there's hundreds or thousand of other teenagers it's always likely that you can get caught up in something when you're actually just an innocent bystander. If my child said he wanted to go away with friends for a week to celebrate end of school and it was just them and they were going anywhere except GC, I wouldn't have a problem. But if they wanted to go to where all the other schoolies are then I might. I don't really know until the time comes (3 years away yet) and by then I may be more than willing to let him go. However, as he won't turn 18 until mid December, he will be underage so that of course is a problem. If he continues the way he's going now, I know I won't have a problem trusting him, but who knows what the next 3 years will bring. I just have to keep my fingers crossed and keep on doing whatever I'm doing now because he's a great kid.



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I wouldnt want them to ban schoolies cruises or weeks etc. They are important and yes I know for sure my daughter would not want me around all the time. I guess I am speaking from myself being a worried protective mother and we still have 2 more years to go so will see how things pan out when the time comes. Have to let go sometime I know.


I guess the other thing is I am 33 and my daughter is turning 16 in March and It wasnt that long ago that I was 16 and I wouldnt want my daughter to make the same mistakes I did. Come to think of it though we didnt have the option of schoolies etc nor could my family afford to send me. I have always encouraged our children about travel and seeing the world and what a bettr way to do it via cruise so I can say there are negatives and positives to this whole 'schoolies" thing!

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Can't we just keep them the age they are so we never have to worry about this sort of thing? Works for me! They grow up waaaaay too quick.



Isnt that the truth.

Today, my darling daughter said "today is my last day of being a kid"Yep tomorrow she turns 13, yet another milestone for this family.I.m glad she still sees herself as a kid!!


With regards to schoolies, I can see both sides. I went to school in the uk so we didnt have anything like schoolies (but it was YEARS ago!!)the worse thing we did was tie toilet paper around the headmasters car....wow we did live dangerously.


It is a fine line between letting our kids go and fly their precious wings and keeping them safe, especially in this increasily dangerous world.

I think we all have to do what we feel right for our own family.

In some ways i am lucky in that my son 15 isnt interested in having a good time (not yet anyway). On our cruise he spent most of the time with his dad and also as a family.

I also think a cruise may be a safer option as they are on a confined vessle with limited people. Also older people are banned which i feel are mainly the problem anyway. I heard they are all searched and had sniffer dogs on boarding and also more security.


I dont think we can stop schoolies, I pray all the students this year will be safe .


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Because of the differnce in schooling up here - most schoolies are only 16 or 17. The 18 year olds are mostly from interstate where the finish school later.


And the big problem on the Gold Coast isn't the schoolies themselves - it's the so called 'toolies' - all the older people that go down there with the drugs, etc and cause the problems.


While I don't have kids, if I did I certainly wouldn't be encourgaging them to go to the Gold Coast.





Ok as a youngish male (25) I feel I need to stick up for some of the youngsters.

It was not that long ago that I was that age and I know how it feels to be excited about finishing school. It is a big step in their lives and they are now legally adults (most of them). I think the under 18's should be restricted a bit more (and that would have affected me being a Feb birthday). In fact it was the reason i didnt go as i was underage to get into the clubs.

But at 18 they are adults and need to be treated like them.

So i dont think banning the schoolies thing is resonable idea.


From what I've herd from younger friends who have been in the last few years things have gotten a lot more controlled up on the GC. A lot less underage drinking and violence.


However I also work as a DJ in Sydney and let me tell you its not just events like these where things get out of control. And its not just 18-19 year olds. I have seen plenty of 20 somethings and even 30 somethings have bar fights and get out of control after to much drinking or drugs.


So before everyone is quick to dismiss these things remember that everyone was young once and everyone deserves a coming of age experience.


I think the most important thing parents can do is trust their children and trust that their children will make the right choices and decisions.


Ok im getting off my soap box now.





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look, im so sorry if i sound rude here.. but.. everyone learns from mistakes.. do you really know well enough into your 15 or 16 year old if they do nothing? not saying they are going out doing bad stuff.. but most are interested in doing things.. anything on a schoolies cruise can happen on a normal cruise.. anything can really happen anywhere.. just try 2 think back when you were young.. i dont think anyone is as sheltered as they say they were.. while your young just go out and have a great time.. it doesnt mean drugs have to be involved but you only live once:)

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Hi Luvvin. I would like to mention about being sheltered. I never once said I was. I would like to clear that one up. I dont think my daughter is perfect as no one is. I wouldnt know what she has done apart from what she has told me. Correct we all make mistakes and by goodness I have made far to many let me tell you. I could write many a story about my teens. I had my daughter just after my 18th birthday. All I can say is I have always wanted my children to grow up better than I did and not make the mistakes I did and so far so good but they are still young.


Life is about making choices and mistakes along the way this is how we become who we are later in life. I agree that anything can happen whether it is in the GC or a schoolies cruise or even the cruise we are about to go on.


Have enjoyed this reading peoples comments but I am going to be writing about more relevant cruise agendas from here on end. I am just so excited about our upcoming cruise in 12 days.


Have a great night! Happy schoolies to all young people

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