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Weather in Caribbean


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*Caribbean Islands overview*


28th NOVEMBER 2016


Max °C Min °C Rain (mm) Location

28.1 19.2 - Nassau Int. Bahamas(7m)

29.4 22.3 - Grand Cayman Int Owen Roberts(3m)

30.1 23.5 - Montego Bay, Jamaica (3m)

29.6 22.2 - Punta Cana(12m) Dom Rep

27.8 x 5.8 C. Amalie/Truman St. Thomas US(67m)

30.3 21.9 - Belize Int(5m)

26.8 22.4 - St. Kitts/Golden Rock(48m)

26.7 x 36.6 Nevis (17m)

25.6 21.7 39.0 Antigua/Vc Bird Int(14m)

27.6 22.2 35.5 St. Maarten/Juliana Air(9m)

26.3 22.3 82.6 Guadeloupe/La Raizet(11m)

30.3 22.5 47.2 Marinique/La Lementin(7m)

29.6 23.3 55.0 St Lucia/Vigie(2m)

30.4 24.8 30.5 St Vincent/Arnos Vale(5m)

30.2 x 0.6 Barbados/Grantley Adams(50m)

30.0 25.1 2.1 Grenada/Point Salines Int(7m)

31.0 26.5 3.3 Tobago/Crown Port Aero(6m)

32.6 25.4 2.7 Trinidad/Piarco Int(15m)

30.7 26.1 1.0 Aruba/Q Beatrix(3m)

29.8 24.0 12.8 Curacao/Hato Aero(67m)

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Camera gear and rain do not mix very well :D


Nor, we found, does camera gear and air con! In the Caribbean last Christmas, my husband had big problems with his digital SLR fogging up and taking ages to clear when we went from ship to land. The excess moisture meant some of the controls stopped working for a while until it dried out! :eek:

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Nor, we found, does camera gear and air con! In the Caribbean last Christmas, my husband had big problems with his digital SLR fogging up and taking ages to clear when we went from ship to land. The excess moisture meant some of the controls stopped working for a while until it dried out! :eek:


Thanks for this info. We'll bear it in mind :(

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We just used a cheapish Nikon waterproof pocket camera. Not the best when compared to my SLR but light and I was able to take it everywhere.


Looking at the weather since we got back on Saturday it seems we chose the best fortnight for our trip, we had beautiful weather nearly every day. Only time it really rained was at Amber Cove.

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The weather currently being experienced in the Caribbean is wetter than usual for Nov/ Dec. We returned on the 26th Nov, friends are on Azura now and friends left Azura as we boarded, other friends are on Britannia.



Edited by cruisebore
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The weather currently being experienced in the Caribbean is wetter than usual for Nov/ Dec. We returned on the 26th Nov, friends are on Azura now and friends left Azura as we boarded, other friends are on Britannia.




Normal service has now been resumed in the Caribbean, as far as the weather is concerned after the last couple of weeks of wetter than normal weather. The hurricane season is all but over so the Caribbean will now be entering it's calmer and drier, still with tropical showers, winter season, although not winter as we think of it ;) This can be clearly seen on the satellite animation:




Yesterdays weather looks just wonderful now around the Caribbean and should stay so for the most until next April/May:


*Caribbean Islands overview*


3rd DECEMBER 2016


Max °C Min °C Rain (mm) Location

25.3 x - Nassau Int. Bahamas(7m)

31.2 26.4 - Grand Cayman Int Owen Roberts(3m)

31.0 24.2 - Montego Bay, Jamaica (3m)

30.2 22.0 TR Punta Cana(12m) Dom Rep

30.6 25.0 - C. Amalie/Truman St. Thomas US(67m)

30.3 23.5 TR Belize Int(5m)

30.3 25.0 - St. Kitts/Golden Rock(48m)

x x - Nevis (17m)

28.9 25.4 1.3 Antigua/Vc Bird Int(14m)

29.7 26.8 - St. Maarten/Juliana Air(9m)

29.9 22.3 0.4 Guadeloupe/La Raizet(11m)

30.5 23.0 - Marinique/La Lementin(7m)

30.7 23.8 - St Lucia/Vigie(2m)

30.5 24.7 - St Vincent/Arnos Vale(5m)

29.7 24.2 - Barbados/Grantley Adams(50m)

30.4 24.9 1.9 Grenada/Point Salines Int(7m)

31.9 25.1 1.2 Tobago/Crown Port Aero(6m)

32.1 23.4 TR Trinidad/Piarco Int(15m)

32.2 28.0 - Aruba/Q Beatrix(3m)

31.1 26.3 0.1 Curacao/Hato Aero(67m)


Keith (Southend)

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  • 3 weeks later...

A bit damp in St Maarten yesterday apparently...


*Caribbean Islands overview*


18th DECEMBER 2016


Max °C Min °C Rain (mm) Location

29.4 24.0 - Nassau Int. Bahamas(7m)

30.0 25.5 - Grand Cayman Int Owen Roberts(3m)

31.5 24.9 - Montego Bay, Jamaica (3m)

29.6 22.6 - Punta Cana(12m) Dom Rep

30.6 23.3 3.8 C. Amalie/Truman St. Thomas US(67m)

30.7 25.8 - Belize Int(5m)

30.4 24.2 - St. Kitts/Golden Rock(48m)

30.3 24.0 2.0 Nevis (17m)

28.7 23.4 4.5 Antigua/Vc Bird Int(14m)

29.1 23.1 101.0 St. Maarten/Juliana Air(9m)

29.9 22.7 4.2 Guadeloupe/La Raizet(11m)

29.8 22.9 19.7 Marinique/La Lementin(7m)

28.6 24.0 6.9 St Lucia/Vigie(2m)

29.5 23.6 29.9 St Vincent/Arnos Vale(5m)

29.2 24.2 6.9 Barbados/Grantley Adams(50m)

30.5 24.3 0.6 Grenada/Point Salines Int(7m)

31.8 24.8 - Tobago/Crown Port Aero(6m)

31.4 22.5 - Trinidad/Piarco Int(15m)

30.6 24.9 14.0 Aruba/Q Beatrix(3m)

30.0 24.9 1.7 Curacao/Hato Aero(67m)


Keith (Southend)

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Caribbean Islands overview*


30th DECEMBER 2016


Max °C Min °C Rain (mm) Location

25.8 17.2 - Nassau Int. Bahamas(7m)

29.0 24.8 - Grand Cayman Int Owen Roberts(3m)

30.2 22.5 TR Montego Bay, Jamaica (3m)

29.2 20.6 - Punta Cana(12m) Dom Rep

28.3 22.8 - C. Amalie/Truman St. Thomas US(67m)

28.4 22.4 3.8 Belize Int(5m)

29.4 25.4 - St. Kitts/Golden Rock(48m)

29.7 24.9 - Nevis (17m)

28.0 24.1 18.6 Antigua/Vc Bird Int(14m)

28.6 24.8 5.5 St. Maarten/Juliana Air(9m)

29.4 20.7 - Guadeloupe/La Raizet(11m)

30.1 24.6 - Marinique/La Lementin(7m)

30.5 25.3 - St Lucia/Vigie(2m)

30.0 26.0 0.1 St Vincent/Arnos Vale(5m)

29.2 24.2 - Barbados/Grantley Adams(50m)

29.2 23.9 1.2 Grenada/Point Salines Int(7m)

29.0 23.5 5.5 Tobago/Crown Port Aero(6m)

30.0 23.6 8.2 Trinidad/Piarco Int(15m)

29.8 25.6 5.0 Aruba/Q Beatrix(3m)

29.3 24.7 - Curacao/Hato Aero(67m)

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Under 4 weeks to go now and the weather out there looks just fine. Some wet weather ran through St Lucia and St Vincent yesterday to bring in the new year.


*Caribbean Islands overview*


1st JANUARY 2017


Max °C Min °C Rain (mm) Location

28.7 x - Nassau Int. Bahamas(7m)

29.8 24.0 - Grand Cayman Int Owen Roberts(3m)

31.5 23.8 - Montego Bay, Jamaica (3m)

28.5 23.0 - Punta Cana(12m) Dom Rep

30.0 24.4 - C. Amalie/Truman St. Thomas US(67m)

29.1 20.5 1.0 Belize Int(5m)

29.5 24.3 - St. Kitts/Golden Rock(48m)

29.3 25.4 - Nevis (17m)

27.7 23.6 TR Antigua/Vc Bird Int(14m)

28.8 23.9 TR St. Maarten/Juliana Air(9m)

28.9 21.2 0.4 Guadeloupe/La Raizet(11m)

28.8 23.3 23.0 Marinique/La Lementin(7m)

26.8 23.4 37.7 St Lucia/Vigie(2m)

28.8 24.4 24.9 St Vincent/Arnos Vale(5m)

28.6 23.5 2.5 Barbados/Grantley Adams(50m)

30.1 23.3 - Grenada/Point Salines Int(7m)

30.8 23.1 TR Tobago/Crown Port Aero(6m)

31.5 20.4 - Trinidad/Piarco Int(15m)

30.2 25.5 - Aruba/Q Beatrix(3m)

29.4 24.5 1.9 Curacao/Hato Aero(67m)



Keith (Southend):)

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Caribbean Islands overview*


14th JANUARY 2017


Max °C Min °C Rain (mm) Location

26.8 20.1 - Nassau Int. Bahamas(7m)

27.9 23.9 - Grand Cayman Int Owen Roberts(3m)

28.2 22.4 - Montego Bay, Jamaica (3m)

28.2 20.0 14.4 Punta Cana(12m) Dom Rep

28.9 22.8 1.0 C. Amalie/Truman St. Thomas US(67m)

30.1 23.1 17.8 Belize Int(5m)

28.1 22.1 - St. Kitts/Golden Rock(48m)

27.7 24.0 5.9 Nevis (17m)

27.1 21.2 2.9 Antigua/Vc Bird Int(14m)

28.4 24.1 2.2 St. Maarten/Juliana Air(9m)

28.0 19.2 6.0 Guadeloupe/La Raizet(11m)

28.8 19.4 11.4 Marinique/La Lementin(7m)

27.9 22.0 4.9 St Lucia/Vigie(2m)

28.5 21.1 - St Vincent/Arnos Vale(5m)

28.7 21.2 - Barbados/Grantley Adams(50m)

29.0 20.8 TR Grenada/Point Salines Int(7m)

29.1 23.0 - Tobago/Crown Port Aero(6m)

31.5 19.3 - Trinidad/Piarco Int(15m)

29.7 23.1 1.8 Aruba/Q Beatrix(3m)

29.1 24.5 2.2 Curacao/Hato Aero(67m)

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Another update...


*Caribbean Islands overview*


18th JANUARY 2017


Max °C Min °C Rain (mm) Location

28.1 18.3 - Nassau Int. Bahamas(7m)

29.2 23.3 - Grand Cayman Int Owen Roberts(3m)

30.2 21.6 0.4 Montego Bay, Jamaica (3m)

28.0 16.7 - Punta Cana(12m) Dom Rep

27.8 20.0 - C. Amalie/Truman St. Thomas US(67m)

29.6 23.6 0.1 Belize Int(5m)

28.5 23.6 - St. Kitts/Golden Rock(48m)

27.8 22.5 - Nevis (17m)

27.2 23.1 0.2 Antigua/Vc Bird Int(14m)

27.8 22.7 - St. Maarten/Juliana Air(9m)

28.3 19.2 TR Guadeloupe/La Raizet(11m)

28.4 24.0 1.6 Marinique/La Lementin(7m)

28.5 23.8 - St Lucia/Vigie(2m)

29.3 23.4 2.8 St Vincent/Arnos Vale(5m)

26.2 22.2 1.4 Barbados/Grantley Adams(50m)

26.7 21.9 3.6 Grenada/Point Salines Int(7m)

27.5 23.5 0.5 Tobago/Crown Port Aero(6m)

30.7 21.6 - Trinidad/Piarco Int(15m)

29.1 22.9 5.6 Aruba/Q Beatrix(3m)

28.7 23.4 1.3 Curacao/Hato Aero(67m)



Keith (Southend)

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