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Viking China


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I was trying to forget about our missed flight but since Marlene mentioned it... There was a two hour weather delay getting into Chicago for most flights but apparently, no delay getting out??? The United Beijing flight left leaving 100 passengers behind! Then they couldn't even get us on the Chicago flight the next day and sent us on to San Francisco (it was overbooked) then to Beijing. Others on the tour were routed different ways. From the time we left Delaware until we arrived in Beijing 56 hours had passed.


Anyway, I called Viking to let them know our new flight plan(used the 800 #) They were great. As soon as we arrived at baggage pick-up there was someone holding a sign with our name on it. He took us directly to the Peking duck dinner and opera with our luggage. Other people didn't call Viking. They thought they would know about the changes??? Viking just sent a small van because they were only expecting us. The guide did make sure those people got taxis to take them to the hotel. Anyway, if you do miss your flight call Viking.

Oh, and we enjoyed the Peking Opera.


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can you dine at any time 24/7 or are the dining times restricted, and how many dining rooms on the gemini, also looking at cabin 6014 or 6010 any prefrence to each other. also how early should you board in singapore as they don't leave till 6pm



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My experience with Money in China.


First of all I took plenty of cash, large bills for tipping and about 550 in small, 250. in AE travelers cheques, my ATM and charge.


At our first hotel I decided I wanted some RMB so I exchanged a $50 dollar TC, no problem, rate 7.9556 = a.75 commission, fair enough. I planned to deal with US dollars and my charge for most purchases. Most merchants and street vendors gave you an exchange anywhere from 7.8 to 8.0. Many used calulators to show you the cost in US dollars. Others I just told them what I wanted to pay in US and we negoiated from there.

Many in our group keep on getting RMB either at banks or ATMs, so many chose to deal in the local currency all the time. I would suggest dealing in both for smaller purchases.


However the reason I am writing this is to let you know what happens on the ship, as I asked this question before I left and no one answered it.

I choose to pay my Ship board account with US cash, the exchange rate was 7.2.

A freind who paid theirs with charge and added his tips was told he also would get a 7.2 exchange rate. This didn't surprise me. You see vendors can set a "reasonable" exchange rate for your CC, I figured they would do this on the ship.You see they do the conversion, not your bank...it is possible though, that this might save you a foreign exchange fee.


Another experience I ran into..at the Museum...I was purchasing something for 6800. RMB I asked him how much in US cash he told me with using a calulator $98......you do the math, only 7.0. I paid with charge and will be interested to see what my exchange rate is, it has to be better than what he said, but then again......My receipt does show 6800 RMB.


I always had to ask for receipts even at the upscale stores they just didn't think you wanted them.


Just though I would pass my money experiences along.

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Cynthia...thank you for all youg insights. When we feel we can't stand one more minute on our flights, we will think of your 56 hour ordeal.


Lori..we appreciate the $$ advice.


Marlene..your commentary on everything was perfect!!! It even convinced my husband he could do the Peking Opera!


Question....did you run across "designer" bags, jewelry, scarfs, linens to buy?? I thoroughly understand this is touring, not shopping, but I've been reading about the deals to be had...just wondering if you ran across them (without too much searching out).


We leave in 6 days.....can't believe it's almost here....remember when you were in my position!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm glad Lori posted these tips. We took loads of small US bills and used up most of them.


I got Yuan (RMBs) at an ATM when leaving the airport. We didn't arrange our flights and pickup through Viking so needed them for the taxi. Bank charged $5 per transaction fee so get plenty when you use an ATM! The rate I got was 7.95 or so, before the fee.


Dollars and Yuan were pretty much interchangeable. I just got my credit card bills and the exchange rate was about 7.9 per $1 (+ credit card fees of about 3%, unless you have Capital One, which charges no fees).


We paid our ship biill with the card and the exchange rate was pretty comparable to other rates. Strange that the conversion for cash would be so much less! You'd think it would be the other way around.


Personally, I would not bother with traveler's checks.


Another warning to support Lori's re: merchant conversion rates....I was buying 2 jade bracelets I liked in the Terra Cotta Warrior Museum store--great shop, by the way. I had agreed on $40 per bangle (top quality jade at the jade factory they took us to was $150-200 per bangle, and I wasn't interested in paying that!) When they calculated the rate in Yaun, they said 720--which was $90. I said no, you said $80. The girl replied, "My English isn't so good, I meant $90, and really should be $95"--as if she was giving me some great deal anyway. i said no, you said $80, and we went back and forth. I held firm--and got my price. So they will try all sorts of tricks. be careful! And don't hesitate to walk away. You can always go back--or buy at the next place if you are in a market with lots of vendors.


The stalls at the Great Wall were good, and the first such "bazaar" we visited. I liked to batch purchases where possible to get "quantity discounts" if possible. I wanted Chinese PJs for my granddaughters so started at one stall for those. They kept bringing out other things to offer me, so I ended up buying a lot from them: 3 pairs Pjs, a child's t-shirt, 3 sets placemats w/chopsticks, 2 'silk' kimonos, 2 boxed sets of chopsticks, and 4 Pashmina-type shawls (marked as 70% Pashmina/30% silk, but who knows? They are very soft, though)--all for $65....the shawls were about $3 each--and as I was walking away the next vendor offered shawls for $2!


Some pricing info:

--sets of 6 placements range from $5+ each to 2 for $5. Some have napkins + chopsticks, others just chopsticks in a fancy holder.

--pillow covers: I got 5 for $10 in the Yu Bazaar in Shanghai--2 sets of 2 matching ones and 1 other one. At the silk factory in Suzhou I paid more--$6--and didn't find them until the end, they were in the last room and very nice. Unable to bargain effectively for more covers in Hong Kong; they wanted more than at the silk factory so as I said I walked out--and they didn't want to bargain more.

--cloisonne: I didn't buy jewelry, though Lori got lovely bracelets--bangles with hinges, even!--for next to nothing at the Wall vendors, I think; can't remember for sure. I wanted panda ornaments and looked long and hard for them, didn’t want to pay a lot. Finally got them in Stanley Market in HK at an out-of-the way stall--pid abut $2.50 each for the small ones (box of 10, each in a smaller box) and $3.20 for two larger ones. My persistence paid off; at other stores they wanted $4-6 each for the little ones. Check the quality; some are definitely nicer than others, regardless of price. Other types of ornaments and mini-figurines are also available. i didn't price any of the big cloisonne vases.

--tea: I forgot to buy this until we got to the airport, so I paid a premium I'm sure! I bought a few varieties that were new to me. Hope they taste good!

--Chinese style jackets: In Jingzhou, vendors swarmed around the buses as we were leaving for the Viking school visit. We really didn't have time to look/try-- get to the buses early if you are interested. We figured we could do it when we returned but the vendors didn't come back. Prices were $7-$10.


Often there were stalls/vendors right neat the boat. In Jingzhou there was on ewith a wide variety of items. I got those cute wine bottle covers that look like Chinese dresses for $1 each. Also a few stalls at one of the stops at the Three Gorges Dam--the one stop I stayed on the bus!--and the Snow Jade Cave.


At the Great Wall there are vendors along the way, and if you go to theleft and keep walking—the side that is less crowded but has no steps and is supposed to be harder to climb—there is apparently a nice gift shop that has intersting t-shirts with Chinese designs that looked hand painted.


Also--if you buy anything that is breakable, make sure the store wraps it carefully and add padding (TP and clothes work!!!). SD Ronni and TG Barbie visited me today to see my "loot" and get soem first-hand tips, and I discovered that some of my jade chopsticks had broken...probably not of real jade, as jade is supposed to be very hard. Also, two of my 6 in the porcelain set broke. All of these were boxed sets, too.


One bargaining ploy is to say, "my friend only paid x" and see what they offer. That is why I provided some “price points.” Most of the souvenir stuff I mentioned is available everywhere, at varying prices. Can't speak to quality, though it all looke pretty similar!

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Question....did you run across "designer" bags, jewelry, scarfs, linens to buy?? I thoroughly understand this is touring, not shopping, but I've been reading about the deals to be had...just wondering if you ran across them (without too much searching out).


We leave in 6 days.....can't believe it's almost here....remember when you were in my position!!!!!!!!!!


They have them at the various bazaars, especially bags. Plus vendors will swarm around the buses as you get off and board offering "Gucci' bags in one design for $3.There used to be a whole market devoted to kock offs in Shanghai but they closed it down. I didn't see th e"polo" and other clothes llike I bought in Viet Nam. But I didn't look, either.


Remember the phrase "Bu yo"--it means "I don't wnat it!" Keep repeating it, firmly. Your guides will tell you this one right way, I am sure! Dont' say "later," as they think this means you want to bargain.


The in-your-face vendors can get really annoying; you get used to them. As Lori said, it was a hoot seeing them try to sell to us as we rode through the hutongs in our rickshas. They are tireless!

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Been enjoying reading info posted on China, I'm new to this, so hope this is going to the right spot. We will be leaving for China on Oct. 17 flying into Beijing for the Cultural China tour. Have lots of questions so any fedback will be very appreciated. Was wondering on the dress in the evening for woman. Also since we will be traveling over a distance had questions about the range of temperature over the tour. Any suggestions for shopping, and wheather there are any tours you might skip and veture out on your own?



Carolny...We are on the same tour...glad to connect with someone! A little worried about the LONG flights over and back...how about you? LuAnn

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They have them at the various bazaars, especially bags. Plus vendors will swarm around the buses as you get off and board offering "Gucci' bags in one design for $3.There used to be a whole market devoted to kock offs in Shanghai but they closed it down. I didn't see th e"polo" and other clothes llike I bought in Viet Nam. But I didn't look, either.


Remember the phrase "Bu yo"--it means "I don't wnat it!" Keep repeating it, firmly. Your guides will tell you this one right way, I am sure! Dont' say "later," as they think this means you want to bargain.


The in-your-face vendors can get really annoying; you get used to them. As Lori said, it was a hoot seeing them try to sell to us as we rode through the hutongs in our rickshas. They are tireless!


I have no idea why it took me so long to find this thread!!! Guess I was just looking in the wrong places (River Cruises/China) Oh well...now I know...how was the flight over and back? I am very concerned about this..as I have arthritis (I'm just your age!) so flying is never very fun...especially long distance! Would love to hear more about your trip...maybe..since we are so close...we could get together for a drink/dinner etc. to "pick your brains"? Thanks LuAnn

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I have no idea why it took me so long to find this thread!!! Guess I was just looking in the wrong places (River Cruises/China) Oh well...now I know...how was the flight over and back? I am very concerned about this..as I have arthritis (I'm just your age!) so flying is never very fun...especially long distance! Would love to hear more about your trip...maybe..since we are so close...we could get together for a drink/dinner etc. to "pick your brains"? Thanks LuAnn

Why don't you email me at this user name at AOL and we can connect off-board about getting together. I'm leaving for the East Coast 10/5 so time is short, but let's see what we can arrange later next week perhaps. It's taken me a long time to adjust to being back and I have a lot of work still to do...


We made our own flight arrangements and used miles to upgrade to business class, so it was not too bad. We took something to help us sleep on the flights. Going over we got more sleep than returning.


How has Viking routed you? We flew SD to SFO to Beijing, then HK to SFO to SD. The other SD people in our group had to get to LA, then flew to SFO etc. TG Barbie and SD Ronni fly 9/29, Northwest from LAX to Tokyo to Beijing. I met with them on Tues.--too bad you hadn't connected with me as you could have joined us!)

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Oh my goodness!!! 2 days to go! I too, am worried about the flight. However, Viking did route us about the best they could from PDX. We go to Narita/Tokyo then on the PEK. But, if I get antsy, I'll just think about Cynthia's plight of 56 hours then I'll be thankful it's not us!!!


Thank you everyone for all your help, I feel pretty prepared. I have everything layed out, just have to get it into suitcases and hopefully have some room to spare. I always have an issue with shoes!! This time, it's what will feel good on my feet, I think I told you I broke 2 toes and a bone 4 weeks ago, and I've been worried about it healing. Our friends from SD are joining us so we'll hook up with them in Tokyo. Husband went to the bank yesterday and got more $$!!!!


After all this time, I can't believe it's almost here!!!!

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Murphey: From everything I've read YES, you need to bring your own alarm clock. Safe travels, we're right behind you...


The hotels do have them, but the ship does not, However, you can program your cabin phone to wake yuo up. We brought our own becaue we like to know what the time is in the middle of the night when we wake up. :rolleyes:


Still trying to get back into my routine...and also having no luck recovering 300+ photos from an unreadable SD card :( I've tried 3 or 4 different recovery programs. Will take it to the photo store and hope for the best...

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Hi Lu Ann, glad to find someone on the same trip, 10/17 departure from NY Tokyo to Beijing. Been away, and my husband was in the hospital for a week so just catching up on the thread. From when I saw looks like weather will be in low to hight 60's. Have you found anything on weather?

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Hi Lu Ann, glad to find someone on the same trip, 10/17 departure from NY Tokyo to Beijing. Been away, and my husband was in the hospital for a week so just catching up on the thread. From when I saw looks like weather will be in low to hight 60's. Have you found anything on weather?

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Hi Lu Ann, glad to find someone on the same trip, 10/17 departure from NY Tokyo to Beijing. Been away, and my husband was in the hospital for a week so just catching up on the thread. From when I saw looks like weather will be in low to hight 60's. Have you found anything on weather?

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The hotels do have them, but the ship does not, However, you can program your cabin phone to wake yuo up. We brought our own becaue we like to know what the time is in the middle of the night when we wake up. :rolleyes:


Still trying to get back into my routine...and also having no luck recovering 300+ photos from an unreadable SD card :( I've tried 3 or 4 different recovery programs. Will take it to the photo store and hope for the best...


You might go on-line to the web site of manufacturer of the card. They often have recovery programs available that work best with their cards.

Good luck!

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We leave two weeks from today, can't believe it's that close. After reading though the board and seeing how it seems many got sick, was wondering if anyone had any shoots before the trip. And if so what type you had?

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You might go on-line to the web site of manufacturer of the card. They often have recovery programs available that work best with their cards.

Good luck!

Thanks...I have tried multiple recovery programs and also took it to the camera store. Apparently the card is not corrupt--which means you can recover the photos--but damaged/defective; it cannot be read at all. I am contacting the manufacturer. At the very least I should get a replacement card, but that doesn't help re: my trip photos:(


However, I'm hoping to get pics from some friends on the trip; one has already agreed to send them.

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We leave two weeks from today, can't believe it's that close. After reading though the board and seeing how it seems many got sick, was wondering if anyone had any shoots before the trip. And if so what type you had?


Don and I had the first of the Hepatitis A vaccine series. But so did many others. And some drs. say that until you have the second--6 months later--you aren't fully protected. Keep using the hand sanitizer gel religiously--someone told me not to touch railings also.


Our trip seemed to have more illness than usual. On other trips people hjad only the usual Mao's revenge type of thing, and respiratory ailments from the pollution. We took Claritin or Zyrtec and Sudafed--the original versoin--to help with that.

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Hi Lu Ann, glad to find someone on the same trip, 10/17 departure from NY Tokyo to Beijing. Been away, and my husband was in the hospital for a week so just catching up on the thread. From when I saw looks like weather will be in low to hight 60's. Have you found anything on weather?


I checked Weather.com and my local newspaper weather page, and the weather is in the 80s just about everywhere during the days, Carol. It's still pretty warm now, but you won't have the 100+ temps we had in Wuhan--lucky you! It was miserable there!

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