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Adventure of the Seas - Nov 19-26th - Thanksgiving Family Cruise Review

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Hello everyone,

My family just returned from our delightful 7 night Southern Caribbean voyage on the Adventure of the Seas. This last cruise was me and my husband’s 7th and before each one I say to myself, I should write a review for CC. Then inevitably time slips away as I try to catch up all the work I left behind and I never get around to writing one. But I declare this time will be different - I plan to detail out our trip as I hope it will be enjoyable and informative to readers here as my group had some unique challenges that might help future travelers. Trying to get all of us where we need to go in one piece makes for quite the challenge at times, but I am a big planner and try to be as prepared as possible. I love cruising as well as studying and reading about cruising. I find it very relaxing to plan things out ahead – though I do not over plan what we do each day, just the logistics of our trips. I was traveling with quite the posse of folks in all ages and health levels. From my youngest who is just a few weeks over 1 and not even walking to my aging mother who had an injury recently and uses a mobility scooter to get around. As you can see my writing style can be a bit wordy, but I will try to highlight the key things that took place over the week. And if there are any questions or issues, I do not cover, feel free to ask.


Our party

Myself (36), DH (34), oldest son [DS1] (7), youngest son [DS2] (1), my mom [GM] (59) and our best friend [bF] (35) - Except the baby we have all cruised before in differing numbers. All of our trips have been with Royal Caribbean as we have always enjoyed their ships, itineraries and overall product.

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I hope everyone will indulge me as my review is really a bit more of a story telling as it helps me to remember things and sort of relive the trip. As a result there will be a bit of extra stuff about our journey to the ship and after the cruise as well.


Pre-Trip Travel Plan


We all live in NEOhio so the flights to San Juan were a bit of a challenge in terms of cost and time, especially with the return flight the weekend after the holiday. Due in part to my anxiety about missing the ship and some health issues for my DH we always fly down the day before to settle in and arrive at the ship bright and early the next morning. I was able to find really reasonable tickets out of Columbus for the day before and late the night after we get off the ship and booked a hotel stay for each of those side days as well as a park and fly in Columbus. I spent the prior week before the trip preparing my travel binder of information. I make one of these for each cruise and it is full of confirmations, maps, schedules, port info, documents, etc. If anyone would like to see more info from the binder let me know and I would be happy to share. I like being able to simply turn to the correct section and pull out the information I need at a moment’s time. Over the course of the week I did not use everything I planned out but the time and effort definitely paid off.

Edited by kasandra1679
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Nov 17th – 2 days before sailing

As I mentioned in the beginning, the flight prices out of my home airports (Cleveland or Akron/Canton – an awesome airport BTW) were way over priced I settled on the 2 hour drive southwest to Columbus. But since our flights out Friday morning were 2 hours away from our home and very early in the morning, I decided it would be a good idea to reserve a park and fly hotel. I had never tried this on any of our trips before, but I quite enjoyed the ability to wake up and be right next to the airport. I think in the future if the times line up right, I may consider the option again. The only issue was the immense quantity of stuff we were traveling with. With six in our party, 2 of which are children, packing light is not really an option. All told we had 3 suitcases, 5 carry ons, 2 car seats, 5 purses/backpacks and a mobility scooter to travel with. This meant that throughout the trip we had to be mindful of needing larger taxi vans, pursers for assistance and a constant mental tally of our stuff. Even now I have no idea how we fit it and all of us into our car for the drive down. We stayed at the Country Inn and Suites near the airport and it was a lovely night, the staff were very friendly and it was fun to relax in the pool for the evening and start our vacation even earlier.


Nov 18th – 1 day before sailing

At 4:30 in the morning, our family set off from the hotel in 2 taxi’s (for all of us and our stuff) for the airport when we hit the first snag in our trip. We almost left my mom’s scooter battery in the cab. Through a total fluke situation, my husband had needed to take the cab back to the hotel from the airport and return a second time. On a whim I decided while he was gone to rebuild my mom’s scooter for her and that is when I realized the battery was left in the cab. Thankfully, it was returned when my husband came back, all was well and we could head through the airport to our gate. Overall, I was very pleased with the patience TSA showed my family as making our way through security with a small child, a baby and someone who has trouble standing could have been a nightmare. Our flight from Columbus to JFK was fairly uneventful – our baby did the best he could but of course struggled with the wait and pressure during the end. And the same could be said for the trip from JFK to San Juan, though that flight was a bit tougher due to the length. The biggest struggle overall was the constant need to dismantle and rebuild my mom’s scooter for each leg of the trip. My advice for anyone traveling with a scooter is to invest in some sort of travel bag with wheels for it. I had a large duffle bag and it helped a little but definitely not enough. The process for picking up a cab in San Juan was surprisingly easy, even given the larger size needed for my family. I also liked having a set price determined before we left for the trip. Finally at about 6pm we arrived in our hotel for the night. I had reserved a 3 bedroom suite at the Ciqala Luxury Suites hotel. For a family traveling in close quarters on a plane for 12+ hours this was an excellent choice. The room was gigantic with a full kitchen, dining room, living room, 2 bathrooms and three bedrooms. My family loved being able to spread out and just relax for the evening. I would recommend this establishment to anyone spending a night in San Juan, just note it is kind of in a random neighborhood.

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Nov 19th – Set Sail Day!!

This was it – the day we had waited almost 600 days for – the day we walked onto the ship. Besides being our first trip to the South Caribbean and our first holiday cruise – this trip was also our first time in a suite. We had a RFS on deck 9 and I have to say we loved it and will likely only cruise in suites now if we are with family. The ease and convenience of the suite started from the moment we hit the port. After collecting all of our items from the cab and rounding up a porter, we were able to bypass some of the longer lines and head right to the passport check and onboarding process. All told the onboard process took about 40 mins and we were on board by just after noon and that included some issues related to the multiple bookings required for our room. Additionally, everyone was very helpful and patient with my mother and youngest son to make the process as easy and painless as possible for them.


First impressions

We entered the ship on deck 4 and quickly headed up to the promenade. Though nothing will top my first impression from my first cruise – this cruise my first impression was delighted and my son said wow as he saw the large blue artwork at the end of the promenade. We all headed over to the café for some pizza and a cookie. I had prepurchased the royal replenishment package for myself and my mother so I needed to head over to one of the desks selling the packages for a sticker on each of our cards. I immediately headed over to the sports bar and got us both a soda to kick off the week. We then went on our standard walk of the ship for some nice photos before the crowds hit. I could tell the ship was in a state of flux as there were folks painting, changing carpet and generally working on the ship. Overall though I think the state of ship was a bit worn but nothing cruise ruining. The new slides look like they will be super fun, the flow rider was always a hit and the new kids splash area was always busy when open.

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Thank you everyone for reading along – quick addendum to the kids splash area above. It did have a wonderful baby pool area with a turtle waterfall thing, a flower that water flowed out of and a small slide for the babies. I love when ships have a baby area and am glad it seems like more ships are getting one. It was a lovely area and the staff were really strict about not allowing any big kids in the area. My older son at one point had wanted to sit on the side of the pool like we do to watch his baby brother splash around and the pool attendant kicked him out and made him rinse off before going in the big pools. Though I felt bad for my older son since I know he had good intentions, I was pleased that the staff was being very vigilant to protect the little ones.



We were able to get into our rooms right at 2 pm and headed straight for our suite. We stayed in the RFS 9394 and were very pleased with the room. This is an aft suite with a very large balcony with a table and four chairs and two chaise lounges. When you are on the balcony there is the super structure to contend with but really it was not what I would consider overly bothersome. I loved that there was some open sky above us as we could lay out on the lounge chairs and look at the stars. However, we did notice that having the other balcony from deck ten above our living room we did hear some loud thunks and thuds when I assume they were moving the furniture around. I would have to imagine the folks down on deck 8 heard similar noises from us moving things around. The living room was a good size with lots a storage and plenty of seating for everyone to hang out. The master bedroom was very comfortable with three large closets, end tables and window. I loved having the window open at night as it let in just the right amount of light for the room. The side bedroom was a decent size and could easily sleep several children or a couple nicely. There was a vanity for the people in that room to get ready with but no television and a small closet that I would say is really only for one person. This brings me to one interesting observation I made about the suite, there really were not many drawers in the room, just lots of closets or closets with shelves. So overall plenty of storage, but if you really like drawers you are sort of out of luck. We had the two bathrooms, one with a tub, one without and I was pleased with the depth of the tub as it made bathing our baby during the week much easier. Finally was a good sized (I would say about a standard bathroom sized) walk in closet, it was nice to be able to store all our luggage there during the week. As part of our suite we had a coffee pot, a tea kettle and some bottled water. There was some confusion for us with the bottled water as we could not tell if it was included or not and the staff gave different answers from it wasn’t to it was to it would have been but only if we drank it the first day. So in the end we just left all the water alone and didn’t bother with it though we did make coffee most mornings. One other point worth mentioning was the delightful treats we received throughout the week, from fruit to desserts, about every other day something arrived.

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Day 1 Activities

After settling into our room a bit and taking a lot of photos both outside and in, my party set off to explore more of the ship and have some fun. We didn’t have our luggage yet so swimming was out of the picture but we could go play up on the sports deck so we headed there. When we passed by the Windjammer it was packed, but my mom and I did stop in to use our freestyle cups. When I had booked the drink package a few weeks prior, I didn’t think there would be freestyle machines, but I was pumped when they appeared. All week I was able to get one of my favorite things to drink, strawberry sprite, it is awesome give it a try. We tried out the new mini golf area that while definitely shoe horned into the space was still very nice and fun to play. I thought the holes were just the right level of difficulty. My only issue is a couple of times during the week when we would stop by to play (my older son loved it so we were there a lot) there would not be enough golf balls for all of us to play – sometimes there was only one available and what looked like maybe only 6 or so in use. The flowrider was not up and running yet, but that turned out to be a non-thing for us as my older son was just a hair shy of the height requirement so he could not participate. He was though old enough for the rock wall and tried that several times during the week.


Day 1 Dinner

After a few hours it was time to head to dinner (after the safety drill – a whole different issue that almost made us late for dinner), I had booked the BOGO dinner deal a few weeks prior when I thought it would include different places. That ended up not being the case and we just had dinner twice at Giovanni’s day 1 & 2. On night one we were seated towards the back and they quickly ran off to find a high chair for my youngest son and place to store my mother’s scooter so it was out of the way. I will try my best to remember what everyone ate each night and how they liked it. For our appetizers I had the caprese salad and soup of the day (a crushed lentil), DH had the ahi tuna and the pasta of the day (some type of ravioli), BF had the arugula salad and the pasta, GM had the beef carpaccio and one of the pasta types (I can’t remember), and my oldest son had the ahi tuna. All of the appetizers were wonderful expect possibly the arugula salad – my friend said it needed just a little something more so I gave her a piece of extra mozzarella from my salad to spice it up. My husband and son said the tuna was really good. For our entrée’s me, my mother and husband all had the filet – they were very good but from what the others said a touch undercooked from what was expected. They both ordered medium and said it was really more like medium rare - I ordered medium well and thought it was just right. My son ordered the grilled prawns with the fingerling potatoes instead of pureed and ate every bite plus a few bites of my steak. I can’t remember what my friend ordered but she loved it – I am sure if I saw the menu I would remember. For dessert I just shared a cookie with my son along with a cappuccino, but my family said the desserts were very good. Overall, the experience was very nice and the service was quite good though a touch slow. We did ask at the end of the meal about the chops items and was surprised there wasn’t any kind of document or statements about what chops items were available. After dinner we headed back to our room to unpack (our suitcases showed up literally as we were to be at dinner – while my mom and I were dressed ok the rest of our party were in sports clothes so it was buzzer moment) and relax, first though I had to stop by guest services and try to get my TV in the bedroom working (it gave us trouble all week). I was disappointed in guess services this week as it took multiple trips for some our issues if they were even resolved. This was first time having a bad experience with guest services and I made note of it in my survey post-cruise.

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Day 2 – St. Maarten

Our first island was the only one without a set tour (we had originally planned one on a boat but it was cancelled a few months prior) so we decided it would be a nice day for a beach day. We were pretty much the only ship in port except some smaller luxury ships. It was almost eerie how empty the beaches and port were. After a lovely breakfast in the main dining room (this was before we found out about Giovanni’s for suite guest for breakfast) where it seemed liked everyone in the dining room wanted to come over and say hi to my youngest son and try to make him smile we headed ashore. With the children traveling to some far away beach didn’t seem like a great plan so we just hopped on the water taxi and settled on the close beaches over there. It was very nice to just relax and enjoy the sunshine and water for a few hours. The weather was near perfect and the view was lovely with the different ships and mountains surrounding us. For the more adventurous types, there were jet skis for rent and some different trampoline things to use for the kids. One of the local restaurants had a nice drink deal and were able to get several drinks in a bucket of ice for $10 to keep us hydrated for the day. I have been to St. Maarten a couple of times now and will admit I never make it that far from the beach. At about 1:30 our littlest one had had his fill of beach time and started to freak out (throughout the week this was theme – he has about a 2.5 hr tolerance for any one thing) so we all headed back to the ship as we were all tired. After cleaning up in the suite (the bathtub was so awesome here) we all headed to the Windjammer for lunch. I have always liked the Windjammer for lunch as the variety and speed is appreciated. I would say during the week the food was always good, hot and somewhat varied. They seemed to have a set number of types of food, but different options within those groups each day. We then headed back to the room for a short nap before walking around the ship for some fun.


Day 2 – Dinner

As I said before dinner was planned to be in Giovanni’s again this evening. Since it was a formal night we all put on our nice clothes including my adorable onsie for the baby with fake suspenders and a bowtie. We then headed for a quiet moment in the concierge lounge. I really enjoyed this venue as even though it did not have any windows it was still a nice calm place to sit and have something to drink, a nibble of food or a nice moment to yourself. The concierge Ryno was wonderful all week and very helpful when we had questions or concerns. When we got Giovanni’s the staff had already set up a table for us with a highchair and convenient access for my mom. I was quite impressed that our waiter from the night before had already memorized our drink orders and other small things. We ordered one of those larger antipasti planks for the table. It was full of all kind of goodies for everyone to enjoy and I would recommend it for a group dining together. For dinner this night, I had the same thing as before only with minestrone soup instead of lentil and my son had the same meal as well. My mother only changed up her appetizer to the Chops shrimp cocktail and my husband added a shrimp cocktail to his meal and opted for a lighter pasta entrée as well. My friend had the gnocchis and pork for dinner, she was not terrible wild on the pork and really should have asked for a different selection after a few bites. Overall though it was a lovely meal again and the service was top notch this night (even the time lags from before were resolved). After finishing our coffee and wines we headed back to the room to regroup and plan out the rest of the night. My friend and I went down to the promenade to shop a bit and walk around, while my husband took the boys to the sports deck for some late night mini golf. After watching the game a bit on the big screen we all headed back to the room to just enjoy the stars from our balcony before heading to bed.

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Following along, we were on the ship with you :)


In general we found the cruise to be ok, we had a decent time but it fell short of our expectations. The maintenance/drydock issues in general bugged us more than they seem to have bugged you so far :) Wont hijack your thread complaining though.

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Following along, we were on the ship with you :)


In general we found the cruise to be ok, we had a decent time but it fell short of our expectations. The maintenance/drydock issues in general bugged us more than they seem to have bugged you so far :) Wont hijack your thread complaining though.


Overall we did have a really nice time but it was definitely not without issue. I agree there was something off about this week - though for us we couldn't really pin down why or what it was. My next write up really details some of the problems we had during the week.

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Day 3 – St Kitts

Day 3 (during the day) was overall an awesome day with one major exception – our toilets! – starting on day 2 our smaller bathroom toilet stopped flushing for a short time but the crew were able to remedy it rather quickly. However, on day 3 things really went awry – our toilets stopped flushing about 10 times over the course of the day. Sometimes it was one toilet, sometimes it was both, sometimes they would randomly flush or flush like 10 mins after we hit the button. It was making us a bit nuts as toilets are something I highly value about modern life. I hit my limit when I ended up needing to go up two flights to the 11th deck next to the ice cream machine in my ninja turtle pajamas, bathrobe, and flip flops to use the bathroom – not my standard vacation plan. Overall, I was starting to get annoyed with the issues in our room as at this point our TV is still wasn’t working and the air conditioning in the main bedroom wasn’t working either in addition to our toilet problems. Thankfully by day end most of the issues would be resolved but the repeated conversations needed to do so were disappointing for us.


This morning we headed up to the Windjammer and got breakfast then headed over to Giovannis to sit down. Now I had thought that as suite guests Giovannis just offered us a nice place to sit without the drama of finding a table in the Windjammer, but it turned out way better. They had a full spread similar to the main dining room only fresher and faster with fantastic service. From then on we ate breakfast every morning there and were pleased that after the first day a table was always ready for us with high chair and easy access for mom. After breakfast we were able to go on a short bridge tour which I found very fascinating and was super appreciative of Ryno for setting up. My son and I had to head out a just a few minutes early from the tour to head to our excursion – the dolphin experience. If someone reading is unsure about this tour I highly recommend it – my son and I had the most awesome time and he is still talking about how amazing it was to hold a dolphin. While we were off with the dolphins my husband, younger son and friend went on a self-paced walking tour I found through some google searching. They said the area was quite lovely and enjoyed being able to walk slowly and read a bit about the island’s history as they went. Our friend then went on the rum tasting tour and said it was very good time and value. My older son and I returned from our tour at about 1pm and were hungry so we headed over with my mother for a nice meal at the Windjammer – with so few sea days on this trip the Windjammer never seemed to have the total lunch rush madness I have seen on some other cruises. After lunch, my husband took my son to go on the flowrider (which he wasn’t allowed) so instead they swam around the pool. Meanwhile the rest of us hung out in the suite and enjoyed the view of the island (we had backed into this port so our aft balcony had a lovely view). When everyone returned we stayed out on the balcony to watch the sail away until it was time to get ready for dinner. After a quick stop in the lounge for drink and treat we headed down to our first night at the main dining room.


Day 3 – Dining

MDR experience – so I am going to veer from the previous format as my overall MDR experience was honestly kind of bad this week and I don’t feel like thinking that hard about each day. Instead I will sort of lump it all together down below.


So prior to this trip I had emailed RCCL and requested a table close to the front entrance so it would be easier for my mother to get to our table with her scooter. RCCL certainly followed my request and we had the absolute first table as you walked into the dining room on deck 5. I was pleased overall with our location as it also allowed for quick exits when my youngest son started to freak out during dinner – something that increased with frequency as the week went on and his tolerance with hanging out lessened. My older son did fine during all meals since he was allowed to bring his kindle and just read when he was bored. This is where my general happiness with the MDR for the week ends however.


We introduced ourselves to our servers and quickly noticed how something was off in the dynamic between our waiter and assistant waiter. They legitimately never seemed to talk to each other – like at all. In the past I had always noticed some kind of relationship between the two – either more like friends or most often a mentoring type. And I realize the pairing may have only happened for that week - but I still have always seen communication between the two. But this trip the communication between the two didn’t seem to be there and there was a lot of times when my party had to repeat ourselves because they would both ask the same questions. Honestly, the service we received during the week from both was just kind of bad. Now as far as personality was concerned both were very nice to us and were by no means rude – they just were not that good at what they were doing for whatever reason. It seemed very much like they were able to do the basics and go through the motions but were not all that good at it. A lot of the small things that make you feel special on a cruise were not there in any way all week – they never took the time to learn anything about us, rarely refilled our drinks, would wait until sometimes halfway through the entrée to bring bread, wouldn’t return our sea pass cards in timely fashion (thereby trapping us there often with a cranky baby), wouldn’t bring things we asked for (sometimes repeatedly) and every meal came to feel more difficult as the week went on. We admit we didn’t really know what to do about it as all our complaints seemed sort of small and we kept hoping it would get better but when you added them up it got really difficult by week end. We did try at the end of the week to speak with the head waiter and that turned into a much bigger problem as he flat out insulted us and raised his voice to me about my decision to talk to him at week end instead of during the week. He only backed down when I got really mad about him criticizing me and let it be known that their survey numbers would be reflective of the service provided.


As for the food in the main dining – it was overall okish. I can’t say I remember well what everyone had each evening only some basic highlights. I am super boring so I typically had a Caesar salad with no dressing and tomatoes added and the chicken breast with rice. I remember one night my rice wasn’t cooked – like it was crunchy and not in a good way. Our waiters never really asked us about our meals and just took my plate away without notice that I had basically not eaten my entrée. I realize I could have asked for something else, but this was like day 5 I and I was already tired of pulling teeth with the staff. Ok prepare yourself for a major rant about a seemingly petty issue – I realize it will seem minor but by week end it just really set me off. Instead of salad dressing, I like lemon juice on my salads (frankly I like lemon juice on practically everything). This was one of the issues mentioned above – not only were my standard lemon wedges not on the table when I arrived after the first few nights (as the wait staff have always done on our past trips) I would have to ask 2 and sometimes 3 times each night to get them despite specifically asking for them every evening when I ordered. By the end of the week I was getting pretty bothered because cripes – if you can’t provide the “Wow factor” to know ahead of time I will like lemon, at least bring it when I ask for it. One night I actually never did get anyone to bring me some and just snagged the lemons from my husband and mothers shrimp cocktails. Some highlights I recall – Thanksgiving they served a turkey and a ham dish, my son said the grilled tiger were very good (but not as good as Giovannis), my friend tried the sliders and liked them, the strip steak was not good and everyone who tried it did not enjoy it at all. Desserts were pretty good though only a few were outstanding I would say overall it was a bit of a blah experience. On our next cruise we have a star class suite and honestly none of us plan to visit the MDR during the trip.


On day three after dinner we all headed up to the lounge for coffee as our waiters had never brought it to us during dessert despite asking 3x. My friend and I relaxed and chatted for a bit before heading back to the room so my husband could go relax in the hot tub before bed. After getting the kids to sleep we hung out with my mom and watched out the balcony window until he returned and we all hit the hay.

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Oh one other pointed complaint about the dining staff that will show sort of where our unhappiness came from. My friend likes dry red wine, my husband likes fruity cocktails (pomegranate cosmos are a favorite) and sweet white wine. Despite every night ordering in that fashion, every evening our assistant waiter would try to switch who got what – which just felt kind of uncool. The worst was when he by accident spilled and not insignificant amount of my husband’s cosmo on the baby’s tray table, laughed about it and then just walked away to another table. Thankfully, my son wasn’t there at the time (off on one of his mid-meal walks) and I was able to take a baby wipe and clean it up. But I thought really? You spilled alcohol within close reach of a baby and make no efforts to clean it up. It left a very bad taste in my mouth.

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