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Tim's EPIC, NCL EPIC Review


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A light lunch of traditional Jerk chicken, fries and Jamaican Rum Punch (or just Punch) is served and included in the tour. It's incredibly good, but not enough to fill you up. Still you'll be satisfied until you make it back to the ship.



It's as good as it looks.



On our way back, we pass by a Jamaican grade school. The kids waved.



Gas prices...in Jamaican dollars of course. Still energy is expensive on Jamaica since it's imported. The government is looking into alternative sources such as hydroelectric plants.


As we head back we are told we will be taken to port gift shop area. We have a choice at this stage to either get off and make our own way back to the ship or to shop for 30 minutes and take the bus back. Any chance I have to get out of a tour group, i'm on it! So I part from Beverly and the gang (after she asks for a tip before I could even get my wallet out of my pants) and move along. Be advised, even in the main tourist areas, the Jamaicans that work in these areas will try to make a little extra on the side by quietely asking if you want to buy Marijuana. Again. Just don't.



Making my way back with Norwegian Epic in the background.



Jamaica was certainly an incredible port to visit. Really it was. Yet, if we are keeping score on my favorite ports so far, I would have to say it is Grand Cayman in 2nd place, Cozumel in 3rd and Jamaica in 4th. But wait! We've only visited 3 islands so far? Indeed, so far.


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Drinks and towels are offered as you make your way back. Music is played and if you look further down the dock, you will see a bunch of ship crew members dancing to the music playing with balloon swords on either side of the guests as they pass.



Back onboard, there is absolutely NOTHING like a nice hot shower after floating down a cold Jamaican river.



So as far as dinner is concerned, I've visited Taste, The Manhattan Room and O'Sheehan's. This time I wanted to try Shanghai's Chinese Restaurant. This dining venue is easily the most popular included dining restaurant on the ship and probably the smallest. So there you usually have to wait to get in. I received my electronic buzzer from the Maitre'D and took a stroll into the Cavern Club where the Beatles would be playing later. There are large picture window here so I watched us depart from Ocho Rios towards the Bahamas.



After about 30 minutes, I started to wonder why I hadn't been called back. If you know me at this stage, I don't make a big deal out of things in general. So I simply made my presence known to the Maitre'D by standing nearby with my electronic buzzer. She noticed me and apologized admitting she forgot to hit my buzzer. Not a big deal. I was finally seated and got ready to dig into some Chinese grub.



The table set up included two pairs of sticks. Like the ones you burn in your home to create scent? Or maybe to jab and stab my food with. I do know how to use a fork however, so I'm glad it was included.



I did forget to take a picture of the menu again, but I remember this was some sort of egg drop soup.


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I did the river tubing on my last trip to Jamaica. I second the bus ride being a white knuckle experience. We did not have such pushy tour guides, but this was many years ago. My only complaint was the ride there and the guy at the horse stable (part of the complex) who was adamant that L bought weed from him. He refused to leave me alone, until I told him I was a DEA agent from the United States, a lie but he disappeared quickly after that and I never saw him again. We did enjoy the tubing, but would not get off in Jamaica again.

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Potstickers. Do they really stick to the pot? They didn't stick to the bowl. But they are fantastic! I should have ordered 3 of these appetizers.



Some sort of Orange Pork. This could have been better honestly. The meat had a lot of fat and took like 2 minutes of chewing before I was comfortable I was going to choke on it.



They don't believe in "House Bread" in the far east. You'll get a bowl of rice and you'll like it!!!



After Dinner, I had a date with Finding Dory in Spice H20 club at the back end of the ship on deck 15!



I actually hadn't noticed the giant chess set until now near Spice H20 Club on deck 15.


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After finding Dory, I went to find grab a few things to snack on from the Buffet.

It was "Caribbean Night" in the Buffet, so I grabbed some more of that famous Jerked Chicken.



I went back to my cabin and SCORE! Zootopia was on the movie channel. I watched the show before dozing off to sleep.



"It's called a Hustle, sweetheart".


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So we've arrived at Day 6, and it's a Sea Day as we make our way into the Bahamas. The Freestyle Daily was dropped off the night before.









Breakfast in the buffet in my private dining room.



I could not get a photograph of them at all, but while you are sitting up in in the buffet or La Cucina's, keep a sharp eye out in the water towards the front of the ship. I guarantee you will see Flying Fish jumping out and flying away from the ship a good distance before diving back into the water. It's a real amazing sight to see, especially when they do it in large groups. Something you would think you could only see on National Geographic.



While dining on breakfast, the Navigation Officer came on the PA and announced we had reached the southernmost portion of the Bahamas, with Castle Island in our distance. Gateway to the Bahamas. Recorded video:


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If your interested, there is a county line dancing class on this particular Sea Day.



I had some time to explore a bit, so here is Wasabi.



And Teppanyaki.





There is a jogging track located on both sides of deck 7, the same area where the lifeboats are.



The turn around points at each end.


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Hi Tim,


Just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying your review and photos, especially glad you are including food photos! Appreciate all the details & time you are taking to do it.


Hope you are not letting the one poster who has made nothing but negative comments bother you. This is just a wonderful, informative review!



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Looking down below into Cascades Bar. Beautiful Chandelier.



Spice H20 Club.



Posh Beach Club is located on deck 18 forward. I didn't constantly look, but it often seemed closed. It was open on Day 6 Sea Day though and generally empty. Most people probably don't know it's there. Very nice quiet place to take a nap with a small bar.


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I did the river tubing on my last trip to Jamaica. I second the bus ride being a white knuckle experience. We did not have such pushy tour guides, but this was many years ago. My only complaint was the ride there and the guy at the horse stable (part of the complex) who was adamant that L bought weed from him. He refused to leave me alone, until I told him I was a DEA agent from the United States, a lie but he disappeared quickly after that and I never saw him again. We did enjoy the tubing, but would not get off in Jamaica again.


I'm with you. For as beautiful and fantastic of an island opportunity as it is, I don't think I would do a tour again. It was my least favorite destination of the 4. Maybe just a beach day if I did get off again. I have heard plenty of people say the same thing as you have said right here on the forums and on the ship.

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Hi Tim,


Just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying your review and photos, especially glad you are including food photos! Appreciate all the details & time you are taking to do it.


Hope you are not letting the one poster who has made nothing but negative comments bother you. This is just a wonderful, informative review!




Thanks. You guys keep me going. Trying to keep posting in between some post vacation chores and errands around the house...and my cat that won't leave me alone trying to walk all over the keyboard.

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Sea Day Dinner. Once again, I failed to get the menu, but I remember what I had here for the most part. I started with a Crab Cake.



Can't remember what this was. I do know it was a second appetizer I ordered. Veil?



If memory serves, this was the Red Snapper. It tastes better than it looks I assure you.



As always, I get cheesecake in at every opportunity.



But why stop there. I added a Caramel Fudge Brownie topped with Ice Cream.


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Tonights Broadway show was Burn the Floor. Think of a combo between Dancing with the Stars and a broadway show and you have Burn the Floor. It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and i'm rather ashamed to admit that I did get bored with it part way through. But don't let that deter you. The dancers were absolutely incredible! It's just it starts out with two cheeky colonial actors walking around and having fun joking with the guests and each other and moves right into a 1700's style ballroom dance scene before it's torn to shreds with modern dancing and music from different era's and countries. It was just hard to keep up with the flow I guess and I didn't have any emotional connection with the actors like I did in Priscilla. Here are a few scenes.












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Always have time for Star Wars: Episode 7 when there is no Star Trek around. This time, instead of playing in Spice H20 Club, it was in the Atrium area where you saw the country line dancing pic earlier because Spice H20 was having a White Hot Party I believe.


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After Star Wars, I was more than ready for bed. Day 6 was ending and the Freestyle Daily was awaiting me in the room. I was certainly planning on staying off ship all day. Not going to miss my first visit to the Bahamas, but let's take a look at whats going on anyways.








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So in the morning after breakfast, I headed down towards the stairs to the tenders, but was told in order to get to the tender, I needed to go to the exact opposite end of the ship to the Epic Theater? Huh? I suppose this was just an overflow meeting place to group up before heading over to the Tender. It was. It was just an "obstacle course" they had set up in case the line to get off stretched as long as the ship. I headed into the theater on deck 5 and was directed down the stairs and through the handicap entrance of the theater back out unto deck 5.



Let's track my amazing journey with this cool follow along map!







So even though I ensured I was one of the first people to get off, I still had to wait in the Manhatten room for about 30-40 minutes. They made a pathway with chairs.


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Since I hadn't grabbed any photos of the Manhattan Room, I took a few here, especially while it was empty.



Waiting in line to get off.



The Manhattan room is classy. If you are willing to put on pants and shoes.



In any case I did eventually get off and unto a tender. Had a great spot athe front and in the corner to take a nice video for the 10 minute ride to Great Stirrup Cay!



They had two tenders operating on this day, but I did notice more that were not being used as we approached.





Video of the complete Tender Ride from Norwegian Epic to Great Stirrup Cay. Raw and unedited.


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Alright! Let's see why Tommy named his clothing line after this small section of the planet!



I heard this island was hit and miss. And even overheard more than one person on the ship say they were not going to get off because all it was "was a beach". But fact is, I would come to like Great Stirrup Cay the most on this 7 day Cruise.



A board at the entrance highlights the days activities.



So you remember that obstacle course and all that waiting at the end of the ship? Well, even though I followed the directions to a T and gave myself 45 minutes for tendering, I still ended up arriving over 15 minutes late for my Wave Runner Excursion. They were nice enough to set me up with another time slot just before noon which I was happy for, because I wanted to do some exploring.



Here are some equipment and excursion rental options.



Now that ever other person was done taking a selfie in front of the rock, I went back and grabbed a quick photo. WELCOME!



Quick video tour of Great Stirrup Cay. Sorry, I couldn't resist just one more Moana song. It's good movie and kinda fits.


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Let's look around while I'm waiting for my Wave Runner excursion.


There are plenty of chairs and loungers on the beach, but there are also many on grassy areas under trees spread out among the buildings.



There are a few shops not affiliated with NCL on the island. You can't use your ship card, so bring cash. Bahamian merchants come ashore to sell their wares and there are some cool things to buy.



Lounge chairs on the main beach with Norwegian Epic in the background.



There was a Royal Caribbean ship located offshore too. Evidentally, Royal Caribbean has their own island next to us at Little Stirrup Cay they've named "Coco Cay".



There is more than bar around the landscape if you need a stiff soda...or alcoholic beverage.



An elevated viewing deck near the beach provides great photo opportunities as well.


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A photo from the elevated viewing deck.



At first I thought this was had brought along his own metal detector on the cruise ship and was looking for loot. I mean seriously!? That's what Venice Beach is for crazy dude. Turns out, he was an NCL employee looking for trash like soda cans.



Look at that cool, crisp Bahamian water.



One thing you should know is that a lot of the rock formations around the island including what you see here are artificial. And you have to stay off the rocks for safety. But this entire lagoon is yours to swim in and explore and there is Marine life in it.



Another bar on the other end of the beach.



Overview of the Beach


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So I had a bit of time to kill and I wasn't hungry yet. I didn't bring Scuba equipment of course, but I thought a nice snorkel would hit the spot. I was expecting to see anything in this little lagoon, but I was wrong.



Sadly, if you remember, I didn't bring my waterproof GoPro housing and I left my waterproof cell phone bag on the ship and wasn't going back for it, especially if I had to complete that obstacle course again. So I can't prove to you what's out there. But rest assured, on top of a huge variety of fish, I also came face to face with a Sea Turtle and a pair of squid! More firsts for me!



Seeing how NCL is known to nickle and dime a bit more than the rest of the cruise lines, I automatically assumed that I assumed that I would have to pay for lunch on the shore just like any other shore. That is not the case. They have a fantastic grill with all the Island Life Staples.



And plenty of seating areas too.



Lunch on Great Stirrup Cay!



You can rent snorkel equipment from this shop near the beach.


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Anyways, back on track before all heck breaks loose, let me get a few more pics in...


I headed back to the excursion desk so I could meet my guide for the Wave Runner tour.



Unless I am mistaken, there is a cell phone tower. T-Mobile was generous enough to provide me 2G connection.



The guide retrieved my group and we walked through the back "countryside" of the island.



On the other side is the Wave Runner dock with all the Wave runners.



You will store all your gear in lockers (and they don't charge you for them). Everything has to be left behind. Backpacks, Sandals, etc. Just bring a camera. Waterproof hopefully. Inside you will watch a short 15 minute video on how to properly operate a Wave Runner. It's very easy. Again, this was another first time opportunity for me, and I was thrilled.


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Not sure what to expect on a Wave runner, I left all my stuff in the locker. Camera included. Sorry folks. But I'll detail what I can.


You file down to the dock and are ordered by those who have the most experience on a wave runner. From 10+ to zero. Those with more experience go with the first guide who will go much faster and those with no experience start off slower with another guide.


You sit on the waverunner and they push you off the dock and you are off.


You'll get about 30-45 minutes on the Wave Runner and I can certainly say that this was probably my second favorite thing I did on this trip, behind Stingray City. I had to stop and realize to myself that I actually had a big grin on my face and it was true love from there. I knew then and there I would have to get a Wave Runner sooner or later for personal use.


We did a tour of some of the back islands, including historical prohibition buildings that were still standing from rum runners as well as a stop a good 2-3 miles off shore to a sand bar similar to what we did at Stingray City. There you could get off and do some swimming or snorkeling. Wasn't much sea life around, but guides picked up a few Starfish so you could see them up close.


Finally we came back. I had an absolute blast.

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On the walk back, I found this trail veering off to the left of the main road. I knew I had to go on this adventure. It was destiny. But just to make sure I could, I asked our Wave Runner guide. He said it was no problem, so I left the group and went on my hike.



Hardly a hike. The entire trail is probaby 1/10th of a mile. But there is an old well here.





And even some picnicking areas if you are really looking for some solace.



The end of the trail.



More old buildings.


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