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On Our Own or a Tour Guide? Mr. Barbados?


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Hey. I'm trying to decide whether I want to do barbados with a tour guide or on our own.


I want to go from the ship to Harrisons Cave and then go back to the ship to pick up 2 more and go to the Wildlife Preserve, Bathsheba, and some shopping....


Is it a long way to the ship from Harrions Cave? If so, I figure I could make the other people come to Harrisons as well (they've already been there).


Since Cameron only does the tours for 4 hours, I've been told the above would cut it pretty close.


Is it easier/cheaper to do it on our own via taxi or renting a car?


Any information would be helpful. THANKS!

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Hey. I'm trying to decide whether I want to do barbados with a tour guide or on our own.


I want to go from the ship to Harrisons Cave and then go back to the ship to pick up 2 more and go to the Wildlife Preserve, Bathsheba, and some shopping....


Is it a long way to the ship from Harrions Cave? If so, I figure I could make the other people come to Harrisons as well (they've already been there).


Since Cameron only does the tours for 4 hours, I've been told the above would cut it pretty close.


Is it easier/cheaper to do it on our own via taxi or renting a car?


Any information would be helpful. THANKS!

A rental car would be the cheapest way to have an island adventure. Figure US$90 + gas.


A taxi tour for the above (not counting entrance fees to the attractions) would be between US$100-150 + tip depending on how you long you stay at the attractions/lunch/walking a beach, etc.


It will always be cheaper to rent a car but there is a problem with that…..


….You will get lost.


The other problem with a car rental is that….


….You will get lost.


For first time visitors of the island, I always recommend hiring a taxi/tour guide. You’ve got a person that knows his island. Knows the best spots. Knows how to get there quickly. Understands what you want and suggests a few other places that you’d never find by yourself. Knows where to eat. Knows where not to shop……


In short, the extra US$50 you’d pay for a driver is returned to you ten-fold in lack of stress; enjoyment; personal attention, etc.


If you take the US$150 for a taxi-tour and divide it amongst four people, that’s less than US$40/ea. The same, or less than an organised tour with dozens of people.


Second and third-time visitors that have seen the major attractions should do the car rental and just explore and have fun.


You are on a timetable and want to see as much as you can.


Taxi-tour, or organised group-tour, my friend. :) :) :)


My best wishes for a wonderful time on the island!

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Thank you SO much for the information.


Cameron says we might not be able to do it in 4 hours, so he'd charge an extra $58 for the Harrison and back piece.


What do you think?? Could we make it?


Thank you!!

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"I want to go from the ship to Harrisons Cave and then go back to the ship to pick up 2 more and go to the Wildlife Preserve, Bathsheba, and some shopping...."



If one just drove to all those places and didn’t stop, you could do it in four hours. But with stopping, lunch, etc, I’d budget 5 hours minimum.


And you want to go to Barhsheba, yes? There is much more to see there, especially on the way back. How about Crane and Oistins? Well worth seeing.


And St. Nicholas Abby and Cherry Tree Hill are right near the Wildlife Reserve, only minutes away. Why pass these up?


As you turn south on the east coast highway, you’ll find Chalky Mountain Potteries just below Barclays, then St. John’s Parish Church (WONDERFUL!) and on and on…


There are a lot of wonderful things to see very near the major attractions that you’re interested in….Some are really better than the majors.


Why not bite-the-bullet and do a six hour taxi tour and see 75% of it. Only a few bucks more, but what a day and a memory you’ll have.


Barbados is a small island, but we have a lot to see. If you just venture to the highlights, you’ll miss the best.


I don’t want to see you exhausted and broke, but I know what wonders are to be experienced and I don’t want you to miss them.


I want you to say: “That was the best time I’ve had an any cruise and I must return”.


Just like we did. :)

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As shown by your last post - he will do longer tours.... just costs more.


We have Cameron booked for Dec. 1st and told him the times we wanted to "tour" around and he quoted us a price. We do not want to do the caves or rum factory or the tourist areas - more sightseeing and beach and shopping. Told him want to see the prettiest parts of Barbados.


We normally rent cars and "do our own thing" but not on St. Lucia or Barbados as were told - you guessed it ---- You will get lost !!!!!!!


Well post our experience when we get back :)

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A question about the "getting lost" part of this. We were planning on renting a car in a couple of weeks and hitting the botanical garden, orchid gardens and just exploring some of the island with time left over. Are there no signs, just no good maps or a combination of things? I really wanted to rent something to just spend time on our own, but if you think its that bad, I'll have to start looking at alternatives.

PS- I've driven in back country areas of New Zealand, Ireland and Scotland before with limited signage. Do you still think it would be a problem?

Thanks for the advice.

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A question about the "getting lost" part of this. We were planning on renting a car in a couple of weeks and hitting the botanical garden, orchid gardens and just exploring some of the island with time left over. Are there no signs, just no good maps or a combination of things? I really wanted to rent something to just spend time on our own, but if you think its that bad, I'll have to start looking at alternatives.

PS- I've driven in back country areas of New Zealand, Ireland and Scotland before with limited signage. Do you still think it would be a problem?

Thanks for the advice.

Well, the problem is signage, or lack of it. It’s a small island and there are decent maps but if you don’t know where to turn you’ll do a lot of backtracking and asking directions.


Now, your situation may be different, as you only want to see a few spots and just explore for the remainder of your time. It’s the folks that have a list of a dozen spots and only five hours to see them. Renting doesn’t make sense in that case.


I remember our first years on the island. We always got lost so we finally decided to take the bus on all the routes and learn the island. That was a cheap and valuable education!


I think with the situation that you’ve presented, you will be fine with a rental car. The Barbadian people are very glad to answer any questions that you may have and get you back on track.


My best wishes for a wonderful, safe visit. :)

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As mentioned before, we ARE renting.


Are there any areas we should be careful in?

Anything we shouldn't do/should do - to stay safe?


I didn't have any worries over Barbados before, but the more I read here about DON'T RENT etc, it makes me wonder is there more to it than I know?

I've read you start further afield and work your way back.

When does it start to get dark?, as I'd think it would be best have return the car before that.



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As mentioned before, we ARE renting.


Are there any areas we should be careful in?


Not really


Anything we shouldn't do/should do - to stay safe?


Don't rent a mini-moke or convertable


I didn't have any worries over Barbados before, but the more I read here about DON'T RENT etc, it makes me wonder is there more to it than I know?


No, there isn't. It's just a time/attraction constraint caution


I've read you start further afield and work your way back.

When does it start to get dark?, as I'd think it would be best have return the car before that.


Yes, go to your furthest point and work your way back. That way you'll be closer to the pier when you finish. Plan on returning the car one hour prior to sunset to be safe.


Sunset on the island is 5:30pm in December and 6pm in January and February.




I hope I didn't give anyone a heart attack. There is nothing to be worried about. I was passing on the merits of renting vs. taxi to those that had many stops and not much time.


Driving here is similar to many other islands except for our left-hand driving (you're used to that, yes?), somewhat crazy drivers and poor signage. Otherwise, it's like anywhere else.


Now, I know you'll ask me why not to rent a minimoke as thy're so much fun.


Sometimes, I hesitate to even offer this advise, but it is for your own good.


There have been robberies in the cane fields on tourists that have open-aire vehicles. A boulder is rolled in front of the car, the car stops and the thugs rob the tourists and disappear in the cane fields to their vehicle parked on another road.


It happens seldom, but we've witnessed it twice in 14 years and read about it many other times.




You will find few residents that drive open vehicles for that very reason.


Otherwise, not to worry, my friend. :)

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Thanks for the advice on the open air cars, we were going to do a Minimoke or Jimmy jeep, but will see about a regular small car instead now.

Just curious if anyone has advice on Drive A Matic vs Stoutes car rental. Their prices are similar so was just curious if anyone has had good/bad experiences with either.


Thanks for the help. Looking forward to just exploring the island at leisure. Without planning things down to specifics, was looking at Orchid World or Flower Forest (anyone with opinions on one over the other?), then heading on over toward Bathsheba up north toward Animal Flower Cave (if we're doing good on time) and then back down the west coast thru Speightstown to return to the city. Just wanted to be able to drive and if something looks interesting stop and do it and if not, just keep on driving. Will be there from 7am until 430pm.

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Thanks Sunnie!

We wouldn't hire a mini moke or convertible because we'd probably fry in the open (husband is folicly challenged and we're all blond-ish ;))


16 years ago when we were driving along a guy stepped out infront of us. We stopped and wound down the window. He asked if we'd like to buy some coral (this was before we knew better and it was sold all over). We haggled a price and agreed then went on our way.

Afterwards we did question the sensibility of us stopping and would really think twice about doing it now.

What do you suggest we do if someone does block the road with a rock or themselves? Turn round? Sound our horn continuously? Drive around if possible?


Tadjr, we're booked with Stoutes.

I chose them because they were prompt with the answers, their price was good and they answered ALL my questions.

I'll let you know how we got on.

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“What do you suggest we do if someone does block the road with a rock or themselves? Turn round? Sound our horn continuously? Drive around if possible?”


Squeekie. It’s me, barbados, not Sunnie. Although as she lives on the island year-round, her advice is indispensable and I am so glad we have her here.


I get to golf with Andy Cox, the co-administer of tourism and I really get beat-up for publishing these things.


Yes, the Barbados Government do read these boards.


Anyway, they don’t seem to bother sedans, just open-aire vehicles.


Sounding your horn probably won’t help as there isn’t anyone around to hear you..


Drive around, if possible or back up.


With a sedan, you won’t be bothered. Even with a minimoke it’s a 1 in a 1,000 chance.


Please don’t fret, you won’t see any bad guys as we’ll have them all locked-up on the day you arrive…… :)

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sorry for confusing your Mr B with Sunnie - brains a bit kerfuddled with all the preps for going away!


Can you have a word with the Government there to make sure the weather stays nice ... ;)

Already took care of that for you SD....Called the Minister of Good Weather for Tourists (MGWT) and he assured me that the Barbados' weather would be fine for you!


Just look at this....It looks clear for a year...well, maybe a week or two! LOL


Barbados weather 11-23-05




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  • 3 weeks later...
Called the Minister of Good Weather for Tourists (MGWT) and he assured me that the Barbados' weather would be fine for you!



Must not have paid him enough! He should be fired! ;)

We ended up renting a car and Yes, we did get lost.... well we just had a little more of a tour than we had planned on. Is this the road or someones driveway? (A- Driveway.)

We rented from Stoutes right at the pier. Very good price of $91 US for a Toyota Corolla with AC and Automatic. We missed the first turn out of the port area ( It is immediately past the port gate if you dont want to head thru downtown). The navigators I had couldnt read a map so that didnt help either. We ended up near the mall on the East side of town toward the airport, but found the road heading North without trouble and found our way back on track. It rained all but about 30 minutes we were out and about. We followed the signs for the Flower Forest up to its supposed location, but either we missed the most important "turn here" or it wasnt open or something? Not sure what happened and once again, the navigator couldnt see the map (and he wanted to drive!). We ended up taking a drive thru the center of the island and then back to Speightstown. Stopped at Gibbs Beach for a couple of minutes until the rain returned. Just decided to call it a day and head back to the ship. We were back onboard by about 1230. I felt kind of gypped not being able to enjoy the rental more than we did, but had a good time anyway. The people were very friendly (had to ask for directions in the middle of nowhere once).

I would advise anyone thinking of renting to just explore the island to not hesitate to do it. Just make sure you know where you plan to go (mark it on the map if you have to) and get someone who is good at reading the map/directions to help you look for the road/signs. I guess I should have let someone else drive and just done the navigating myself!

Thanks for the help Barbados.

Squeaky- how did you manage?

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Good day from cold and snowy and icy Canada

We are going to be in Barbados April 15,2006 and it just happens to be Holy Saturday. Are the shops etc... going to be open??? Also could you give me the name of someone who came take us to Harrison Cave and the beach, we have all ready been to Gun Hill, Sunbury Plantation and St John's church.

If you can help that would be great.


have a good one

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Folks, I promise to get back to you soon.


This is our last two weeks in the states before we leave for the Caribbean until April and things get hectic!


I always think I have it all worked out and then Murphy walks in! LOL


I think I'll have an hour tomorrow, so I'll do my best to respond.


To all, enjoy the holiday season and no worries, yes? :)

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While Mr. Barbados is preparing to head this way.. if he doesn't mind I'll see if I can help.. (maybe we can meet while he is here.. that might be kind of cool)



To CapeBreak - You can hire a taxi from the port to take you on a tour. Plan to pay by the hour (not sure how much), but try to fix a price and a time before you leave the port. I've had 4 hour tours costing about 150.00 - 200.00usd, could be more could be less.. but split among several of you it would be a good deal.


also, If you want to rent a car, I wouldn't be concerned about getting lost. All roads head to Bridgetown and if you to get lost, just look for the TO CITY Bus signs and you will be headed towards Bridgetown and the port. (and people are nice enough to answer questions if needed).


to Dannish. Basically on April 15, while it might be holy Saturday, the shops will be open. (Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday the island is closed up tighter than a drum, expect gas stations and the stores attached to them.. Good Friday is especially interesting around here. I've been here 13years now and still can't get over the "calm silent" feeling that the island experiences on Good Friday).


Re Harrisons Cave and the Beach. The caves might not be open by then. they have been trying to start renovations since June, but nothing has happened as yet. They are still open now, but by then maybe not. I'll try to keep you posted. Any Taxi driver in the port can take you around and also to the beach.


I hope this helps and takes some strain off of Mr. Barbados. (see you when you get here).


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Thank you Sunniebgi, you have been a great help. Please keep me informed about Harrison caves. We where in Aruba (our first cruise) it was Good Friday---closed up tighter than a drum--that is why I asked about Holy Saturday. Again thanks for your help...look froward to hearing from you again and seeing you all in April.


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Hi, we're back from our travels and happy to answer any queries etc.

I'll be doing a full report in time, but meantime here's my view on our trip which included Barbados.



Still LOVE the island, but boy has it developed since we've last been there!


We too hired our car from Stoutes. Their little hut is just outside the cruise terminal and eventhough we were later getting onshore than expected everything was ready and waiting for us. I think we were only USD$ 88.00 but that was without fuel. We put in USD$10 at a nearby station and still had about a 1/3 left after a full day. The Stoutes guy marked on the maps (he gave us 2) the areas we wanted to get to and showed us the best way to start off. We managed the turning at the security gate fine and were soon on the West coast road making out way to the Wildlife Reserve. We found this easily and really enjoyed our visit - you could do a whole day here. Hubby then decided he wanted to see Bathsheba again before going to Harrisons Caves. Again we found this easily and had a nice walk along the beach. It was whilst crossing between the better roads the better roads and it rained that we did get a little lost. Nothing major and soon enough we found Harrisons Caves. I asked an attendant about them closing and he shrugged his shoulders saying they were still waiting to hear if it was viable?! I wondered if this meant they wanted to make sure they would get enough visitors afterwards to make it worth their while. I'd say go, it's great and awesome to image what those first discoverers thought!

We did think about Welshmans' Gully but thought it was a tad expensive for a walk, also it was getting late.

We took a wrong turning somewhere as we were no longer looking for signposts to places to visit. These are very good, its the other ones like to villages etc that aren't so good!!

Also the rain came on heavy which made it difficult to see/read signs.

However, soon enough we emerged near to Carlisle Bay. Sadly we couldn't visit and joined the heavy traffic back to Bridgetown.

Make sure you account for this in your travels. Luckily we had until 8pm so it was never a worry for us.

Hubby remembered the way through Bridgetown to the port (which I thought was impressive) and we simply had to post the keys to the car back, through a little box on the hut, at the terminal.


Well worth hiring a car, Stoutes were brilliant and the car was too.

No hesitation in doing it again.


I had hoped to go shopping afterwards, but even most of the Terminal shops close at 1630hrs!

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We followed the signs for the Flower Forest up to its supposed location, but either we missed the most important "turn here" or it wasnt open or something? Not sure what happened and once again, the navigator couldnt see the map (and he wanted to drive!).



I took another look at the map and figured out what happened. Just past Harrison Caves there was another road we should have turned on to go to the Flower Forest. You cant get there from the road we took even though the map makes it look like its right on the road. I know for next time now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all and happy holidays! We'll be in Barbados for a day next week with 2 teenage boys and want everyone to have fun and maybe learn a little bit too. Can we take a taxi into town then just walk around or is everything spread out? What are the must sees for us?? Can't wait!! Thanks-

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