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Harmony Trip Report April 8-15, 2017: A Cruise to Remember!

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Really enjoying your review and the information about the shows. Did you do the rubicon, that puzzle escape room? Or see or hear of anyone doing it? Haven't heard much about it. Good luck on your graduation! Best wishes on your future endeavors and cruises.








First of all, thank you so much for your wishes! I very much appreciate it! As far as my future endeavors, I plan to study accounting and as far as cruises, there will be plenty more in my lifetime rest assured!


We did not do the Rubicon/ escape room and did not hear any mention of it on our sailing, although I'm pretty sure they still had it as I'm assuming they do with all sailings. I have heard of people on past sailings doing it and thinking it was very fun and even more complex than the one on Anthem, supposedly. They say it takes about an hour to complete and is a great opportunity to get to know new people, since you're working as a team to figure out how to escape! I'm glad you're enjoying the review!



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Day 7 - Friday, April 14th

Captain's Corner Q & A Session


Today was our last day at sea. We got up to enjoy our final breakfast in the Dining Room before going to the AquaTheater for the Captain's Corner at 10:30. I had heard of another cocktail called the Lava Flow and had wanted to have one during the Q & A, but the Sabor Bar wasn't open yet! My throat was still in pain so Mom went to Cafe Promenade and brought me back a cup of warm tea to drink during the event.


The event featured, from left to right in the first photo: The Hotel Director and Chief Engineer (whose names I forgot, unfortunately), Captain Johnny and Abe. We learned some interesting things, but didn't have any questions ourselves, however Matt and I have asked questions in the past. After the event I went over to talk to Captain Johnny, I posed with him like I promised and had another brief chat but didn't stay as long as I had planned because not only did I not want to get him sick, but there was also a line behind me that I didn't want to hold up. So I shook his hand and told him I hoped to sail with him again, and by the time that was done the Sabor Bar was open so I got a virgin Lava Flow and brought it back to the cabin before going back out for one last run down the Ultimate Abyss.


I could not quite taste the drink all that well, but I still could for the most part and it was delicious for what I tasted of it, and can't wait to taste it in full next year! I was just glad my taste buds had at least worked up until this day, as that's the last thing you want to have happen on a ship where you're surrounded by good food! Even on day 7 I could still taste, just not completely.





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And you can't forget about Captain Johnny's motorcycle! I learned on the Allure that he has a smaller one on the ship because his bigger one that he keeps on land doesn't fit in the ship's elevators! The Harmony also has a scooter on the Navigation Bridge for whoever the Captain is at the time. Captain Gus also used it when he was onboard, as I saw in pictures.


He and Johnny are the two rotating Captains for the Harmony, and our sailing was Captain Johnny's first week of his new contract, which I believe is a 10-week cycle for Captains. Correct me I'm wrong. It's funny because when we went on the Allure, our sailing was his last week of his contract for the time being!





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Quite a big difference between Harmony and Rhapsody!

We were in Cozumel a few years ago on Oasis and were next to Vision.

Keep it coming!




Quite the difference indeed! It's crazy how big the size difference is! I have heard of smaller ships that once had "nude sundecks" on the top of the ship eliminating the nude option because of the fact that they were making bigger ships, meaning people on the tops of those ships (I'm talking about us) could look down and see the people sunbathing in the nude section of the ship! Too funny. Thanks for following along!



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Day 7 - Friday, April 14th

My last time riding the Ultimate Abyss

After the Captain's Corner, I returned to my cabin to finish my drink and get my GoPro from across the hall. I headed up to Deck 16 to try out the Ultimate Abyss one last time, this time hoping to get it on film.


However, upon arriving to the line, I asked what the policy on cameras was and was told they had to be either in your pocket or on a chest or wrist strap. All I had was a head strap, why that isn't deemed safe is something I wonder myself. So I just decided that if all I was going to be able to film was darkness anyway, I wouldn't even bother turning the camera on. So I went down the slide, camera in pocket, disappointed but still satisfied that there were pictures of me at the landing to serve as memories, and as proof that I did it for my friends back home.


While waiting in line, I heard a horn. Not the ship's horn, but more like a squeaky horn. Turn around, and a small "motorcycle" comes riding around the deck being ridden by none other than Captain Johnny! It was cool to finally see him ride it! I never did see him on it on the Allure, but on day 3 of this cruise when I went to the Solarium after returning from Labadee, I was talking to some people in the hot tub who said they did see him riding on the dock. I think it's so cool that he does that! I always enjoy sailing with him. I didn't see his trusty parrot A.J. this trip, I hope he's ok! I know he was sick at one point so hopefully nothing happened to him!


After riding the Abyss we headed up to the Windjammer for our last lunch of the cruise, and my last serving of their delicious bread pudding. Next up: an afternoon on the Promenade & a live taping of Abe's Late-Night/ Early Morning Show!



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Day 7 - Friday, April 14th

Bellyflop Competition, An Afternoon on the Promenade & TV Show Live Taping

After lunch, we headed to the AquaTheater for the Men's International Bellyflop Competition, which was funny as usual, but a little different as I mentioned earlier on in the review with, I think, 2 rounds! I'll throw in some pics if I can find them. I was still tired and as much as I wanted to go up to the pool deck on my last day at sea and do the one slide I hadn't done yet, I just didn't think it would be good for me! So Mom and I went to the Promenade, just sat in the cafe and enjoyed some treats and warm tea. The warm tea really helped me feel better- I was going through cups of tea like some of the girls at my school go through boyfriends! LOL.


A little later Dad and Matt joined us, as we all wanted to be there for the last-day edition of Cruise Director Abe's Late-Night/ Early-Morning Show, which was being taped live on the Royal Promenade at 4. When it was time we went in front of the "head" sculpture outside of the On Air karaoke club & sports bar, where he had said he would be setting up. All week he would do shoutouts that would be written in from guests. The slips where people could write shoutouts were located on the community bulletin board outside of Cafe Promenade, and had a picture of Abe on it. Matt compared to it to a real estate brochure, and wrote in anonymously for the live taping pointing it out.


While they were setting up, I sat at the bar in the Bolero's Latin Club with my tea before going out into the main area of the Promenade to watch the show once he was getting ready to start. For the live taping, you could either write in to the show as usual, or you could also come on the air yourself and give shoutouts. Being sick and not looking my best, I had no desire to be on TV for the 6,000+ guests and 2,000+ crew to see, but Matt, ambitious as always, went right for it and in addition to anonymously telling Abe he looked like a real estate agent, he also told a few jokes on the air.


Before the show Matt and I posed for pictures with Abe, and you can tell Matt just couldn't help himself! He did the well-known dab in the background of one (as Abe had done during an earlier show per the request of a viewer writing in), as you can see, and is clearly visible in the background of another. At least he was kind enough to duck for one!


After the show we went back to the room before dinner, and this time around they were showing it on TV right away so we got to see what his sense of humor looked like on TV! Mom and I stood among the crowd watching out of the camera's view, but you could see her in TV a few times going to and from the cafe to get me tea refills, since I didn't want to miss the show! How nice of her to take care of me like that. Be sure to thank your mothers tomorrow folks!





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Here's Matt showing off his sense of humor on ship-wide television. I don't believe his jokes were original but they were hilarious nonetheless, he generated quite a few laughs from the crowd watching off to the side! Notice the Lego ship model in the background. A young man created it and appeared on the show to have it "Christened" and decided to let Abe keep it! I thought this was awesome. Chica the service dog and her owner also made an appearance on camera. 40364efb513a700df87b46b27c94bbab.jpg



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Mom also snuck in this photo of Chica! I forget exactly what kind of dog she was but I remember Abe mentioning it on TV earlier in the week, and that she was some kind of spaniel.


I blurred out her owner's face for privacy. Next up: pictures from the Bellyflop Competition!15dd59666966006b1983af3e2397364e.jpg



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Men's International Bellyflop Competition! In addition to the audience serving as judges, they also had women come onstage and judge. They even had a lifeguard sitting on one of the 3-meter springboards giving ratings! This event never fails to make for a good time, whether you're a participant or a spectator. I've bellyflopped on accident before and personally wouldn't want to go through that pain on purpose but who knows, maybe that'll change someday!


I'll be back in a bit with, sadly, our last night onboard the Harmony. But not to worry, that won't be the end of the review!17203317f667b6044be9fa42e00b2e6d.jpgd2a6f7be37be85d2094ff7da58ce5cf8.jpg9265ddf37e12a399ff0f8e1fb3fee305.jpg



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Day 7 - Friday, April 14th

Our Last Night Onboard the Harmony

After watching the show on TV that we had seen taped live just minutes earlier, we headed to the Dining Room for our final dinner. We had wonderful service, and as always, loved the bread they give out as appetizers! After my meal I was tired, so I headed back to the room. As I got up our head waiter Veeren came by to check up on us, so I used this opportunity to thank him for his service all week and when I reached out to shake his hand, he fist-bumped me! Such a nice man, and also would ask me how I was feeling. We truly received quality service all week and I cannot comment enough on that. We would, however, see him one more time before we left the ship!


After dinner we did some more exploring, then went back to up to Deck 10 to enjoy our balconies on the last night. I spent some time admiring Central Park, and also the entertainment of the intense pillow fight taking place in the cabin directly across the park from mine. There were 4 kids in there totally crashing that room! Later on I saw the mom come back with their stateroom attendant, who, as expected, didn't look too pleased he had to clean it all up! This wasn't the first playful pillow fight I witnessed through the windows of cabin 10607! I thought it was hilarious to watch, especially since no one got hurt and, surprisingly enough, they didn't appear to be breaking anything! They were harmless, although I'm not quite sure I'd want them as neighbors!


After some time enjoying the ship on our last night, we decided to hit the hay. Just writing this review I've felt like I've relived it, and I can honestly say just writing this I'm getting that feeling of, "dang it, the cruise is over!" Simeon and Joe, the comedy host and headliner comedian, were performing a family-friendly farewell comedy show in Studio B at 10:30 which I wanted to see, but we all decided it was just a little too late, especially since we had a travel day ahead of us!


Normally this is somewhat of an emotional time for me, but this time there was a small part of me that was looking forward to going home, sleeping in on Sunday morning and recovering from my illness. Either way, I never enjoy getting off of a cruise ship for the last time :( but on the bright side, I just look at coming home as an extra-long shore excursion and the next cruise as our return, just on another ship!





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Here are a few screenshots of a video I took from my balcony on the final night of the cruise so again, not the best quality. And yes, that video did contain a few seconds of pillow fight footage!


Look at the way Central Park is lit up at night. It's the most amazing thing to look at and when you add peaceful music to the mix, it's pure bliss! The bluish-purple colors are the skylights looking down into the Royal Promenade. It looks just like colors in Studio B that I pointed out when I covered day 1 in the part where we had our muster drill there. Once again, the lighting on this ship is absolutely beautiful! The whole ship is, really. I loved everything about it! You can see the Rising Tide Bar in the back of the third photo and Central Park's Trellis Bar, I believe, to the right just after the arch bridge.


Next up: one last meal onboard & the worst part of any cruise: disembarkation [emoji24]

See you tomorrow, and Happy Mother's Day in advance to all the moms out there!





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Thank you for your review! I have really enjoyed reading it. We just booked Symphony for April 2019. Since Symphony isn't launched yet, I came looking for Harmony reviews as the next closest thing. I am glad I found yours since you have done such a great job!


As a cat parent myself, I was glad to hear that your little one is doing well. They are such an important part of our lives that it is hard to see them not doing well.


I plan to continue to follow this report until it is done, and will be looking for future reports from you as well. Keep up the good work!

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Great job covering so much for your report! I look forward to your final thoughts of Harmony. Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes shout out! Your report shows how much you appreciate and respect your mom and what a special lady she is. Happy Mother's Day to her as well.



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Day 8 - Saturday, April 15th


Today was a sad day. This was the day we got off the ship to head home. As soon as I checked my notifications I saw all the headlines about the United Airlines situation, which took place on the night of day 2 of our cruise. I immediately felt very bad for the gentleman involved, and was outraged at what I saw in that video. I was hoping that wouldn't happen to us! Spoiler alert: it didn't. Hopefully it never will! But this review is already getting sad with it being disembarkation, so I'll try to keep it as upbeat as I can! So enough talk about the mistakes the airline industry made that week, and now let's get back to the review shall we?


We ate our final breakfast in the Windjammer. Our flight wasn't until later, so we spent some time just relaxing in the Windjammer until we decided to disembark. While at our table we once again saw Veeren, our head Dining Room server for the week. We told him that if he was on Freedom next year, he'd see us again! So we had a conversation about that and turns out, Freedom was the first ship he worked on! It's cool to see how the crew live their lives behind the scenes.


After a while we decided it was time to go, and I got some final footage on the way out. Once again, not the best quality as I was walking and the last 3 are, again, video screenshots. We disembarked off the Royal Promenade and went through customs before catching a taxi to FLL, where we had arranged our returning flight home with American Airlines.


Next up: travel day and home sweet home! And rest assured there will still more cruise-related posts to come before I wrap this up!


Happy Mother's Day everyone!





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Thank you for your review! I have really enjoyed reading it. We just booked Symphony for April 2019. Since Symphony isn't launched yet, I came looking for Harmony reviews as the next closest thing. I am glad I found yours since you have done such a great job!




As a cat parent myself, I was glad to hear that your little one is doing well. They are such an important part of our lives that it is hard to see them not doing well.




I plan to continue to follow this report until it is done, and will be looking for future reports from you as well. Keep up the good work!




Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! We hope to sail Symphony sometime around late March- early April 2019 as well, just keeping our fingers crossed that the spring breaks line up again!


And thanks also for your concern for Patches! She is doing well and I will give an update on her before I conclude the review so stay tuned for that as well!


Thank you SO much again!



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Great job covering so much for your report! I look forward to your final thoughts of Harmony. Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes shout out! Your report shows how much you appreciate and respect your mom and what a special lady she is. Happy Mother's Day to her as well.







You're more than welcome! I very much appreciate the kind words. I sincerely hope you are feeling appreciated this Mother's Day, you deserve it!



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Day 8 - Saturday, April 15th

Returning Home


After arriving at FLL, we waited for a while before we could go through security, as for some reason we couldn't go through until 1 with our flight being at 5. The service inside the airport wasn't too great so we all waited outside until we were able to go through the security checkpoint.


We had originally scheduled our first ever post-cruise excursion to take place today, but cancelled it and refunded our money onboard after I got sick and we all just decided we wanted to go home. We were going to do a boat ride through the Everglades, which I was excited for but after getting sick, didn't think I'd enjoy it with being sick out in the hot sun!


When we were able to go though security, we went inside, passed through the checkpoint and headed to our gate, where we ate lunch before boarding our connecting flight back home. Our layover was in Charlotte, which is actually where my mother is from! We ate dinner there and while waiting to board the second leg of our flight, I ran into a classmate who too was returning home from his spring break trip with his family! He ended up being on the same flight as us from Charlotte to Minneapolis.


Of course, going up and down wasn't good for my ears and with the drainage in my body as part of the healing process, my ears hurt like the devil by the time we landed back home at MSP! Kind of like when I was 2 and flew with an ear infection, disrupting the whole plane with my screaming! This time around my right ear especially had a hard time adjusting; I went to bed back in my own house with the feeling and it equalized overnight. My mom had the same feeling in her right ear, and hers took even longer to equalize!


And Sunday morning, she woke up with the same sickness I had! And then Matt did too; I guess what he had at the beginning of the cruise was a completely unrelated minor thing! How lucky they were to not get sick during the cruise [emoji35] for some reason Dad got lucky. He and I celebrated Easter at his sister's house the next day, while Mom and Matt stayed home. Matt ended up missing school Monday and Tuesday because of his fever but while I was still in the recovery phase, I was well enough to go to school.


I did still get 2 days off that week, as Wednesday was the statewide ACT examination day for high school juniors and because they needed the entire building for testing space, grades 9, 10 and 12 got the day off. And then Thursday was our class-sanctioned (NOT school-sanctioned) senior skip day, for which the excuse my parents gave when they called in my absence was that I was feeling the residual effects of an illness! So not completely a lie. (I know, I'm a good student and the principal's student aide, so I'm supposed to be a role model- how bad of me!) I figured I'd only be a high school senior once, so I might as well participate. Not to mention I'd look pretty stupid being in that small fraction of seniors who did show up to school- even my good friend who's also a good student and whose father is a police officer stayed home that day! So no harm done.


My absence was marked as excused on my attendance just as a normal illness or doctor's appointment would be (whether they actually believed it or not, they have to take the parents' word if they give a valid reason!) So I pretty much had a weekend in the middle of the week to catch up sleep and fight my illness so I would be well enough by the actual weekend to restart my weekly lifting routine at the gym! Back to the grind... gotta burn off all that cruise food!


Anyway, sorry once again for going off topic, this concludes my day-by day report of the cruise but don't worry, there's still more! Next up: my overall thoughts on the Harmony of the Seas!



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Day 7 - Friday, April 14th

Bellyflop Competition, An Afternoon on the Promenade & TV Show Live Taping

After lunch, we headed to the AquaTheater for the Men's International Bellyflop Competition, which was funny as usual, but a little different as I mentioned earlier on in the review with, I think, 2 rounds! I'll throw in some pics if I can find them. I was still tired and as much as I wanted to go up to the pool deck on my last day at sea and do the one slide I hadn't done yet, I just didn't think it would be good for me! So Mom and I went to the Promenade, just sat in the cafe and enjoyed some treats and warm tea. The warm tea really helped me feel better- I was going through cups of tea like some of the girls at my school go through boyfriends! LOL.


A little later Dad and Matt joined us, as we all wanted to be there for the last-day edition of Cruise Director Abe's Late-Night/ Early-Morning Show, which was being taped live on the Royal Promenade at 4. When it was time we went in front of the "head" sculpture outside of the On Air karaoke club & sports bar, where he had said he would be setting up. All week he would do shoutouts that would be written in from guests. The slips where people could write shoutouts were located on the community bulletin board outside of Cafe Promenade, and had a picture of Abe on it. Matt compared to it to a real estate brochure, and wrote in anonymously for the live taping pointing it out.


While they were setting up, I sat at the bar in the Bolero's Latin Club with my tea before going out into the main area of the Promenade to watch the show once he was getting ready to start. For the live taping, you could either write in to the show as usual, or you could also come on the air yourself and give shoutouts. Being sick and not looking my best, I had no desire to be on TV for the 6,000+ guests and 2,000+ crew to see, but Matt, ambitious as always, went right for it and in addition to anonymously telling Abe he looked like a real estate agent, he also told a few jokes on the air.


Before the show Matt and I posed for pictures with Abe, and you can tell Matt just couldn't help himself! He did the well-known dab in the background of one (as Abe had done during an earlier show per the request of a viewer writing in), as you can see, and is clearly visible in the background of another. At least he was kind enough to duck for one!


After the show we went back to the room before dinner, and this time around they were showing it on TV right away so we got to see what his sense of humor looked like on TV! Mom and I stood among the crowd watching out of the camera's view, but you could see her in TV a few times going to and from the cafe to get me tea refills, since I didn't want to miss the show! How nice of her to take care of me like that. Be sure to thank your mothers tomorrow folks!





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Just to avoid any confusion, when I say "live taping" I don't mean it was being broadcast as it was being taped, but that we all got to watch it get taped and watch it on TV afterwards.



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Day 8 - Saturday, April 15th

Returning Home


After arriving at FLL, we waited for a while before we could go through security, as for some reason we couldn't go through until 1 with our flight being at 5. The service inside the airport wasn't too great so we all waited outside until we were able to go through the security checkpoint.


We had originally scheduled our first ever post-cruise excursion to take place today, but cancelled it and refunded our money onboard after I got sick and we all just decided we wanted to go home. We were going to do a boat ride through the Everglades, which I was excited for but after getting sick, didn't think I'd enjoy it with being sick out in the hot sun!


When we were able to go though security, we went inside, passed through the checkpoint and headed to our gate, where we ate lunch before boarding our connecting flight back home. Our layover was in Charlotte, which is actually where my mother is from! We ate dinner there and while waiting to board the second leg of our flight, I ran into a classmate who too was returning home from his spring break trip with his family! He ended up being on the same flight as us from Charlotte to Minneapolis.


Of course, going up and down wasn't good for my ears and with the drainage in my body as part of the healing process, my ears hurt like the devil by the time we landed back home at MSP! Kind of like when I was 2 and flew with an ear infection, disrupting the whole plane with my screaming! This time around my right ear especially had a hard time adjusting; I went to bed back in my own house with the feeling and it equalized overnight. My mom had the same feeling in her right ear, and hers took even longer to equalize!


And Sunday morning, she woke up with the same sickness I had! And then Matt did too; I guess what he had at the beginning of the cruise was a completely unrelated minor thing! How lucky they were to not get sick during the cruise [emoji35] for some reason Dad got lucky. He and I celebrated Easter at his sister's house the next day, while Mom and Matt stayed home. Matt ended up missing school Monday and Tuesday because of his fever but while I was still in the recovery phase, I was well enough to go to school.


I did still get 2 days off that week, as Wednesday was the statewide ACT examination day for high school juniors and because they needed the entire building for testing space, grades 9, 10 and 12 got the day off. And then Thursday was our class-sanctioned (NOT school-sanctioned) senior skip day, for which the excuse my parents gave when they called in my absence was that I was feeling the residual effects of an illness! So not completely a lie. (I know, I'm a good student and the principal's student aide, so I'm supposed to be a role model- how bad of me!) I figured I'd only be a high school senior once, so I might as well participate. Not to mention I'd look pretty stupid being in that small fraction of seniors who did show up to school- even my good friend who's also a good student and whose father is a police officer stayed home that day! So no harm done.


My absence was marked as excused on my attendance just as a normal illness or doctor's appointment would be (whether they actually believed it or not, they have to take the parents' word if they give a valid reason!) So I pretty much had a weekend in the middle of the week to catch up sleep and fight my illness so I would be well enough by the actual weekend to restart my weekly lifting routine at the gym! Back to the grind... gotta burn off all that cruise food!


Anyway, sorry once again for going off topic, this concludes my day-by day report of the cruise but don't worry, there's still more! Next up: my overall thoughts on the Harmony of the Seas!



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And in the first paragraph when I mention how the service in the airport wasn't that great, I was referring to cell service. Probably due to the amount of people in there- same with the ship on embarkation day, even when I went to Deck 15 in the open I still had poor signal at times due to bandwidth!



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My Overall Thoughts


Overall, despite being sick for the second half of the cruise, I thoroughly enjoyed my week on the Harmony of the Seas. The ship was great, the service was top-notch, and the ports had great things to do. I'm having a hard time thinking of things they could change, because everything is done so perfectly! I would highly recommend this ship, ship class, and cruise line as a whole to anybody looking into cruising. I would be happy to answer any questions that any of you may have as you consider which cruise is best for you.


My overall rating: 10/10

5 Stars


Next up: an update on Patches!


(Not our photos, these are from Google Images)





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