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Off the epic and our thoughts


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I am trying to stop it I don't want my hair purple and peroxide blonde yes i can see the originally but the tram lines the hairdresser is shaving into my head really hurt. Where am I, what am I oh my God my head hurts there has been a drought in my mouth. Someone is shouting over the balcony why don't they shut up. It is my Sister does she not know there is a telephone in the room ! "are you ready for Florance" no i am ready to die and think this is imminent. "how long will you be" about 6 months I want to reply. I tell them to go on ahead without us. A few are you sures and sorrys on our behalf they are gone I am sure I heard them mutter Bloody @@@@ heads may have been the ringing in my ears though.

So the one place I wanted to go I am not fit. Still it was worth it was it I can't remember. I do know the white top with the lace on the front that I wore last night looks like one of those demos from a before and after washing advert.

Slowly and quietly we move into the buffet i need some food but it all looks a bit healthy so I settle for an omelette a coffee and six gallons of water. It is at times like this that i feel I could snarl at other humans some are just so damned stupid stood in the middle of every one taking selfies. sitting at a table for 6 just two of them and glaring at anyone else that wants to sit down. Nobody would want to sit down next to us they would fall off their chairs with the alcohol fumes. Did I put my swim suit on back to front? oh good just checking.

What a disappointment and all our own fault we will have to come back. when S &L got back on they had had a wonderful time got a driver with 5 other in Liverno and went to Florence and Pisa for 55 euros each. Gutted.

It took all day to come round. Note to self don't be so greedy, well until the next time.

Things were slightly more subdued today off to Terypanyaki tonight and Priscilla. I started with a martini some basil and something concoction that was like pond water and i could not drink it. Went into Terypanyaki. really enjoyed this it was something different and the fillet was so soft you could have cut it with a spoon

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The sea food and everything else was really good and be careful not to fill up with rice. the only thing that marred it for me was two Americans and two English Ex pats on our table loudly discussing the woes of Brexit . I wanted to jump in because politics like religion is a no no when dining and besides those sharp chefs knives where too near hand.

Time for Priscilla. Now out of any cruise we ever go on i never go to the entertainment. I hate being stuck around acting like a load of seals. i wanted to go to this and burn the floor It had good reviews and was something different. It was very good and the changes and variety of costumes amazing. Well worth watching and I can highly recommend any one taking children under 16 wants their bumps feeling and a visit from social services.

A good night was had by all.

Tomorrow was Cannes by tender and S & L had got us tender ticket Letter M . bit of a pub crawl before bed but you have to. Hope that liver has been delivered off ebay and June has taken it in next door and not fed it to patch the dog. goodnight

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I am about 2 weeks off the Epic I had no problem with the tender we had a cc tour booked and needed to be off by 8. We met in the casino at 750 and got on a tender immediately. They were only on B and our reservation was for L but people weren't showing up. I heard that it got crazy later in the day.

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We knew we were tender M so we would not be getting off first so planned a breakfast in the buffet and a leisurely get ready. at around 10.30 they called M to the Epic theatre they had just called L for the dining room. We went along to the theatre and two women pushed in in front of us. The guy says to them what letter are you and they said we dont have a letter so he says to them free tendering will start after all the letters have gone madam (I could think of another term) she says I want to go now and I am doing with this she pushed past him. How rude are some people. Then a guy barges in and says he is letter L he asks him politly to go to the dining room and the guy walk away shouting f==k y==. i was shocked and that is no easy feat with me. I don't know how they put up with these people.

We went into the theatre and all the time there is this couple edging further and further down i am loudly saying noone is getting anywhere and faster. like water off a ducks back so thick skinned he never flinched. We are asked to go down the steps in two lines and 2 women try to push in so I says there is a line. She screamed at me to chill they moved back and pushed in a little further up.

God help everyone in a real situation it would turn very nasty indeed we were only going ashore for Gods sake.

Those life boat supposed to have room for over 270 people. There worst thing is there is no speciality dining spa or H20 i don't think i could cope if we had to abandon ship no wonder the captain of the costa cadonia was off sharpish.

Cannes is a lovely place very french chic with little dog flash cars and boats and women that have no facial expression.

there is an open top bus and a little train that goes round for 10 euros that looked fun.

someone on the tender said there was a mountain up a hill they were climbing up to. No thanks I will buy a photo.

We had a coffee and got some WiFi and had a good wonder around.

back on the ship we did a bit of lounging and then S &L came back on we decided to have a few wines in the sun my sister is not a big drinker neither of my sisters are I lead the league table in that department. We were relaxed and giddy at the same time going over the holiday and that we were going to burn the floor that night. my sister was more than a little tipsy when she rang her Mother in law. The conversation went a little like this "Oh Judith it is fantastic we are going to do it again and you must come" "oh yes it is a big boat there are 40,000 people on it !!!!!!!!!!!!! " No she is not related to Diane Abbott the brits will understand that one. "we all got off today (I am presuming that is all 40,000 of us) on a life boat. Pause talking at the other end " yes just a few glasses of wine".

We were in stitches.

so she says she is going to have a short nod and we will meet for dinner and burn the floor.

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the boat is packed the world and his wife are out. We don't dock in Mallorca until 1 tomorrow so I think that people are having a night out. It really shows at times like these just how many people there are on this boat. Changed my mind about a transatlantic on it if it is full.

We are waiting for S & L and L turns up he says he has been trying to wake her up but she is not for getting up her head is spinning she feels sick and can't move. He says it's okay stay there but she keeps saying I want to see burn the rubber !!!! he tells he he will come and find us and tell us as he is going through the door she shouts "don't find a millionaire widow" . So now we are even i don't feel as bad about Florence. We went to eat and then decided to give burn the rubber....I mean floor a miss. everywhere was really really busy and you were waiting for drinks. who are these people why can't they go to bed like every other night.

Tomorrow is the last day and Palma Mallorca we have been here a few times so we are going to head for the beach resort of Palma Nova.

Hope Sis is okay tomorrow.

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Sis is up nice and breezy and we are all up for a trip to Palma Nova. We don't dock until one so spend the morning lazing around and then getting some things ready to pack. Can't believe we are going home tomorrow a week is just too short.

There is the usual scrum to get off but we do and head for a taxi. We get a lovely informative taxi driver who drops us at the beach in palma Nova. We paid 22 euros for four of us so no problem. It is a lovely beach area here and we have a walk along the shops and the promenade and head for a beer.

there is a market along the front selling nice craft things better than your usual tat found on the markets. The weather is lovely and i could have just as easily stayed on the beach.

We walked around for quite a while sat and had a coffee and chatted and then headed back to the boat.

our last night. It was busy out again. The cases are packed and have been taken away. we go top Taste and it is as good as ever. We leave S & l to get a sweet we never bother with sweets so we do what we did last night and get a wine and go up the the very front of the buffet. It takes S & L a while to join us as they said it had got really busy as we left and they had to wait awhile.

There was a youngish coupe across from us in their early 30's they had food in front of them and I kid you not she took at least 50 selfies they hardly spoke apart from her getting him to take some snaps of her. I said to my hubby sometimes now in life I think some people get things too easy and too early to appreciate them fully. I did notice that when she got up to get 2 gargantuan plates of sweets she did not take a selfie of her arse. I don't blame her she would have needed a wide screen!


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The port of call was Palma Majorca, right? Just curious about the market with craft items--that's the kind of thing I look for. Can you say more about it and how to get there? I don't typically do beach days when I cruise, so wouldn't be heading that way to spend time on the beach, but if the craft market is good, I'd definitely make it a priority. :)

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The port of call was Palma Majorca, right? Just curious about the market with craft items--that's the kind of thing I look for. Can you say more about it and how to get there? I don't typically do beach days when I cruise, so wouldn't be heading that way to spend time on the beach, but if the craft market is good, I'd definitely make it a priority. :)


Palmanova is a beach resort approx 11.6 km from the Port in Palma de Mallorca.

Approx 14 minutes by cab/car.

Approx 30 minutes by bus.

Palmanova and Palma de Majorca are two different places.

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Palmanova is a beach resort approx 11.6 km from the Port in Palma de Mallorca.

Approx 14 minutes by cab/car.

Approx 30 minutes by bus.

Palmanova and Palma de Majorca are two different places.



Thank you for the information. My itinerary says Palma Majorca, and I see now that the OP did indicate they docked there as well. I thought that was the case but it threw me off with the mention of Palmanova. I see now, I should have paid more attention when I read it.


Is it worth the trip for the craft market--it it good? Or, is there something like that in Palma Majorca?



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Thank you for the information. My itinerary says Palma Majorca, and I see now that the OP did indicate they docked there as well. I thought that was the case but it threw me off with the mention of Palmanova. I see now, I should have paid more attention when I read it.


Is it worth the trip for the craft market--it it good? Or, is there something like that in Palma Majorca?



I thought that it was good and had different things on. i don't know if it was certain days or not it was Saturday when we went. Palma nova is a nice little resort. We also know Majorca as Mallorca. There were lots of hand made jewellery and trinkets and even breads and sweets. Worth a look I think and easy to get there.

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I thought that it was good and had different things on. i don't know if it was certain days or not it was Saturday when we went. Palma nova is a nice little resort. We also know Majorca as Mallorca. There were lots of hand made jewellery and trinkets and even breads and sweets. Worth a look I think and easy to get there.


Thank you! I always look for art and handmade jewelry and crafts when I travel, I haven't found anything I'm really interested in for that port of call, so this could be just the ticket. thanks!

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There was a youngish coupe across from us in their early 30's they had food in front of them and I kid you not she took at least 50 selfies they hardly spoke apart from her getting him to take some snaps of her. I said to my hubby sometimes now in life I think some people get things too easy and too early to appreciate them fully. I did notice that when she got up to get 2 gargantuan plates of sweets she did not take a selfie of her arse. I don't blame her she would have needed a wide screen!



Wow, I hope others were not sitting around rudely judging you based on your age, what they think has come easy or difficult for you, or how much you eat and weigh. Just a thought:o

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There was a youngish coupe across from us in their early 30's they had food in front of them and I kid you not she took at least 50 selfies they hardly spoke apart from her getting him to take some snaps of her. I said to my hubby sometimes now in life I think some people get things too easy and too early to appreciate them fully. I did notice that when she got up to get 2 gargantuan plates of sweets she did not take a selfie of her arse. I don't blame her she would have needed a wide screen!



Wow, I hope others were not sitting around rudely judging you based on your age, what they think has come easy or difficult for you, or how much you eat and weigh. Just a thought:o

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Wow, I hope others were not sitting around rudely judging you based on your age, what they think has come easy or difficult for you, or how much you eat and weigh. Just a thought:o

They are quite entitled to as I do it all the time and know that others do to

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There was a youngish coupe across from us in their early 30's they had food in front of them and I kid you not she took at least 50 selfies they hardly spoke apart from her getting him to take some snaps of her. I said to my hubby sometimes now in life I think some people get things too easy and too early to appreciate them fully. I did notice that when she got up to get 2 gargantuan plates of sweets she did not take a selfie of her arse. I don't blame her she would have needed a wide screen!



Wow, I hope others were not sitting around rudely judging you based on your age, what they think has come easy or difficult for you, or how much you eat and weigh. Just a thought:o



I love your observation, Meiow! :cool: I'm so tired of all these people taking selfies. No one cares about you but you, put the damn phone down and enjoy the people/place you are in.

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Wow, I hope others were not sitting around rudely judging you based on your age, what they think has come easy or difficult for you, or how much you eat and weigh. Just a thought:o



I love your observation, Meiow! :cool: I'm so tired of all these people taking selfies. No one cares about you but you, put the damn phone down and enjoy the people/place you are in.

They stand in the middle of the damn buffet and take them regardless that there are hundreds of people trying to get past. i need a blurred lens on mine now.

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Enjoying your review - we are thinking of same ship and itinerary next year - what was the weather like ??? Not sure if June would be a better option.

Never been on the Epic - it looks fab.

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Enjoying your review - we are thinking of same ship and itinerary next year - what was the weather like ??? Not sure if June would be a better option.

Never been on the Epic - it looks fab.

The weather was good if a little windy at times but I don't mind that and certainly better if you are going around sight seeing as it can get quite hot in the med in June.

I think we had half a day of rain but not torrential.

It was at the very beginning of May we went as well. Came back with a decent tan

Hope you enjoy

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Going on Epic in Oct. First time on NCL. Trying to gather as much info as possible as we've only been on RCI and Celebrity. What exactly is "Priscilla" and "Burn the Floor"? I've seen this mentioned in other posts and they sound pretty popular. Is it something that you need to sign up for in advance? If yes, where and when do you do this?

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Going on Epic in Oct. First time on NCL. Trying to gather as much info as possible as we've only been on RCI and Celebrity. What exactly is "Priscilla" and "Burn the Floor"? I've seen this mentioned in other posts and they sound pretty popular. Is it something that you need to sign up for in advance? If yes, where and when do you do this?



I reserved Burn the Floor but ended up canceling that reservation so haven't seen it. It's a ballroom dancing show. I don't know if there's a story line.


Priscilla Queen of the Desert is a Broadway-style show that is great! It absolutely the best entertainment I've seen on a ship. It's a show for adults and they give several warnings before the show that parents should take their children. It's a really well done musical production.


You can reserve both shows at the 90-day mark (100 days for suites +) and it's a good idea. Those with reservations are allowed in before those who didn't reserve ahead of time.

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I reserved Burn the Floor but ended up canceling that reservation so haven't seen it. It's a ballroom dancing show. I don't know if there's a story line.


Priscilla Queen of the Desert is a Broadway-style show that is great! It absolutely the best entertainment I've seen on a ship. It's a show for adults and they give several warnings before the show that parents should take their children. It's a really well done musical production.


You can reserve both shows at the 90-day mark (100 days for suites +) and it's a good idea. Those with reservations are allowed in before those who didn't reserve ahead of time.



Thanks so much for explaining this. Both shows sound like something I'd like to see. Glad I can reserve in advance.

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