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9/3/17 Pride - The Reverse Gilligan's Islands Cruise or You better "roll" with it!


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So, I thought I'd post the lyrics to the song as a visual for how this trip went:)...if you start at the bottom of the song and read up, you'll know how our altered trip to Charleston, Freeport, and Nassau went.


Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale

a tale of a fateful trip,

that started from this tropic port,

aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailin' man,

the Skipper brave and sure,

five passengers set sail that day,

for a three hour tour,

a three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough (*and the stabilizers stopped working for the last 3 nights),

the tiny ship was tossed.

If not for the courage of the fearless crew

the Minnow would be lost.

The Minnow would be lost.


The ship's aground on the shore of this

uncharted desert isle

with Gilligan,

the Skipper too.

The millionaire and his wife,

the movie star,

the professor and Mary Ann,

here on Gilligan's Isle.

(Ending verse)

So this is the tale of our castaways,

they're here for a long, long time.

They'll have to make the best of things,

it's an uphill climb.

The first mate and his Skipper too

will do their very best,

to make the others comfortable

in their tropic island nest.


No phone, no lights, no motor car

not a single luxury

like Robinson Crusoe,

it's primitive as can be.

So join us here each week my friends,

you're sure to get a smile,

from seven stranded castaways

here on Gilligan's Isle!


So, that's the story. Heading to closed islands with no one around out of the immediate port area, street lights being taking down, radios shouting for folks to get the heck off the islands, and even Atlantis shutting down practically everything and practically every ship tour canceled twice (the original itinerary and then the new ones when we were 4 hours late to Freeport and arriving at 4pm and then when we hit Nassau when the whole island was already in a state of emergency shutdown - total tours available from the ship for the 3 ports were 3 in Charleston, 2 in Freeport, and about 10 in Nassau, almost all Atlantis ones)...and then having the stabilizers break on the boat, but the captain NEVER saying a word...had to drag the truth out of multiple employees who were obviously given the corporate line of "it's the hurricane", except we were in VA at the time it was the worst...and NO compensation or communication given by Carnival ever the whole trip for the changed itinerary, the likely passenger bill of rights violation for lack of timely information regarding our Freeport change (when it's 11:30am and you are supposed to arrive at noon is not the time to annouce a 4 hour delay and all tours canceled...and nothing for guests for the trouble except more "rolling"), and the unannounced stabilizer break (which hopefully is fixed for Canada since we got back SO EARLY to Baltimore)...Just "talk to Corporate" when corporate was obviously not gonna answer. And nothing done to mitigate the awful trip back to the bay...I became like the prisoner with the only box of cigarettes that day/night b/c I had meds and stomach aids galore and people were offering to buy them from me...instead, I think I helped saved 10-12 people's cruises...but the worst was finding out that same day that the next week's Pride trip was getting 25% off a future cruise and getting to sail to open ports on a fixed ship while we watched people puke their guts out, fall all over, have glasses fall in cabins during clear skies, etc (to give an example, when I dropped my kids at Kids Club that day, they asked for us to call every 30 minutes b/c kids were puking all morning from so much motion, so that was a fun task - thankfully, I medicated my kids through it)...although they say we will "get an email from Corporate soon." Right...after this week with all the other issues...I'm not watching my email box yet...


But you make of a vacation what you can. Brandon and the entertainment staff were the best I've ever had on 5 cruises across 3 lines (and 3 on Carnival). They had the worst job ever for the week b/c people were obviously not wildly happy and then not well, and they just kept rolling, rolling, and rolling with making changes to all the enterainment, but trying to get us as much as possible done as well as possible. My wait staff and room steward were great. I got once a day service, but I also got towels and trash twice a day...and when I felt unwell early in the trip (thought I didn't need Dramamine b/c it wasn't rocky then - oops for me), I got 4 pillows, a bed made late at night in my spouse's room (so I could have the room to myself), etc. Kids' room workers were great. I happily tipped all well, and they earned every penny, b/c they were stuck with the disastrous decisions made by the top staff and Corporate. Customer service was uneven - bag services ripped all tags off one of my bags and I had to retrieve it from CS...and that took way too long, even in the FTF line. They also tried to originally lie to me about the ship's return problems. And, of course, they were empowered to do nothing to help. But I also got some good folks there, so we'll call them uneven.


The Captain gets a zero for the cruise. I will never sail with that Captain again, since communication of changes and issues were non-existant on his part. If there's issues, I want to know and know early. I don't want a letter at 2pm check-on saying we are keeping the itinerary and then find out at 4pm at muster that it's completely changed, when hurricane updates happen at 11am and 5pm, so nothing had changed. I don't want to have to wait to get info on the full itinerary change until the next morning, when I need to make plans for new ports. I don't want to find out about the previously listed Freeport issues 30 minutes before arrival. I don't want to wake at 1am one night and feel rolling that doesn't stop for 28+ hours and just keeps getting worse and worse, and not know what the hell is causing it and when it will stop. Etc, etc...


My family, despite all the issues, made fun happen in all 3 ports and on board. We had a very rewarding, exhausting, fun trip with hiccups we rolled with. If anyone hits Nassau and Freeport, find Mr T and Mike for taxi tours. Those men did yeoman's work finding places they could take us that were open and that we could see some of what makes the island appealing to visitors...and they rolled with us when some folks wanted to split and head back and some wanted to have extra beach or shopping time. They also were honest (quoted us a price and kept the price...and everyone was quoted the same price), funny, and very clear story tellers (not hard to hear or understand).


Despite all this, my family all want to cruise again. Right now, my husband has decided if Carnival comes through with at least what the Pride goers this week got as compensation for a changed itinerary (since they will have a helluva lot fewer issues than we did), he'll book them again tomorrow b/c of how great Brandon and really, his lower level folks were ("Richie Rich", "Mr. Musical", "Raggedy Andy", etc). If not, he's been peering at Celebrity's website for some reason...thought he'd want RCCL and NCL, but I think he got spoiled by the Alchemy Bar and CHEERS...and speaking of, while he came out maybe $75 ahead on CHEERS, he loved it...and loved that I, the motion sick one who ended up gaining no weight b/c I ate so little on board (doubled motion meds, constant swaying, and food don't mix - never saw so many filets just tossed on elegant night) and drank 2 drinks all trip, didn't have to buy it b/c we had 2 cabins...he just enjoyed being able to ignore the prices and the guilt of spending money b/c I manage our money...


So, that's a longish overview of what was my strangest cruise with more high highs and low lows and totally whack things that ever happened before...


And one more thing...the cruisers themselves were the awesomest. So many folks were friendly and helpful to each other when things were going wrong (and they went wrong a lot). So many folks just tried to help each other have a good time and a smile. It was my 1st cruise out of Baltimore and I can't imagine it would have gone as well with any other group of folks. Again, many had the same adage of "make of it what you can"...and that helped keep the mood bouyed a lot - it was never high, but it was never ugly...and on this cruise, it could have EASILY gotten ugly...

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Well said and I completely agree. I mentioned to my wife about the stabilizer issue because I have never felt the Pride roll like this before, and that includes pervious cruises in heavyish seas. It was as if we were on a little bass boat in the middle of a storm. About 5 or 6 hours before the rolling started, there was a huge loud noise proceeded with lots of shaking that scared the hell out of everyone in the dining room. Since Carnival never said anything, we just shrugged it off.

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Well said and I completely agree. I mentioned to my wife about the stabilizer issue because I have never felt the Pride roll like this before, and that includes previous cruises in heavyish seas. It was as if we were on a little bass boat in the middle of a storm. About 5 or 6 hours before the rolling started, there was a huge loud noise proceeded with lots of shaking that scared the hell out of everyone in the dining room. Since Carnival never said anything, we just shrugged it off.


I would have shrugged it off more if they were honest and more upfront from the start on the issue (or really ever on the issue without being pressed by me), and if they had mitigated the issue at all for guests during the event...and if it wasn't like "the last straw", after an entire week of disappointing events both in and out of Carnival's control. That comes from the top, and why I think the Captain should be fired (as well as possibly anyone else deeply involved in the "don't tell guests anything - let them assume the hurricane is ruining their trip home.")


I ran into 10 different puking guests on my cabin floor and gave them my chewable nausea meds and ginger gum (didn't have enough Dramamine to hand out since I was doubling my meds and giving them to fam)...I had more folks ask me for those items in the dinner line (when they saw me getting my son to take a chewable one, since he was not enthusiastic with the idea), and I gave out all I had brought with me to dinner. But I shouldn't be mitigating Carnival's mechanical issue...Carnival should. And at a minimum, they should be acknowledging it and all aspects of it (how long it will last, how bad it will get, how they can help, if they will compensate or provide free meds, free ginger ale, free in-room movies, etc)...I mean, 26+ hours in, at 3am, when the ship is on the VA coast and the hurricane is still not even in Florida, and the rocking is now at its worst, glasses should not be falling off in-cabin counters and shattering on floors (and getting a guest cut who cleaned it up, rather than call housekeeping - yes, I was up at 3am, but no, it wasn't me - I'd have called housekeeping:)...I mean, it's bad when I get into a legalese discussion from crew the next morning about the passenger's bill of rights about being informed on mechanical issues and hearing that only issues that might "sink your ship" need to be provided to guests, not ones that will just make your cruise life a living hell...course the same crew member was shocked we hadn't been offered 25% cruise credit for the itinerary change the 1st day, b/c that's standard...so let's say, that also doesn't help:)...


If I didn't have all the types of meds I had (extra gotten in Charleston, so thank God for that stop), I'm not sure I'd have been as positive as I was about this cruise...and I wasn't that positive:)...lemonade out of lemons was the exact tagline this cruise should have...and the entertainment team, more than anyone else on board, was crucial to that lemonade...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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I was on this cruise and loved it. Captain gets a 10 in my book as there was nothing wrong with stabilizers. If people that this cruise thought it was rough, they should probably go to Kansas for vacation. Great ports of call and a blast had by all in my group.

Edited by MRVEGAS711
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I have been on the Pride in rolling seas and it is not fun, thank god for Bonine. Thanks for the review and sorry Irma affected your cruise and Carnival made some bad choices.




In January we were on the Pride with rocky seas for over 48hrs. So many people were sick and you could tell...elegant night in the dining room there were only about 30 people max in the early seating. It was unbelievable to see so few there. Enjoyed dinner and dessert while Ken Byrne, maitre sang.



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OP....what about your main dining room experience. Must have been very entertaining especially with Ken Byrne, the singing and best maitre who just returned to the Pride from his vacation.



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I have no complaints and only compliments about main dining (in fact, I have only compliments for all main staff save customer service) - my wait staff was great, anytime dining worked great, and when I could eat, it was all good. However, thanks to meds and all that rolling, that wasn't too often, so this is the 1st cruise I came home a 1/2 lb less in weight...that was not what I was expecting:)...I mean, on elegant night, I just ordered a caesar and the crab cake app...my waiter tried to tell me that was so little and I said, I know, but I didn't want to be the one wasting the expensive stuff I wouldn't eat anyway...he brought me 2 crab cakes, making it an entree...and I barely finished one (and had 3 bites of salad), but it was a very good crab cake:)...all the food was good that I had, but I'll say I didn't have as much as most folks, especially the last few nights:)...


The dining room entertainment was also excellent. My boys loved dancing with the staff...and we had a single magician come by 3 nights (he missed the worst sea day night - probably too few people and too hard to do magic when the room is lurching in the back) and he was also excellent...I'd have loved to see him do a 1/2 hour show when they had to rearrange all the Freeport on board entertainment on the fly...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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I was on this sailing, and although the itinerary change was unfortunate and put a damper on things, we still thoroughly enjoyed our trip. I went in thinking Irma would make for rough seas the whole way through so I was happy with smooth sailing 6 out of 7 days. And honestly, I just thought the rolling was due to rough seas and high winds. Never questioned the stabilizers. Our last cruise was during hurricane Sandy and let me tell ya, that was a rough one! No one in our group got sick this week so I guess we were lucky. I think most people did a good job of rolling with the punches and having a good time regardless of the unfortunate changes in itinerary and I appreciate that. It was my In-Laws first cruise, and I really wanted them to enjoy it, and they did! They can't wait to go back. Glad to see you enjoyed it for the most part. No sense in ruining a vacation over something you can't control. Just smile and enjoy!

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One more thing on dining - of what I tried, Lido 2.0 is definitely better than my Carnival cruises a few years ago. Guy's Burger and Blue Iguana Cantina were definite upgrades...the deli was still good...and I avoided the main buffet line as usual, so no comments on its goodness/badness. Best thing I ate on Lido was my 1st day lunch of a Guy's Ringer Burger topped with 2 onion rings, crumbled bacon, and carmelized onion. Ate just 1/2 of this, but it's the best "heart attack on a plate" you can eat on board. The combo of the bourbon and brown sugar BBQ sauce with the triple onion (fresh, ring, and carmelized) and the salty bacon and melty cheese and the fresh lettuce and tomato...yum. If I'd have felt well enough most days, I'd have eaten this all the time. As it was, I did have 2 more days where I repeated this 1/2 burger for a lunch (it was the only thing I ate, but do you really need to eat more?:) - gave the other half to my kids to all get bites each time, and they did announce that this one burger done this way is better than the other burgers on the menu they tried:)...

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