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Thinking about Alaska with NCL? Don't do it.

Stacy Cruiser

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These points are well taken. However, being the human creatures that we are, some folks will be completely dissatisfied with a cruise at the first hint of something going awry, and they will let it cloud their entire experience.

Other people will not be bothered at all, even if a few things aren't quite perfect, and they will have a wonderful vacation.

Some of us just simply tolerate bumps better than others. We see this everyday in our lives in dealing with different personalities.


I've got to agree with this.


As you say, we see it in everyday life all the time, some people just seem to deal better with disappointment and bounce back than others. Just another thing that is going to make it impossible to get that totally pure, 'normal' review.

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I've been searching for Alaska cruises for my niece for next summer and NCL Star is coming out in the forefront. We sailed this ship in her first year (Hawaii/Fanning Island) and were quite happy with the experience. Although the food was probably not the best we've had, we went to the specialty restaurants a couple times and had our best dinners at sea! The staff and crew were probably some of the friendliest we've ever had. The ship was very nice, of course, it was practically brand new at the time. I think we fall into the category where we don't let things bother us much and roll with the punches. I know we heard a few people complaining on that cruise and we could not figure out what their problem was.


If I were the OP, I would also be disappointed that the Glacier Bay was skipped, as that would be my main reason for cruising on this ship/itinerary. But, things happen and we can't always get what we want. I know I've had to skip concerts and give tickets away because my child was sick. I've missed days at work and spent a long boring day at the garage because my car broke down. We once cruised Hawaii (not on Star, before then) with the highlight of the trip being the viewing of the volcano flow at night from sea, no lava was flowing that night. Bummer. But, it still stands as my favorite all time cruise out of 8 so far! Life doesn't always hand you the best and sometimes we have to face disappointments.


NCL and all cruise lines have in their contract the fact that you might miss the ports listed. Actually, their only obligation is to provide you 7 nights onboard the ship. No cruise line intentionally wants to disappoint their passengers and they actually owe you absolutely nothing at all, not a cabin credit or free drinks, or anything. Weather and mechanical problems are a fact of life. So, I wonder what the OP is expecting from NCL, other than an apology?


There is so much more to an Alaskan cruise than just the Glacier viewing day. You have to greet each new day with a new enthusiasm and make the best time for yourself. Our favorite port of call in Alaska happened to be Sitka and I would love to go back there again, it was absolutely lovely. People need to learn to take charge of their own destiny and enjoy all your experiences, except for the days spent at the garage with a broken down car.

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I got so carried away I forgot to write what I really wanted to say to the OP. That is, response from customer service is usually very slow, many times months after your cruise. You can expect a post card 2 months after your letter, telling you that they got your letter, then at least 2 more months before you will get a computer generated response. It is usually just an apolgy, sometimes they will give you a coupon for a percentage off your next cruise.


Insert the cruise line name, they are all the same.

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Well, great idea if you can find it, but I think if we only accepted reviews where absolutely nothing out of the norm happened we would have very few reviews to judge by.


That is bull. These boards are full of reviews of normal everyday cruises. If you would read all the post instead of only looking for bad things to expound on, you would see them.


Several times, on my posts alone, you have taken things out of context to try to prove something bad about NCL, just like this one.


In life, you can only look at the good things, the bad thing, or face reality. And reality is, when someone gets upset over what is not an everyday experience, many see everything after that as bad. It is not a reason to judge a cruise line. Especially when these boards are full of reviews where people did not experience one of these rare occurences and make reports that give both good and bad of what happened to them.


You like to look at one or two percent of the cruisers. I like to judge by the 98-99 %. And, yes, I ignore those who reports have a rare and not normal experience that I, in all likelyhood, will never see. These boards have proven that many of those people's judgment is clouded after the problem.

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Toss out reviews by everybody who: had a suite, or got an upgrade, missed a port,or had bad weather, suffered an Norwalk outbreak, or won money on the slots etc. etc. and how many will be left?


Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore the sensational, blanket comments and judge the reviews on the information reported?

First off,I don't think anyone has bought into your notion that the reviews of every suite passenger should be "tossed out." Haven't you gotten that picture yet? Is it really so difficult for you to comprehend the difference between being upgraded from an F cabin to an E and the example Retired Not Expired gave about oceanview to owner's suite? Is the concept of "degree" that foreign to you?


Please tell me that when someone writes "I wrote ten times to Colin Veitch demanding compensation for the fact that the gangway was so steep getting onto the ship in Guantanamera that I was out of breath and he refused me every time," and then four months later badmouths everything about that cruise, that you really are discerning enough to take those criticisms with large grains of salt. Please tell me that when someone comes here and writes "We are a very upscale couple who usually cruise the always elegant "Z" because of its refined clientele and now, having discovered a low-priced Neapolitan Cruise Line itinerary out of our home port, are wondering if we'll be able to stomach the relative low-lifes we'd have to cruise with on Neapolitan" that you'd look somewhat askance at any subsequent review of a Neapolitan cruise from that someone.


Yes, many people have been here long enough that they are able to discern signals like these when they read someone's description of their cruise, and react accordingly. The invariable result is that they are jumped on and harassed by you (which is apparently your raison d'etre for coming to Cruise Critic, since you never seem to do anything here besides criticize what others have to say).


Let's remember that what got you into this mess in the first place was your statement that it was "silly" for anyone to recommend a cruise line to others, and you've subsequently dug yourself deeper and deeper into your usual hole trying vainly to defend that assertion. One of these days maybe you'll learn how to say "oops, I guess I put my foot in with that one," drop it, and allow the rest of us to just move along.

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We were also on the July sailing that missed Glacier Bay. It was more than "missing a port" it was the entire reason for selecting NCL out of Seattle. Sitka was a poor substitute and the worst weather of the cruise.


On the otherhand, we did enjoy the rest of the cruise and returned again to the Star in November for the Mexican Riviera (glad they didn't miss Acapulco). NCL treated us well regarding the Mexico cruise, VIP treatment and a great price on the cruise.


All's well that ends well.;)

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Hello all.



  • It is quite interesting to note that the OP has not returned a single post since starting this thread.
  • A snowball fight is starting up again... I have seen these get us nowhere except to hijack a thread and be riddled with opinions, not information.
  • OP- better to simply state facts. (Examples: (1) "stood in line at dinner each time for 5 minutes - love freestyle dining"; (2) "almost choked on the gross mouse-like chocolate goo - don't try it")


Suggestion: Methinks that if we just quit posting on this thread it would just go away??? :confused:


Nuff said.


Merry, Merry, Christmas everyone! Wish I was at sea. (Please NO ONE reply - so this one floats away...)

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Just wanted to add my two cents to the brew. I do agree with this point of view that special treatment feels much better than the opposite. The change in the Lattitudes program seems to have resulted in a change in the crew's attitude that many passengers will not feel until the next cruise. And, perhaps the attitude is relavent to the ship, schedule, etc. I just know there was a very definite change on our recent past NCL cruise. The work was done, the towel animals appreared and the food was there, but the friendliness was gone. No, it did not ruin our vacation, but it did make us more aware of who we are, where we were, and who was in control of our lives. I realize I do not post often, and will be flamed for my opinions, but felt the need to say we were not as comfortable with our lastest cruise as we were last year.


Fleet - could you explain in what way the change in the Lattitudes program has changed the attitudes of the staff? Are they nicer to those at higher levels or what? If so, how do they even know what level you are?



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First off,I don't think anyone has bought into your notion that the reviews of every suite passenger should be "tossed out." Haven't you gotten that picture yet? Is it really so difficult for you to comprehend the difference between being upgraded from an F cabin to an E and the example Retired Not Expired gave about oceanview to owner's suite? Is the concept of "degree" that foreign to you?


Please tell me that when someone writes "I wrote ten times to Colin Veitch demanding compensation for the fact that the gangway was so steep getting onto the ship in Guantanamera that I was out of breath and he refused me every time," and then four months later badmouths everything about that cruise, that you really are discerning enough to take those criticisms with large grains of salt. Please tell me that when someone comes here and writes "We are a very upscale couple who usually cruise the always elegant "Z" because of its refined clientele and now, having discovered a low-priced Neapolitan Cruise Line itinerary out of our home port, are wondering if we'll be able to stomach the relative low-lifes we'd have to cruise with on Neapolitan" that you'd look somewhat askance at any subsequent review of a Neapolitan cruise from that someone.


Yes, many people have been here long enough that they are able to discern signals like these when they read someone's description of their cruise, and react accordingly. The invariable result is that they are jumped on and harassed by you (which is apparently your raison d'etre for coming to Cruise Critic, since you never seem to do anything here besides criticize what others have to say).


Let's remember that what got you into this mess in the first place was your statement that it was "silly" for anyone to recommend a cruise line to others, and you've subsequently dug yourself deeper and deeper into your usual hole trying vainly to defend that assertion. One of these days maybe you'll learn how to say "oops, I guess I put my foot in with that one," drop it, and allow the rest of us to just move along.



Okay, read again please, I never said that the reviews of every suite passenger should be tossed out. What I said was that if you are going to suspect any reviews from people who didn't have a perfectly 'normal' cruise then you should equally suspect any reviews from people who had above 'normal' accomodations or were given above 'normal' perks.

If you re-read what I wrote with comprehension I think you will see that I was never in favour of 'tossing out' anyone's review, simply of disregarding broad statements like "no one should cruise this line" or "I'd recommend this cruise to anyone".


It was another poster who was wanting to disregard certain reviews because they were by people who had a missed port on their cruise.


What I actually wrote was:


I think it is as silly to warn everyone away from a cruiseline because of your one bad experience as it is to recommend a cruiseline to anyone because of your good experience.


Not everyone is looking for the same things from their cruise and just about everyline, ship and even itinerary may appeal to some cruisers and not to others.



The point I have tried to make again and again is that everyones cruise is unique, everyone, IMO has the right to come here and describe their experience but blanket statements like 'this line stinks and no one should take it' are as silly as blanket statements that 'anyone who gets on this ship will have a great time'.


Originally posted by hotspur:

Yes, many people have been here long enough that they are able to discern signals like these when they read someone's description of their cruise, and react accordingly. The invariable result is that they are jumped on and harassed by you



I don't jump on people for drawing their own conclusions about reviews they read. I do sometimes object to people drawing their own conclusions and then finding it necessary to post that others should disregard those reviews or that the comments have no value just because they don't happen to agree with their own feelings about the cruiseline.

Originally posted by hotspur:

One of these days maybe you'll learn how to say "oops, I guess I put my foot in with that one," drop it, and allow the rest of us to just move along

Well I think I have demonstrated that, when I am shown to be wrong, I can and do admit it. In fact I think it was Retired not Expired who once, a while ago, pointed out a big booboo I had made. When he (or she?)did, I admitted the mistake and apologized.


So you may not agree with what I have written here, but please do not accuse me of being unable to accept that I can at times be wrong or 'put my foot in it'. Have you ever been wrong about anything?


It just happens that this time no one has convinced me that I am wrong or that I 'put my foot in it', just that they either haven't correctly comprehended my point or that they understand but disagree with it.


In any case, we are a few days away from Christmas, I'm busy and I think this point has been beaten to death by both sides, so I'm happy to let it rest.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas ( if that isn't too politically incorrect) and for those cruising during the Holiday Season I hope that whether your cruise is 'normal' or includes some 'exceptional' features you enjoy it and come back to tell us about it.


Hotspur, my special Christmas present to you is that I'm going to be too busy over the next few days to post here. Enjoy!:D

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Now, that is a statement I will take out of context and endorse.


Merry Christmas.


Well, I don't know ... have you been a suite passenger?


Just kidding



Happy Holidays everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy Chanuka, Seasons Greetings!

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Well, great idea if you can find it, but I think if we only accepted reviews where absolutely nothing out of the norm happened we would have very few reviews to judge by.


Toss out reviews by everybody who: had a suite, or got an upgrade, missed a port,or had bad weather, suffered an Norwalk outbreak, or won money on the slots etc. etc. and how many will be left?


Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore the sensational, blanket comments and judge the reviews on the information reported?


Yes, warning the whole world off a particular cruise ship because you had a bad experience is silly, but so is saying that anyone who has a bad time on a cruise is a whiner just because you enjoyed your cruise on the same ship.


I have to partially agree with this statement. Most reviews are, unfortunately, written by people who have a negative opinion or bad experience. At least those are the ones that stay at the top of the heap the longest. People love to read the negative, just like they like to slow down to observe a traffic accident. The average review is viewed as boring reading material, the reviews where the trip was great are read for a day or two, good for you, blah blah, blah.


I really love the negative reviews, much more entertaining to read. However, I do keep in mind that the experience has probably gotten much worse for the author since the actual incident happened. You know, how a story gains more detail and strength the longer you let it fester and grow in your mind.


I also like to read about problems others may have onboard a ship, it lets me know to avoid a situation, or I can deal with it better if I know in advance.


The only problem I have with the OPs post is that it attacks a cruise line specifically, this could have happened on any cruise line, it could happen on any ship. None of them are immune to mechanical failure or bad weather. If they had a crystal ball and could predict things like this, it could be avoided. I was sorry to read that the weather in Sitka bad, as I don't think it would have been a "poor substitute" otherwise. However, at least they had a substitute, otherwise you would have just had another day at sea (not a "poor substitute" for me and many others!).


Sometimes you read about missing ports and almost the whole ship is in an uproar! Personally, for me, a day where I have no plans, nowhere to be and can really relax and do nothing is a bit of heaven :) , to have it as a surprise is a gift!


Some of the best times of our loves have happened to us when we least expected it and in places where we normally would never have wanted to go. Some of the most disappointing times we've had on cruises have been times where we have gone to ports other people rave about and can't wait to visit. Ex. Ketchikan (tourist trap, crowded) and Lahaina (Hawaii, same, boring, tourist trap). So, we all expect different things from life, not all of it is as exciting as we hoped for. If life hands you lemons, you can either make lemonade or look like you're sucking on lemons.


I hope your next cruise experience is perfect, or as close to perfect as you want it to be.

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Everyone knows that I like to side on the side of people posting reviews and giving reviews. I am quick to defend posters from attacks by others on this board because I feel that it is everyone's right to their opinion and the sharing of both the bad and the good is what makes this board stronger.


But hold on to your seats: I have to say that this OP sets off flashing lights to me. It is not that this person is a "one post wonder." (we have had many of those.) It is not that this person is upset with missing Glacier Bay. It is not that they experienced poor customer service. (many of us have experienced that).


But what set it off for me is that this poster not only waited 4 months to post, but also never bothered to look into her concerns with info on this board. It is a well documented fact that the Star had to miss Glacier Bay ONCE last summer by order of the National Park Service....not in NCL's control. We all know that cruise ships miss ports at times. If the poster was complaining about NCL's compensation for missing Glacier Bay, then I could feel a little sympathy. Also, I seem to remember fish and chicken on the menu EVERY day in the main restaurants. Yes, it was only one type each day, but you have so many other dining options on NCL.


I'm sorry, but to me the OP sounded like a spoiled child. She didn't get to see what she wanted to see, she was inconveinenced by the safety feature of signing her child in and out of Kid's Club, and she only had one kind of chicken or fish to choose from each day. Sounds to me as if she is not getting what she wants out of NCL corporate so she is going to try and turn customers against them. Sounds spoiled to me.


Geez, are you skeptics on here finally getting to me or what???? (lol)

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Glacier Bay was the reason we booked NCL. We didn't miss it because of a natural event that would put us in harms way. We missed it because our ship wasn't operating correctly (something I would hope they would remedy quickly or catch before we left). We had invited others to share our experience and they were disappointed too, as were the other passengers.

I ususally try to find the good in things/people, however, I've sailed with Carnival and Princess, and by comparison in food, service, cabin layout and children's programs those other lines win hands down. I do acknowledge NCL for quick check in and good entertainment.

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Glacier Bay was the reason we booked NCL. We didn't miss it because of a natural event that would put us in harms way. We missed it because our ship wasn't operating correctly (something I would hope they would remedy quickly or catch before we left). .


Things break, it happens, so, I guess they could've cancelled your cruise. But then we would be reading many more complaints. Personally I would never book a cruise to see any one port/thing, but that's just me.



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The reason I waited so long to post was to give NCL time to respond to my two written complaints. Obviously they did not address those concerns to my satisfaction. I wanted to post now in order warn others of our experience before they booked their Alaskan cruise. Those with a family of four usually have to reserve early (like January). I've cruised with Carnival and Princess and had a wonderful time. NCL just didn't compare.

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I was allowing NCL time to respond to my correspondences. They did not address the concerns to my satisfaction. Now that it's time to start booking Alaskan cruises, I thought I'd share my opinion. I've sailed on two other cruise lines multiple times (Carnival and Princess) and enjoyed them very much. Our families did have fun spending time together, but I don't feel NCL compares with the other lines. I chose to share our circumstances in the hope that others would not have to repeat our experience.

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The reason I waited so long to post was to give NCL time to respond to my two written complaints. Obviously they did not address those concerns to my satisfaction. I wanted to post now in order warn others of our experience before they booked their Alaskan cruise. Those with a family of four usually have to reserve early (like January). I've cruised with Carnival and Princess and had a wonderful time. NCL just didn't compare.


So now you need to go to the Carnival and Princess boards and do a little research. You will find post just like this one for very similar reasons warning people never to use those lines again.


So if you want us to follow your advice here, you need to follow those and never use those lines again.


Sorry, it's irresponcible to tell people not to use a cruise line because of one incident on one ship. If we took your advice and the advice of all those on ALL the other cruise lines, we would have to say we will never cruise again.


These type reports are common enough, if you go back and read another post of mine you will see the pattern that people use when a port is missed.


1. It was the reason we booked that cruise.

2. Food was bad.

3. Service was bad

4. Crew was rude.

5. They didn't compensate us enough or not at all

6. I sailed xyz and this line doesn't compare to it (them)

7. Etc., Etc., Etc.


Nothing wrong with telling about a bad experience and then people can decide for themselves if they think it might affect them or was isolated or the norm by reading that and other posts.

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I was allowing NCL time to respond to my correspondences. They did not address the concerns to my satisfaction. Now that it's time to start booking Alaskan cruises, I thought I'd share my opinion. I've sailed on two other cruise lines multiple times (Carnival and Princess) and enjoyed them very much. Our families did have fun spending time together, but I don't feel NCL compares with the other lines. I chose to share our circumstances in the hope that others would not have to repeat our experience.


I appreciate that you waited to post until you had communicated with NCL, but I'm curious as to what they could've done that would've satisfied you.


I've cruised other lines as well (mainly Royal Caribbean & Carnival), and to me there isn't a lot seperating those lines, except for freestyle on NCL, which I much prefer ESPECIALLY when I've cruised to Alaska. Nice not having to choose between an assigned dinner time and watching a whale.


Anyhow, I hope your future cruises are more to your liking




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The reason I waited so long to post was to give NCL time to respond to my two written complaints. Obviously they did not address those concerns to my satisfaction. I wanted to post now in order warn others of our experience before they booked their Alaskan cruise. Those with a family of four usually have to reserve early (like January). I've cruised with Carnival and Princess and had a wonderful time. NCL just didn't compare.


Could you reveal to the board exactly what it is that you were expecting NCL to do? Did they respond at all? It sounds as though you have received a reply, but that it did not satisfy you.


Have you noticed how many very happy Alaskan cruisers there on these boards, who have cruised with NCL?


If you could enlighten us a little further, it would be appreciated.

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I suspect the general pattern is that a port or important sight was missed or shore excursion canceled, some kind of over-the-top compensation was requested, the cruise line appropriately said "you've got to be kidding us," resulting in the passenger seeking out every cruise forum known to man to exact his/her revenge by telling everyone that the food, service, interior colors, crew uniforms, drinks, slot machines, etc., etc., were simply dreadful, and to "BEWARE" of that cruise line. Or maybe even "DON'T DO IT." Perhaps it was still worse: a "NIGHTMARE." The pattern has become so common and obvious that it's now hackneyed and, frankly, tiresome.


Unfortunately, this behavior can cause a problem when some poor unsuspecting newbie happens to come by and believes what was written, causing him/her to avoid what would otherwise be a perfectly good cruise. I recall at least one person who, having read the Dream/Nightmare melodrama that followed from the Paris shore excursion mishap, changed his cruise from the Dream out of nearby New Orleans and drove all the way to Houston or Galveston to take essentially the same cruise on a different NCL ship. Really a shame when the Dream would have been much easier to drive to and quite likely would have provided an equally satisfying vacation.

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Fleet - could you explain in what way the change in the Lattitudes program has changed the attitudes of the staff? Are they nicer to those at higher levels or what? If so, how do they even know what level you are?




Actually, no, I do not care to explain the changes, but thank you for asking your questions. Most of my observations are intuitive and I just do not need the experience of examining everything to the point of hours of explaining in writing to people who will only hear or read whatever they choose to hear and read. As many have already said, perceptions are totally individual. What I felt will not necessarily be what you feel in any given circumstance. So, my advice would be to just take your cruise and examine your own feelings regarding the changes. I will add that my experiences have made me more curious and, therefore, more interested in the China/American relationship in business.

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Just wanted to add my two cents to the brew. I do agree with this point of view that special treatment feels much better than the opposite. The change in the Lattitudes program seems to have resulted in a change in the crew's attitude that many passengers will not feel until the next cruise. And, perhaps the attitude is relavent to the ship, schedule, etc. I just know there was a very definite change on our recent past NCL cruise. The work was done, the towel animals appreared and the food was there, but the friendliness was gone. No, it did not ruin our vacation, but it did make us more aware of who we are, where we were, and who was in control of our lives. I realize I do not post often, and will be flamed for my opinions, but felt the need to say we were not as comfortable with our lastest cruise as we were last year.


What NCL ships did you sail? Was it the same ship both times?

Just curious if the "change" was on the same ship or a different one.

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