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I wondered about her not being visible at 7 also. Maybe she had to "p"? Or she was among the disarrayed sheets and he just couldn't see her. Or she was off committing other nefarious acts? I just don't know.

If she wasn't visible at 7:00, then that means she got even less sleep than we thought. ;)
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Corona's pointing out of DW not being seen in bed at 7:00 still is bouncing around in my noodle..... how could anyone be up with that much booze in them?? Could she have known DH was overboard, and her mind was racing, or could she have been on speed (but with booze wouldn't that kill ya??). Anyway if she was wondering around the ship at 7, she is on tape and people saw her... hopefully she was just under the covers. I just can't reconcile the spa thinng and this just makes it even more so.


Here's what I posted in one of the OTHER 5 threads on this topic. It's from the web, but I can see how it could happen. It depends on the person.




Originally Posted by bardgal

I'm not "selling" anything. I'm just not in a rush to condem her.


Let's say they were drinking the real absinthe sold in Spain - even more reason there's no way she'd be able to be up and about in 4 hours.



She went to the lounge, where they were drinking it at 2:30. She left the lounge, by herself, at 3:30. There is an unaccounted for hour there, before they found her passed out in the hall. Maybe she passed out right after she left, who knows, but let's assume that's a fact. She showed up at the spa at 8:30. That's at least 4 1/2 hours of sleep, interupted sleep, but nonetheless, sleep. It's also a common side affect of being drunk, that when the alcohol wears off, people wake up.


She has said that she got up from bed, and put her shoes on, and went right to the spa, remaining in the same clothes that she wore the night before, so it's not as if she spent any time in the room getting ready for the spa. Remember, everyone's body reacts differently to things, but if you do any research at all on the side affects of being drunk, you'll find this is common.


From the web;

Short-term effects


Alcohol suppresses the part of the brain that controls judgement, resulting in a loss of inhibitions. It also affects physical co-ordination, causing blurred vision, slurred speech and loss of balance. Drinking a very large amount at one time (binge drinking) can lead to unconsciousness, coma, and even death. Vomiting while unconscious can lead to death by asphyxiation (suffocation). Alcohol is implicated in a large proportion of fatal road accidents, assaults and incidents of domestic violence.



The brain is the organ that is most affected by alcohol, and proves that it is being damaged through the drinker's behavior changes and emotional distress. Three noticeable effects of alcohol injury to the brain: memory loss, confusion, and augmentation. (Augmentation is a physiological response to alcohol which results in hyper-alertness to normal situations, perceiving light as brighter or sounds as louder than usual, or the drinker’s becoming extremely sad or angry for no apparent reason.) The drinker's rapid mood swings and emotional and behavioral instability can be brought under control by stopping drinking.


Blackouts, or loss of memory for a period during drinking, are a physical effect of alcohol on the brain. They occur as alcohol cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain can kill tens of thousands of brain cells every time a person becomes intoxicated.





Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • hangovers -- fairly common result of overindulging-- headache, fatigue, thirst, and nervousness. There may be nausea and abdominal cramping. Diagnosed alcoholics report fewer hangovers than drinkers who are non-alcoholic, this may be because they have learned to ignore the symptoms.
  • sleep disturbance -- waking up earlier than usual after expecting to "sleep it off," being unable to fall asleep, disturbed dreaming.
  • irritability, anxiety, and restlessness -- all caused by the irritant effects of alcohol.
  • tremors, or "morning shakes"-- Tremors will clear after several days of abstinence, if there is no permanent damage to the nervous system

  • physical weakness, rapid heart rate,

  • mental sluggishness

  • difficulty thinking clearly or flexibly




Now me, I have been drunk in my 20's, so much so, that I woke up the next day, and had no clue how I got wherever I was.....just hung over, nothing else though.;)


I remember one New Years Eve, in my late 20's, not remembering anything after about 10:30 pm, and waking up at home the next morning, alone,;) about 8-ish. And the first thing that hit me was, Ahhh...where's my dress.....I had worn a $450.00 dress, beaded silk, and very delicate, so as I went to step out of bed, I saw that had apparently spread it out on the floor, and I was sleeping naked, something that I never did.


Next thing I did was get up and go look at my car. Yes, that's right. I drove HOME, about 45 miles, from a club off of I40, to I170, north to Florissant Mo. :rolleyes:


Of course, when I snapped out of it, I called my friend who had been with me, and asked her why she let me drive home!! She said that I insisted, and that I seemed fine, but that I did have a hard time getting the key in the door....well, then why didn't she just grab the keys, or call me a cab. She also said I left just after midnight.


That whole event changed me forever. I have not been drunk to that degree since. It'll scare the crap out of you, when you can't remember things.


Anyway, I digress. But there have been many times I can remember going to bed at like 3:00-4:00, and waking up just a few hours later, feeling like crap, but the difference for me was, even though I was awake, I could not get out of bed and go somewhere.

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You know it’s interesting cause Josh does recall her saying to him that she went back to the cabin. Later, actually he remembers her saying she went to the gym.



Maybe that is where Jen was at 7 am, when the next door neighbor looked in their room and saw nobody in bed. Wonder why she didn't want to be in her room?? Hmmmm, the plot thickens!!
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Are you a share holder?
That was rude, one could say you are besotted by JS and do not see her faults. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

And I am one now after finding out about the room credit when you sail, we had a very small seapass bill at the end of a 14 day cruise because of it, and for NO other reason.

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That was rude, one could say you are besotted by JS and do not see her faults. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Wait a minute, me rude, no I asked a question. This is a board were anyone can express there opion. I simple asked her a question. Is she?

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No' date=' just someone who thinks that RCCL is getting a bum deal by the press, JHS, and George's family.[/size']


Bum deal heck there are doing better than the family at this point! But I would never slam another person without haveing facts to back it up. Could she have been there, at this point if she was she is one hell of a lier, we do know that she was found passed out in the hallway about 10 minutes after the thud.

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Well, I am still of the opinion at this moment that JHS had no idea what was what.


I do beleive she was thoroughly ticked off at George for his comment the evening before, the Hussy comment, and was so angry that she could have cared less where he was or what he did and assumed the reciprocal form him in return.


I don't beleive she drank as much as George did, and I think even with alcohol consumption that her sleep was not deep, that she got more of it, and that she woke early for the spa, heck, we don't know that she didn't set an electronic wake up call on the phone, and went on to the spa in her heightened state of anxiety, at the least. Nothin for nothing...anyone who has had too much to drink has a horrible sense that things may have gone too far the night before. With all the placeholders regarding absinthe, there ought to be one about the sleep interruption of regular old alcohol. One may think in the absense of absinthe you'd get a full 8 hours, but conventional wisdom can claim otherwise!


With that I can account for her 'logic' if you will in the wee hours, but I still don't think based on timing she and George ever saw one another after the kick in the groin.


What I can see is George having a sh*t fit that his wife was still not back in the cabin after looking for her and coming back to the cabin with no luck, and I can see him freaked and throwing things inside the cabin out of a frustration, accounting for disturtbing the neighbors, and I can see those who escorted him frazzled and leaving him to his sh*t fit since there was nothing anyone could do but ask him to settle down.


I realize these escorts were removed from the ship several days later, yet I don't get a sense they would have harmed George, as in robbing him and throwing him overboard for the fun of it. Lawyering up to me is not equivalent of guilt, it could simply be be the need to keep wide and clear.


So the question remains how did George land on the canopy, and I assume it was his blood and that he did, and what happened to him after that?


I for one need the benefit of the cruiselines tapes, the access (seapass)information, the statements of Josh and Friends, the statements of cruisline staff, and the details of what personal belongings were returned to Jen before I can formulate my hypothesis of what happened to George.


What we know is not enough for me at this time to draw a conclusion.

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That's because the family keeps talking. :rolleyes:


Listen you have been on here a while and you know that people have different points of view, at this point some guess what the answer is or grab it from there gut, my comment was not attacking you, but why on earth would you say the things you have against her when everything points at the four men that last seen him?? I know if I was in there shoes that I would raise all hell until I had answers of were my spouse or son is and what happened. The family, his family said that last night.

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Listen you have been on here a while and you know that people have different points of view, at this point some guess what the answer is or grab it from there gut, my comment was not attacking you, but why on earth would you say the things you have against her when everything points at the four men that last seen him?? I know if I was in there shoes that I would raise all hell until I had answers of were my spouse or son is and what happened. The family, his family said that last night.


Ken, I think what people are saying is that "you can catch more bee's with honey, than you can with vinegar". That's what this family is doing. I get that they are angry, but this war they have waged is clearly not doing them any good. It's not helping them to find out what happened. They need to be up the FBI's butt, and Jennifer's, maybe even the Turk's, not RCI's. They should realize that they have aired their opinion of RCI, and move on. They have lost respect of the majority of the public. Their slanderous remarks are only making them seem irrational.

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Back to photos....I've been looking at some BOS photos on webshots,etc. but can't see if you can, in fact, peer around the edge of the balcony dividers to view inside your neighbour's cabin, i.e. could the police man actually see if Jennifer was in the bed asleep at 7:00 am. If he could get a view of her bed (that's creepy just thinking about it), and she wasn't there, that's the start of yet another guessing game of where was she, and does she remember where she was at 7:00 a.m.?

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One other thing - Corona, I'll be on the Brilliance in March and staying in a GS above George's room. Rest assured, the first thing I'm going to do is open the balcony and look down! Then I'm going to start checking for cameras, seeing if I can peer around balconies....my neighbors will think I'm nuts!! :D

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Back to photos....I've been looking at some BOS photos on webshots,etc. but can't see if you can, in fact, peer around the edge of the balcony dividers to view inside your neighbour's cabin, i.e. could the police man actually see if Jennifer was in the bed asleep at 7:00 am. If he could get a view of her bed (that's creepy just thinking about it), and she wasn't there, that's the start of yet another guessing game of where was she, and does she remember where she was at 7:00 a.m.?


You know, I wondered that too. Especially, when I saw Greta on that balcony...I know she is small, but there is no way she could have seen over there....and the bed was on the wall closest to the cop's room, so in my opinion, it would have been harder to see it, than if it would have been on the far wall from him. I think he would have had to do a little more than "peek" around the divider to see in there.............especially, if the drapes were partially drawn....

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Ken, I think what people are saying is that "you can catch more bee's with honey, than you can with vinegar". That's what this family is doing. I get that they are angry, but this war they have waged is clearly not doing them any good. It's not helping them to find out what happened. They need to be up the FBI's butt, and Jennifer's, maybe even the Turk's, not RCI's. They should realize that they have aired their opinion of RCI, and move on. They have lost respect of the majority of the public. Their slanderous remarks are only making them seem irrational.


Oh no doubt, and they maybe up the FBI's but when they are not on tv, and I think the only support they have lost has been of loyal RCCL people. If people would post with something that backs there feelings then het im all for it, but if every other post is slamming a person that is not here to defend herself (that would be nice) that is very wrong, and if people think I'm rude for saying what I said then fine, jump on the bandwagon. corona I think you know me well enough by now that its not a personal attack.

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One other thing - Corona, I'll be on the Brilliance in March and staying in a GS above George's room. Rest assured, the first thing I'm going to do is open the balcony and look down! Then I'm going to start checking for cameras, seeing if I can peer around balconies....my neighbors will think I'm nuts!! :D

LOL...I was going to go on the BOS next year too! I changed my mind though, as I knew I would spend the whole cruise thinking about it.:D

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Oh no doubt, and they maybe up the FBI's but when they are not on tv, and I think the only support they have lost has been of loyal RCCL people. If people would post with something that backs there feelings then het im all for it, but if every other post is slamming a person that is not here to defend herself (that would be nice) that is very wrong, and if people think I'm rude for saying what I said then fine, jump on the bandwagon. corona I think you know me well enough by now that its not a personal attack.


No offense taken, but I think you need to go read some of the other blogs on the net before you say it's only RCI suporters saying that. Lots of people are saying that, not just here...;)

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