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Fury - In the article you referenced, we have voices in a foreign language on the balcony and a woman's scream. I didn't see this "information" before - heard about a scream, but not by sex, maybe I missed it, but I would think it would have shown up before. Nancy

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That peaked my curiosity as well. The mom of the photographer says she heard a woman's scream....daughter gets up next morning and voila a blood stain (couldn't have written it better myself).


We need a timeline expert here...Corona, Wolf, Fury et al....how might a woman's scream (assuming JHS) fit into this ....


Fifteen minutes of fame, dreaming or perhaps she truly heard a woman scream...makes for a new interpretation.

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Ok, here's something interesting, or stupid, depending on your views. I was looking for info for the Carver lady, and found this...site.....which appears to be a bunch of maritime attorneys, and also has links to the NEW site for cruise victims and their families.


Although, I hesitate to post the link, because they can track it back here, and lord knows, the last thing we need on this site is an ambulance chasing attorney, but I think you all need to read this;


Ok, who the heck is Walter Zalisko? I know there was another cop on a show a long time ago, but how could he have been in the room next to the Smith's, when the Lawyers, and the Hymans were? He coudn't. This account has all of the Clete Hyman details, but they are calling him Walter Zalisko? :rolleyes:


Man, they screwed that up! Interesting site, biased, but interesting.......


If you want to go to the site, Google, Cruise Bruise.


1 corona, what was the publish date of this?

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Ok my thinking cap has been off all day. Now I'm starting to think back to the 3/4 men leaving GS's cabin.


2:30 AM Casino: Jaci has the "sober" conversation with JHS while her husband plays Craps with GS (according to Jaci). GS teaches Josh to play craps while JHS plays blackjack/flirts with the casino manager (according to Josh and now Rusty). Casino closes. They all (JHS, GS, the Russians-all 3, Josh, casino dealer, and casino manager) leave the casino, head for the elvator and all enter/go up to the disco. JHS says she barely remembers leaving the casino but remembers the "revolving bar".


2:35 (or thereafter) AM Disco. All are witnessed drinking in "whatever" position/seating arrangement. Rusty's attorney stated "semi circle" around a table. Someone produces a bottle of alchohol not sold by the ship. The bottle is consumed by GS, the 3 Russians and Josh. No one, not even Josh or the Russians, has mentioned JHS drinking with them at this point *after the "bottle of absinthe" is produced* (interesting?). By Josh's and Rusty's statements, JHS was "leaning on" or "draped" on the casino manager and sitting on a couch with the casino employee (stated in other accounts). Other passengers state she was leaning "against" another patron all together (not a crewmember). Follow me? This is still after 2:30 am and before 3:30 am (when the disco is shut down). At some point GS realises she is "flirting" (according to Josh & Rusty) and calls her a name - "hussy" (by the way-what mid twenties man says "hussy"?). JHS and GS argue and then JHS kicks GS in the groin, verified by other witnesses at the disco. At what point is she drinking absinthe? Seems like she wasn't actually present with the guys during the drinking, she was too busy "flirting". After kicking GS, she leaves/stumbles out WITH (according to Josh) ALONE (according to other witnesses) the casino employee, gets on the elevator to go "somewhere". This is just before the disco closes, just minutes before GS leaves with the assistance of Josh and all 3 of the Russians. Still follow? When did she drink the absinthe?


3:30AM Disco closes. the 5 men head to the elevator. GS had just been "kicked" minutes before and is obviously drunk needing the assistance of the larger 2 men to help him "look" for JHS at their cabin. Let's just assume the normal time to get to the elevator, get in, get to the cabin, and discover JHS not there in the cabin. Maybe 10 minutes? That puts them in the cabin at 3:40-3:45AM (according to both Josh's & Rusty's attorneys). So what about 5 minutes to change a shirt? So now it's 3:50*Still no JHS? Where has she been for 20 minutes? At this point, GS changes his shirt and they all (or maybe one stayed behind to see if JHS shows up?) leave to go searching for JHS at the jacuzzi and the solarium for the next 10-15 minutes. Why such a short search? Was GS unable (too drunk) to go on looking? They return to the Smiths cabin.


4:00 AM. At 4 AM they return (all five from everyones accounts) to the Smiths cabin. Soft voices 3 men, 2 with accents (again, maybe only 4 left to go the second time?) are reported in the hallway outside the Lawyers cabin at approximately this time (to the left of the Smiths cabin) then the cabin door is heard opening and commotion is heard in the Smiths cabin, however at the same time Clete Hyman (to the right of the Smiths' cabin) is calling guest relations to complain about loud partying and bangs on the wall on the wall to get their attention. The call is at 4:05 AM confirmed by Royal Caribbean. Still following?


4:05 AM. For the next 15 minutes we have three accounts. Josh claims he uses the toilet (which no one hears, they can't hear the toilet flush next door when the ship is dead quiet and they're wide awake but they can hear the cabin door open and close and soft voices?) as the 3 Russians put George to bed. The Lawyers claim to hear a young male voice saying "Settle down, calm down George!". Clete hears cheering and drinking games, changes to arguing then - bangs on the wall and eventually hears the group quiet down to normal conversation and hears voices outside the cabin as if someone is leaving the cabin but does not recall hearing the cabin door open or close so he cannot verify anyone coming or going (maybe one of the Russians leaves to go order room service for the guys in their cabin?).


Then Clete hears . I have a feeling that Goerge was starting to have a tantrum and that Clete and the Lawyers both heard the same, Clete bangs on the wall and Josh tries to calm him down (and maybe someone got socked in the nose in the process?). Then there is the bloody tissue, towel, and spot on the bedsheet. Now it's about 4:15. Still following? Keep in mind that Brilliance security is only 15 minutes away now.


4:15 AM. Clete doesn't hear anything for a few moments but then hears the cabin door open and close then voices receding down the hallway. Waits a few seconds and looks out in to the hall and sees three men walking away. Clete then hears furniture being moved and mistakes it for "noisily straightening" of the cabin, the Lawyers hear furniture violenty being tossed and the room being "trashed". At this point, Clete is not sure and the Lawyers assume GS is alone because neither hear voices and Clete has stated seeing three leaving the cabin. Clete now hears only furniture being moved and someone going back and forth between the room and the balcony but still no voices. The Lawyers hear similar but they hear what they describe as a loud "thud" like a couch being dropped, but no voices. Now it's approaching 4:20 AM as stated by Clete.


Let's just for a moment assume Clete missed the 4th man leaving GS's cabin (remember Clete said he thought he heard voices outside the cabin door but dodn't hear the cabin door open or close) Both Josh's attorney, Greer and Rusty's attorney, Dayan both state all had left (maybe just moments apart?).


4:20 AM. Just before 4:20AM Clete hears movement between the cabin and the balcony, then concentrated on the balcony. He says the balcony chairs make a distinct sound when they are moved. Then silence, no voices, no movement, for a approximately 3 minutes. Then a "horrific thud". "Like someone fell on the balcony". Could this be the same "thud" the Lawyers heard? Maybe Clete's and the Lawyers' thud are the same noise heard from two different points of reception? Still no one below hears a thing, not even the lady "BarbaraM" on deck 7 below the Smiths' cabin that heard a "scream" late in the middle of the night heard a "thud" ten feet from her balcony. Still following the timeline... Brilliance security arrive within 7 minutes and knock on the door. Clete and the Lawyers confirm the knocks. No response. The Lawyers open their cabin door and confirm security is there, suggest they better "get in there" but say they only get the "hi sign". Security leaves. Now it's 4:30.


4:30AM. The Lawyers and Clete are now wide awake and concerned something has "happened". They have all heard a soft voices, loud voices, cabin doors opening closing, furniture being moved (and could even discern what type of furniture) and a horrofic thud . However, none of them hear anymore movement in the Smiths' cabin, or any voices, or any doors being opened or closed at all. Until.... security comes a second time at 4:48 AM when two more crew members return to see if GS can assist his wife back to their cabin, at which time Clete opens his door (again) to suggest they (security) check out the Smiths' cabin. Security has already opened the Smiths' door at this point and see nothing noticably wrong. The balcony door must have been shut if security is standing there with the cabin door open (the wind would have benn too forceful and everything not nailed down would be blowing allover the place (IMO).


4:57AM JHS is wheeled back to her cabin and placed in bed by security, I'm sure balcony door would've been shut then also.


7:00 AM....... you know the rest.......


I am really trying to remove any emotion from my thinking. I initially had a hard time believing the accident or suicide scenario, but after doing some logical thinking, I seem to be eliminating any foul play from my review of the statements. With just what I've seen and what's been provided, I think I've come to the realisation that Geroge Smith is the victim of just an awful, horrible accident.


I think Clete may be a little off on the first and second arrival of the group. I am starting to buy the boys account on the timeline of when they went to the Smiths cabin the first time 3:30-3:45. I don't think Clete heard them on the first trip and somehow split the second trip into two seperate trips to the cabin instead.


Okay. What do you guys think? What flaws have I missed so far?

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I am really starting to lean toward the horrible accident also. That period of silence before the thud plays into this. If it became silent because GS was unconscious, and somebody was trying to drag and lift him over the side, it seems this would have made some noise. And he was a big guy. My 21 year old son is strong, but I think it would be difficult for him to lift a 200+ pound man over a 50" railing alone, especially drunk without making any noise.


How did he fall? Did he sit on the balcony and lose his balance? Could he have locked himself out, or thought he locked himself out, and tried to climb onto an adjoining balcony?


I guess there is still always the possibility that he jumped, perhaps, in his inebriated state, devastated and hopeless about the way things have progressed with his wife this evening.


As previously stated, the math can be calculated on one hand. I have to believe the information that only the FBI has gives them a pretty good idea of who was where and when. If so, and this was an accident, I would think they might have nailed that down by now. This is the one thing that makes me leave open the door for murder. If they are still investigating, maybe they do know who did what, and are still gathering the evidence for an indictment.

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Phew! Thought that I lost the last post!


I think that is a good compiliation of the known "facts". There are a number of problems:


1. You don't have any idea of what the forensic evidence shows.

2. It may or may not jive with the video tapes.

3. It relies on ear and eye witnesses who are notoriously wrong on occassion(yes I know the statements would be admissiable as evidence)...

as you point out yourself for it to be correct you have to ignore or discredit as to time or event one or more of the witnesses...



but the theory that it is either an accident or a suicide is supported by what you said but it is just as good as the conspiracy/murder theory. I don't see what you wrote as either for or against RCCL. As Joe Friday would say just the facts Maam just the facts.


Some of us have gotten way over obsessed with this...

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and then she is talking about the bloody towel & Kleenex in the bathroom & the fingerprints in the bed. Dateline had all this back in September. The question is, is it George's, Jen's, or one of the 4. I know if it is one of the 4 that is pretty stupid that you didn't take it with you to your own stateroom.


I think it was Rita the night before that had Carnival's head of security on (what a big man) about 128 rapes onboard in 4 years. Congress wants to hear about all of these.



Corona, Gretta was acting as if they had an eye witness who had talked to them directly, who confirmed the bloody towel, tissue and finger print.


Sounded like she had confirmed it...but who knows.


Also, ya knows there are thousands of people dieing every minute of the day. It's nature...sorry about that, but life goes on. Each and everyone one is a tragic event...but life goes on. When I kick the bucket (on a cruise I hope), ya'll can toss me over the side and tell jokes about me all ya's wants..just wish I could be there to add a few myself. Just be sure the DW gets the SeaPass comped by RCCL and first class tickets home....ah yes the last freebie from C&A. Can't wait..DW says she can't either.:D

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I think that is a good compiliation of the known "facts". There are a number of problems:


1. You don't have any idea of what the forensic evidence shows.

2. It may or may not jive with the video tapes.

3. It relies on ear and eye witnesses who are notoriously wrong on occassion(yes I know the statements would be admissiable as evidence)...

as you point out yourself for it to be correct you have to ignore or discredit as to time or event one or more of the witnesses...



but the theory that it is either an accident or a suicide is supported by what you said but it is just as good as the conspiracy/murder theory. I don't see what you wrote as either for or against RCCL. As Joe Friday would say just the facts Maam just the facts.


Some of us have gotten way over obsessed with this...




Now if only Nancy Grace, or Rita Cosby or Scarborough, or ABC .... would do the same and take a cue from Joe Friday??

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I got a call to goto court that morning as a surprise witness (which I have done plenty of in the last 7 years) and here the Federal Grand Jury had Jen in court for murdering George on the cruise. He had just purchased a $2 mil insurance policy, he placed all their money in a Swiss bank account so no taxes, and their parents had purchased them a beautiful home in Greenwich.


Nancy Grace & Court TV was there. Jen shows & now she is a red head like Sabrina, no longer wanting to be call Bree. As I walk in, Nancy comes to me like we are old friends & thanks me to turning her onto Cruise Critics & the great discussion group. I am there to verify everything stated from transcripts to intelligent folks figuring out what happened since we are seasoned cruises.


So they also have a surprise witness, a security agent (Victor) who was called by Clete who wanted a gun for protection. Jen was out on the balcony when the guys brought George home. They left when Josh, who went on the balcony for air saw Jen, and got the others out. George lit a cigarette & goes out, not wanting to sit in the chair he stands on it to sit on the railing. He tells Jen to come over and they are all huggy kissy til she pushes him over, witnessed by Victor who answered the noise complaint, then she is out the door to the other guy's room for a party. They have sex with her since she is drunk & a great video too. They have her stating that they are real men, not a girlie man like George. Then they tell her to go home & down the hall she goes. They know they are to turn watches up an hour that night, so they are going to bed an hour later as Josh leaves for his room. Security finds Jen, takes her to bed & the rest happens.


WOW! I have the story for the movie! Will I be rich to share with everyone when I buy out the ship for us. Then my husband woke me up!!!

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I got a call to goto court that morning as a surprise witness (which I have done plenty of in the last 7 years) and here the Federal Grand Jury had Jen in court for murdering George on the cruise. He had just purchased a $2 mil insurance policy, he placed all their money in a Swiss bank account so no taxes, and their parents had purchased them a beautiful home in Greenwich.


Nancy Grace & Court TV was there. Jen shows & now she is a red head like Sabrina, no longer wanting to be call Bree. As I walk in, Nancy comes to me like we are old friends & thanks me to turning her onto Cruise Critics & the great discussion group. I am there to verify everything stated from transcripts to intelligent folks figuring out what happened since we are seasoned cruises.


So they also have a surprise witness, a security agent (Victor) who was called by Clete who wanted a gun for protection. Jen was out on the balcony when the guys brought George home. They left when Josh, who went on the balcony for air saw Jen, and got the others out. George lit a cigarette & goes out, not wanting to sit in the chair he stands on it to sit on the railing. He tells Jen to come over and they are all huggy kissy til she pushes him over, then she is out the door to the other guy's room for a party. They have sex with her since she is drink & a great video too. They have her stating that they are real men, not a girlie man like George. Then they tell her to go home & down the hall she goes. They know they are to turn watches up an hour that night, so they are going to bed an hour later as Josh leaves for his room. Security finds Jen, takes her to bed & the rest happens.


WOW! I have the story for the movie! Will I be rich to share with everyone when I buy out the ship for us. Then my husband woke me up!!!


You do know you're not suppose to eat spicy/rich food right before you go to bed, right...:D ;)

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My husband was channel surfing & stopped on this & told me that he TIVO'd it for me to watch. I knew it wasn't Joe Scumbag or Rita but couldn't remember who. And you got it! YEAH!!!!!!! Now what stateroom did he have???? If Clete is right & Lawyer is left, then where are they?


LOL, yeah, I do. And here is a transcript from the "other cop".(I don't believe anything he says, I just think he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame)



Joining us now is Walter Zalisko. He was a passenger on that ship, and he's also the chief of police in Oak Hill, Florida.


Chief, thank you for being with us. Your perspective, I think, is particularly keen here, because one of the problems is the evidence seems to — some of it seems to be washed away very quickly and people got off that ship without being questioned. And from your perspective, you were there, and with your background, do you think it was handled properly?


WALTER ZALISKO, CRUISE SHIP PASSENGER: Well, no, I don't. That's the ironic part of it. What we've seen and what we've already reported is that the FBI had come in rather late into this investigation, two days later.

What was occurring on the day the incident occurred was that you had the ship's crew already in the morning attempting to clean up the blood splatter on the lifeboat overhang. We had a number of people going in and out of that room. So thereby they're contaminating that crime scene, as well as sanitizing the entire area.

So that's not a logical way of conducting any kind of crime scene investigation.

HANNITY: What does your gut tell you, based on, as you watch this case unfold — and I also understand that you knew that Mr. Smith was on the ship bragging that he had $50,000 with him?

ZALISKO: That's correct. All the reports have come back, and it has been determined that Mr. Smith was, you know, mentioning to people that he was associating with that he had received a substantial amount of money from his wedding and that he had $50,000 of that money on the ship with him, for whatever purpose, for the gambling or on excursions.

HANNITY: If we look at the three people that — remember, there was another retired police officer in the cabin adjacent to Mr. Smith.


HANNITY: He had heard this thud. First he had heard some arguing; then he heard a thud. Then he looked in the hall, and he saw these three individuals leaving. In your mind, do you think you've been able to piece together, based on what you're saying about the money, what you think may have happened?

ZALISKO: Well, you know, what a good investigator would be doing in this case is looking at all the pieces that we've been receiving from the media and from witnesses.

You have the three individuals in the room with Mr. Smith. You have an altercation. You had Mr. Hyman reporting that there was, like, something like furniture moving. That would indicate a struggle of some type. Then you hear the thud and then you hear the individual — then he sees the individuals leaving the room.

What's also important is that you — people have reported they heard like closet doors and drawers being opened and closed and slammed. Now, why would George be doing that? The only indication is that you possibly had people searching for that money there.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Chief, it's Alan Colmes. Let me ask you, we showed where the blood was. We showed a shot of that. And you've indicated that you'd have to know how to get to that ledge. That's not something the average passenger would know how to get to. Is that correct?

ZALISKO: That's correct. If you look at that photo closely, there was one shot at one time where there's a clear footprint visible on that photo. That would indicate that somebody was standing there. We don't know if that was Mr. Smith's footprint, which I highly doubt, because it would appear that there was a thud. My theory was he was already unconscious when he hit that canopy.

COLMES: Are you saying a crew member would have had to be involved here, because that's not where an average passenger would go on the ship?

ZALISKO: Well, that would lead, you know, a good investigator to follow that it was a crew member that was involved with that. Because to get to that canopy, you would have had to have gone down two floors and then know where the access ladder was to climb up onto that canopy.

HANNITY: Walter, thanks for your expertise. Thanks for joining us tonight. We thank you.

ZALISKO: Thank you for having me.

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LOL I actually have testified in a murder case before a Grand Jury....A nurse at the hospital I worked at threw a chair at a patient and killed her...(it was 197o something)...after the indictment she plead guilty to criminally negligent homicide

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Fury, darn skippy that you didn't lose that post!! It is an "A" job!


Here's what I think about the blood...by now, if there was blood, the DNA is back. It doesn't take 6 months. If it was George and Jen's it could explain why there is no reaction to it. If it was not George and Jen's then by now you'd think they'd really be after one of the others who was in the room that night, and my guess is Greer would have at least two or three Josh versions of that aspect all over the media, unless I missed them.;)

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Fury, darn skippy that you didn't lose that post!! It is an "A" job!


Here's what I think about the blood...by now, if there was blood, the DNA is back. It doesn't take 6 months. If it was George and Jen's it could explain why there is no reaction to it. If it was not George and Jen's then by now you'd think they'd really be after one of the others who was in the room that night, and my guess is Greer would have at least two or three Josh versions of that aspect all over the media, unless I missed them.;)


Right. IF the blood is not one of the Smiths, there would be some kind of leak by now.


The FBI would've had that blood evidence from the Turkish crime scene investigators back in July. No way a bloody towel/tissue/bedsheet would have been missed by the most novice of investigators. And if that's the case and the FBI has DNA from the blood that does not belong to either GS or JHS, the FBI would have needed samples of all others that were reported in the Smiths cabin. The point is, if the FBI asked for samples of DNA from one of the Russians or Josh, wouldn't that information been privy to the Smiths, JHS, or Mr. Moto? If the Smiths had that information, you can bet they would've leaked to their ABC news insider by now and "that" would be the cover story on news channell talk show, not Mr. Moto and his investigation.

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Not to nit-pick, but has anyone found anything to confirm JHS was drinking absinthe with the guys in the disco? I'm guessing no statements back this up. She is reported to be flirting with the casino manager - not with the guys, leaning on another passenger - not with the guys, sitting on a couch with the casino manager - not with the guys. When does she partake of the only bottle of absinthe produced by any witness statements? The guys (GS, Josh, and the 3 Russians) were sitting together, obviously ignoring JHS enough for her to be "all over" other men until GS finally notices and calls her a name. When did she drink the absinthe? Then they argue and she kicks him and leaves. I still don't see at what point she was drinking absinthe or anything else "with" the her husband or Josh or the Russians if she is " all over", "draped", "leaning on", "sitting with" other people.


Someone help here with a statement or link if you got it.

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Not to nit-pick, but has anyone found anything to confirm JHS was drinking absinthe with the guys in the disco? I'm guessing no statements back this up. She is reported to be flirting with the casino manager - not with the guys, leaning on another passenger - not with the guys, sitting on a couch with the casino manager - not with the guys. When does she partake of the only bottle of absinthe produced by any witness statements? The guys (GS, Josh, and the 3 Russians) were sitting together, obviously ignoring JHS enough for her to be "all over" other men until GS finally notices and calls her a name. When did she drink the absinthe? Then they argue and she kicks him and leaves. I still don't see at what point she was drinking absinthe or anything else "with" the her husband or Josh or the Russians if she is " all over", "draped", "leaning on", "sitting with" other people.


Someone help here with a statement or link if you got it.


Yes, I have seen a reference to this, but read that she spit it out at some point, because it was too strong. I did try to find it last night, but can not.....it was while they were in the disco.....

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Fury, I had not thought about the curtains blowing when when DW was returned, if the balcony door was ajar. But Clete says that is what he saw! So that would indicate that DW opened it and I would guess went outside after RCCL returned her to the room and before she left for the spa.


Hummmm, accident was what the captain said from the get go....but given the length of time now it may mean the FBI is just going to leave it for a future "Unsolved Mysteries" episode to resolve.


Corona, where did you find this "Walter" interview? On the networks' web site or a chat room....'cause this is funky info. OK, I'll add to the stack of "funky" info.

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For some reason, the FBI quickly cleared JHS of any wrong doing (to her husband anyway). My guess is that tapes clearly show her passed out in the hallway, or some RCI worker has evidence that she was with him. Either way, the FBI stated that she was not a suspect. It's about the only voiced statement regarding the case so far.


Perhaps when they returned a p-o'd GS became unruly, socked someone in the nose accidently, the boys settled him and left. He sat on the railing having his smoke and simply fell. But someone was still the cabin, i.e. Josh in the bathroom, tending to a bleeding nose, but for some reason didn't report the accident...fear of getting blamed? Maybe a stretch, but who knows.:rolleyes:

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Phew! Thought that I lost the last post!


That was a long post to lose.

recommendation - When you do a long post, you may want to do it within word, wordpad, notepad, etc. Then when you finish, cut/copy and paste it into the cruise board. That way, you will have a copy and it won't go 'overboard' and vanish! :eek:

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Fury, I had not thought about the curtains blowing when when DW was returned, if the balcony door was ajar. But Clete says that is what he saw! So that would indicate that DW opened it and I would guess went outside after RCCL returned her to the room and before she left for the spa.


Clete said he looked over on the Smiths balcony at around 7AM, the door/curtains provided a partial view, enough to provide him a look at the bed and sheets "looked slept in".


Security arrived at the Smiths 3 times * all after the "thud"* is heard by the Lawyers and the Hymans. 1st at 4:30AM, security knocked and get no reponse however the Lawyers open their door and speak to them (security) and they leave. 2nd at 4:48 AM. Security knocks, no reponse again, they open the door and see nothing amiss, Clete also opens his door and suggest they enter, which they don't, and leave. 3rd at 4:57AM. Security arrives with JHS in a wheelchair, enter the cabin and deposit her on the bed and leave. The timeline is factual, not guesses, confirmed by Security and the Hymans and the Lawyers.


Security would have noted securing the balcony door on either their second or third arrival when they did enter the Smiths cabin, correct? Plus cabin doors are difficult to close while the ship is moving because of the vaccume there would be too much whooosh (wind) to get into the cabin while the balcony door is open. The Hymans and the Lawyers hear NOTHING in the cabin or hallway or balcony at any time between the "thud" and the arrival of security staff the first, second or third time.


Now the Hymans and the Lawyers appearently have bionic hearing, because they can hear conversations, furniture (and what type) being moved and from what part of the cabin, doors opening, doors closing, and even soft voices with accents, but none of them hear anything after the thud except security arriving?


Question: So if someone else is there in the cabin when security arrives either the first, second, or third time, when and how did they leave?


Someone back me up here......

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For some reason, the FBI quickly cleared JHS of any wrong doing (to her husband anyway). My guess is that tapes clearly show her passed out in the hallway, or some RCI worker has evidence that she was with him. Either way, the FBI stated that she was not a suspect. It's about the only voiced statement regarding the case so far.


Perhaps when they returned a p-o'd GS became unruly, socked someone in the nose accidently, the boys settled him and left. He sat on the railing having his smoke and simply fell. But someone was still the cabin, i.e. Josh in the bathroom, tending to a bleeding nose, but for some reason didn't report the accident...fear of getting blamed? Maybe a stretch, but who knows.:rolleyes:

I have to remind everyone that in some cases the FBI will tell someone they are cleared,hoping they will will slip up. JHS has been on a downhill slide ever since she started talking to all the cable news channels.

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