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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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In addition to all the things we have been saying for months now - with the family formulating their little plan - what strikes me as pathetic is that Bree seemed to react as a lawyer rather than a sister. To have the cunning to sever contact with the people who could provide first hand information seems coldhearted and calculated. As so many of us have stated, if it were our family member we would be craving every little detail from the best sources we could find. This family reeks of dysfunction to me. Doesn't take away from the tragedy and the horror of his death but this family appears to need serious counseling. They've done their darndest, with some cable media's assistance, to build up a public opinion case but it appears most educated cruisers and many of the general public are not buying what they are selling.

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what if this was all a ruse. The Smiths already know where George is, as this was staged beforehand. They're in it for the lawsuit. They left JHS in the dark, of course, since they didn't trust her. Only the Smiths (mom, dad, sis) knows.


Might explain the 'coldheartedness'

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I told my friend what you said about her and she says thank you.


We both find it strange that a family who owns a liquor store would be sue a cruiseline because someone got drunk on a cruise. So if some buys beer in the smith's store drinks it and has an accident they can sue them. So can other people if they are involved in the accident. What if someone who knows thy are sueing the cruiseline and tinks they are going to get big bucks and wants in on that. Will they say that is not fair we should him the beer but did not make him drink it.


Basicly what the Smith's are saying is George should not have been given all those drinks. They just do not get it. The lawyers are saying under Maritime law the cruiseline is responible if George is stupid drinks too much and gets into trouble. Get a life Smith's Stop blaming everyone else.


Also in reference to Dr Lee, it looks like he said that he could not do the test with the dummy this week because he had other commitments. That is what I got from the transcript from the Abrams report. I could be wrong. Not because he did not have the information, which I think the lawyers have. They just want to get this back in the news again.


With the Entwistle cases and the Olympics on the Smith's and the lawyers had to do something to get back in the news. People will forget all about them for the next few weeks unless something big happens like the FBI finally comes out and tells us what they think.

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I told my friend what you said about her and she says thank you.



She's welcome. I meant every word of it. And, like many others I have to wonder how the Smiths and Jennifer would be handling George's disappearance if the Brilliance had been in U.S. waters. Maybe the same, but it gives one pause to think.

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all around on MSNBC & Fox. He did today in British court sign the extradition papers to come back to Mass to stand trial.


And Clevelanders thank all for giving us 7 minutes with Highland Hts police chief & FBI (neighbor of mine) time to get a fugitive tracked: A missing doctor was indicted Tuesday in his wife's murder, nearly a year after she was poisoned with cyanide and collapsed behind the wheel of her car, the prosecutor's office said. Dr. Yazeed Essa disappeared three weeks after Rosemarie Essa's Feb. 24 death and has been declared a fugitive. Authorities have information that he's been in Greece, Syria and Lebanon and he's also has been spotted in Miami, according to the office of Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason. IF YOU HAVE INFO, EMAIL ME & I will keep you annonymous.


I told Bill I would post this here since cruisers are worldwide. He was last seen with a buzz cut (1/4" of hair) but his eyes give me the willies so I'd know him with a long wig of purple hair! His wife was a nurse, a very caring one, who thought he was prince charming in a $1 mil home in Gates Mills & he told her she could retire, so she did. She was having problems with cramps & he told her she needed calcium, so the calcium pills she was taking were cyanide & she cause a major accident in HH where it was assumed she did from the accident.


So I thank Rita, Joe Scarsborough (who just reran Rita's show) & Greta for giving us the air time to get the word out.

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She's welcome. I meant every word of it. And, like many others I have to wonder how the Smiths and Jennifer would be handling George's disappearance if the Brilliance had been in U.S. waters. Maybe the same, but it gives one pause to think.



They would must likely say the same. The ship would have sailed and it would be everyone fault but the Smith's

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I was expecting the Smiths to show up at the neighborhood meeting on the Entwhisle arrest, which they were all very happy with. New neighbors & a murder involved.


Yep, I was waiting for the Smiths to speak up also, just to get their photo op! And yes I know they are from CT & this happened in MA but its worth the ride for exposure...

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I was expecting the Smiths to show up at the neighborhood meeting on the Entwhisle arrest, which they were all very happy with. New neighbors & a murder involved.


Yep, I was waiting for the Smiths to speak up also, just to get their photo op! And yes I know they are from CT & this happened in MA but its worth the ride for exposure...



Too funny, they may get together yet. Form a support group.

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Too funny, they may get together yet. Form a support group.




Speaking of support groups....we may have to start one here on the boards to help with the withdrawal effects from lack of new TV coverage...LOL



(I'm a big lurker on this thread....no need for me to post much because you all are pretty much covering all angles and theories. :) )

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Do join us, as we are HOT here on our 3rd thread........ unless you are a professional lurker. We know this is a few since stuff said here shows up in transcripts.


This morning, my neighbor (FBI agent) was outside with a big smile with no snow this morning. I asked him how things are going besides George Smith & The Doctor in the Middle East. He just shrugged his shoulders, thanked me for mentioning it here to get folks worldwide who may know something to speak. But as we are told, no mention yet, and I am good at not driving him nuts. He uses me to assist in a few cases.




Speaking of support groups....we may have to start one here on the boards to help with the withdrawal effects from lack of new TV coverage...LOL



(I'm a big lurker on this thread....no need for me to post much because you all are pretty much covering all angles and theories. :) )

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I told my friend what you said about her and she says thank you.


We both find it strange that a family who owns a liquor store would be sue a cruiseline because someone got drunk on a cruise. So if some buys beer in the smith's store drinks it and has an accident they can sue them. So can other people if they are involved in the accident. What if someone who knows thy are sueing the cruiseline and tinks they are going to get big bucks and wants in on that. Will they say that is not fair we should him the beer but did not make him drink it.


Basicly what the Smith's are saying is George should not have been given all those drinks. They just do not get it. The lawyers are saying under Maritime law the cruiseline is responible if George is stupid drinks too much and gets into trouble. Get a life Smith's Stop blaming everyone else.


Also in reference to Dr Lee, it looks like he said that he could not do the test with the dummy this week because he had other commitments. That is what I got from the transcript from the Abrams report. I could be wrong. Not because he did not have the information, which I think the lawyers have. They just want to get this back in the news again.


With the Entwistle cases and the Olympics on the Smith's and the lawyers had to do something to get back in the news. People will forget all about them for the next few weeks unless something big happens like the FBI finally comes out and tells us what they think.



Actually there is something called the "Dram Shop Act" which does hold a liquor store or bar liable if they sell liquor to someone who is visably intoxicated or has served someone many drinks over a period of time. Lawsuits like this happen in the US all the time, with many being settled or the Plaintiff winning. Normally however its someone who is hurt by the partron not the patron him/her self. The problem here is you have to show that the liquor served by the cruiseline was the proximate cause. Since at least some of the liquor may not have been served by the cruiseline that will be an issue as well(although I am sure that the arguement will be that RCI allowed it on board.).... we shall see. The Governments(FBI-Turkey have been pretty quiet haven't they)

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Do join us, as we are HOT here on our 3rd thread........ unless you are a professional lurker. We know this is a few since stuff said here shows up in transcripts.


This morning, my neighbor (FBI agent) was outside with a big smile with no snow this morning. I asked him how things are going besides George Smith & The Doctor in the Middle East. He just shrugged his shoulders, thanked me for mentioning it here to get folks worldwide who may know something to speak. But as we are told, no mention yet, and I am good at not driving him nuts. He uses me to assist in a few cases.


Nope...don't worry....as you can see by my post count, I'm not a professional lurker...LOL Just interested in what people think. And, I never seem to catch any of the TV shows you all talk about, so 90% of the info I get is from this thread and the links to the TV transcripts.


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Speaking of support groups....we may have to start one here on the boards to help with the withdrawal effects from lack of new TV coverage...LOL



(I'm a big lurker on this thread....no need for me to post much because you all are pretty much covering all angles and theories. :) )


I'm in line to join MzKitty. Thanks for the giggle. I've been down with some kind of stomach bug since yesterday afternoon so this is my first visit since then. Looks like I didn't miss a thing, sigh.

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Smith family holds off on filing lawsuit


By Hoa Nguyen

Staff Writer


February 12, 2006


George A. Smith IV's family, hopeful that the FBI will soon finish its investigation, will hold off filing a lawsuit, the family's lawyer said last week.


"We're going to hope they do something before our deadline," Miami-based lawyer Brett Rivkind said.


The Smiths have less than five months to file a wrongful death lawsuit under maritime law, which says families of passengers can only file a lawsuit within one year of an incident.


"We can wait a few months and we're going to, because we personally don't want to go talk to witnesses if the FBI is talking to them," Rivkind said.


Although the FBI has declined to say anything about its investigation, there are reports that authorities are interviewing four men known to be the last to see Smith alive.


Smith disappeared July 5 while on a honeymoon cruise of the Mediterranean with his wife, Jennifer Hagel Smith. He is presumed dead, although his body has not been recovered. No arrests have been made.


Lawyers for some of the men could not be reached for comment last week, although they have confirmed in media interviews that the FBI has repeatedly questioned their clients about Smith's disappearance.


Hagel Smith and her team of legal and other experts think the key to the case may hinge on the four men, her spokesman Mike Paul said.


"We believe that leads in this direction will be extremely important to finding out the truth as to what happened to George Smith IV," Paul said.


Evidence that the investigation is still active has been a comfort to Hagel Smith, Paul said.


"This is a very positive thing and we're waiting for more answers," he said. "We've been told there have been visits to Brooklyn, where two of them are. There have been phone calls and visits to California."


Meanwhile, Paul said Hagel Smith wants to continue asking the public for help through the Web site, hagelsmith.com.


"We are still offering a $100,000 for any tip or lead that leads to new information that brings about the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for George's death," Paul said, adding that people should not hesitate to submit a tip. "For example, a tip to us is if you saw George that day."


Potential witnesses said they have been asked by authorities to refrain from making public comments about what they heard that morning, lest it jeopardizes the FBI's investigation.


"The reason we're not is we're trying to help them have a good case and not try to get it botched," said Pat Lawyer, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., who, along with her husband, stayed in a cabin next to the Smiths on the cruise. "We're keeping quiet."


In the past, the couple has talked about hearing people talking outside of Smith's cabin and loud noises from inside the room during the pre-dawn hours of his disappearance, including the moving of furniture and the opening and closing of cabinet doors.


According to media reports, the four men last seen with Smith said they helped him back to his cabin and then returned to their own room where they ordered room service. The men's lawyers said pictures the four took of the food indicate that they were not with Smith at the time of his disappearance.

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Smith family holds off on filing lawsuit


By Hoa Nguyen

Staff Writer


February 12, 2006


George A. Smith IV's family, hopeful that the FBI will soon finish its investigation, will hold off filing a lawsuit, the family's lawyer said last week.


"We're going to hope they do something before our deadline," Miami-based lawyer Brett Rivkind said.


The Smiths have less than five months to file a wrongful death lawsuit under maritime law, which says families of passengers can only file a lawsuit within one year of an incident.


"We can wait a few months and we're going to, because we personally don't want to go talk to witnesses if the FBI is talking to them," Rivkind said.


Although the FBI has declined to say anything about its investigation, there are reports that authorities are interviewing four men known to be the last to see Smith alive.


Smith disappeared July 5 while on a honeymoon cruise of the Mediterranean with his wife, Jennifer Hagel Smith. He is presumed dead, although his body has not been recovered. No arrests have been made.


Lawyers for some of the men could not be reached for comment last week, although they have confirmed in media interviews that the FBI has repeatedly questioned their clients about Smith's disappearance.


Hagel Smith and her team of legal and other experts think the key to the case may hinge on the four men, her spokesman Mike Paul said.


"We believe that leads in this direction will be extremely important to finding out the truth as to what happened to George Smith IV," Paul said.


Evidence that the investigation is still active has been a comfort to Hagel Smith, Paul said.


"This is a very positive thing and we're waiting for more answers," he said. "We've been told there have been visits to Brooklyn, where two of them are. There have been phone calls and visits to California."


Meanwhile, Paul said Hagel Smith wants to continue asking the public for help through the Web site, hagelsmith.com.


"We are still offering a $100,000 for any tip or lead that leads to new information that brings about the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for George's death," Paul said, adding that people should not hesitate to submit a tip. "For example, a tip to us is if you saw George that day."


Potential witnesses said they have been asked by authorities to refrain from making public comments about what they heard that morning, lest it jeopardizes the FBI's investigation.


"The reason we're not is we're trying to help them have a good case and not try to get it botched," said Pat Lawyer, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., who, along with her husband, stayed in a cabin next to the Smiths on the cruise. "We're keeping quiet."


In the past, the couple has talked about hearing people talking outside of Smith's cabin and loud noises from inside the room during the pre-dawn hours of his disappearance, including the moving of furniture and the opening and closing of cabinet doors.


According to media reports, the four men last seen with Smith said they helped him back to his cabin and then returned to their own room where they ordered room service. The men's lawyers said pictures the four took of the food indicate that they were not with Smith at the time of his disappearance.


Yeah right.:rolleyes: Sounds like back-peddling to me....:).....otherwise, they've got nothing. Zip. Zilch, Nada.;)

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I think they are still waiting for Royal Caribbean to cave in and give them money.


Just read an story on miamiherald.com about cruiseship safty. Must be nice to have money and be able to get your Congressman to hold hearings. Christopher Shay as we all know is the Smith's Rep from CT. They have to be given money to him because otherwise he would have never heard of this case. It is an election year. They where saying that the cruiselines do not report everything to the FBI. However the FBI in south florida says they do. Things do happen on cruiseships but alot of the people who go overboard either jump or are drunk and do stupid things.


Rapes and assaults happen but they do in any large city. After all a ship is just like a big city. You have to be aware of what is going on around you just like in a big city. They want more camera's on the ships. What do they want them in the rooms, and other places. No because them they will be complain about that.


They interview a woman about her brother who fell off a Carnival ship. She said maybe if they had more camera's they could of see her brother fall. I guess she did not sue.


Will this keep me from cruising No Way.




Will I stop cruiseline no.

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Smith family holds off on filing lawsuit


By Hoa Nguyen

Staff Writer


February 12, 2006


George A. Smith IV's family, hopeful that the FBI will soon finish its investigation, will hold off filing a lawsuit, the family's lawyer said last week.


"We're going to hope they do something before our deadline," Miami-based lawyer Brett Rivkind said.


The Smiths have less than five months to file a wrongful death lawsuit under maritime law, which says families of passengers can only file a lawsuit within one year of an incident.


"We can wait a few months and we're going to, because we personally don't want to go talk to witnesses if the FBI is talking to them," Rivkind said.


Although the FBI has declined to say anything about its investigation, there are reports that authorities are interviewing four men known to be the last to see Smith alive.


Smith disappeared July 5 while on a honeymoon cruise of the Mediterranean with his wife, Jennifer Hagel Smith. He is presumed dead, although his body has not been recovered. No arrests have been made.


Lawyers for some of the men could not be reached for comment last week, although they have confirmed in media interviews that the FBI has repeatedly questioned their clients about Smith's disappearance.


Hagel Smith and her team of legal and other experts think the key to the case may hinge on the four men, her spokesman Mike Paul said.


"We believe that leads in this direction will be extremely important to finding out the truth as to what happened to George Smith IV," Paul said.


Evidence that the investigation is still active has been a comfort to Hagel Smith, Paul said.


"This is a very positive thing and we're waiting for more answers," he said. "We've been told there have been visits to Brooklyn, where two of them are. There have been phone calls and visits to California."


Meanwhile, Paul said Hagel Smith wants to continue asking the public for help through the Web site, hagelsmith.com.


"We are still offering a $100,000 for any tip or lead that leads to new information that brings about the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for George's death," Paul said, adding that people should not hesitate to submit a tip. "For example, a tip to us is if you saw George that day."


Potential witnesses said they have been asked by authorities to refrain from making public comments about what they heard that morning, lest it jeopardizes the FBI's investigation.


"The reason we're not is we're trying to help them have a good case and not try to get it botched," said Pat Lawyer, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., who, along with her husband, stayed in a cabin next to the Smiths on the cruise. "We're keeping quiet."


In the past, the couple has talked about hearing people talking outside of Smith's cabin and loud noises from inside the room during the pre-dawn hours of his disappearance, including the moving of furniture and the opening and closing of cabinet doors.


According to media reports, the four men last seen with Smith said they helped him back to his cabin and then returned to their own room where they ordered room service. The men's lawyers said pictures the four took of the food indicate that they were not with Smith at the time of his disappearance.



George is partial responiable for what happened to no matter what it was.

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Yeah right.:rolleyes: Sounds like back-peddling to me....:).....otherwise, they've got nothing. Zip. Zilch, Nada.;)



If I remember right that is not what Brett Rivkind said the other night on the Abrams report why they have not filed the lawsuit. That night he said it was because they hoped that the cruiseline would give them the information thay wanted. Know it is because they want to wait until the FBI comes out with something. Strange how the story changed.


Maybe they know they do NOT have a case.

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Forget about it SMITHS! If I have an unlisted phone number, it is forbidden by law for any operator to give you my number.......... the last thing about a cruise is for everyone to know everything about me to have a ball with identity theft.


As my FBI agent neighbor states, they have been told more than one & he guesses they are slow. A daughter who is an attorney, may be a para-legal not an actual court attorney or she would have read her books by now. YEAH SABRINA!!! Never would want you as my attorney...... ;-)


Now the line of RCCL allowing George to be drunk & not cutting him off. WHY? He isn't driving a car or the ship, if he was asleep on the floor of the disco they'd get a wheelchair to get him to his bed. How many drunks are puking all over the place & we see the barf bags by the elevators & other locations we walk by.


I vote for hypnosis to be used on Jen, the 4 guys,Sabrina & even Clete to learn the real truth. OK Greta, let's do it! How do we know Sabrina wasn't on the ship in an inside cabin on 2, saw her drunk brother & followed him to his room, had a fight iwth him & she did it! Now there is a new storyline for the movie!

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is what I heard......... that the courts are holding it up. He refused more info on I believe Greta's show.


Now speaking of Greta. She was in Florida on that woman missing when her cell goes off with the Producer calling that Entwhistle was arrested & she is need in MA. So she gets a flight for her to MA at 2:15, she gets into MA at 5 for rush hour, and makes it to the home with camera waiting. She is just drug out of a plane, taxi, and the bags on her eyes were bigger than her suitcase! I was shocked that she is talking away with her eyes ready to close.......YIKES!




If I remember right that is not what Brett Rivkind said the other night on the Abrams report why they have not filed the lawsuit. That night he said it was because they hoped that the cruiseline would give them the information thay wanted. Know it is because they want to wait until the FBI comes out with something. Strange how the story changed.


Maybe they know they do NOT have a case.

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