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Breaking Away to the Baltics with Wlking Difficulties

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how did you fare with St Petersburg disembarkation fiasco?


We were in Group C, 8:15. We filed into theater on time, which was already full. We sat in theater 45-60 minutes before being allowed to leave. (Seems like it would have just been better to give us a start time 45-60 minutes later, have us wait in cabin, and tell us to head to gangway when group called.) When we got to immigration, noticed there were four doors, and everyone was queuing up in the first two as they were the ones everyone arrived at first as you approached from the left. So we bypassed those and headed to the last door, where the lines definitely seemed shorter. We were in line 10-15 minutes, and we were in front of immigration officer for maybe one minute each. Observed other people stuck in the booth for 5-10 minutes, but unsure what caused their misfortune. We were of course still at our tour van late, and waited another 15-20 minutes for four people from another family. In general, we were expecting the fiasco from the research done here on CC prior to cruise, so our expectations were met and had no reason to be upset about it. I do think NCL makes it worse than it has to be. Our tour got everything done as planned. The only downside was late return meant that we couldn't get back on board ship for dinner before leaving again for evening cruise as we had planned. Our tour operator had to call in a second van to take back the people not doing evening cruise, while original van stuck around for the rest of us.


It was nice to read your review, and see how both similar and different our experiences were, having been on the same cruise. We were caught in the same brief rainstorm driving from Peterhof to Pushkin, startled by the same noon cannon on Day 2, and again caught in the brief shower in Stockholm (although we were boarding the ferry at Slussen as the rain fell), and I was one of those with the cameras on top as we passed under the bridge. I also spent much time at Syd Norman's (Soup of the Day: Beer!), and I'm sure I must have seen you all repeatedly. Had NCL not made the M&G a failure, we could have said hello's, and know who each other are now.

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Tuesday 31 July Copenhagen

Friends who emigrated to New Zealand a few years ago had been in Copenhagen for a few days en route to UK and it would have been fun to meet up here

However they needed to leave for airport 9am and with crowds of disembarking passengers and making way to centre[we were in the port further out not the one near little mermaid]

We decided was not feasible so would see them anyway the following week in UK

So decision to stay on board wearing the fetching “still on vacation” stickers

We’ve done back to back cruises and its fun watching the ship empty out then fill up again with new and excited cruisers

However any chance of a lie in interrupted by the in cabin announcements of colour coded luggage tags as to when could disembark-there were a lot of colours and so lots of announcements!

We had been told garden café closed 9am-apparantly was still open then

So headed to OSheehans for breakfast which was open till 10.30

Many people sat around there 9 ish surrounded by luggage and waiting for their call to disembark

Last call to disembark came around 9.45 and we headed down to deserted atrium where we found a couple of window seats where could overlook pier and the disembarking passengers

This also included a lot of crew whose contracts were at an end including our cabin Steward Alain Hotel director Vuk and guest services manager Dia

I wandered around the upper decks taking photos of the deserted pool decks and spotted Roberto cruise director checking things out

He greeted me with “it’s all yours”

Yes indeed no chance of chair hogs today!

I rejoined 6 in atrium and 11.30 saw the first batch of new passengers come on board

I saw a HOHO bus pull up and a couple get off with suitcases

That’s a good way to do it if buses quiet-have a sightseeing tour from city and drop off at ship.

There were balloons tied to stair bannisters which were not there in Warnemunde when we boarded

So did we feel like 2nd class passengers for boarding at the minority port?


It was only 1 day after Copenhagen so not like the Epic Mediterranean route where can embark in Rome or Barcelona and they are 3 days apart so complaints from Rome passengers that they felt they joined in middle of cruise

We had the chance to spend a few days in Berlin rather than rushing to see it on a long port day

Embarkation was a breeze with only a few hundred fellow passengers rather than thousands

The only negative to me was that spa was closed when inCopenhagen

A couple obviously just embarked sat near us and started arguing about what they were going to do on this cruise-going to be a fun holiday!

“I know nothing about shore excursions” he said

Well I thought why don’t you head over to the shoreexcursion desk which is pretty quiet and ask?

We had lunch in O Sheehans as buffet would be a zoo and then decided to return to cabin for a nap

We were excluded from the muster drill 4pm but interrupted in cabin by announcements 3.30 3.45 and 4pm about it going on and of course the long alarm so nap not so restful

Sailaway 5pm we watched from our balcony and then time to pack

5.30 K and D knocked on our door They had gone ashore and cut it fine getting back to ship as they took a wrong turn

All aboard was 4.30 and they heard the 4pm muster drill alarm when still approaching ship

There was only one choice of luggage tags for Warnemunde disembarkers-red.These were if you put suitcases out night before for collection and walk off ship between 8.30 and 9.30

We decided to do that whereas K and D chose the selfdisembark option with their luggage.

D said she didn’t trust the system .Actuallyit was the airport system she needed to worry about as one of

their cases didn’t make it from Berlin airport with them and turned up at their home 4 days later.

O Sheehans was advertising Prime rib night so we ate our third meal of the day there before heading to Syd Normans 8pm to get good seats for the Rock the house show 8.30 till 10.30

6 had his camera and wanted to get some good shots of the band

First set was Shanti Leone band and 2nd set joined by the Rockof Ages cast singing and moving round the audience

For most this was the first night sampling whereas of course we were familiar faces

Darren the vocalist comes from UK and declared 6 too cool to be English and gave him another Ricksroll[Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley]

He obviously hasn’t seen him around the ship during the day wearing shorts long white socks and Doc Martens

I hasten to add the boots are to give support to his ankle not a fashion statement

Karaoke was to follow so K and D went off to bed

Jiri the guitarist aka Mr Czech Republic came over and sat with us and was desperately trying to persuade 6 to do a duet with him on Karaoke-not happening !

We realised we hadn’t heard that cruise classic “sweet Caroline” which was remedied by one of the Karaoke singers

At midnight it all closed down and we said our farewells taking an extra wine and beer for a final night balcony sit out

I realised we were approaching the Great Belt Bridge 12.30 so got some great night time shots passing under it all lit up


Time for bed

Edited by fabnfortysomething
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DH and I will also be embarking in Warnemunde, after spending a few days exploring Berlin. Would you happen to know if we would be allowed to leave the ship after checking in (and dropping off luggage), since the ship doesn't leave until 10pm. Thanks for your very informative review of your cruise.:):):):):)

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DH and I will also be embarking in Warnemunde, after spending a few days exploring Berlin. Would you happen to know if we would be allowed to leave the ship after checking in (and dropping off luggage), since the ship doesn't leave until 10pm. Thanks for your very informative review of your cruise.:):):):):)


yes you will be able to check in and then get back off to explore the local area


in our experience the check in desks didn't open till 11am but it was very quick as few people embark there relative to Copenhagen


Warnemunde is a pretty little seaside town and in retrospect wish we had stayed there the night prior to cruise instaed of Rostock


How are you getting to Warnemunde from Berlin?

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Thank you for the information about getting back off after checking in. My concern is missing the muster drill, and if there is a make-up on the following day.

Still unsure on how we are getting to Warnemunde, have checked into renting a car but was pricier than originally thought, than there is the bus or the train. DH hates making plans in advance and still wants to be a free spirit at 77 years young. :)

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Thank you for the information about getting back off after checking in. My concern is missing the muster drill, and if there is a make-up on the following day.

Still unsure on how we are getting to Warnemunde, have checked into renting a car but was pricier than originally thought, than there is the bus or the train. DH hates making plans in advance and still wants to be a free spirit at 77 years young. :)


as you will have read we attended muster drill about 5pm in the theatre but system failure meant cards weren't read and many if not all Warnemunde boarders got a stroppy letter about missing muster but no mention of catch up one


train very cheap but takes almost 3 hours with many stops and as mentioned avoid bike compartments

it was cram packed on Sunday but as will cover soon the midweek return was much quieter

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Wednesday 1st August Disembarkation

Awoken 7.30 by in cabin announcements that were docked and clea rto leave ship

Many people would be heading to Berlin for the day by ships charter train or private bus tour

Was not expecting to see many if any day trippers on our regional train to Berlin

Our new cabin steward knocked on door 8.15 to check we were up-they want you out of cabin by 9

We met K and D at O Sheehans for breakfast and then very easy walk off ship 9.20 where we collected our cases from the marquee

D was keen to do return train Warnemunde to Rostock but we would have to purchase tickets and cant face lugging cases down and up the stairs so headed over to the taxi rank

Many had signs for touring Berlin and the first ordinary taxi wasn’t keen to take us to train station-obviously holding out for longer fare

He pointed out Warnemunde station 500 yards away but we indicated our heavy cases

2nd taxi driver agreed but struggled to get all 4cases in the boot

It was a 30 mins journey to Rostock railway station costing 30 euros so not sure why the first taxi driver didn’t think it worth his while.

It was just after 10 and we had booked on 12.34 train

On the notice board saw there was an earlier 10.34 so went to enquire

That one involved 2 changes so reminded me why didn’t book that one!

With 2 hours to kill we found a coffee shop attached to the Intercity hotel we had stayed in pre cruise.It was spacious and half empty so we dumped our cases in corner and enjoyed leisurely coffee and discussed the highlights of the trip

12 o clock we headed over to find our platform and were able to use the elevators with ease as no long lines of bikes trying to use

The train was already standing at the platform as this was the start of line so after careful checking it was the correct train we had ample time to check out seats

We walked past the first carriages with bike compartments and found the regular coaches but still with 3 levels

Luggage space very limited on ground level so managed to get cases up first set of steps and find room for all of us-much better than outward leg!

The train did fill up nearer departure time so glad we arrived early

The train set off promptly 12.34 and we arrived 15.15 back to Berlin main station

We found the toilet facilities-cost 1 euro to spend a penny

Then bought some beer and wine in station supermarket as our hotel for night was not near any facilities

Then it was time to part company as we were flying from different Berlin airports the next day

We headed to taxi line and I showed the driver the print out of our hotel reservation

Holiday Inn conference centre Berlin Schonfeld airport

He puts info into his sat nav but 30 minutes later he starts pulling into the airport despite distinctive green and white signs for HolidayInn alongside road


No HOTEL I pointed out to him and the green signs which he apparently couldn’t see even though they were plenty of them along the route

Eventually after a detour costing an extra 5 euros he found the hotel

I was beginning to wonder if would have been better letting him drop us off at airport and wait for the hotel shuttle which was every 30mins

I couldn’t even excuse him being new to taxi driving as his identity card in taxi showed him with considerably more hair!

Quick review of hotel

It’s in middle of industrial park and the hotel itself is in process of renovation so parts closed off

We were upgraded to an Executive room as priority clubmembers but was fairly bland so dread to think what regular room would be like

The executive lounge was also just a small room with computer and coffee machine

No complimentary continental breakfast usually associatedwith Holiday Inn executive lounges

We ate at hotel restaurant which was very slow service

The hotel seems to cater to business people and cabin crew-a group of stewardesses were bitching about their jobs next to us

Oh to be back at Syd Normans and UBP

Edited by fabnfortysomething
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Thursday 2 August homeward bound


We were awoken 8.30 by construction work going on outside our window

We decided to pass on the hotel 12 euro continental breakfast or 21 euro for cooked and with nothing to do around the hotel caught the 10.07 shuttle to airport

Our flight wasn’t till 13.15 and as at many airports Easyjet don’t allow bag drop off until 2 hours prior to flight so we found a coffeeshop and killed time

The speedy boarding/special assistance line was short unlike the regular line which was snaking everywhere so able to drop cases off quickly

Man at the desk asked if required wheelchair so enquired about size of airport and how many steps.Reassured 6 decided to manage himself

Schonfeld airport has a decided lack of seating areas-even the burger king area was stand up tables or a strange lean to device-perhaps should have taken wheelchair after all.


12.10 info comes that boarding gate 64 so set off along long corridoor clogged by people queuing at each gate from 60 onwards

Eventually pushed past to join line outside gate 64 and then another 10 minutes before line moved

Eventually got onto plane and an uneventful flight home

till the next time

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi FabN40 -- I'm reading this with interest. We sailed with you a few years ago on the Norway Fjords cruise. Sorry to hear about the mess with your M&G. I know I really like getting to know the people I've been talking to on the roll call. Bret and I are cruising Cape Horn in February, hope our M&G experience is better than yours. Please tell "Dancer" we say hello.


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Hi FabN40 -- I'm reading this with interest. We sailed with you a few years ago on the Norway Fjords cruise. Sorry to hear about the mess with your M&G. I know I really like getting to know the people I've been talking to on the roll call. Bret and I are cruising Cape Horn in February, hope our M&G experience is better than yours. Please tell "Dancer" we say hello.


I do indeed remember you and the great job you did organising the Flam railway trip

hope to sail with you again



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What a thorough review! Thank you so much for taking time to post. I have cut and pasted your entire posts into a word document to read through thoroughly. I have been to Copenhagen, but my DH has not. So every place will be new to him. We have booked excursions through the ship for every port. I am an author, and these ports/cities are potential locations for another in my series (I write an archaeology/SCUBA Wreck Diving thriller/mystery series). Looking so forward to all of these places, and I so appreciate all your helpful tips, observations and comments about the ship as well as the ports.


Much appreciated! We are flying to Copenhagen on the 20th (Sept) and embark on the 23rd. This thread came at just the right time!



Stacy in Atlanta

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What a thorough review! Thank you so much for taking time to post. I have cut and pasted your entire posts into a word document to read through thoroughly. I have been to Copenhagen, but my DH has not. So every place will be new to him. We have booked excursions through the ship for every port. I am an author, and these ports/cities are potential locations for another in my series (I write an archaeology/SCUBA Wreck Diving thriller/mystery series). Looking so forward to all of these places, and I so appreciate all your helpful tips, observations and comments about the ship as well as the ports.


Much appreciated! We are flying to Copenhagen on the 20th (Sept) and embark on the 23rd. This thread came at just the right time!



Stacy in Atlanta


hank you for your kind words

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