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Left make-up on board and it's not coming back to me :(

Tooth Gal

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After a wonderful 7 days on the Legend OTS (left Dec 10/05) the morning that we were supposed to depart, my 6 year old woke up with an ear infection. After a fairly sleepless morning, we were able to head down to see the ship's doctor at 8:50am. Called to the Pursor's desk to ask if we could vacate the room later than the 8 am deadline, and were told it would be fine. On our was our we saw our cabin steward and let him know that we would be leaving our room late - again no problem. Nice visit with the Dr and nurse, antibiotics in hand, and we headed back our state room. We packed up and headed out to the common area to wait for our turn to disembark at 10:00 am we were one of the last color tags. Easy disembarktion, headed to our hotel to spend the night. Every thing sounds good so far - well here is where it goes down the tubes.


At the hotel, I wanted to take a shower. When I opened the suit case that we had in our state room that morning, and where my mak-up should have been, it was not in there. I knew that it had been left on board the ship in the same spot for the last week. :(


After some panicked searching, we confired that the make-up was definitly gone. I know for certain that it was on the cruise ship. We called RCCL Lost and Found. A report was created, and I was told that it could take up to 3 weeks to see if any thing would be turned in. Well after several calls to Lost and Found, it was confirmed that there was "no report of any items left in our state room". :( :(


Flame retardent suit on - check


I know it was my fault for not double, triple checking the room to make sure that we had not left anything in the drawers. I misplaced my faith in our state room attendant for being an honest and honourable guy.


My only avenue of recourse now is to replace a lot of expensive make-up, and try and claim it through our travel insurance.


So the moral of the story is to double check, triple check, and quadruple check your state room before you leave. Oh and if I ever have the same state room attendant, he will NOT be recieving a tip from us.

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I misplaced my faith in our state room attendant for being an honest and honourable guy.



You had my sympathy, until you made this statement. Just because he didn't turn it in, doesn't mean he was dishonest or dishonorable.


He probably just pitched it, that is, IF he found it at all. You eluded that you left it in a drawer.....if that's so, then maybe he didn't open the drawers.


If it was in plain site, you would have seen it, right?


I think you are being too hasty in your judgement of the steward.

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After departing an international flight home from Spain, I realized I had left a bag on board the flight with about 10 dvds, a prescription and some brand new lancome make-up I had just purchased from the duty free cart on the plane... before even leaving the airport, I went back to the entrance where the international flight came in to try and get the bag and was told by the Delta rep... "sorry... call lost and found." Of course, I never heard back. Oh well...I had to let it go, not much more I could have done. As much as it sucks to leave something valuable behind, I don't think that the fact you did not get it back is at all reflective of the airline or your cabin stewards, honesty... and it's really unfair to pass such judgements. For all we know... he may have never even been contacted about the items left behind. I would imagine there is a pretty big chain of personnel your request would have to go through to actually reach the right person. Not excellent customer service, but it happens in hotels, restaurants -- everywhere. At least it wasn't something like your camera...there are definitely WAY worse things you can leave behind!

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I have to agree with myangel. He's a guy - why would he want your makeup? You were right to state that it was your responsibility. You didn't check, you're out of luck. I don't believe your travel insurance would cover something YOU left on the boat. Most only cover if it's stolen, right?

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First, I hope the steward checks the drawers because I sure don't want to be the next person occupying that room and opening a drawer to find someone's forgotten dirty underwear.



If anything was left in the room regardless of the age of the item then I think they at least hold the item in Lost and Found for maybe a week in case someone calls enquiring about a left item. Then of course the owner should pay for all expenses to have the item returned. Make-up is a personal beauty item for most women and it can be quite expensive. I myself, am a frugle cheapskate and use a q-tip to retrieve that tiny microscopic bit of lipstick left at the bottom of a $2 tube. But hey that's just me :D

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I think if it was left in a drawer, it probably was thrown out. Why would anyone want someone's old make-up? that would be pretty unsanitary of someone using someone's make-up!


It was probalby thrown out since it was left in plain sight.


A guy we know takes his old unwanted underware on trips and throws it out to save weight on the flight home. So on a trip to Japan, he left it in the hotel waste can, the maid found it and the hotel mailed it all back to him....:)

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It was probalby thrown out since it was left in plain sight.


A guy we know takes his old unwanted underware on trips and throws it out to save weight on the flight home. So on a trip to Japan, he left it in the hotel waste can, the maid found it and the hotel mailed it all back to him....:)


Surprise! lol

I have heard this and have never seen the need. My undies aren't what takes the space up. And I may have a few pounds to lose, but they certainly don't weigh anything to weight the luggage.


I guess it's possible you could still see it. It would seem like they would have a simple process for lost and found, mark the room it was found in, the passenger name, etc. But most times when it comes to such a large company that deals with so many people, things aren't simple.


But, if you don't see it, I certainly wouldn't fault the room steward. IF he found it, he more than likely turned it in. Probably not until later in the day, I imagine with trying to clean all the rooms for new guests they may find many things, and having to take it somewhere immediately makes no sense. So he turned it in later in day. It goes through that person (on the ship? on shore?), probably a few other people before a final lost and found destination. And who knows what could have happened to it.


So, it wasn't his fault you don't have your makeup. And I don't intend to be mean when I say it is your fault, but ultimately, no matter where we go or what we leave behind, WE leave it behind. And whenever I've left something behind, it's lost at that point.

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I know how you feel

I left by accident approx 100 dollars of medication on ship


they were all in original containers and were pain killers, anti diarhrea, Imodium, sunscrfeen, etc, plus a couple of prescriptions, and creams just in case we needed them and couldnt get them any where on board or on shore

I kept them in a plastic bag and when we left the shipa nd went tot eh hotel I opened the suitcase and they were no where at all, we phoned RCCL and nothign was found in our room. but sicne they were in a plastic bag I asume they may have been thrown out, the anti viral pills were rather expensive

I usually double check etc but we left to go on a tour before we went to the hotel for the night, We went to the everglades,

so ther eis no knowing if they were taken out of the carry on bag while we were in the everglades or if they fell out as I thought I had packed everything or if left in the room but next time I will make sure they are in the sealed zipped carry on bag just inc ase


as our cruise on Jan 29 vision and Feb 6 monarch we may take a tour of Los angles on way to airport


it happens we were in a rush to get to the tour etc and left it behind.


the expense and hassle of replacing leaves medoing extra checks every thing is securely placed in bags as they were not it was a plastic bag sitting on top of a open canvas bag, lesson learned and not to be done agian

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I wouldnt really blame the steward. If you could see how many people leave "things" behind just because they dont really want them any more or dont want to pack them home, you would be amazed. I am sure most of it goes into this "cache" of things that the stewards either retrieve or throw away, unless it looks genuinely like something expensive.

Long ago, before ALL the security, I was allowed to check empty rooms on a stayover cruise just to see "what different ones looked like". It was a small cruise line and you wouldnt believe it, almost every room had clothes, hangers, clothespins, expensive soaps and shampoos, makeup, curling irons, hair dryers, etc. And remember this was a SMALLER ship. These things are normally either thrown away becuz the stewards see so many left behind, they just figure the people left them behind becuz they didnt pack them home, or they keep them and gift them to girlfriends, etc, if they are allowed to do so.

We rather left a lot behind on our last cruise, the poor cabin steward probably didnt have a CLUE what to do with the stuff. We just couldnt fit any more into our suitcase after our buying sprees and "deliberately" left a lot of stuff that we HOPE the crew had a fun time distributing. I HAD told him tho, I dont want ANY of that....

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I don't think the stewards check the drawers. On our last cruise I found two pair of shoes that had been left in a drawer. Turned them in to the steward. Then a day or two later I read in the Cruise Compass that all items that were not claimed by the end of the week (with a few exceptions--like electronics) were given to charity. Also, after a couple of days we noticed a pair of earrings in the safe so I did not turn them in but instead brought them home and ran some threads on Cruise Critic hoping to find the owner. So far I have been unsuccessful. I guess someone thought a lot of them if they put them in the safe so I would like to return them.

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Okay, I'll preface my reply by stating that I am a woman who doesn't wear make-up so maybe my opinion is somewhat skewed. :p


IT'S MAKE-UP!!! Easily replaced. Yeah, it may be expensive but you are the one who left it behind. As someone else pointed out there are much worse things you could have forgotten - like your camera with all your vacation pictures on it.


I agree with those who said it was probably tossed. It's used make-up. Who would want it?! (Besides you. Obviously.)

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We have unfortunatly made a donation of some kind in many hotels and cruise ship, airports and rental cars. It's usually a case of one person thinking the other one did this or that. We've learned to forgive each other and ourselves for the losses and we do hope that whoever is in the receiving end of our goods enjoys them.


We've gotten to the point where we both check before leaving, then re-check again.


I'm sorry you lost your makeup. The cosmetics I wear are very costly and I know how I'd feel if I left it behind. It's not impossible that it won't still show up, it can take weeks sometimes. But, I wouldn't count on it and I'd just have to let it go and remember the good part of the vacation.

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Makeup can be very expensive to replace. I had my purse stolen out of my car once, and just what I carred in my purse cost a small fortune, and as a consultant, I buy at wholesale! So I definitely emphathize with the op.


I always travel with my own pillow. I left it in a 4 star hotel once, and they said it was not in lost in found. Now come on..... all their sheets are white and their pillows are regular sized. This was a king sized pillow in a dark olive and gold pillow case. There's no way that wouldn't have stuck out in their laundry room. Now although I spent a few sleepless nights until I replaced my pillow, it wasn't the pillow that bothered me. It was the pillow case! It was part of a very expensive set of king sized sheets. Now whenever I travel when I wake up on the last day, I immediately put my pillow on my suitcase!

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We were on Mariner this summer, and left a video camera in our suite. There was NO identifying ANYTHING in the bag the camera was in. Looking through the cruise booklet, I too found the part that said that anything that was found was given to charity.


I called RCI in Miami while we were in transit from Port Canaveral to Orlando; wife in tears. Camera could be replaced - footage could not. RCI said they process lost and found, and we should receive a call from them within 2 weeks, telling us whether or not they even found it!!


Next day, we got a call from an RCI employee at Port Canaveral. Our steward had turned in the camera to the Purser's desk, and they had it at the terminal. Since we were in Florida for the rest of the week anyway, we just picked it up at the terminal at the end of the week.


We did send a letter to the president of RCI (who actually called us to say "thank you"), and Captain Johnny, praising our room steward (Rohan) and thanking him for returning it. We are booked again in same room on Mariner this summer. If Rohan is still there - and he said he probably would be - he'll be seeing an extra huge tip.

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It may have not been your room stewards fault. He could have A) Missed it all together, and someone came in to a huge suprise. B) It's make up, he could have just thought it was to be discarded, or C) Turned it in with hundreds of other pieces of stuff turned in each week and it is mixed in and "hiding".

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It may have not been your room stewards fault. He could have A) Missed it all together, and someone came in to a huge suprise. B) It's make up, he could have just thought it was to be discarded, or C) Turned it in with hundreds of other pieces of stuff turned in each week and it is mixed in and "hiding".


I would not blame the steward because if I found used make up in a room I probably would have thrown it out. I would have thought it was discarded. Until I read this thread it never would have occured to me that it was valuable.

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After some panicked searching, we confired that the make-up was definitly gone. I know for certain that it was on the cruise ship. We called RCCL Lost and Found. A report was created, and I was told that it could take up to 3 weeks to see if any thing would be turned in. Well after several calls to Lost and Found, it was confirmed that there was "no report of any items left in our state room". :( :(


I misplaced my faith in our state room attendant for being an honest and honourable guy.


My only avenue of recourse now is to replace a lot of expensive make-up, and try and claim it through our travel insurance.


I'm on board with tooth gal on this one....


Quality makeup costs a lot of money!


I could speculate on what room steward did with it (tossed it, gave it to gf, etc) BUT policy dictates that he turn it in to lost and found, right?


We, as passengers, have a responsibility to live up to the contract we sign by purchasing faire on that vessel. In that contract it states that lost items will be turned into lost and found so that we may claim them. Clearly the room steward did not do that.


However, no use crying over spilt milk and trying to find blame (beacuse we try to lay blame because we want to feel better and like it isnt our fault)


Just make a claim with your trip insurance company. Que sera, sera.

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For all of you who think makeup is cheap, I would value what is in my makeup bag (travel only, not what I have at home) at around $200. Even a bag carrying drugstore brands of makeup would be $50-100, depending on what you are carrying.

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I've told this story before, but thought I'd share again.:D


We stayed at a beach resort several years ago during a spring break. A couple of months after our vacation, I noticed that my DD's front teeth were looking crooked and ask if she was wearing her retainers every night. She gave me a sheepish look and said that she had left her retainers at that beach house.:o I couldn't believe that she had not told us earlier, but she said she was scared to tell us because she knew how expensive they are to replace...done that already. :mad:


Well by that time, we knew it was too late to get them back and they had probably been thrown away. Beside's, we had lost all contact info with the person we had rented the house through.


About a month later, I had a friend that told us she was going to the same beach resort. I took a chance and asked her if she would mind going down to this beach house and knocking on the door to ask if DD's retainers might still be there. To make a long story short, someone was renting the house...they let my friend inside to look in the bathroom drawers and found the retainers...three months (and 12 rental weeks) later! :eek:

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I don't think most of the posters here think that makeup is cheap. I know my makeup isn't cheap. I wear Clinique and had to replace all my makeup this summer after an eye infection and for foundation, blush, eyeliner, shadow,mascara and lipstick it ran me more than $150. However, like a car, makeup is a depreciating asset--it is only worth what you pay for it when it is the store--the moment it is used (or driven off the lot in car talk), it immediately loses value and continues to. Point being, one may have spent several hundred dollars on makeup, but it is no longer worth several hundred dollars.


I would be interested to how the insurance company responds to the claim and whether they give replacement cost or or not for the makeup. I wish the OP good luck with the claim--my only issue was her saying that this was automatically a reflection upon the honesty of the cabin steward.

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I'm sorry you left your make-up on board. It's frustrating.


Everyone has a story and guess what, so do I. Sixteen year ago my husband and I (pre-children) took a driving trip to Virginia. We rented a car from Dollar. Of course, this was pre-CD days and we took all of our good cassette tapes (and back then they cost quite a bit - now, not so much). We probably took about 20 tapes with us and put them in the enclosed console area between the bucket seats.


When we got home, we cleaned out the car (or so we thought) and took it up to the airport to return it. About 3 days later, I called my husband at work and asked him if he had taken the tapes out of the car - he hadn't and neither had I. I called Dollar and explained the situation (they were probably laughing at me) - they said the car had been rented out again and nobody had found anything (sure). Guess what - it wasn't their fault, it was ours. We were negligent in not carefully cleaning out the car.


I realize we expect others to be honest and return what is not theirs, but they don't. I know that doesn't make it right, but unfortunately, that is the way society is. I guess what it teaches me it just to be more careful with my things 'cause others don't care about my stuff.


Again, sorry about your makeup - I don't wear it so I don't really know how expensive it is, but buy some new, have not-so-expensive stuff for trips just in case.

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I don't think most of the posters here think that makeup is cheap. I know my makeup isn't cheap. I wear Clinique and had to replace all my makeup this summer after an eye infection and for foundation, blush, eyeliner, shadow,mascara and lipstick it ran me more than $150. However, like a car, makeup is a depreciating asset--it is only worth what you pay for it when it is the store--the moment it is used (or driven off the lot in car talk), it immediately loses value and continues to. Point being, one may have spent several hundred dollars on makeup, but it is no longer worth several hundred dollars.


I would be interested to how the insurance company responds to the claim and whether they give replacement cost or or not for the makeup. I wish the OP good luck with the claim--my only issue was her saying that this was automatically a reflection upon the honesty of the cabin steward.


Well said!

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