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Oprah today and cruise ship mishaps!


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[quote name='deb380']Everyone, I'm didn't ask the question to revisit the show. We are going on a family cruise in a couple of months. I think after watching the show I will not let the leash for my children as long as I might have. My husband and I like to have fun and yes we drink but I will watch it.

Just want to know of any incidents.[/quote]

We get carried away with discussion and speculation. It's an interesting subject. I have only been on two cruises so far (65 days til Ecstasy!) but I have not witnessed anything strange or worrying. Just use ordinary caution as you would on any trip, whether on land or sea. I would never let the kiddies out of sight. Well, depending on age, I guess. My children are all adults and the grandkids are too young to be on their own at all.
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I agree that she didnt look like she was in too much grief, just me, me, me what they shouldve done for me. Maria lady wasnt good enough yada yada. If my Df was "killed' disappeared only 6 mo ago, I wouldve been balling my eyes out. She wants something from RCI for nothing they could control, just makes me sick.
I usually dont watch Oprah, that friend of hers was the most annoying thing I have ever seen. She just kept asking questions in the middle of people talking, interupted, and basically talked for the wife alot. She can go! I think the persident did a good job, he looked sadder about George than she did.Oh well just my 2 cents
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I can't help but wonder why Opra didn't ask questions about the "Friends" whose cabin she thought her husband slept in. I didn't get the impression that friends went on the cruise with them so I think it would be acquaintances met on board, not friends. People you meet on board become friends when you keep in touch. :confused:
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I am not in defense of this girl - I have no idea what might have happened on that ship, however, it was 6 months ago. Now, I also haven't lost anyone in a terrible tragedy, but don't you think that 6 months is long enough for her to have regained some of her composure, and not sit there and bawl for an hour on Oprah? A lot of people on here think she should have been a wreck. Also, I think that she has been told not to say certain things, due to the fact that it is still under investigation. So when Gayle kept stepping in to speak for her, I think it was so that they could word things properly without divulging information that the investigators didn't want her to.

I'm with Iluvdoxies - no balconies for me after a night of drinking!!! Although I have stayed in many a hotel with balconies & managed so far...
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[quote name='sounder']I am not in defense of this girl - I have no idea what might have happened on that ship, however, it was 6 months ago. Now, I also haven't lost anyone in a terrible tragedy, but don't you think that 6 months is long enough for her to have regained some of her composure, and not sit there and bawl for an hour on Oprah? A lot of people on here think she should have been a wreck. Also, I think that she has been told not to say certain things, due to the fact that it is still under investigation. So when Gayle kept stepping in to speak for her, I think it was so that they could word things properly without divulging information that the investigators didn't want her to.

I'm with Iluvdoxies - no balconies for me after a night of drinking!!! Although I have stayed in many a hotel with balconies & managed so far...[/quote]

You obviously didn't see her 6 months ago... same level of composure.

And even with that... 6 months? No, that is not a long time at all. She lost her husband, on her HONEYMOON!!!! Her future as she knew and planned it, was taken away from her... there are no answers. Yes, most would still be an absolute wreck... then again, she didn't seem too wrecked even right after it happened.
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Everyone deals with grief in their own way and that is one thing I will not judge people on because I have witnessed the same composure in my own family over losing a spouse...3 days after the loss...and I would never assume the person didn't love or care about them because of it, I know they did with all their heart.

As for waking up bright eyed and bushy-tailed, that just makes me think it was a drug more than just drinking absinthe. If it was just absinthe she ingested to make her that "out of it", it seems that you wouldn't be all ready to go in the morning. Also, we know she had been drinking some, she even said so, so waking up and not remembering things is pretty common when you have been drinking and doesn't always put one in a panic.

Also, it still makes me wonder why someone that may be hiding something would hire a well renowned investigator.

And Mr. Pete...haha...I have noticed that about Oprah too. It always bugs me when I see people looking at themselves in a monitor on T.V....it doesn't make them appear like they are completely committed to what they are doing.
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Something about her didn't seem right to me either. She would not admit to drinking so much that she had a black out, but still kept on insisting that she did not remember anything. She suggests that she may have been drugged, but doesn't really say that either. I am not proud to admit it, but I have had a couple of black-outs after a night of partying. It happens, If she had too much to drink why not just admit it. If she can't remember anything, I do not see how she can insist that it was not an accident.

She also kept on taking about how badly "she" was treated. Then at the end of the show she was crying about how everyone seems to be forgetting about George. If she really felt this way why did she spend so much time talking about herself and insisting on having RCI apologize to her and admit they treated her badly?
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Like I said, I don't think she did it... so I wouldn't have a question about her hiring an investigator... but I think there is more to the story than she is letting on. Then again, OJ hired an investigator too. I don't think we will ever know the answers... but in watching all of the interviews, reading the statements, etc... my gut says there is something she isn't telling. As for being drugged, I can tell you from experience that it doesn't seem likely she would wake up 3 hours later ready to go to the spa... and she would also, you would think, be a little more concerned with the blackout, and where her husband was... then again, perhaps it was just normal for her to wake up without him, after not remembering the night before, or how she got to her cabin, and go straight to the spa without questioning where her husband might be. And even when she got there, he wasn't there... I personally, would be a little more concerned with finding my husband, than getting a massage... but to each their own.
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']Like I said, I don't think she did it... so I wouldn't have a question about her hiring an investigator... but I think there is more to the story than she is letting on. Then again, OJ hired an investigator too. I don't think we will ever know the answers... but in watching all of the interviews, reading the statements, etc... my gut says there is something she isn't telling. As for being drugged, I can tell you from experience that it doesn't seem likely she would wake up 3 hours later ready to go to the spa... and she would also, you would think, be a little more concerned with the blackout, and where her husband was... then again, perhaps it was just normal for her to wake up without him, after not remembering the night before, or how she got to her cabin, and go straight to the spa without questioning where her husband might be. And even when she got there, he wasn't there... I personally, would be a little more concerned with finding my husband, than getting a massage... but to each their own.[/quote]

Exactally, I totaly agree. The time that I could not remember how I got home scared the crap out of me and I woke up in my own bed. I could not imagine how I would feel on a cruise ship especially if my husband was no where to be found. I don't see how someone would just wake up and go to the Spa. If you drank too much, you know it, even if you don't remember it. If she felt that she had been drugged why did she not contact someone in authority on the ship to report it?
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They both had appointments at the spa, my guess is, she thought she would see him there. I don't want to sound like I am all for her and championing her story...I am just playing the devil's advocate here. Does she seem kinda fishy in the way she conducts herself? Yes, a little, but not in the way she is dealing with the grief of the situation. She seems like she is trying to "stay" upset with RCCL so she can get something from them. Do I think RCCL should have paid to fly her home so her father didn't have to wire $1000 dollars to her? Absolutely, but I don't think RCCL needs to pay for any other "damages".
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I agree. RCI should have paid for her fight home. My problem is that she seems more concerned with that than what happened to her husband. If she can't remember what happend, why does she imply, that it was not an accident. She seems like she is after something more than answers to this mystery.
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[QUOTE]If she felt that she had been drugged why did she not contact someone in authority on the ship to report it?[/QUOTE]

Many of the "date-rape" type of drugs don't have you waking up thinking "I have been drugged". You only begin to question that later when something is amiss..ie: evidence you have been violated..or as in her case, an awful event that occured. When she woke up, she didn't know, at the time, her husband was "nowhere to be found". I am sure she thought he went for coffee and/or breakfast and would meet her at the spa since they both had an appointment there.

I think, when analyzing one's actions, we forget to try and put ourselves in the moment of that time. We tend to interject things that are now known to be true..hindsight is 20/20. You have to remember, they didn't know George had gone overboard at first. They paged him and only concluded he went overboard after he wouldn't answer pages and they put that with the evidence of blood and came to the conclusion he went overboard. She didn't wake up in the morning and think.."My husband is nowhere to be found that must mean something awful has happened." In fact, more often than not, the opposite is true with human nature. We usually tend to rationalize..."Oh, I bet he has just gone for coffee and will meet me at the spa."
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You do have a point. None of us really knows what was going through her mind or how we would actually react if put in that situation. However, something still just does not sit quite right with me. Maybe she can't say alot because of the investigation. If this is the case, I think she needs to stay away from interviews, because she does not come off as a grieving wife to alot of people. She just seems to be stirring up more controvy.
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If I thought my husband, who was missing and was not around when I woke up, was going to "meet me at the spa", I would start to get concerned when he didn't show up. Wait, no... I would be pissed off that he wasn't there, on our honeymoon, and slept somewhere else, on our honeymoon... I can guarantee you the ship staff would not have had to come looking for me, because I would be on the groom warpath!

As for the drugs, I am only familiar with a few of them... but I don't know any of them that will allow you to wake up only 3 hours later feeling completely refreshed... I will say my one first hand experience, I never want to experience again, and NO I did NOT wake up refreshed, not even close to refreshed... but I guess everyone is different. You wake up thinking, what in the hell happened? It is an odd experience, and I can tell you that my first thought that morning was not going to the spa. With Rohypnol, when mixed with alchohol, the effects usually last 8-12 hours, with GHB, if mixed with alcohol can last 36-72 hours (the period of confusion, and groggy feeling), Ketamine, while the effects don't last as long, she would know if she was given that. I just don't think that she was given a drug and then a few hours later woke feeling "refreshed", my personal opinion.
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Yes, I agree she seems to be "wanting" something out of this. Her focus seems to be on maintaining her anger with the cruiseline for the way they treated her than it does on finding out what really happened to her husband. Granted, she has hired an investigator, but she still seems like she wants something more from RCCL. Perhaps that is how she is grieving though. She is looking for someone to blame because she is ridden with guilt that perhaps the last time she saw her husband was when they were fighting and she wasn't around to try and prevent what happened? I have noticed when people are angry at themselves, they sometimes try to shift that anger toward someone else and grasp at straws to try and make themselves feel better, hoping to eleviate guilt.
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is that there is probably enough fault to go around for everyone.

1. Having been married all my life and on many cruises, the actions of either of them the night before and her actions the morning after call everything into question.

2, RCCL should have preserved that one room and covered the blood (not washed it away)....until FBI could do a full investigation. I know they fly under a foreign flag, but their money comes from American ports and they need to be reminded of that!

3. If the wife had acted the least bit concerned, then number 1 would not have happened and she would have made sure that number 2 did.
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[QUOTE]but I don't know any of them that will allow you to wake up only 3 hours later feeling completely refreshed[/QUOTE]

Did she wake up completely refreshed? I haven't read that anywhere. I just heard she woke up and headed to the spa...whether she was groggy or not, or completely refreshed, I have no idea.
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[quote name='NeptunesGoddess']Yes, I agree she seems to be "wanting" something out of this. Her focus seems to be on maintaining her anger with the cruiseline for the way they treated her than it does on finding out what really happened to her husband. Granted, she has hired an investigator, but she still seems like she wants something more from RCCL. Perhaps that is how she is grieving though. She is looking for someone to blame because she is ridden with guilt that perhaps the last time she saw her husband was when they were fighting and she wasn't around to try and prevent what happened? I have noticed when people are angry at themselves, they sometimes try to shift that anger toward someone else and grasp at straws to try and make themselves feel better, hoping to eleviate guilt.[/quote]

Very true... that is why I am thinking there is something she is not saying. The rumors are everywhere as to what people saw that night... and there is something that happened that she either doesn't remember, or doesn't want to remember. And it does seem she is feeling some sort of guilt, perhaps that is what I am getting from her... a guilty feeling, maybe something she could have done, or something she did that led to it, whatever it is... we aren't getting the whole story, and probably never will. I just pray that the family finds peace... it has to be heart wrenching to keep going through this.
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[quote name='NeptunesGoddess']Yes, I agree she seems to be "wanting" something out of this. Her focus seems to be on maintaining her anger with the cruiseline for the way they treated her than it does on finding out what really happened to her husband. Granted, she has hired an investigator, but she still seems like she wants something more from RCCL. Perhaps that is how she is grieving though. She is looking for someone to blame because she is ridden with guilt that perhaps the last time she saw her husband was when they were fighting and she wasn't around to try and prevent what happened? I have noticed when people are angry at themselves, they sometimes try to shift that anger toward someone else and grasp at straws to try and make themselves feel better, hoping to eleviate guilt.[/quote]

If I remember what she said correctly, she said that she doesn't remember fighting and really doesn't believe that they did. Witnesses say they were fighting and she is having a hard time believing this because they never fought and have always gotten along. Another witness says she did not appear to have been drinking. That she did not even seem the least bit intoxicated. I just don't get this. If she was drugged she was probably drinking in order for someone to be able to to this to her. If she was drugged, she would probably appear to be intoxicated. :confused:
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Those type of drugs don't make you look intoxicated, but more "transfixed"...roofies (one of the date rape drugs) puts you almost in a robotic state...either way, it would have been noticeable and I don't think she would have been all friendly with her kiss-greeting of her lady friend in the casino, appearing to be completely normal. Then again, the Casino meeting supposedly took place 2 hours before she was found passed out. You can definately get drunk in two hours time.
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There is definately some sort of scandal going on....

One day on CNN the wife was questioned about 3 Russian men...and her answer to the reporter was "The FBI asks me not to speak of them".

They also had a cabin maid on the same show, a women who seemed to speak broken English, the reporter asked her if she saw blood IN THE CABIN, she said YES. They asked her how much blood and she was then cut off by a man in a suit sitting next to her (he worked for the cruiseline, but was not the president) and he told the reporter "The FBI does not want us speaking about the amount of blood that we saw"

And the other thing that puzzles me is...they say he was carried back to his room by other passengers, these passengers (not sure if they are the infamous russians or someone else), where are these people? In most cases, the spouse and the last person to see the victim alive are the prime suspects. I don't understand how those who carried him have kept out of the media eye. Either they confessed to carrying him or someone witnessesd it b/c every newstory keeps saying that he was drunk and carried or escorted back by other passengers.
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