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Just Off Radiance Eastern Caribbean - Questions?

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Hope you had a great time! Thanks for offering to answer some questions! OK.. here goes.


1 - What night are the formal nights?

2 - What night is Carribean night?

3 - Do they still have the mystery dinner?

4 - What was your favorite activity onboard?



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Hope you had a great time! Thanks for offering to answer some questions! OK.. here goes.


1 - What night are the formal nights?

2 - What night is Carribean night?

3 - Do they still have the mystery dinner?

4 - What was your favorite activity onboard?




Hope I can answer both your and minnow04 in this one post.


Formal Nights are Monday (CocoCay) and Friday (at Sea)

Caribbean Night is Wednesday (St. Thomas)

They do NOT have they Mystery Dinner due to lack of available Talent (comes straight from Portofinos Manager).


We only ate in the Dining Room on Day 1, 5,6 and 7. we ate at Portofinos on Day 2 (Formal), and Chopps the next two nights (Birthday, Caribbean Night).


Surprisingly, the best activity was.... Dodgeball! I never thought there would be such a crowd - both playing and on the second deck from the rock wall all the way around the overwalk to the Golf Course. It was so popular they added it on the last Sea Day and it drew an even bigger crowd - without even being mentioned in the Compass or by the Cruise Director. But this ship's crew just won Crew of the year for the 2nd year in a row - so they know how to treat you well and put on a good time!:)


Hope this helps.

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Who is the current captain and cruise director?


The Captain was Rune Lokling - VERY funny and engaging - the best we've had so far (only three times on RC) Captain Lokling will not be on Radiance for a while as he begins his Vacation beginning the 23rd and will not return for I believe 6 Weeks. He is scheduled to be back on Radiance again when it travels to Alaska (his words at the Captains Reception)


The Cruise Director was Marc Walker - English - funny - a TV/Disc Jockey background.

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Who is the Concierge? What excursions did you go on?


Sorry - did not have a suite, so not sure who the Concierge was. The couple we traveled with did - maybe they can post the name.


As you will see in our review, the ports were cut short due to Wind and a Medical Emergency, so no Coco Cay - only St. Thomas and St. Maarten. On St. Thomas we took the ferry over to St. John to Trunk Bay. On St. Maarten we simply shopped since we had just been in St. Maarten in March 2005. Our traveling companions rented street bikes and rode approximatly 25 miles to various locations on the island.

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Radiance of the Seas

January 15, 2006 – January 22, 2006

Cabin: 9580 (midship “Bump”)

Dinner: 2nd Seating – Table 527 – Deck 5 Cascades 8 topper

Arrival into Miami – Saturday, January 14, 2006

Temps – low 60’s

Our Adventure begins by catching our flight 4202 on American Airlines, heading to Chicago, and then onward on flight 1342 – arriving in Miami a bit after 5:20 PM. Our flights went without a hitch until we hit the ground in Miami……. There due to Strong Winds in the area (or so they claimed), we waited on the tarmac :45 minutes until a gate opens up. Then the luggage gets screwed up and everyone waits another :40 minutes for the proper luggage gets unloaded. But after that is FINALLY done, we jump into a Cab to take us to our place to lay our heads for the night – the Mariott Biscayne Bay. (Cab fare - $34.00). This was our second visit to the Biscayne Bay Mariott – we chose it the first time for the views of the boats as they arrive around 4:30 AM, and for a few extra dollars you can guarantee a room that overlooks the bay at a great angle to see the boats come and go! (our room ran just north of $300 – this was for a King Bed, no smoke, breakfast for two the next morning, and transportation to the ship). The Hotel is very nice – in line with Mariott standards. Now getting a room like this is not for everyone, but we like to set the tone right away – most people can’t seem to sleep well the night before getting on the boat, so why not get up early and see the beauties come in. So after a nice dinner in the Hotel, we settle down and rest our sleepy heads for the thrills of the days to come!

Day 1 – Depart Port of Miami – Sunday, January 15, 2006

Temps – upper 60’s

As we stated earlier, part of our fun is getting up to watch the ships come in! And so we got up at 5 AM to view the five boats in port that morning pull down the canal, turn slowly in front of the hotel, and dock with boatloads of cruisers still sleeping before ending their vacation.

After catching a bit of a nap, we awoke to a beautiful sunrise on this chilly day (by Miami Standards – for us Midwesterners we were just fine). The Morning News actually had a chat about “windchills” due to the cold (actually with the wind and the cold some readings were in the upper 40’s). Once the sun was up, we enjoyed our breakfast while looking down at the boats in full sunshine.

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We caught the shuttle from the hotel to the Port at 10:30 AM. On the shuttle we met six others who were cruising Royal Caribbean – but on Explorer. They were a group of friends from Michigan and the surrounding area who go on a cruise together almost every year. By listening to their friendly banter, we’re sure they had a great time!

Once we arrived at the Port, we were met by the porters, who took our bags and pointed us in the right direction ($5 tip). Once inside the terminal, we quickly took an escalator up to the waiting area, where approximately 30-40 people were waiting. At almost the moment we hit the top of the escalator, they opened the Security Screening stations (2 lines) and we quickly went thru the metal detector and were on our way to the check-in stations. This is a large room where on one wall there are 20 or so stations with staff waiting to help you check-in. Think airline ticketing counter. You are funneled by your stateroom floor – first they peel off Diamond/Platnium level and suites, then Deck 9, 8, 7, and so on.

We walked right up and started the process of giving them our Passports, a Credit Card for Incidentals, etc. The computers were working VERY slowly that morning, but it still went fairly quickly and easily – we soon found ourselves walking up the gangway towards Radiance! After stopping for our first of many photo pictures on the trip – we stepped aboard Radiance at a little before 11 A.M.

Now on our last two trips we have found that the you are not able to go to your staterooms until around 1 P.M., so if you wish you can leave your carryon bags with an attendant and go have a look around. Lunch is served in the Windjammer beginning at 11:30 A.M., so it was not long before we settled in for our first of many, many meals.

After Lunch, we went down to Deck 6 and had our first drink in the Schooner Bar while waiting for Portofinos and Chopps to Open for reservations (they open at noon). We set our reservations for Monday at Portofinos (to skip the first formal night), Tuesday at Chops (to celebrate my 40th birthday) and Wednesday again at Chops to avoid Caribbean Night.

Our Stateroom (Cabin 9580) was available at 1 PM, so we checked it out and began some basic unpacking. Our luggage was not immediately available (this is normal), so we went out and laid around the pool waiting for our traveling companions to arrive. We traveled with good friends of ours from our area, but they had different travel arrangements. They arrived between 2 and 3 – and after saying our hellos we went back to the room to unpack our luggage (which had now arrived) and prepare for the mandatory Muster Drill, which is held at 4:30 P.M.

Departure was at 5:30 – with everyone up on deck waiving goodbye to Explorer as we pulled out ahead of our big sister, fun was had by all! After pulling away, Captain Rune Lokling got on the loudspeaker and introduced himself. He is quite a character from Oslo, Norway. He started working on ships at 15 and has been working on ships for 26 years – since 1996 as a Captain and since 1999 with Royal Caribbean. He was very excited about the fact that he was going to be going on his “Vacation” when our week was over – taking 6 weeks off to spend with family back in Norway. He is scheduled to rejoin Radiance when she heads to Alaska. Captain Lokling announced that due to the highs Winds that the Eastern Seaboard had been experiencing the last week (50+ gusts from NY to Florida), we were going to skip Coco Cay and go to San Juan instead. Some were disappointed, but San Juan is a beautiful City so most took it in stride. After consuming a few more “beverages” on deck, it was time to prepare for dinner in the Cascades Dining Room.

We were seated at table 527 on Deck 5, the second floor of the two-story main dining room. Our lead waiter was a delightful young man from the Phillipeans named Benedict. Our Assistant Waiter was from Grenada and his name was Leslie. They were both very engaging and funny. My wife chose the “Chef’s Choice” for the evening (each evening one entrée’ is “highlighted” as the Chef’s Choice), which was Herb Crusted Cod. She said it was fantastic. I chose a Very Good Prime Rib. We started with a Tomato Bisque Soup and a Cesar Salad. After the main entrée’, I finished off the meal with an Ivory Chocolate Desert – Yummy! Earlier in the day I had picked out our Wine & Dine Package for the week. There are three different levels – Diamond, Platinum, and Gold. Each package offered a 5, 7, 10, or 12 bottle package. Each level had a different list of wines – you brought your receipt of purchase to dinner the first night, and they provided you with a “punchcard” that equates to the level and number of bottle package you purchased. To match my wife’s Cod, we chose a Semillon-Chardonnay – Lindemans Bin 77. Not too bad.

After dinner, we headed to the Colony Club on Deck 6 to try our hand at the self-leveling pool tables. First off- none of us are pool players – which makes couples billiards a hoot – especially when the table is moving under you as it levels with the movement of the ship. Now the ship was moving a bit due to the wind currently and earlier, so it takes some getting used to. Plus if you have a sensitive stomach, the movement of the table to self-level does give one a sense of unease – but it didn’t bother of enough to put us off from playing two games!

During the evening, the Captain came back over the loud speaker to explain to us why the boat had come to a stop! – a passenger was suffering from what was called a “medical emergency” and arrangements were being made as to whether to have a Helicopter land and take them back to Miami, or a Coast-Guard or similar vessel pull along side and take them back that way. After a few updates, it was determined that none of these would work, so we would be turning around and heading back to Miami to drop off the stricken passenger. The Ship pulled back into Miami after 10:30 PM, dropped off the passenger for medical treatment, and then sailed back out. No mention was ever given as to whether the passenger was O.K., other than to say that no news was very good news. They always heard when the news was bad – so not hearing was good! After a long day and many libations we found our way to our cabins after midnight to rest up for our upcoming day in San Juan. Puerto Rico.

To be continued…..

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What a wonderful report....you are really sending me back!


We had almost the exact same thing happen on our Radiance cruise...came to a complete stop just outside of Miami due to a medical emergency. How awful...these people are on the ship for mere hours, and something horrible happens.


Anyway...very much looking forward to reading the rest of your review.


Hurdy Gurdy!


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Zotzer, I've enjoyed your posts! As you know we were on the Radiance just before you doing the Western Caribbean Itinerary. Looks like we will also be on the Freedom just before you in '07. I booked the Freedom after returning home. I noticed you mentioned you booked while on the Radiance. Did you get any special discounts for booking while on board?

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Hi Rob,

Your enthusiasm for the Radiance really brought me back also. What is it about this particular ship that makes people so ga ga for her? Methinks it's the crew! We were actually on her before your trip...Dec 11-18th.


I am going on Freedom *this* June, and did not book while I was onboard. My friend and I had planned on going to Vegas for my 40th birthday, but I convinced her to go on a cruise instead....my FIRST mission after getting back from the Radiance. LOL Wanted to go on the inaugural, but just couldn't justify the cost, so we pushed back a week.


I booked through a TA who is giving us a significant onboard credit, so I will actually get a bigger SeaPass credit from the TA than if I had booked on board. I can promise you, though, that I will NOT be walking off that ship without having booked my next cruise! :)


Bing Bong!


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Hi Rob,

Your enthusiasm for the Radiance really brought me back also. What is it about this particular ship that makes people so ga ga for her? Methinks it's the crew! We were actually on her before your trip...Dec 11-18th.


I am going on Freedom *this* June, and did not book while I was onboard. My friend and I had planned on going to Vegas for my 40th birthday, but I convinced her to go on a cruise instead....my FIRST mission after getting back from the Radiance. LOL Wanted to go on the inaugural, but just couldn't justify the cost, so we pushed back a week.


I booked through a TA who is giving us a significant onboard credit, so I will actually get a bigger SeaPass credit from the TA than if I had booked on board. I can promise you, though, that I will NOT be walking off that ship without having booked my next cruise! :)


Bing Bong!



Your Hurdy Gerdy and Bing Bong! quotes made me almost fall of my chair! What does the Bing Bong mean anyway?


I celebrated my 40th on board last week (17th), so you'll see that day come up in the review! We just booked Freedom on board for Valentine's Day 2007 - so the countdown clock is on!:)

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Hi all! I'll be going on the Ap 2 Radiance sailing, for my 40th...seems to be a theme here. Anyway, my question is about coffee. Where can I get espresso onboard, and how much would that habit cost me? Also, any suggestions about inside cabin choices (what to avoid, which ones may be better, etc)?


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We will be on the Radiance 03/26.


Do they have room service the first night?


Can you check your bill on TV still?


What was playing in the movie theater?


Could you book excursions for your unexpected stop in San Juan?


Thanks, I love reading your review!

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Hi all! I'll be going on the Ap 2 Radiance sailing, for my 40th...seems to be a theme here. Anyway, my question is about coffee. Where can I get espresso onboard, and how much would that habit cost me? Also, any suggestions about inside cabin choices (what to avoid, which ones may be better, etc)?



Tracey has got it right - they serve Seattle's Best Coffee - along with expresso! Very good - also served in Portofinos and Chops.:)

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We will be on the Radiance 03/26.


Do they have room service the first night?


Can you check your bill on TV still?


What was playing in the movie theater?


Could you book excursions for your unexpected stop in San Juan?


Thanks, I love reading your review!


Not sure on Room Service the first night, though I think I remember seeing some dishes outside of some cabins. I would be surprised if you could not!


Movie Theater movies were: Miss Congeniality 2 (Day 1), Coach Carter (Day 2), Be Cool (Day 3), Sahara (Day 4), The Interpreter (Day 5), Kingdom of Heaven (Day 6), Million Dollar Baby (Day 7) - these of course are subject to change. There are also two movies on TV every day. They change the next day at 6 PM.


Read Day 2 of my review to hear about San Juan!:)


Hope this helps!



Yes, you can still check your bill on the TV - but it was not working for most of our trip!:o I checked once at the Guest Relations Counter to see if I had received the Shareholders Credit, and was told they were working on it (got the credit in a timely manner!)

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How was the entertainment on the ship? Any shows you recommend, any you would have skipped? How was the band? Was it just a steel band or could they play other types of music? Thanks so much for the review.


Went to three evening shows - Coasters, Piano Man (based on the Broadway show), and poked my head in for one commedian. I had never gone to a show on other ships, so this was my first experience, and thus had nothing to compare it to. Also went to the late shows, since we had late seating. My overall impression was pretty good - the commedian was not my favorite - a bit too bland for my taste ~ not that I want vulgarity, but he was like food with no seasoning (his name was Kelly McDonald). But commedy is very personal and selective - so don't take critique - you may like him! The coasters were surprisingly good, and the Piano Man had some fantastic numbers to some well known (and personal favorite) sounds - but then the middle bogged down with some songs from artists I didn't appreciate or even know!


Around the pool, it was mostly the old standbye - the steel band. But I believe they fill the bill.


Of note, there was a 3 piece group in the Centrum that played ballroom-style dance music. They were a hit for a number of people. There was also a fantastic duo - one Violin, one Guitar, that could play virtually anything and in all styles. I listened to them in Chops, the Schooner Bar, the Centrium - they were everywhere!


Hope this helps!

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What does the Bing Bong mean anyway?


Marc (the CD) does it to imitate the "bing bong" noise the ship's loudspeaker makes before and after announcements. He was a riot!


We just booked Freedom on board for Valentine's Day 2007 - so the countdown clock is on!:)


Well, I will try my best to give as thorough a review of Freedom as you have given of Radiance. Since I will be on the second sailing, I am sure there will be lots of news/reviews floating around....between the shakedown pre-inaugural cruises and the maiden voyage, but I will try to contribute something. LOL


Happy Belated Birthday, BTW.


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Day 2 – At Sea – Monday, January 16, 2006

Temp – upper 70’s – low 80’s

We woke early after sleeping wonderfully! The boat was sailing along trying to make up the lost time from our Medical Emergency from the night before. Breakfast was delivered to the room around 7 AM, a nice bowl of granola, some good Orange Juice and Coffee, and assorted rolls and breads. Got a very nice workout in at the Radiance Fitness Center, followed by the daily “Walk-a-Mile” event at 8:00 AM where I earned my first valuable Shipshape dollar!! Unfortuanately around this time I found out that my cellphone was still working! Radiance appears to be outfitted with a cellular tower – but you have to connect your phone thru the Royal Caribbean online source. We did not do this – it seems to go against our concept of Vacation to have our Cellphone ringing over and over! The morning was cloudy and windy, so the “Gilmore Golf Tournament that I entered at 10:00 AM took on an even more hilarious tone. Gilmore golf is when on the putt-putt course, you have to play each hole differently, like with one hand, between your leg, standing on one leg, etc. Our group had a great time – come to find out that they had also been part of the Meet & Mingle Cruisecritic thread for the trip – so it was great to meet one and all.

After Golf it was time for a snack in the Windjammer. A combination of late breakfast and early lunch made for some interesting and fascinating meal combinations. Our Captain came back on the loudspeaker to make a sad announcement – due to the Medical Emergency, we would NOT be able to make San Juan! So he was going to slow the boat down to enjoy the nice weather and we would be making our first stop in St. Thomas on Day 4. If we were looking for a relaxing trip lounging by the pool, drinking in some sunshine, and enjoying the company of others, we were getting our wish!

The sun made an bright appearance between large puffy white clouds and the temps climbed to a very comfortable afternoon getting some fruiting drinks, taking in sun around the pool, and cracking a good book for the early afternoon.

At 3:00 PM, we headed down to the Cascades Dining room for the Wine Tasting Seminar. There is a charge for this activity, but for any returning cruisers who were Crown & Anchor Members, the coupon in your booklet covered the charge. The presenter invited us to get some cheese and crackers, and then proceeded to introduce the large crowd to sample three different Whites and another three Reds. Most of the wines were good (not great – but good), and it does give one a good idea of some different ideas for dinner at night, which we put to good use!

At 4:00 PM, it was time for Dodgeball – yes Dodgeball! About 20 hearty souls signed up for a rousing hour of Dodgeball – about 5-7 games were played overall and it was really a fantastic time – I was impressed. Our team prevailed, and so more Shipshape Dollars were collected! Just after 5:00 I quickly completed another Walk-a-Mile for another Shipshape Dollar., then it back to the room to prepare for dinner at Portofinos.

Portofinos was our choice tonight due to its “Smart Casual” dress code. I wear a Suit and Tie each and everyday, so not having to do son on Vacation was a huge plus. Portofinos is a beautiful, peaceful, relaxed restaurant with outstanding service and food! An extra charge is applied of $20.00 per person. But after you experience this restaurant – ask yourself if you can come close to the quality of service and food at any place in your town!

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