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Just Off Radiance Eastern Caribbean - Questions?

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Since this was our first cruise, I don't have anything to compare to. Here are a few opinions:


-even if you don't eat at the midnight buffets, check them out for picture taking.

-I wish I had gotten more pictures on deck with the ports in the background. And those I got I wish I had friends or us in the pictures.

-read and mark your compass so you don't forget about things you really want to go to.

-try to eat some healthy things to counteract the bad stuff you'll eat. I enjoyed the cold fruit soups. This was the first time I had tried them.


That's all I can think of right now.


Excellent Advice! Thanks for adding them! Especially the pictures - my full review includes pictures, and I am always disappointed I didn't get different types of pictures - especially the ones you noted!

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Day 5 – St. Maarten – Thursday, January 19, 2006

Temps – mid 80’s

If there is one thing that makes Cruise Travel the almost-perfect trip to take with friends – from one couple to 10 couples, is that you have plenty of opportunities for alone time – time that you and your spouse look forward to. Maybe it is a special activity (diving, biking, hiking, etc) that others in the group may not want to participate in, or going shopping for special somethings that are private and personal – there are so many things to do on a Cruise that you don’t have to all go around in a group – something that I have called “Amoebic Activities”. You have seen these types of groups – everyone is walking together, following the lead of someone. These are a blast when you get the right kind of activity (run-runners, etc), but sometimes you just want to do something yourself. Today is one of those days for us. Our friends that we are traveling with were looking forward to renting road bikes and putting in some miles (they are both in fantastic shape!). Both couples had been to St. Maarten in March of ’05, and we had done different activities then – we had rented a Jeep Wrangler with a different couple and toured the entire island in order to get our bearings. Meanwhile, about eight years ago, I had a moment of weakness while playing basketball and did not secure away carefully that symbol of your everlasting commitment to your mate – the wedding band. Now I have not replaced it for those eight years, since wearing the ring is really for her – I’m hers forever no matter what is on my finger – but to many women the ring signifies something to the rest of the world that your “taken”. So my dear wife and I entered St. Maarten today with only one goal – find a replacement for that band lost so many years ago.

Now I am one of those husbands that can find thousands (really millions) of excuses for NOT going shopping with my wife. Nothing wrong with her shopping skills or style – its just when I go shopping I do my research, know what I want, go into the store and buy it. I can be in and out of your neighborhood mall in minutes. In fact, if there is a style or brand of clothing I like to wear, I have salespeople at the stores that will call me when something arrives that they think I will like. Then I just stop out and take a quick look. They will actually send me email pictures of the item so I can tell if I like the color/design. It works for us. So this was different. We were buying a ring that SHE was going to like the look of on me. I had veto power if I didn’t like it, but it was going to have to be one ugly ring before I pull out the veto. So now the playing field is set as we set off the boat this fine morning for our day in St. Maarten.

Like the day before, it had rained at about dawn (7:00 A.M.), but quickly those clouds have given way to the a picture-perfect day – mostly sunny, with large puffy clouds floating by. The first order of business was to get an all-day water taxi pass ($5.00 per person). If you are docked, you will arrive at the A.C. Wathey Pier. The City of Philipsburg stretches to your left as you walk down the dock. The majority of the shopping is to your on Front Street, which stretches parallel to the bay. So you can find Front Street, turn left, and keep walking, or….. you can catch the Water Taxi that drops you off at one of two piers – the first is Bobby’s Marina, the second is the Town Pier. We got off at the first stop, and started walking left down Front Street at the shop-after-shop walk.


St. Maarten is reputed to have excellent shopping for high end merchandise. Shoppers save doubly – it is a free port and has no local sales taxes. Liqueurs, imported linen, perfumes, European Chocolates are specialties. Jewelry is also an excellent value, but you can find tons of details on these boards as to whether St. Thomas or St. Maarten are better – opinions vary. But without boring you, we (or should I say she) found a ring she liked at Diamonds International. After choosing the ring, we were asked to come back in approximately one hour so it could be sized. This allowed us even MORE time ( L ) to wander around the shops. I had plenty of Liquor orders from friends back home – specifically high end Scotch. I was able pick up JW Blue for under $100, Belvenie 21 for under $70, etc. I had all of these delivered directly to the ship so I would not have to lug them around (NOTE: The ship will deliver your Alcohol to your room on the last day, so (1) don’t be worried if you don’t see it right away and (2) don’t do this if you were hoping to enjoy some in your room during the trip!) So the wandering was not without merit! ( J ).

After stopping for a quick drink at the Barefoot Lounge, we picked up our completed purchase at the Jewelry store and caught the Water Taxi back to the ship from the Town Pier. We were back on board the ship in time for a late lunch in the Windjammer, and spent the rest of the afternoon lounging on the deck, soaking in more sun. I was still a bit under the weather (which helped my bar tab!), so this afternoon proved very relaxing!

We relaxed until our dinner in the dining room. If you have read above, you know if was our first time in the dining room since the first night! So our waiter Benedict and his assistant Leslie welcomed us back. Nothing on the menu really caught my eye that night – they did have crabcakes on the menu which got the girls excited (but they paled in comparison compared to those in Chops!) – I had a Pork Chop that was pretty good. But I was still sluggish from the meds for my head cold, so we decided to call it an early evening. Our friends Scott and Amy thought they would go take a chance on the Win-A-Cruise Bingo. So we bit them goodnight. A bit before 11 P.M., our stateroom phone range with an excited Scott giving us the good news – they had WON the Win-A-Cruise Bingo!! So now not only had we booked our next adventure while on board (Freedom – February 2007 – Here we come!), but now Scott and Amy have another adventure to plan within a year. Congratulations to them! See MCSScott’s thread on Win-A-Cruise Bingo for more details. So it was with a smile on our faces as we faded off to slumber, looking forward to our day at Sea tomorrow.

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Only Buy Really Low could give cruise critic a run for their money with a review!! We have cruised together twice and do have a good time-Freedom in February 2007 will now have 7 couples booked--- waiting on more-:cool:

Weather in Wisconsin yesterday was in the 50's not bad --raining today 01/28/06

Mrs. Blacksheep2

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Day 6 – At Sea – Friday, January 20, 2006

For us, it is normally Day 6 that you quickly recognize the trip is almost done. Wasn’t it just yesterday when it was Tuesday? (Make that a few days ago!). So this itinerary was almost perfect due to the fact that the last TWO days were at Sea – making it easy to catch up on activities that you may have missed earlier, or to work on your tan.

I was beginning to feel a bit better from my headcold, as evidenced by my getting back out for the Wallk-A-Mile at 8:00 AM. Afterwards, I had a relaxing breakfast with my beautiful wife in the Windjammer, in order to save my energy for the Mini-Golf Tournament at 11:00 AM! It was quite a full and competitive field, and unlike the Gilmore Golf from earlier in the trip, one was able to show off one’s putting prowess (given that the ship didn’t move, the wind didn’t blow, etc….) Once the smoke cleared I shot a 25…. Which finished 2nd! So I received some MORE Shipshape dollars and a 2nd Place Silver Medal to complete my collection! My wife was so proud! J

Afternoon was spent relaxing around the pool with my wife and friends, getting some additional sunshine. I must have been working off the cold medication, because I fell asleep while in the lounger, which created a nice “glow” to my face and exposed body parts. Mid afternoon my wife headed to the cabin for another little nap. I was amazed at how much time we spent in our cabin. Maybe it was the additional days at Sea, but most mid-afternoons we took a nap before preparing for dinner. I know that many don’t spend as much time, but the extra money for the Balcony was easily earned in our opinion by having the fresh breeze blowing in the room from the open sliding door.

Dinner was again in the main dining room at 8:30 PM. Tonight was the 2nd formal night – Lobster Night! This time the main dining room had a combination Lobster and Shrimp dinner. You could also get Prime Rib – creating your “surf & turf” meal. Here was the first time we felt a disadvantage of having 2nd seating – you may run out of Lobster before you can have your 2nd or 3rd Lobster tail (they run a bit on the smaller side). Our friend was going for the 3-4 Lobster tail night, but I believe he was only able to get the 2nd one before it became too late. Also during this evening the photographers were working hard to get pictures at all the tables of all the people. Normally this is not a problem – they are just doing there job and are not too much of a nuisance. But tonight you wanted to make sure to get to your Lobster and Shrimp fresh and warm, and the moving around for pictures made the Lobster get a bit cold. Just bad timing on the part of the Photographer – and it certainly did not ruin the dinner. Just keep your eyes open for the Photographer and his timing.

This is also the night of the Gala Buffet, which is open for viewing beginning at 11:30 and you can actually eat at 12:15. If you have not had a chance to see this, make sure to bring your camera for pictures!

After dinner, we hooked up with Glen and his wife from the three-on-three basketball game and decided to check out the Ladies Night in the Starquest Lounge. The ladies seemed to have a fantastic time dancing and meeting all the new and “interesting” people and catching up on all the dance moves! I stayed solidly by the bar (which rotates) and kept myself hydrated. Putting me on a dancefloor is like putting a cat in a sweater – it is just wrong! So just before the Stripendales perform – the Cruise Director and various staff put on a late night “show” for the adults – we headed back to our cabin, leaving Glen and his wife to continue dancing their hearts out! The next day, we heard a few complaints that there were so many men and women at the Stripendales that the Women did not get a good chance to see the cruise staff, so it sounded like quite a few people caught the act! But I wanted to get my sleep before our last day – at Sea!

To be continued….

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Day 7 – At Sea – Saturday, January 21st

Temps – low 80’s

The last full day on the ship – one feels the regret coming on strong! My head cold finally broke during the night, so I was BACK in a big way and ready to go! My wife and I enjoyed another fine breakfast in the Windjammer Café, and after dropping my wife off near the pool to do some sunbathing, I took in the Towel Folding Demo in the Centrium. Yes, Towel Folding! They did an outstanding job of showing everyone how they make the cool animals that you find in your staterooms on many evenings. Now there is no way on God’s green earth that I could recreate any of the animals, but it was fun to watch the pride and certainly the skill that these room attendants showed in creating these works of Towel Art!

After this, my wife and I competed in our annual Golf Challenge – to see who was the champion of the seas! And unlike most years… my wife won! My wife has been taking up the sport for a bit over a year, but she has also shown skills in the putt-putt area. So with my ego effectively squashed, we went over to watch our friend compete in the Adult Speed Climb Challenge on the Rock wall!


Now our friend MCSScott loves to climb the wall. But there was some stiff competition today. Seems that little guys who can scurry have an advantage here versus the bigger guys, but Scott did great and competed hard as always!

After watching him compete, we were hungry and grabbed lunch in the Seaview Café – which opened at noon. I had the Chili in a bread bowl, a bowl of Soup, and a Malt – an excellent lunch! After lunch we caught the Ship Chat at 1:00 PM in the Aurora Theater. This is not to be missed! The captain, along with the Cruise Director, the Chief Engineer, and the Environmental Manager all answer questions after a short video presentation giving you a “behind the scenes” look at the ship. I learned a tremendous amount about the workings of the ship, and got some excellent images of the living quarters of the various staff aboard the ship. Also the new captain who was replacing Captain Ruin was introduced – a really young guy in his late 30’s! This lasted for a little less than an hour.

At 2:00 PM, a special event was held due to the popularity of this event earlier in the week – Adult Dodgeball 2!! Without it being in the Compass or announced, over 30 people showed up to play! It was a bit warmer today, and I had a little trouble holding the ball. On my first throw, I felt something pop in the right hip (I am left handed) and the ball sailed off in a direction other than I was throwing it – hitting Amy (sorry! J) The rest of the hour I had a tough time getting anything on my throws, but I still had a blast and I believe most thought it was a highlight for the trip! The entire area on the upper deck between the Rock Climbing Wall and the Mini Golf was full of spectators cheering everyone on!


I am looking forward to doing this on every trip!

After finishing up Dodgeball, my hip began to really stiffen up, leading me to believe that I strained my hip, or at least pinched a nerve (the later was correct). That made me look like an unbelievable gimp the rest of the trip – but luckily it was near the end of the trip!

We caught our breath around the pool for a few hours. It began to cloud up and threaten rain, so I went into the Solarium Whirlpool to see if I could loosen up my hip, and met some wonderful people from Texas and Delaware. If you are open to the idea, you will meet fantastic people from around the world on a cruise – it is one of the highlights of the trip. It began to rain (pour really), so it was nice to be in the Solarium – but like all other rain events it was quickly over, making for a beautiful sunset.

For those who earned some Shipshape Dollars, you can turn them in for your prizes between 5 and 6 PM. It is a maybe your last chance to say goodbye to the excellent Activities Staff who kept us entertained for almost a week!


When you return to your room, you will receive your luggage tags that correspond to your departure time the next day (forgot to tell you that they ask you when you leave on Day 6!). You also receive your tip envelopes to show your appreciation to all the people who have made your trip memorable! We prepay our tips, but like to add additional to those who did a great job for us during the week. This week we gave an additional tip to our Room Steward, and to the excellent wait staff in Portofinos and Chops. Our luggage tags were for Group 1, since we had a 11:00 AM flight the next morning. So we finished our packing so we could put our luggage out after dinner.

We had our final dinner in the main dining room – it was nothing too spectacular (turkey was the main dish), so we chose from the alternative menu and had steaks. We said our goodbyes to the wait staff in the dining room – they were excellent – even though we did not spend much time there. But they all received the recommended tips, so I guess they had an easy week! J

After final drinks in the Schooner Bar, it was time for bed in order to get up early to leave the ship L. So I opened the Balcony Door one last time to listen to the sound of the water against the ship and the breeze blowing thru the door.

Day 8 – Departure – Sunday, January 22nd

We were in group 1 – White Tag - which meant an early departure – as early as 7:15 AM! New this year was the “Express Walk-Off” option – which is where you take your own bag off the ship and can leave whenever you wish. We did not choose this option – but instead our “White” tag level was called that we could leave the boat beginning at 7:15 AM. We made our way with the crowds off the ship to Customs (Make SURE you fill out the form the night before!) – no wait. After moving thru customs, we went down an escalator to the luggage area – which in Miami is just like receiving your luggage at an airport. Within minutes we received our luggage, and caught a taxi cab right outside the door to the airport. We were at the airport before 8:30 AM – and once we figured out which gate we were at (it was changed once we got there), we were on the flight for an uneventful ride home. Thank You American Airlines!

In summary- Departure was uneventful – very well organized – and given that Sunday morning is a low traffic day – the ride to the airport was uneventful and quick. We could have easily caught an earlier flight if one existed – but having the extra time made the flight home less stressful.

The Radiance of the Seas is a beautiful ship – the perfect size for one looking for the traditional class of cruising while still having the activities and amenities that one is coming to expect! You will have the time of your life! Slow down – enjoy the activities – take in the scenes and ports – and absorb the memories that will last a lifetime!

Until next February – Freedom of the Seas……

Be Well,

Buy Really Low! J


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Great review BuyReallyLow. I was on the Radiance the week before you. I wrote a short review that went to blank page heaven and didn't redo it. I got sick at the end of the cruise instead of of the beginning like you, so I just wasn't up to do. I really enjoyed reading yours and found out how much we missed. I guess we'll have to do it again.

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Great review BuyReallyLow. I was on the Radiance the week before you. I wrote a short review that went to blank page heaven and didn't redo it. I got sick at the end of the cruise instead of of the beginning like you, so I just wasn't up to do. I really enjoyed reading yours and found out how much we missed. I guess we'll have to do it again.


I'm glad you liked it. I notice it was your first cruise. Have you got the bug? Are you already planning your next one?

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I'm glad you liked it. I notice it was your first cruise. Have you got the bug? Are you already planning your next one?


It was an Elvis cruise. They are talking about doing the Radiance again next Jan, but the Eastern route. But it will be 8 days and out of Ft Lauderdale. Closer to home then Miami. Once the TA decides and gets a contract with "our" Elvis, I'm sure we'll book it.


Yes, we have the bug. If there isn't an Elvis cruise, we'll try to plan something on our own. But we really liked going with a group. I guess we'll just wait and see.

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It was an Elvis cruise. They are talking about doing the Radiance again next Jan, but the Eastern route. But it will be 8 days and out of Ft Lauderdale. Closer to home then Miami. Once the TA decides and gets a contract with "our" Elvis, I'm sure we'll book it.


Yes, we have the bug. If there isn't an Elvis cruise, we'll try to plan something on our own. But we really liked going with a group. I guess we'll just wait and see.


What is an Elvis Cruise? Is it impersonators, or just Elvis Fans? Sorry if it is a stupid question - I've just never heard of one of them.:rolleyes:

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What is an Elvis Cruise? Is it impersonators, or just Elvis Fans? Sorry if it is a stupid question - I've just never heard of one of them.:rolleyes:


It was a group thing arranged by our TA. She had 3 Elvis impersonators doing a daily show. They were basically private shows, expect those in the Colony Club could be seen from the outer areas by anyone. And they added a special show Friday night and invited the whole ship. We go see our "Elvis" every Thursday night, so a big group of us went. It was wonderful knowing lots of people on the cruise. The only problem doing a cruise this way is that we had to pay more then the going rate because the impersonators were paid by the TA and not Royal Caribbean.

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Great Review BuyReallyLow. I was on the Radiance last week. We had a blast. I absolutely love this class of ship. We had Zini last week and he was very entertaining. He has worked with many of the staff on other ships. He made a point to introduce Julie as the "voice" on the Royal Carribean elevators. Dodgeball wasn't a big event last week but it seems Karaoke was. There was some very talented singers this past week. They didn't advertise the wine tasting on the schedule day. Ours showed it to be Tuesday at sea day on the Day 1 activities list - but did not show it as an activity on Tuesday with the time or location. Many missed it including us. Also this was the first RCCL cruise I've been on that didn't have horse racing. I found that interesting. Overall though it was the perfect size ship for me. I'm sold on this class of ship.:)

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Great Review BuyReallyLow. I was on the Radiance last week. We had a blast. I absolutely love this class of ship. We had Zini last week and he was very entertaining. He has worked with many of the staff on other ships. He made a point to introduce Julie as the "voice" on the Royal Carribean elevators. Dodgeball wasn't a big event last week but it seems Karaoke was. There was some very talented singers this past week. They didn't advertise the wine tasting on the schedule day. Ours showed it to be Tuesday at sea day on the Day 1 activities list - but did not show it as an activity on Tuesday with the time or location. Many missed it including us. Also this was the first RCCL cruise I've been on that didn't have horse racing. I found that interesting. Overall though it was the perfect size ship for me. I'm sold on this class of ship.:)


You know, your right!.... I don't remember hearing about Horse Racing. This is the first time we didn't have it too.


Glad you had a GREAT time!:)

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Can you share any info about the Spa?


-- did you check out the thermal suite?

--did you get any treatments?

--do they offer a hydrotherapy treatment?




Sorry - did not partake of anything in the Spa area - except the showers, steam room and Sauna.


Maybe someone else will answer when they see your question. Good luck and have fun!:)

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BRL - Thanks for all of the great info about Radiance. We leave on 3/5/06. Can't wait. We have been on several RCCL cruises, but never any of the Radiance class ships. I do not recall ever having a Seaview Cafe on any of our other ships. What kind of food do they serve and when are they open?

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  • 2 months later...

BRL - did a search and found your review of the Radiance. I am in cabin 9580 in November and I wonder if you have any pics of that cabin? Also, I woo, would like to know about the Seaview Cafe....is it part of the Windjammer or is it a seperate area? Thanks in advance for any answers!!!!

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BRL - did a search and found your review of the Radiance. I am in cabin 9580 in November and I wonder if you have any pics of that cabin? Also, I woo, would like to know about the Seaview Cafe....is it part of the Windjammer or is it a seperate area? Thanks in advance for any answers!!!!



The Seaview is a tiny separate place one deck up from WJ and at the starboard rear of the ship- it is a tiny indoor area with some seats outside- you step in and order off the menu, then they give you a number and bring your food to you freshly made- it is the BEST!! the hours are limited- check yr compass to see when it is open- but the food is really really good!!

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