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I did not say what cruise lines my friends went on, I know one couple cruised Carnival, and one lady who loves to cruise has been on HAL, RC, Norweign and Carnival. Another couple I know cruises on Princess and another couple went on HAL. I only know one man who went on Crystal and he also was not impressed.


My point was that what you said was that now with large ships you didn't find the food good and it was better in the "fee" restos. That was my point, that the lady I know who loves to cruise,would not be happy having to pay extra for the "speciality" restaurants. I don't think you undersood what I was saying.




I personally don't care as I don't plan on another cruise, it is a waste on DH and myself. We are paying for a lot of stuff we don't use and would not use regardless of what line I went on.


I was not arguing with you, I was agreeing with you, but I asked a question to you as an experienced cruiser as far as the "fee" restos were how it would play out if the way bigger ships had more and more speciality restos and if more people who to pay extra how you felt it would affect those lines. It was not dircted to you personally.


I hope you understand what I was trying to ask and say. This was nothing to do with you personally.



Your friends will not have to worry if they stick to the older Carnival ships-the pay extra specialty restarant is only on the spirt class and conquest class ships. I guess though as the older ships retire then they will have no choice. I guess they will do like KS and I said we would do. Cruise the better lines but just do not go as often. I guess when you get down to it-that is our choices-whether we like them or not. The cruiselines have to make a profit to stay in busines-and cruise prices have not went up-becuase I guess the economy is not booming as it was before 9-11. So the mainstream lines have started not doing all the little extras that used to be at no cost. for ex. our friends having the anniversary-we bought them a cake for $35 to surprise them. the weaiters will come and sing happy anniversary to them. That used to be a "perk" on the lines and cost nothing extra-you just put in the order. Now we pay for that.


One thing I do want to ask and please do not take offense because I do enjoy posting to you-but if you did not like cruising and don't plan to cruise again why are you posting on this messageboard? I can't help but think you must want to do another cruise-just maybe you are trying to convince your husband.


I do feel if you and your husband tried one of the mainstream lines you may would like it-just don't take a mega ship. A ship that holds 2000 or less people is not crowded at all. The problem with the voyager class ship that I saw was the pool area was no bigger then the smaller ships-I know this was because they offered all the other recreation stuff-it just seemed all the other areas no one was at-everyone was by the pools-and the pools were just not big enough for 3600 PAX that were on my cruise.


You said you lived in Canada right? Are you closer to New York, Michigan or Washington state? A cruise to Bermuda is very nice-Celebrity Zenith (1300 PAX) goes there in the summer. The Zenith has no specialty restuarant and they serve filet mignon and lobster both. I guess you may have to fly to NY though depending on where in Canada you live.




I did not think you were arging with me at all-I just felt you were not getting the whole picture.

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To answer your questin I post becuase I've come to enjoy chatting with the ladies I met here. I think they are some of the nicest and I love clothes.


No not trying to convince the hubby. We are on the same page. A cruise is really a waste of $$ for us. We know that we would not (and did not) take full advantage of what a cruise has to offer. Perhaps when we are older and want a different type of vacation or if and when I'm ever ready to do the flight to get to a cruise for Antartica (as I think a cruise is the best way to see Antartica but I could be wrong) we may go again, but for now it's just not worth the $$ to us to do a cruise.


We are both happy we had our one experience but that for now is enough but I love the ladies here and enjoy talking to them and hearing about their vacations.


Yes, I am closest to NYC for US major port I would guess to answer your other question.


It's also because whenever I heard about cruises in the past, most people talked about the food as being th major draw of a cruise. I always thought that myself, so I was wondering how it would affect the cruise industry with all the "fee" restos.


Basically what it comes down to from what I gather, is just like a lot of other things, you pay the same or more and just get less :(


Same way with a lot of things but I actually thought the travel industry was recovering post 9/11 but I guess not which is a shame.

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To answer your questin I post becuase I've come to enjoy chatting with the ladies I met here. I think they are some of the nicest and I love clothes.


No not trying to convince the hubby. We are on the same page. A cruise is really a waste of $$ for us. We know that we would not (and did not) take full advantage of what a cruise has to offer. Perhaps when we are older and want a different type of vacation or if and when I'm ever ready to do the flight to get to a cruise for Antartica (as I think a cruise is the best way to see Antartica but I could be wrong) we may go again, but for now it's just not worth the $$ to us to do a cruise.


We are both happy we had our one experience but that for now is enough but I love the ladies here and enjoy talking to them and hearing about their vacations.




Yes, I am closest to NYC for US major port I would guess to answer your other question.


It's also because whenever I heard about cruises in the past, most people talked about the food as being th major draw of a cruise. I always thought that myself, so I was wondering how it would affect the cruise industry with all the "fee" restos.


Basically what it comes down to from what I gather, is just like a lot of other things, you pay the same or more and just get less :(


Same way with a lot of things but I actually thought the travel industry was recovering post 9/11 but I guess not which is a shame.


The price of a cruise has not gone up in the last 5 years. We still are paying the same price. Everything else has gone up. Lordie you should see our heating bill (it has doubled over last year)and this has been a MILD winter for us. When everything else costs more we should expect cruising to be more also but it isn't-I guess people are not willing to pay more. So the extras like mid night buffets, really nice gourmet food celebration cakes are either disapeering or you pay extra. But I still think cruising on the mainstream lines is the best value vacationwise you can get.


But like KS that is not so important to me-I never ate the midnight buffets anyway, I don't mind buying our friends a cake, and if I pay extra a couple of nights for a nicer dinner that is okay too. Like KS said-at home we do not go to the upscale restuarants that much-usually when we do we are celebrating something. We splurge now and then-so really cruises would not be so differant- I guess-we could splurge one or two nights.


I agree with KS also that Denney's does a better burger then that uscale place she mentioned-ofcourse I would not myself go in an upscale restaurant to order a burger myself as I as a rule do not eat burgers ,for health reasons-I do like them.

We also like this little Mom and Pop's type place close to our home we eat at a lot. Often I just order the chef's salad-I mainly go for hubby-but I do like the homestyle country cooking-again it is just not good for me healthwise.


So you are not interested in cruising and just want to chat? Goodness I would not think you would ask so many questions-if you were not curious. You seem to be very interested.

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I agree completely about the burger thing. I find the best are at the local mom and pop places. I'm not big on gourmet food. I enjoy it, but I like simple well prepared food with high quality ingredients.


As for interst and questions, it is so that when I am with people who do cruise that I can converse in an intelligent way on a topic they enjoy. My DH has clients who love to cruise, and I have a few personal friends who enjoy the cruise vacations and this way they don't have to feel they are excluding me or avoid talking about something so as not to exclude me from a certain topic.


One cannot have to much knowledge even if it is about something I may not do, or like, I still like to be well informed. And even though I don't find cruising to my style of vacation, I do enjoy discussing it. I can't wear the same clothes I wore in my 20's I still like talking about them and looking at them and enjoy others pleasure that they get from them. And when all the ladies come back and talk about how wonderful the cruise is, I'm happy for them and enjoy sharing in their pleasures.


I've actually learned a lot about "cruising" which in turn helps me to have more informed converstations when my friends take their cruise vacations. Several of them don't have the internet so they can't come to a board like this, or even do research and passing on info is helpful to them as well and one lady has been most appreciative of some of the info I've passed on.


One lady in particular always felt Alaska was out of her price range, but thanks to this board, and the info I passed on, she is now seeing she can afford Alaska.


I like to gather info on a vast variety of subjects, never know when it might come in handy for some reason or another.

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Mrs. moose I just thought I would add a little about cruise prices. We paid right at $1000 for this cruise-5 night, obstructed oceanview cabin for the 2 of us including insurance. Back in Oct. 98 we went on a 4 night Carnival cruise during hurricane season, so off season, and we paid $900 for those 4 nights, an inside cabin, and we did NOT have insurance. In Nov. 99, we again booked a 4 night cruise this time RCCL, but it was during Thanksgiving week and we paid 1400 for the three of us that time. Again it was an inside cabin and we did not buy insurance.


So you see what I mean-we are going winter season this time- and look how inexpensive our cruise is.


Ofcourse 7 day cruises are a little more expensive and you pay extra for a balcony but still we have never paid over $3000 for a cruise. The mainstream lines are inexpensive-so what if the food costs extra at a specialty restuarant? Just think what a week at Disneyworld would cost and you sure would not be eating filet mignon.


I just plan to stay away from the huge ships from now on as I have learned I do not like them.

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After completing cruise #2 on Rhapsody we decided that Vision class was about the largest ship we could tolerate. I was attempting to do an even smaller ship for our 10th this year, but ended just booking the Empress out of SJ. She's a bit smaller...so we'll probably like that.


Voyager...Freedom...and now Genesis. I'll look at the pictures and be amazed, but I probably won't be booking them!

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I guess I just like a traditional cruise as a way to get away from things.


If I want to in-line skate I go to the local park with my kids.

If I want to ice skate I go into town and skate at the rink.

If I want to rock climb I go into the climbing place in town.


If I want to meet interesting people and share good conversation I go on a cruise.


If I want to relax and enjoy carefree days at sea where the wonderful staff takes care of me, I take a cruise.


If I want to enjoy fine dinning in formal attire I go on a cruise.


If I want sometimes excellent(Sometimes not) included entertainment I take a cruise.




I just like a traditional cruise, not a floating Mall of America. I want to get away from the everyday world and enjoy the elegance of the traditional high seas experience.


Celebrity Infinity was bordering on being too big for me.



It's funny that some of what you don't want is what we DO want. The activities like rock climbing etc. were a draw for us when we booked a voyager class ship. It's funny we have a pool in our backyard and the beach 15 minutes away but when we go on vacation- no matter what the season, we always book a hotel with a pool-and/or go someplace near the beach. My kids are waterbugs.


We also wanted to go on a voyager class ship just to experience the engineering marvel that it is- I can't believe those bohemouths float!


Finally, what we don't vacation for is the food or shopping. While we do enjoy fine dining, I don't think you can get it on a cruise ship- you may get decent quality in a contrived atmosphere (let's face it, formal night is in the same dining room as a theme night- the only thing that changes is one's attire) but if I want terrific food, I'll stay in a hotel and dine out at great restaurants. As far as shopping, the promenade etc. really isn't a draw for us. I have the attitude I can shop anywhere and don't want to spend my vacation doing that.

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It's funny that some of what you don't want is what we DO want. The activities like rock climbing etc. were a draw for us when we booked a voyager class ship. It's funny we have a pool in our backyard and the beach 15 minutes away but when we go on vacation- no matter what the season, we always book a hotel with a pool-and/or go someplace near the beach. My kids are waterbugs.


We also wanted to go on a voyager class ship just to experience the engineering marvel that it is- I can't believe those bohemouths float!


Finally, what we don't vacation for is the food or shopping. While we do enjoy fine dining, I don't think you can get it on a cruise ship- you may get decent quality in a contrived atmosphere (let's face it, formal night is in the same dining room as a theme night- the only thing that changes is one's attire) but if I want terrific food, I'll stay in a hotel and dine out at great restaurants. As far as shopping, the promenade etc. really isn't a draw for us. I have the attitude I can shop anywhere and don't want to spend my vacation doing that.


We are all differant-as I said-I read so many raves about voyager class ships I had to try one-I just found it was not my cup of tea. I wish people like you who liked the rock climbing, golfing,ice skating etc. were on my cruise-instead it was all bums like me who wanted to just simply spend time around the pool-and when there are 3600 pasengers and just 3 small pools, well you get the picture.


Well I do a little shopping on ship-most of it window shopping-a good way to pass the time on sea days-so I did think the idea of the promanade and putting all that together instead of scattered around ship was a good idea. I spent the most time there in the little coffee shop, out in front of it listening to the bands there.

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Yep, different strokes for different folks.


We're DINKs, so we don't need a lot of family-friendly facilities or other types of alternative diversions (basketball, minigolf, what have you). We are pretty much the type to sit w/drink in hand and talk and watch the water go by. However, that probably wouldn't work if we had several children under 12 years of age!


Still though...you have to wonder what the logistics will be for getting on and off of these new monster ships! :eek:

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Momofmeg - that is very reasonable. That is around the price she pays, her limit is 1500 per cruise. But that has to include tips/drinks etc. she likes to keep it around $1200.(per person) She was always under the impression that Alaska was a lot higher on any line, so with all the info I gathered here, I told her that she could actually get a room in her price range since she didn't care about the line or the room, she is now happily going to go to Alaska. She is a single lady in her late 50s but she has a travelling companion so she is lucky and only has to pay her way.


I see your point about speciality extras, but she would not pay the extra money for the speciality restaurant. She is very price concious which is fine and I understand her point, that's why I was saying if they do more "fee" restos it would be a reason for her to stop cruising perhaps, as she said but until I finally understood what all the "fee restos" were about I didn't have a clue as to what she meant.


I agree with Soxfan, I don't think you can get great food on a cruise, and then again even with that it's a subjective "to each his own" type thing. And some may say it's wonderful and others may say it's not.


I do think though from all I've read here so far, that a cruise is a good vacation choice for the $$$ value if you take advantage of all a cruise has to offer.

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I was talking with my SIL who has done two Voyager class cruises.


Everybody does have different things they like to do. For us its service and dining, but for others it is active activities.


SIL did say that the pools were not crowded on her two voyager class cruises, but that every cruise ends up being different. She also said that they really did not take advantage of the active activities like rock climbing, inline skating or ice skating. She said they did really enjoy the ice show.


But after all that conversation she said that she's been on small, medium and large ships, and she preferes the medium the best.


I think it is great that RCI has two brands that represent different options in cruising, and Carnival really does the same thing two. (I do worry sometimes that RCI, will try to "super size" Celebrity, and take away its charm) Carnival has owned HAL since the early 90's, and they've made a few changes, but over all HAL has not become a Carnival, or vice versa.


Anyway, I guess my point is that no one cruise line is better than another, just some fit one person and some fit others. I guess the same is true with big, medium and small ships. One size doesn't fit all, so they make different sizes for different people.

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I think it is great that RCI has two brands that represent different options in cruising, and Carnival really does the same thing two. (I do worry sometimes that RCI, will try to "super size" Celebrity, and take away its charm) Carnival has owned HAL since the early 90's, and they've made a few changes, but over all HAL has not become a Carnival, or vice versa.


Anyway, I guess my point is that no one cruise line is better than another, just some fit one person and some fit others. I guess the same is true with big, medium and small ships. One size doesn't fit all, so they make different sizes for different people.


I think that this was the plan for RCI from the get go - gear one part of it's line to active, young (and young at heart) couples and families. The other would be Celebrity, geared towards those who want a more sedate, personalized experience. It's a smart marketing ploy, probably brought on by the fact that more and more families have the disposable income to cruise and many passengers would prefer not to have to deal with the throngs of kids. Back in B.C. (before children), that would not have appealed to us either.


Quick question, did you find that the line lived up to their commercials witht the whole "live famously" tag line, butlers etc.? I looked at Celebrity and would consider it at some point but for our first "family" cruise, I really wanted to check out the latest ships. Who knows, we may even decide that cruising isn't our thing at all.

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Soxfan, Only if you book a suite!


We're of a mind to try different cruise lines, not to be loyal to one. We have been on only one Celebrity cruise and I sure could tell the difference from RCI or Carnival. The biggest difference is that they weren't in-your-face all the time regarding Bingo, games, shows. The announcements were kept at a bare minimum, I guess they figure they gave you a newsletter so you already know what's going on. The ship (Infinity) was beautiful, the service was friendly and efficient without being too familiar.


That said, we have always received great service on RCI and we have only been on one of their ships so far, an older, smaller one. But, it is a short drive away and affordable for quick cruises.


I think the food may have been a bit better on Infinity, I really don't remember. Cruise food is not all that memorable to me, except a few dinners we've had in specialty restaurants. Probably the best meal I've had onboard a ship was on NCL Star, in the SoHo restaurant.


Even though we didn't book a suite, I would definitely cruise on Infinity, or a sister ship again. I loved the ambience, the staff and fellow pax were just a little more refined than other cruises I've been on. I think it attracts a less "party" crowd. That may sound snobbish to some, but it really wasn't, I felt comfortable all week. It was homey, does that sound corny?

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Soxfan, Only if you book a suite!


The ship (Infinity) was beautiful, the service was friendly and efficient without being too familiar.


THAT, would be important to me. I often read on other boards (generally those who are groupies for one particular line), how friendly people become with staff and how they keep in touch and try to cruise "together" again. Don't get me wrong, I take interest in others and make small talk but I was very uncomfortable with the level of familiarity that some people seemed to find on ships. When we travel, it is either with a group of friends who we are eager to spend time with or just our family so we can get some quality time away from the "real" world. We're not seeking out new, lifelong relationships.




I think the food may have been a bit better on Infinity, I really don't remember. Cruise food is not all that memorable to me, except a few dinners we've had in specialty restaurants. Probably the best meal I've had onboard a ship was on NCL Star, in the SoHo restaurant.



We've cruised NCL in the past, just hubby and I and I remember thinking that all the sauces seemed like the chef opened a can of cream of chicken soup and threw a different herb or wine in it each night. Our second cruise, to Bermuda, we opted to eat on the island for most meals. There were some others at our table who would make the trek back to the ship for each meal- partly because they felt they paid for it so they should eat it and partly because they thought the food was great.


Even though we didn't book a suite, I would definitely cruise on Infinity, or a sister ship again. I loved the ambience, the staff and fellow pax were just a little more refined than other cruises I've been on. I think it attracts a less "party" crowd. That may sound snobbish to some, but it really wasn't, I felt comfortable all week. It was homey, does that sound corny?



I don't think you sound snobby or corny at all. We didn't book Carnival because of the party reputation. I was also told by someone "they liked going to dinner in shorts and a t-shirt" (they were on a 4 day cruise so it may have been more casual) and couldn't do that on RCI. Celebrity sounds wonderful, maybe one day we will try that.





Right now, I just want to reschedule our postponed cruise! We were really looking forward to it. I think I'd get on a barge right now just to get away! LOL

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When we were looking for a cruise for our 10th anniversary DH and I talked about what we liked about our previous cruise together, our honeymoon.


That was on the old HAL Rotterdam to Alaska. Sometimes it seamed that 90% of the Pax on that cruise were over 90. (Exaggerating a little)


Mostly what we were looking for was attentive persolized service with a fun but not over the top atmosphere. When we talked to the TA I know he asked us what we wanted in the the cruise and had specific questions. We were pretty much set on going on HAL, but the TA said that Celebrity might be what we want, but with a slightly younger crowd. So we gave Celebrity a try and really liked it. MIL had been on a Celebrity cruise and we asked her what she liked about it and all she could say was "Everything". Not the most helpful answere, but good enough for us to give it a try.


So now to the specific question "Does Celebtity live up to the advitising "Be Treated Famously" ect. Well we certainly felt that way, but then again we are not really that demanding. I'm pretty easy going, and can make lemonade out of lemons.


I didn't go through my room with a white glove every day to make sure that my cabin stewardess had removed every speck of dust from the room, but she did a great, great job and we never had a complaint or to ask for her to do more. Our dining service was very good, and the food was excellent.


I actually did feel like I was "treated famously", but that could just be because of my overly friendly personality,and the fact that I am not too demanding.


My example of this is that DH and I accidently befriended the cruise director early on. We were walking on the promanade deck while still in port in SD. We didn't realize that we couldn't get all the way around, and ran into two crew memebers near the front of the ship. We had a light hearted conversation with them, joked about the "Love Boat" intenerary and noticed the fact that they were both American. It wasn't until the next day that we realized that they were the Cruise Director and Assistant cruise director. DH and I liked to go to the Disco and that cruise by DH doesn't dance much, the the cruise director was very helpful in finding dance partners for me. I think he knew my name by the second day. He also was kind enough to send the Karaoke song selection book to my room so I could pre-select songs so I would be able to turn in my request right away after late seating dinner and the late show. I don't think I was very demanding:confused:, but it was so nice that he cared enough about a few little things that he made me feel special.


Also, for dessert, the waiter was able to bring me fresh berries every night.


On the last cruise, DD told the chef that Crem Brule is her favorite dessert and that she makes it at home with her dad all the time. Anyway, they chef made crem brule for our table the last three nights after that.


Its those little thoughtful things that make me like Celebrity. Ok I think I've rambled on enough.

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