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Anyone on Magica 3/26/06


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Looking forward to meeting on Monday. Ribbon???? Not!!! Looks like at least three Indiana groups aboard. Should have fun with that! LOL.:) Will be in Canada next week then off to vacation bliss. Like others, we have watched our cruise leave PE every Sunday wishing we were onboard. Looking forward to sun and fun.

Tom, Becky, Cindy, Kim.

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O.K., My turn to bump us up!


I'm glad to see new names on the thread!

Welcome Misshaley & Knotneverwrong!

Alan/Betsy, at least you made it! We didn't even know about these boards when we took our last cruise 2 years ago, That was my 1st cruise, and I would have loved to have access to all of the info I have been reading here. I can only imagine all of the stuff I missed out on.


It sounds like we have a couple of "targets" to aim for @ the meet & Greet, we will look for Jordan and his snazzy, new "CC" blue shirt, or

Mark, who will be the guy holding the trolling rod over the rail of the ship.

No wait, That will be me holding the fishing pole, Mark will be wearing the rust colored hat. (I have never seen the hat, but knowing how fishermen tend to not tell the truth, I am inclined to agree with your wife on it's color)

Mark, the Hogs Breath around 11 sounds great!, looking forward to meeting.

Well times a wasting, So much to do, I can only assume that everyone is taking advantage of this last weekend to do last minute shopping and general getting ready stuff.


I can't wait to read the reviews from this last Western Magica cruise before ours. (Magica does the eastern cruise next week)


Talk to you all soon!


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Bumping us back up!

It would be great to hear from some other shipmates! I know you are out there! :)




Greetings Kurt and the rest of the Magica March 26 shipmates. I have finally caved in and will stop being an observer and chime in. We are Jeanne and Michael from Westchester County, NY. We are not as adventurous as the rest of you all. We just want to relax, eat, drink, be merry, and dance the evenings away to the wonderful Italian music that is offered. That's our story and we are going to stick to it!


We will be pleased and honored to join in the get together that is being planned (Andy is my inspiration. {Hi Andy if you are tuning in. Thanks for your kind exchange of emails}).


Until our meet and greet,



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OK...one week from today we'll be getting on the ship...just a quick survey..

1. What's everyone most looking forward to??

2. Is this anyones first cruise??

3. How much money does everyone expect to win or lose in the casino??


Can't wait folks


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Hey there are new flags on the bow of the ship today. I have not noticed them before. Did I miss them?

This is the last time we will miss the boat.


Is everyone getting excited? Is everyone packed yet?

ncmapper question answers:

1. I can't wait to see the look on my girls face when they see the size of the ship. I have shown them the pictures online but even I can't imagine how big it is.

2. No it is not our first cruise but it is our daughters.

3. I hope to win alot (thousands) but I will probably loose a little.



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Sounds like it would be nice to do all our last minute catch-ups this weekend,,,,but, there were too many other activities to finish up........We both had to go on boyscout excursions, sleeping on the ground in a tent....boy this cruise stuff is sounding better and better every minute!!!

Alan isn't home yet, but will be crawling through the door soon. Just wanted to let everyone know we're soooooooo readyyyyyyy for a great time I can hardly stand it!!!!!


looking forward to meeting everyone!........I did see the flags.....nice touch, got to run so I can check out the ship leaving port


betsy:D :D :D

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Less than 1 week to go, I guess I will update the "crew list" one more time.

Hope I am not missing any shipmates:

Stowawaykc- Kurt & Chris **and Chris's sister, Doris, who booked a cabin with a veranda, now we can share it with her! (shhh... don't tell her though)

Jphotoz- Jordan/Wife 2 Daughters (6 & 8 yrs old)

Wardidaho-Deanna & Gang (5 Adults, 5 Kids)

Indyjones- Tom, Becky, Cindy & Kim(18 & 22 yrs old)

Twins -Karen & Sharon

Flmom-Suzanne, MIL, 2 Sons (7 & 10 yrs old)

Boundforsomewhere- Kathy & Thom

Soflocruisers- Mr, Mrs, 2 sons (8 & 8 mo.)

Illinioscruisers-Mr, Mrs, 2 sons (11 & 14)



Conda011- Denise & Antonio

Ncmapper- Mark, Sharon & Dylan



Knotneverwrong-Alan & Betsy

Misshaley-DH & 2 sons (18 & 20, plus friend 18)

Magoda- Jill & Clint

Andiamo- Jeanne & Michael



Answers to Mark's questions:

1- Warm weather, green vegitation, Blue skies, No schedules!, Did I mention warm weather? And Oh Yeah, a much needed break from 4 very busy kids. (9, 12,12 & 15)

2- 2nd cruise for me, probably 6th or 7th for Chris.

3- I never plan on winning, just hope to keep the contributions to a minimum while I try to win!


Betsy and Alan, I am a Den Leader in the Cub Scouts,(10 boys in my Den) We have our campout the weekend after we get back. Pinewood Derby this week. I would have preffered to camp before the cruise, now I will have to go from the comforts of a luxury ship to the rather modest accomodations of our camp cabins. Early April weather in northern Ohio will feel like the Antarctic after a week in the Carribean!


We changed our early dinner to the late seating because we thought we might be a little rushed on the port days, part of the "not wanting a schedule" thing.


We are in cabin 2448, Is anyone else bunking in this part of the ship? It is in the very center, all the way in the back of the ship, on the 2nd deck.


I did see the new flags on the ship. I think they put them there just for us!

I wish that when you look at the web cams on this ship, that you could see some of the deck, like you can on the Costa Med. That way I could e-mail the link to my boss,and some other co-workers, along with a specific time for them to look, and I could flip them off while holding a nice tropical drink in my hand, with a HUGE smile on my tanned face! :D


Take care all, This week is gonna FLY!!



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1. Well whats not to look foward to? The food, the drink, the fun, the new friends, sand and sun and thank GOD for the "Squok Club". Both of our boys enjoyed this last year, and so did we.

2. Our 3rd cruise, 2nd with Costa.

3. We don't gamble much but usually drop a few quarters in the "One armed bandits".

Our oldest had his 2nd camp out this weekend, we slept in our bed and only went for the hike yesterday, just a little 7 mile jump in the hills of Tennessee. And yes we also started watching the web cams about 7:30 or so this morning. Just imagine, one week from this moment, hot tub and cold drinks. Anyone want to join?

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I also wish that I could see some of the decks. I hope that my girls will like the kids club too. I missed the launch today. I did not realize that it was at a different time this week. I have spent a few hours moving music files from both my computers so I can have it all on my player. It is transferring to the player now.


It will be 19 degrees tonight not including the wind chill.


I can't wait for the warm weather.



Laurie, Taylor, & Samantha

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hello all you lucky people going on the magica on 3/26. I would just like to tell you a little tip about the waterslide. The end of the waterslide is very short, and if you are a 'big kid' like me and like to go fast, a word of caution DO NOT smack the end grate of the waterslide, it is made of out a type of ceramic and is very sharp, it will cut your feet. I went down swiftly one time and did not stop in time. I braced my self against the grate however my toe slipped in between the holes of the grate and cut it up pretty badly (i needed a dr. visit) Now the slide is good and fine for little kids and girls who do not go that fast but if you go fast please be careful. The waterslide is a blast!


just a word of caution.



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Hi, all, been slow to get it together for this cruise. Just wanted to add our names to the growing list of happy sailors.


There are 14 of us going - all from Oregon, and taking a week off from the fabulous weather (it snowed here last week). A little unusual, but made the vacation even more needed.


We range from grandparents (2), parents (6), and 6 kids ages 5 and 7 (girls), and boys (almost) 9, 11, and 12 (I think).


So, looking forward to seeing everyone.


Magica, here we come!

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OK...one week from today we'll be getting on the ship...just a quick survey..

1. What's everyone most looking forward to??

2. Is this anyones first cruise??

3. How much money does everyone expect to win or lose in the casino??


Can't wait folks



Hey there everyone! We are SOOOO very close now:D It's nice to see new people checking in and of course a big hello to all the original posters from the begining of this here thread.


To answer Mark's questions...

1. No waking up at 5AM and visiting JA again! If we didn't live here in SW FLA #1 would be the weather for sure

2. Our 3rd cruise

3. Don't expect to win any $$$$ in the casino but this entire week we will repeatedly part with $$$ on a daily basis;) I'm sure!! "Honey, don't forget your wallet!!" :p


Check in with ya's later on...Kathy

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:D :D We know that we are going to meet and greet in KW at the hogs Breath at 11:00 on monday morning........but I also know that there is another time and place on the ship.......and I have not looked back in the corrrespondence....lazy I guess......:confused: does anyone know the location and time of the Meet and greet of our "crew"??? We are truly looking forward to meeting all of you who have posted.......:p feel that we kind of know ya'll somewhat!!!!! hope you are all looking forward to this as much as we are!!!!!! WoW it is coming so soooooon!!!!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!!:D



betsy and alan

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This is our second Costa Cruise. First was the Atlantica 2 years ago. Families will love it! We have a son (10) and a daughter (15) and they are so excited to be going again. About 30 in our group. They met kids from every state it seemed. We are from Illinois. My teen daughter loved it. They carried a walkie talkie and we had one and kept in touch constantly. If you have never been to Grand Cayman I highly suggest Sting Ray City. Of course, you must like water/fish :D . It's a fun filled day of snorkeling and swimming and touching the stingrays. My son even has a picture of him kissing one. We liked this trip so much we are going on the same exact itinerary this time as well. I suggest lots of sun tan lotion and lip block.

If anyone has any questions feel free to email me personally. Look forward to hearing from fellow Magica cruisers. PS.... toga night was fun. Make sure to participate! People go in clothes anywhere from just their boxers (my hubby and other men in the group) to t-shirt and shorts (that is what I wore under mine). My son who was 8 at the time and now is 10 is going to wear his like a diaper again... no shirt on top. Lots of fun, trust me. Don't be too shy or think you are too silly... it's a great time!


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Place: Top Deck (Mantegna Deck) in the Lido Maratea/Palinuro area (aft section) which looks upon the large pool with the water slide. That is the same deck as the tennis court. Time: 2:30 PM Date: Monday 27th. Identification: a red ribbon on our person so we know each other. Alternate Plan: in case of rain, life boat drill lets plan for same place, same time on Wed. our first full day at sea.

I may pass on the red ribbon though. (picturing a baldheaded, middle aged, big bellied, pale as ghost guy with a drink in his hand, wearing a red ribbon) I think I will wear a red ballcap instead. I'm already doing the toga thing, but I have my limits! LOL

The only thing I would like to do different is to keep it on Monday, even if we do have the lifeboat drill, we can just adjust the time to meet after the drill. I think this would still leave plenty of time before early dinner. If it rains, we can try again on Wed. What does everyone think?Thanks Karen/Sharon for offering up the suggestion!



I have read on another thread that you can only get to this deck by taking the stairs from deck 11. My understanding is that this deck (deck 12) does not run the length of the ship, and the elevators do not go up past deck 11. (see Joetrizeo's recent post on navigating the Magica)


We are definatly looking forward to meeting everyone.

Remember to look for Jordan (Blue shirt, large "CC" on it) and Mark (orange shirt, I think, with a rust colored cap) or Myself, as described above, less the Red ribbon. (Red ball cap)

If you are going to the Hogs Breath, around 11:00, you will have already met Mark, Sharon, Dylan, My wife Chris and myself. (and hopefully some others who will let us know that they are there.)

I also feel like we are traveling among friends. This will be so cool to already "know" some folks.

Hope this answers your question!

Take care,


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I talked to my DH and he is up for the meet and greet, not sure if the boys will show or not. It will be my DH George, me Erin, son Joren (14) and son Jake (11).


Hey to WindyCity4, we are from Plainfield a western suburb. We leave for Florida on Saturday. Only 5 more days of school (I'm a teaching assistant)! Can't wait for the sun and some strawberry margaritas!



Illinois Cruiser

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Hello again everyone!

Wow, the CC group is growing fast now! We have enough for a big private party, Now if only Costa would provide the drinks :D .


Sux being at work when my mind is already lost in the caribbean.:cool:


Is Hog's breath on the Main street with all the other bars??

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Only 6 more days to go! I can't believe it. To answer ncmapper's questions:


1.) My friend Mandy and I are really looking forward to the warm weather and seeing the different ports. We're also ready for a vacation away from "our kids" we work with at the elementary schools.


2.) This is my 3rd cruise and Mandy's 4th cruise. We both went on the Costa Atlantica in 2004 and last year we went on Holland America's Westerdam.


3.) We won't be losing any money at all in the casino, because we don't usually end up there. However, we love buying the pictures the photographers take onboard the ship, so we will be spending lots of money there! I'll probably end up spending a little money in the Internet cafe as well to e-mail my fiance back home.




What grade are you a teaching assistant for? I am a Kindergarten aide (teaching assistant) and my friend Mandy does the same thing except with all grades in elementary. Very cool!


I think I'm almost packed and ready to go! I still need to get my formal dresses ready, though. I've already got jewelry to wear with my toga! Can't wait! See you all soon!


Oh yeah, does anybody have any idea as to what they are going to wear for red, white, and green night???


~WKUfan (Aimee)

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I am a teaching assistant for a 2nd grade class (2.5 hours in the morning) and a 3rd grade class (2.5 hours in the afternoon). I also do an hour lunch/recess duty for 3rd graders everyday. I am at a large elementary K-5 school, we have over 1,000 kids in our school and it just opened this year! I am ready for the warm sun next week, it was freezing out at recess today even with my ear muffs and gloves on!




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From St. Charles. Our son Wyatt is 10 1/2 (he makes me add the 1/2 year) and is looking forward to the cruise and meeting kids.... maybe your son can meet up with ours... we are doing the trimaran cruise/beach in jamaica.... any excursions your are booking?

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