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Anyone on Magica 3/26/06


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Sounds good to me about meeting before early seating dinner on Monday. Where though??....I know there are a couple of pools but what about the one nearest the waterslide...any thoughts??......btw...me, my wife Sharon, and my son Dylan will be cruising...This will be our second cruise on Costa. Does anyone have any clues about what a beer cost??....



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Hello all!


I will also be in the Magica 3/26. It will be myself and a good friend. I have been on 3 cruises prior, but they were as a kid - does the Sitmar cruise line still exist??? We are in our early 30's and ready to get a break from NYC for a week.


Thanks to everyone for the great information. I am still a little confused about the excursions. Does it matter if you get it through the cruise ship or from an independent business? Has anyone ever gone on a tour not sponsored by the cruise line and how did it work out? Maybe I should start a new thread on this one?????



Jill and Clint



Hi Jill & Clint. As far as excursions go it really doesn't matter if you book thru the cruiseline or go independent. It's just a matter of personal choice. I prefer the independent tours as usually they last longer, less people and I feel you get more for your money. If you want info on any of these offered tour companies...go to each port on this board and there's lots of great info and recommendations. Whatever you choose, hope you enjoy!!:)

p.s. if you do choose to go independent then just remember to allow enough time to get back to the ship:eek:


See ya's all sooner than later:D


Kathy & Thom from SW FLA

originally from Cape Cod, MA

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Hey Kurt and fellow shipmates:) Count us in for the meet & greet. Just let us know where and when. Thom and I are booked for the later seating so I guess before the early would be fine. We're pretty flexible cuz after all....we'll be on VACATION:D !!!


How many more days?!!;)

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Yeah, was just looking over my many bar tabs from last years cruise on the Mediterranean, looks like bottled beer, $3.50 to turn the bottom up and $5.50 for bourbon sour. We are going to San Francisco Beach for an all inclusive all day food and drink in Coz. Open bar on San yacht in Ocho then Margaritaville. We did spend quite a bit on-board in the bars, but think this year we will cheat a bit and import some of our own favs. And Kurt, in a couple of weeks, there will be a lot of jealous people watching us leave on their computers at home and we will be saying "Aloaha, eat your heart out!" How about a big ol' "hell yeah!!!"

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Yeah, was just looking over my many bar tabs from last years cruise on the Mediterranean, looks like bottled beer, $3.50 to turn the bottom up and $5.50 for bourbon sour. We are going to San Francisco Beach for an all inclusive all day food and drink in Coz. Open bar on San yacht in Ocho then Margaritaville. We did spend quite a bit on-board in the bars, but think this year we will cheat a bit and import some of our own favs. And Kurt, in a couple of weeks, there will be a lot of jealous people watching us leave on their computers at home and we will be saying "Aloaha, eat your heart out!" How about a big ol' "hell yeah!!!" Oh yeah, we finally got our docs. today.

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Hell Yeah!

Glad to hear you got your docs, Makins Family! it's official now!

It looks like the beer/drink prices are about what you would expect to pay if you went out for a night on the town at a nice place. We are not what you would call "big drinkers", but while on vacation, no kids with us, I am sure that we will do our part to help the bar staff earn a living this week. We will bring some & buy some too. It sounds like Costa is very relaxed on allowing alcohol to be brought on board. I can't remember reading even 1 post that said someone had their booze taken away while entering the Costa ships. (I am sure we would have heard about it if it happened, people like to complain more than they like to praise)

We have 2 of our kids going to Florida with their Grandmother, and the other 2 going to visit family in NYC during the week we are cruising, It is going to be sheer MADNESS here next week trying to get everyones stuff together. Next week is gonna fly by!

Welcome Jill & Clint! Glad to hear from you!

Mark, Thanks for the clarification on your Family's names, I will update the next time I post the roll call.

I am trying to think of a place on the ship that will be easy enough for all of us to find, yet specific enough that when we get there, we will know that we are meeting the right people, since we have no clue what each other looks like!

I might feel kinda silly asking everyone "Are you from Cruisecritic?"

I don't think we all want to describe ourselves here, probably wouldn't do any good anyway. (Bald headed, middle-aged, big bellied, extremely pale white guy with a drink in his hand, probably describes half the ship :eek: )

Any one have any suggestions?

The weather here in Ohio has been extremely mild, 50's and 60's for the past week, we may have hit 70 today. But as usual for this time of year, we are expecting the temp to fall all the way down to the 20's tomorrow with snow forecast, and stay there for the rest of this week.

Take care all!

Still watching the web cams, (with a smile on my face, because I know our turn is coming!)


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Kathy and Thom - thanks for the reply on the excursions. I had no idea there were separate threads for port-specific info (new to the whole board thing). Will look into that.


Kurt - thanks for the welcome!


Countdown continues.......


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Hell Yeah!

Great expression :) - I too have been watching the ship pull away from various docks. So-ooo-oo "Hell Yea! " it will soon be our turn. Love the idea of meet and greet. I understand there is a life boat drill after we leave Key West just before 1st dinner. What about the following idea: Place: Top Deck (Mantegna Deck) in the Lido Maratea/Palinuro area (aft section) which looks upon the large pool with the water slide. That is the same deck as the tennis court. Time: 2:30 PM Date: Monday 27th. Identification: a red ribbon on our person so we know each other. Alternate Plan: in case of rain, life boat drill lets plan for same place, same time on Wed. our first full day at sea. Does this idea work for every one? We are so excited - I don't know if we are going to be able to stand the wait!!!!

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Hello! I am counting down the days until our cruise! My friend and I are both cruising on the Costa Magica on March 26th. We are both 25, and we are hoping to meet some people our age on the ship. We both work at elementary schools, so we will be on Spring Break that week. We went on the Costa Atlantica in March of 2004, and we really enjoyed it. You just have to get used to hearing everything in 5 languages. But that really never bothered us at all. But we are very easy-going and laid back people. We are going to have a good time no matter what! I can't wait for warm weather and sunshine! We are from Indiana, and it is cold here! We have already booked our shore excursions. We are going to Playa Mia in Cozumel. It looks fun. We're going to tour Key West on our own I think. We booked shore excursions for Ocho Rios and Grand Cayman, too. We are going to Stingray City in Grand Cayman. I can't wait! Cruises are the best vacations ever!!!


Is anyone else going on this cruise that is our age??? Can't wait to talk to you all soon!

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wow...24 hrs since the last post......ok...i'll bump our group back up.....gonna do key west on our own...anyone up for morning bloody marys or mimosas at hogs breath??....in cozumel...we're striking out on our own, gonna try paradise beach..anyone ever been...in Jamaica we're doing the trimaran to the beach and dunn rivers fall.........and in grand cayman we're still deciding...ONLY 11 DAYS



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Hi everyone,


We are definantly in for the meet and greet. The time and place sounds great as well. The red ribbon idea is excellent, we need some sort of identification, and that was a good idea by the twins. Still haven't booked an excursion, procrastinators I guess.


Soon have to start packing, and looking forward to it. The weather here is terrible. Need sun....lots of sun!!


Can't wait to meet everyone.

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Hello! I am counting down the days until our cruise! My friend and I are both cruising on the Costa Magica on March 26th. We are both 25, and we are hoping to meet some people our age on the ship. We both work at elementary schools, so we will be on Spring Break that week. We went on the Costa Atlantica in March of 2004, and we really enjoyed it. You just have to get used to hearing everything in 5 languages. But that really never bothered us at all. But we are very easy-going and laid back people. We are going to have a good time no matter what! I can't wait for warm weather and sunshine! We are from Indiana, and it is cold here! We have already booked our shore excursions. We are going to Playa Mia in Cozumel. It looks fun. We're going to tour Key West on our own I think. We booked shore excursions for Ocho Rios and Grand Cayman, too. We are going to Stingray City in Grand Cayman. I can't wait! Cruises are the best vacations ever!!!




Is anyone else going on this cruise that is our age??? Can't wait to talk to you all soon!






My bf and I are both 25. Looking to meet lots of people of all ages and from all over. We are bith very excited and becoming increasingly excited as each day passes.


10 days left!!

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Hello All!

Oh Yeah! Getting close now! Only 7 more work days left for me. :D


Thanks for the "BUMP" Mark, It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it!

Bloody Mary's sound good for Monday morning, But what is Mumosa?

Maybe will will meet you at the Hogs Breath. Are you going 1st thing off the ship?


I like the plan for the meet/greet, Place: Top Deck (Mantegna Deck) in the Lido Maratea/Palinuro area (aft section) which looks upon the large pool with the water slide. That is the same deck as the tennis court. Time: 2:30 PM Date: Monday 27th. Identification: a red ribbon on our person so we know each other. Alternate Plan: in case of rain, life boat drill lets plan for same place, same time on Wed. our first full day at sea.

I may pass on the red ribbon though. (picturing a baldheaded, middle aged, big bellied, pale as ghost guy with a drink in his hand, wearing a red ribbon) I think I will wear a red ballcap instead. I'm already doing the toga thing, but I have my limits! LOL

The only thing I would like to do different is to keep it on Monday, even if we do have the lifeboat drill, we can just adjust the time to meet after the drill. I think this would still leave plenty of time before early dinner. If it rains, we can try again on Wed. What does everyone think?Thanks Karen/Sharon for offering up the suggestion!


Welcome on board KSUFAN! I know what you mean about the weather, it's cold here in Ohio too! But I don't care, my head is already in the carribean, gettin cooked by the tropical sun. Somehow seems more tolerable knowing that in about 10 days we won't even be thinking about the cold anymore.

BTW, around here KSU is Kent State University, is that the KSU you are a fan of?


Newfcanada, we have not planned any excursions ourself! Our plan is to just wing it, do what we feel like doing each day.We know we want to go to Margarittaville in Ochos Rios, but other than that, no schedule's!!


My wifes sister is thinking of joining us on this cruise, but she wants to know if there are any middle aged single men going. Come on boys, speak up! (Married men, remember, your wifes may read this)


Everybody, Please chime in on the meet & greet, lets make this official!


Take care everyone!


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I will be the one that will be wearing my new CC blue t-shirt that I just received in the mail today. I only ordered a couple of days ago. Boy that was fast.


It looks like it is a nice t-shirt too.


You will not be able to miss me with the big letters on the back.


This week has gone by guite quickly. I'm sure that next week will be faster.



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We did Paradise Beach last year, fairly nice, if you like the beach club scene. We decided on an all-inclusive at San Francisco Beach just north of Paradise, lunch, snacks and open bar for $40. Plus they have a pool at San Fran. Kurt have you ever been to Margaritaville in Ocho? It is pretty kool, we plan on spending some time there after the San San Yacht thing. NCMAPPER, definately do the rays in GC.

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Makins, No, we have never been to the one on Jamaica. We have been to the one in Key West.

We stumbled on a link to a website on one of these boards, had a cool map and showed all of the shops and stuff in the "village" on Jamaica. I saw that they have a pretty cool waterslide that dumps you into the ocean, a beach that is closed to the local peddelers, some sort of casino??. It all looks pretty fun! I have never been to Jamaica, although my Wife (Chris) has.

I would like to pick up some Blue Mountain coffee and probably some kind of gifts for our kids, I think I can do all of that at Margarettaville.

I am content to save some of the other activities until my next cruise.

But Hey, it's vacation, and after a few drinks, plans could change! I might find myself hanging from some Giant "kite" flying over the ocean, or sliding down 80 feet of waterfalls on my ass :eek: . I just hope that if it happens, I will remember it!


Jordan, You have now been oficially nominated for the open position of "Beacon for the Meet & Greet"

All in favor, type aye!

Everybody look for the guy with the blue shirt,with a big "CC" on it!

(Thanks Jordan, Chris was gonna make me wear the ribbon)



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We will be on the Magica 3/26 also! Heading out from Indiana... woohooo!

Can't wait, DH, myself, 2 sons, age 18, and 20, and friend 18.


(As a side note... WKUfan, are you a Hilltopper? :D) We are from SW Indiana and ready for warm and sunshine.


Go Racers!

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aye! to Jordan's nomination. LOL.

Monday at 2:30 sound great. If it rains, maybe we just name an indoor louge for the same day/time????


We are behind on booking excursions as well. We've decided on:

Key West- just walk around and with a stop @ Fat Tuesdays before heading back to the ship. We may be up for Mimosa's (DW loves those) at Hog's breath also. BTW Kurt, Mimosa is champagne and OJ. Suprisingly good.

Cozumel- do our own thing. Carlos and Charlies in the afternoon for free shot conga lines!

Ocho Rios- Sans Yacht (should really get on with the booking part)

GC- Stingray City (again, should stop procrastinating)


9 days till vacation begins!

Great to be in single digits now!

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Yep, I am a Hilltopper! I graduated from WKU in 2002. What part of Indiana are you from? We are from a small town about 30 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky. I'm glad to hear fellow Hoosiers will be aboard the boat! :p


It is sunny here today. I am ready to be on the boat, though! I hope we have awesome weather while we're gone. I'm just ready for WARM weather! Just 10 days now! Yea! See you on the boat!


~Aimee (WKUFan)

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We will be stopping by hogs breath first thing Mon. morning.....what a great way to get the week started.....the wife loves their bloody marys....afterwards gonna head to the southern most point.....i know its not gonna be as good if we were there at sunset but..you do what you gotta do....meet & greet sounds great...to recognize me...i'll have on a green hogs breath tshirt and an orange golf hat....(wife says its rust color)....I should stand out...lol



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:p We have been trying to "get in on" this conversation for 2 weeks now!!!!! You might say that we are challenged when it comes to the computer...... we have arrived though!!!!!! :D We are so excited about our cruise!!!! We can't wait to meet Mr. Green shirt and rust hat at the Hog's Breath in Key West.....It is our favorite KW haunt!!!!! But, we do have just one question.....do you really know what time it opens???? :confused: We didn't know anything opened before 11 in KW ......we are very familiar with the closing times of most kw establishments however!!!!! We are from West Coast of FL, this is our very first cruise.....at least on something over 42 feet.....no kids this trip;) ....eeeeeehaw!!!!!! We would also love to meet "Y'all" at the meet and greet.....we feel that we already know some of you!!!!!:p


alan and betsy

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