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Am I the only one...

Sky Sweet

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Am I the only one who is reluctant to share personal information with people I have not met in real life? I can understand why people who are booked on the same cruise enjoy chatting on a roll call and meeting in a very public place during the first day of the cruise. However, I think posters who share personal information either on cruise critic message boards or in E-mail with total strangers are making themselves vulnerable to identity theft. For all you know, someone on a roll call may just be pretending to take a cruise so they can collect information about homes that will be vacant during a specified period of time. Keep in mind, roll calls are not a private discussion among people booked on a cruise. Anyone with access to a computer can read everything that is posted on cruise critic.

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I've been living a rather public life online since 1984 (that's not a typo), and have never suffered any ill-effects. And when I cruise, I cruise with my mom, so my husband (who pretty much hates cruising) is home with the cats and the house. It's not like I'm putting my home address or real name up there in the roll call anyway. So for me this issue isn't an issue. But I can see how for other people it might be. Never put up more information a web site than you'd be happy with being published in your local newspaper or distributed on flyers around town!

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I've been living a rather public life online since 1984 (that's not a typo), and have never suffered any ill-effects. And when I cruise, I cruise with my mom, so my husband (who pretty much hates cruising) is home with the cats and the house. It's not like I'm putting my home address or real name up there in the roll call anyway. So for me this issue isn't an issue. But I can see how for other people it might be. Never put up more information a web site than you'd be happy with being published in your local newspaper or distributed on flyers around town!


Hi Leela :)


Your analogy about newspapers is interesting because I never worried about them. My husband held a high profile position for many years and was frequently in the "New York Times", and TV news. Even when 20/20 did a segment on him over 20 years ago. I didn't worry about that. However, I feel very differently about sharing personal information on the net.

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I agree with SkySweet. Many people give out too much personal information here. Some people have screen names composed of their first initial and their last name. At the same time they display personal iinformation about where they live and when they are going to cruise. It wouldn't be that hard for a skilled thief to figure out who they are and exactly where they live. It's amazing how people would be reluctant to give out personal information to a stranger in the street but will give them information to everyone on the Internet. This is one of the primary reasons for the high rate of identity theft.

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I've never really worried about it as there's nothing of REAL value left behind at home. Our dog's at the kennel, and DW is with me. Any thief who needs my tv or dvd player bad enough to break in is welcome to try.


Heck most of the things people used to steal, like tv's and vcr's are so cheap these days I don't know what a thief would really look for.


We always come back to a house that's been messed up a bit as my brother and his wife tend to show up and have a little party when they get the mail and feed the fish while we're gone.

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I've never really worried about it as there's nothing of REAL value left behind at home. Our dog's at the kennel, and DW is with me. Any thief who needs my tv or dvd player bad enough to break in is welcome to try.


Heck most of the things people used to steal, like tv's and vcr's are so cheap these days I don't know what a thief would really look for.


We always come back to a house that's been messed up a bit as my brother and his wife tend to show up and have a little party when they get the mail and feed the fish while we're gone.


I don't worry about "things" being stolen either, because the only things that can't be replaced are items that a crook wouldn't want such as photos, etc, but it wouldn't be difficult for a burglar to find enough information in anyone's home to steal his/her identity. However, in this day and age a criminal can easily obtain enough information about posters who disclose too much personal information on message boards to steal their identity without going near his/her home.

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It might be the difference between being a country mouse or a city mouse. Some of us are not as nervous or informed of the potential for disaster. Perhaps we should use more caution but we are not used to having to live that way.

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It might be the difference between being a country mouse or a city mouse. Some of us are not as nervous or informed of the potential for disaster. Perhaps we should use more caution but we are not used to having to live that way.


I don't understand why being prudent about what is disclosed to strangers in cyberspace would have any affect on the quality of that poster's life in the real world.

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And I hope I never do have to live that way!


It appears that you have misunderstood my posts on this topic, because being discreet about what you disclose to strangers in cyberspace would not have any affect on the quality of your life in the real world.

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Am I the only one who is reluctant to share personal information with people I have not met in real life? I can understand why people who are booked on the same cruise enjoy chatting on a roll call and meeting in a very public place during the first day of the cruise. However, I think posters who share personal information either on cruise critic message boards or in E-mail with total strangers are making themselves vulnerable to identity theft. For all you know, someone on a roll call may just be pretending to take a cruise so they can collect information about homes that will be vacant during a specified period of time. Keep in mind, roll calls are not a private discussion among people booked on a cruise. Anyone with access to a computer can read everything that is posted on cruise critic.


Unless you are posting all of the info from your DL, or posting your SS#, I don't see how someone could steal your ID? You could pick a name from any public source like the " L.A. County of Records" and get more info than is posted on this site. Unless like I said, you are posting your ID info. Maybe from having lived a high profile life this is a concern. I'm a pretty paranoid person too, but I didn't even muster that thought about this board. Other places on the net maybe, but not here.

I would guess that the safest thing to do is to just not visit any public forums like this, just to be sure. I guess if someone was so inclined they could look through the archives of "20/20" from 20 years ago and maybe take a wild guess as to who your husband is? Pretty far fetched, but I guess still a possibility right? I would have been more worried about having been in the news and on "20/20", than sharing what little info gets shared here on this board. But that's just me.



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Unless you are posting all of the info from your DL, or posting your SS#, I don't see how someone could steal your ID? You could pick a name from any public source like the " L.A. County of Records" and get more info than is posted on this site. Unless like I said, you are posting your ID info. Maybe from having lived a high profile life this is a concern. I'm a pretty paranoid person too, but I didn't even muster that thought about this board. Other places on the net maybe, but not here.

I would guess that the safest thing to do is to just not visit any public forums like this, just to be sure. I guess if someone was so inclined they could look through the archives of "20/20" from 20 years ago and maybe take a wild guess as to who your husband is? Pretty far fetched, but I guess still a possibility right? I would have been more worried about having been in the news and on "20/20", than sharing what little info gets shared here on this board. But that's just me.




Let me give you an example to illustrate my point. Some lenders will permit a person to apply for a loan by providing their date of birth instead of a social security number, and many cruise critic profiles contain a posters DOB. In addition to publicizing their date of birth, many have also posted their full name, the name of their spouse, where they live, and their profession, as well as other tidbits of personal information that could make them an easy target

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I think the level of care or paranoia one chooses to have is a very personal issue. Having a hubby who was on TV years ago or living in the country isn't what makes the difference. My hubby is also a very high profile person, and we live in a big city, and while we're not stupid about information we're not paranoid either. We have a shredder at home and shred anything with an account number, "taxpayer ID," SSN, etc. on it. We're actually more worried about our computer accounts getting broken in to than our house.


Of course, that will all change the first time the house gets broken in to, but we have an alarm system and also house-sitters when we're both away at the same time, which goes a long way to alleviate any anxiety about things.

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I think the level of care or paranoia one chooses to have is a very personal issue. Having a hubby who was on TV years ago or living in the country isn't what makes the difference. My hubby is also a very high profile person, and we live in a big city, and while we're not stupid about information we're not paranoid either. We have a shredder at home and shred anything with an account number, "taxpayer ID," SSN, etc. on it. We're actually more worried about our computer accounts getting broken in to than our house.


Of course, that will all change the first time the house gets broken in to, but we have an alarm system and also house-sitters when we're both away at the same time, which goes a long way to alleviate any anxiety about things.


Leela, I think we agree more than we disagree on this issue because people who use the net to steal a person's identity by using personal information that is posted on message boards are the same type of people who break into online computer accounts. The only difference is that posters who reveal personal information on message boards unknowingly make life much easier for cyber criminals. BTW, I have noticed that you also refrain from posting information on cruise critic message boards that could identify you in real life, which is very smart :)

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To those of you who are not afraid to have your homes broken into because there is nothing of value there. I just want to share with you that it is an awfully frightening experience irregardless of what was stolen or not. You feel so "violated".:eek:

I know "violated" is such a strong word. But after we had our home broken into I didn't feel secure in the one place that is our refuge in the storm.:( I felt so exposed knowing that those thieves had rifled through all our belongings.

PLEASE, it is really "better to be safe than sorry".

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Back when I lived in New Jersey I walked in on a robbery in progress. It was some teenage kids from the neighborhood (I lived in a pretty sketchy neighborhood back then). The only thing they actually got away with was a denim jacket because they dropped everything (stereo, microwave, CD player) in the back yard.


Still, I was so upset that I couldn't leave the house for a week because I was terrified something would happen. I even had the landlord put bars on the windows (which is not uncommon for ground-level apartments in the neighborhood I was living in).


I never really noticed that I have been refraining from posting too much personal info -- I guess somewhere along the line I developed a sense of where the "line" was, and so it just doesn't ocurr to me to cross it.

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Let me give you an example to illustrate my point. Some lenders will permit a person to apply for a loan by providing their date of birth instead of a social security number, and many cruise critic profiles contain a posters DOB. In addition to publicizing their date of birth, many have also posted their full name, the name of their spouse, where they live, and their profession, as well as other tidbits of personal information that could make them an easy target


Sky Sweet,


Point taken. I guess we both can agree that when it comes to the internet, less info may very well be the best bet. I guess my point was that I think there are much easer ways to get personal info or steal someone's ID than on a cruise BB. Just go to the County of public records in your area and you can get just about any info you want on just about anyone. There are thousands of internet sites that for a small fee, any where from $15-$20 will provide you with a bevy of info on a person, place or backround.



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Gee, did I say that your quality of life must be affected. One must be so careful how things are stated.


Oh, Sky, your personal profile says you were born on December 18th, or was it 17th. Anyway, did you post that? I ask because mine says my birthdate is Dec 31st, which it isn't, close but not correct. I was just curious where that came from.

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I think this may be just a little paranoid. I don't really think anyone is trolling a cruise BB looking for opportunities to steal identities. The birth date on the user profile is only a month and a day.


For someone to piece together the little dribs and drabs of personal information that appear on this board would involve a massive amount of reading posts. Anyone willing to work that hard would probably not need to steal identities.


Personally, I am far more concerned about including my cabin number on a post as someone may come after me on board for some imagined slight. (Since I, of course, would never slight someone intentionally.;) )



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Gee, did I say that your quality of life must be affected. One must be so careful how things are stated.


Oh, Sky, your personal profile says you were born on December 18th, or was it 17th. Anyway, did you post that? I ask because mine says my birthdate is Dec 31st, which it isn't, close but not correct. I was just curious where that came from.


The only reason why my profile includes a date of birth is because it was a mandatory field when I registered. However, that is not my actual birthday because I am not willing to include any information that could identity me in real life.

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I think this may be just a little paranoid. I don't really think anyone is trolling a cruise BB looking for opportunities to steal identities. The birth date on the user profile is only a month and a day.


For someone to piece together the little dribs and drabs of personal information that appear on this board would involve a massive amount of reading posts. Anyone willing to work that hard would probably not need to steal identities.


Personally, I am far more concerned about including my cabin number on a post as someone may come after me on board for some imagined slight. (Since I, of course, would never slight someone intentionally.;) )




Some profies only include month and day, but others include their year of birth as well.


Your opinion that people who are willing to work that hard wouldn't need to steal identities makes sense, but unfortunately there is a segment of the population that would rather put their energy into criminal activity instead of being a productive member of society.


There is a big difference between being cautious and being paranoid. Taking some risks are a necessary part of life, but in my opinion, there is no reason for posters on a message board to make themselves vulnerable to cyber crime by posting personal information. I have a theory as to why certain people on cruise critic do it, but I prefer to keep that opinion to myself.

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Ah, Susan, I don't think you'll get through!


So, SS, on another thread, someone asked you if you were writing a book and I think from the tone of this one, you may have been in law enforcement. Is that the reason for the paranoia? A little of the, I have to sit in a corner of the restaurant so I can see everyone else type of thing?:)

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