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Port of Miami (and others) being taken over by Dubai?


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Just picked up this news item:

A company at the Port of Miami has sued to block the takeover of shipping operations there by a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates. It is the first American courtroom effort to capsize a $6.8 billion sale already embroiled in a national debate over security risks at six major U.S. ports affected by the deal.

The Miami company, a subsidiary of Eller & Company Inc., presently is a business partner with London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which Dubai Ports World purchased last week. In a lawsuit in Florida circuit court, the Miami subsidiary said that under the sale it will become an "involuntary partner" with Dubai's government and it may seek more than $10 million in damages.



Any opinions? Expecially as I know some of you on this board have gone to Dubai, or are going there on the World Cruise.

Dubai strikes me as a rich oil place that doesn't seem to be too interested in political stuff. They are a definite "playground for the weathy" and seem to have no problems catering to those from other areas and those with different "sensibilities" than their own. The article said this company is state owned, and that other "terrorism-related" people and money have come out of UAE.

Anyone have a thought on this?

Bush has approved the sale. The six ports affected are in New York (Is this near our "beloved" Red Hook?) New Jersey, New Orleans, Baltimore, Miami, and Philadelphia. I know Red Hook is supposed to be a major commercial shipping area- Or near there. Anyone know if this is near the new terminal?


Okay, Brits, and P&O fans. What do you think of this development?

Is it a yawner? And so what item? Are there any real concerns, or just someone who thinks it may engender some kind of competition they don't want?



Karie, who is totally perplexed and clueless on this one!

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Its called G L O B A L I S A T I O N and has worked HUGELY to the US and UK's advantages (it could be argued that we started it with the British Empire & you took it on after WWII) - only problem is it sometimes cuts both ways and instead of us buying things its other people - and THATS when the short sighted, narrow minded or frankly downright racist get hot under the collar. The cry is always to 'protect widget makers jobs' - i.e. protect 0.03% of the population at the expense of 99.97% of the population who will get cheaper, better widgets if they are imported from China, for example. So, no, I would not be concerned about this.....I'm sure the Dubai authorities want to run successful, profitable businesses.....to quote Sir John Parker, the Chairman of P&O;


".....foreign ownership is not necessarily a bad thing. In the case of the P&O cruise business, where he is a non-executive director, the American owners have presided over a period of unprecedented growth, with a booming market up 44 per cent over five years and new ships rolling down the slipways every year. The next vessel for P&O Cruises is the Ventura, with 3,100 passengers, which will be delivered in spring 2008. 'That sort of growth would not have been possible without Carnival's backing,' says Parker."


Full article here:



And frankly, without Carnival there probably wouldn't be a Cunard.....




Who was wondering how to drag it back onto Cruises.....

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Just picked up this news item:

A company at the Port of Miami has sued to block the takeover of shipping operations there by a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates. It is the first American courtroom effort to capsize a $6.8 billion sale already embroiled in a national debate over security risks at six major U.S. ports affected by the deal.

The Miami company, a subsidiary of Eller & Company Inc., presently is a business partner with London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which Dubai Ports World purchased last week. In a lawsuit in Florida circuit court, the Miami subsidiary said that under the sale it will become an "involuntary partner" with Dubai's government and it may seek more than $10 million in damages.



Any opinions? Expecially as I know some of you on this board have gone to Dubai, or are going there on the World Cruise.

Dubai strikes me as a rich oil place that doesn't seem to be too interested in political stuff. They are a definite "playground for the weathy" and seem to have no problems catering to those from other areas and those with different "sensibilities" than their own. The article said this company is state owned, and that other "terrorism-related" people and money have come out of UAE.

Anyone have a thought on this?

Bush has approved the sale. The six ports affected are in New York (Is this near our "beloved" Red Hook?) New Jersey, New Orleans, Baltimore, Miami, and Philadelphia. I know Red Hook is supposed to be a major commercial shipping area- Or near there. Anyone know if this is near the new terminal?


Okay, Brits, and P&O fans. What do you think of this development?

Is it a yawner? And so what item? Are there any real concerns, or just someone who thinks it may engender some kind of competition they don't want?



Karie, who is totally perplexed and clueless on this one!

as a proud patriot that has served proudly in the defense of this great nation here is my main worry for the past 20 years.WE ARE GOING THE SAME WAY AS THE ROMAN EMPIRE!!!(try purchasing a business or enterprise in one of these unfriendly nations that find it so easy to do same in the USA) close the gates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This includes the port in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The government is really losing it. What are they thinking?! Is this the Twilight Zone?


I know Dubai is not essentially political or Jihadist, but If this deal goes through, I expect Dubai will be sprouting terrorist cells.

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I didn't start this thread, but it is truly valid.


Perhaps in another of Cruiscritics forums, such as Cruise News or Ports of Call United States.


Not too long ago this forum was a pleasant place to come and discuss crossing/cruising with Cunard, and to offer advice to those eagerly anticipating their first time with Cunard.


Now global and US politics, terrorism, religion, racism?



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This includes the port in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The government is really losing it. What are they thinking?! Is this the Twilight Zone?


I know Dubai is not essentially political or Jihadist, but If this deal goes through, I expect Dubai will be sprouting terrorist cells.


You hit the nail on the head-If this deal goes through, I expect Dubai will be sprouting terrorist cells

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IF everyone who handled the food was a US citizen, we really didn't have a problem.


I'm sorry - but this is delusional - America the brave and generous is an inspiration to the world - America the fearful scares me to bits. You weren't worried when these Ports were owned by your former Colonial Power....why are you worried now?


To quote from Sir John Parker again:


'Security is not a factor. It is handled by the individual ports on a country-by-country basis, and a change of ownership will not affect that'


And also:



What he does not understand is the xenophobic nature of some of the debate ...'Dubai is a country that has not harboured terrorists.


Who was it said 'we have nothing to fear, but fear itself?'



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I'm sorry - but this is delusional - America the brave and generous is an inspiration to the world - America the fearful scares me to bits. You weren't worried when these Ports were owned by your former Colonial Power....why are you worried now?


To quote from Sir John Parker again:


'Security is not a factor. It is handled by the individual ports on a country-by-country basis, and a change of ownership will not affect that'


And also:



What he does not understand is the xenophobic nature of some of the debate ...'Dubai is a country that has not harboured terrorists.


Who was it said 'we have nothing to fear, but fear itself?'




Oh, Peter, please.


First, you deleted some of my quote-'US citizen or VERIFIED'. Big difference. No way to VERIFY lots of foreigners. Too many foreign names are like "John Smith" and are unable to be verified. And too many bogus ID's/passports. If you don't show up on the "terrorist watch list" or the "no fly" list, you will probably make it into the US. Heck, we don't even match pictures with boarding passes, as they do in the UK.


Or just sneak through the Southwestern border. And bring your bogus ID to the FOREIGN Middle Eastern company for employment. Who's to know? My position requires I think of as many contingencies as possible and at that, I do a darn good job.


I wouldn't lump our former "Colonial power" into a terrorist category.


And if I am not mistaken, two of the 911 hijackers had UAE passports AND money was transferred through UAE banking system for 911. In fact, the large terrorist "church" (charity organization) shut down in Texas had most of it's money either in the UAE banking system OR transferred money through the UAE banking system to other banks partial to terrorists.


And as Molly Brown posted, it will only be a matter of time before there are defined terrorist cells in the UAE. Getting a Middle East bogus passport is VERY, VERY easy. US' largest nuclear plant had an Egyptian engineer working there for about 10 months. Nuclear workers are run through a "stringent" security check. Not too stringent, evidently, as he was fired and jailed after 10 months employment. Seems like the Egyptian passport and all employment information belonged to his brother, who was not a "known associate".


I am not paranoid, but I am concerned. And I do NOT believe a Middle Eastern country should be running US port security. Just TOO many chances of a slip up.

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I do NOT believe a Middle Eastern country should be running US port security.


Who said it would? Again, to quote Sir John Parker:


'Security is not a factor. It is handled by the individual ports on a country-by-country basis, and a change of ownership will not affect that'


Unless you think Dubai is going to annex Florida, New York & so on, why should change in company ownership affect security?



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When I sell my P&O A.D.R.'s to Dubai Ports do I really care whom I selling to? Not really, it will be at a profit to me and Uncle Sam, and for once I'll be getting some of the money that I have been sending to the oil rich Arab countries back.


Am I greatly concerned about American security? Of course I am. Does the transfer of these properties from British control to others lessen Pax Americana? I doubt it. We must be vigiliant, yes. Must we realize that there is already a threat to American borders being breached through a shipping port, yes. The U.S. Federal Government must continue to increase funding to protect our sea ports. I don't think that we are facing anything new here.


Will this threat increase because a large number of ports become owned by Dubai? I think to say yes is putting the cart before the horse. I doubt that any of the potential new owners want to see their investment become worthless. Further more for the new owners to allow a fanatical faction to bite the hand that feeds them would be foolish. Stop the huge transfusions of dollars the oil states receive from the US many an oil regime would collapse. I doubt that the potential new owners want this; they have become undeniably rich because of the status quo.


It is a fact, that the fundamentalist radicals not only seek the destruction of "The Great Satan" U.S., but they have also attacked Saudi and other Arab targets. I doubt that the present oil rich regimes want to see their royal houses tumble, and will not do what they can to prop their family wealth up. To me this would include initiating and then maintaining tighter security at high risk properties such as sea ports. I'm sure an enlightened U.S. foreign policy would demand such.


My view is influenced by a few hundred shares of P&0 stock. I'm sure the owner of millions would have no less of a view. Let the sale proceed. My far greater fear is that it does not, and we should become complacent. If security is allowed to remain as is at the world's sea ports, or becomes lax, that truly would be a danger.

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Posts regarding RELGION and/or posts of a racist nature will be removed. Please stay on topic -- that is the issue of US Ports being taken over by foreign countries...and its effect on the cruise industry.,

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I am not paranoid, but I am concerned. And I do NOT believe a Middle Eastern country should be running US port security. Just TOO many chances of a slip up.


The Dubai Port will manage the day to day activites of the ports involve. The Coast Guard, DHS will still handle the security aspect of it. If FEAR is the factor on this deal, then they (terrorists) have WON.

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If FEAR is the factor on this deal, then they (terrorists) have WON.


Terry & Alex,


Well said! In the UK we lived with terrorism for decades (much of it funded from the US). In the middle of the London Blitz, a bombed out shop hung a simple sign in the window frame: 'Business as Usual'. In the words of Mrs Thatcher: There is no alternative.



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good call by the judge there is already a 45day review period. And when it all said and done the deal will probaly go through!!!!


There IS a 45 day review period. Only problem-CFIUS decided this deal did NOT need it. The UAE, on Monday I believe, VOLUNTEERED to submit to the 45 day review. But then they attached various stipulations to the review process, citing "business confidentiality".




What has been posted from overseas is almost 180 degrees from what most critics are citing in the US. There are a lot of bills and amendments which could stall this deal indefinitely.


I just listened to Mayor Bloomberg on NY tv. He states that P&O, by NOT notifying NY/NJ Port Authority of pending change in managment/ownership BEFORE any papers were signed, violates the 30 year contract PO has with NY/NJ. NJ Governor Corzine is following the same line of thinking with his lawsuit.

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What has been posted from overseas is almost 180 degrees from what most critics are citing in the US.


Well, there is the US....and the world outside the US......if the US turns its back on the global trade that has so enriched it we will all be poorer....and the US poorest off of all........


I see the ever 'Fair & Balanced' Fox News has comissioned a Poll which shows that 69% of Americans oppose the deal.....




Interestingly, more people think Politicain's opposition is due to Grandstanding in an Election Year (42%) than security (36%)......and 70% recognising that opposition is based on bias against Arabs......



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Well, there is the US....and the world outside the US......if the US turns its back on the global trade that has so enriched it we will all be poorer....and the US poorest off of all........


I see the ever 'Fair & Balanced' Fox News has comissioned a Poll which shows that 69% of Americans oppose the deal.....




Interestingly, more people think Politicain's opposition is due to Grandstanding in an Election Year (42%) than security (36%)......and 70% recognising that opposition is based on bias against Arabs......



im told by inside people at the port authority in nyc that the dubai has taken temorary control as of 3/1/2006????????????i could this be true???????????????

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im told by inside people at the port authority in nyc that the dubai has taken temorary control as of 3/1/2006????????????i could this be true???????????????


I doubt it, as they have agreed to a 45 day review before taking over the US ports - possibly someone 'stirring the pot'......



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I doubt it, as they have agreed to a 45 day review before taking over the US ports - possibly someone 'stirring the pot'......



not me peter!!! really i heard that some admint personnel from dubai are now at port newark and eliz as observers!!! as per teamster member

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not me peter!!! really i heard that some admint personnel from dubai are now at port newark and eliz as observers!!! as per teamster member


2moose, I wasn't suggesting you;) - just your source - but there is a difference between 'taken control' (original post) and 'observer' (most recent post).



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