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Why are there no No-Smoking cabins?


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Well, I have a few friends who where crew on the Paradise when she was a non smoking ship (waiters, bar tenders etc) and they told me that they would never work on that ship again because they never made any money on the ship. Mostly because most of the people who sailed on her, where Health nuts..... they did not drink, the clubs where empty most of the time, and when they did use the wait staff of bartenders it was for soda or water. My friends told me they they made very little money, which is a big deal for them because thats how they make there money. just like at a regular bar or night club. I know Carnival had a hard time finding crew to work on the ship for that reason.


Capt Bill <<<< Former considerate smoker now considerate non smoker


I would imagine it was also harder finding workers since the countries they come from have a higher smoking population.

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I expect this thread will be very long before long...

Maybe its because the Paradise failed because smokers are usually drinkers and gamblers where Carnival makes most of their money. And if it ain't green it don't float!


And whether that statement is true or not(I vote for true) you will probably be flamed for that comment!


I don't like going out onto my balcony only to get fresh breath of cigarette or cigar smoke.:o



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Everyone on planet earth seems to think smokers (GAWD FORBID!) are the most rude souls on earth and sea. Ironically, I find non-smokers to fit that mold the most. I even carry smokeless ashtrays w/me on the cruise so I am able to extinguish a smoke without the chance of it blowing away. etc. etc. etc. and as you say, non-smokers have 80% of the ship anyway.


80% maybe true but non-smokers can't comfortably use some of the most fun venues on the ship: casino, piano bar, wine bar, and disco. I'd love to visit but can't because of my sensitivity to cigarette smoke.


And why in restuarants do they often place the bathrooms so you have to walk through the smoking section and/or the bar? "cough, cough"

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That would be Disney, not Carnival...


now back to your regularly scheduled board...JK :D SunFunCruiser.



I actually cruise both DCL and CCL regularly. But, never noticed a smoky smell in my CCL cabins. I just didn't think you could smoke in any cabin on any cruise. Oh well, hoping for the best on my Alaskan cruise.

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I don't know about non-smokers not being big spenders. My husband doesn't smoke and I guarantee you his bar/casino tab will be right up there with any of the smokers.

I would actually spend more time in the casino if I could breathe while I was in there. Not a slam on smokers, just a fact.

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I don't know about non-smokers not being big spenders. My husband doesn't smoke and I guarantee you his bar/casino tab will be right up there with any of the smokers.

I would actually spend more time in the casino if I could breathe while I was in there. Not a slam on smokers, just a fact.


I agree. I would think the "less tips" problem came from it being an older crowd...not a non-smoking one. 75% of Americans don't smoke and none of these other ships have a problem with tips.


But let's be perfectly clear, the Paradise made money. It simply did not meet the MARS of the other ships. And filling it was a problem for several reasons, but the largest one was smoke related. If 25% of people smoke, then that eliminated "groups'...since every group is probably going to have a smoker.


I have advocated for years that instead of spending all that money on the Paradise, the money and effort would have been much better spent on building a "smarter" ship..not a smoke-free one.

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Being a non smoker, I love the fact that here in Massachusetts I can go out to a bar, resturant or any public indoor place and not come home smelling like 20 pks of cigarettes. On my cruise this summer we were in between smokers. On our first day we asked the people not to smoke if my wife and I were outside on our balcony at the same time and both couples happily said yes. If they hadn't it wasn't a big deal to me, but I can see it both ways.

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I don't know about non-smokers not being big spenders. My husband doesn't smoke and I guarantee you his bar/casino tab will be right up there with any of the smokers.

I would actually spend more time in the casino if I could breathe while I was in there. Not a slam on smokers, just a fact.


Have to second that one. I don't smoke and I always close whatever bar I'm in... and yes, while I can tolerate some, excessive smoke does tend to send me looking for another place to drink.


I guess we're in the minority.



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There are some people with asthma worried about it.


It's not a battle, I just don't understand why there can't be designated areas of the ship where cabins can be non-smoking.


I agree with the need for non-smoking accomodations, even though I smoke.


On the asthma...

My cousin came off of the Elation today. She's severely asthmatic. She had an ocean view room on the Upper Deck, and never detected any lingering odor from previous smokers. She had no problems with her asthma during her cruise.


I hope your fellow cruisers who have asthma have the same experience on their cruise.

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I am a smoker and try and respect those that do not. But you know what, get over it. I still have the right to smoke just as you choose not too. I follow the rules as to where and where I can't smoke. If I am in a smoking area and you come in and make an ass of yourself because I'm am smoking, I willl ask you to leave. I don't like nose pickers either, but you don't see we walking up to them and making a scene about their behavior.

I figured this thread would have it comments, my included.

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Boatsmate; It's good to know non-smokers are more health oriented but then it stands to reason as smokers are not that way otherwise they would quit smoking. I love to hear the way the smokers claim the non-smokers already have 80% of the ship as smoke free. Hard to get that when you know the staterooms are more than 50% of any ship. But say we do have the big show lounge, the main DR and the elevators. We loose in the craps room, the other lounges, half the outside decks and sections of the Lido. We're lucky to have 25% of the ship to escape smoke.

Yet it amazes me how in a closed room with 100 people it only takes one person smoking to ruin it for the other 99. But not one non-smoker has ever ruined it for a smoker. It's not an even trade here.

And for anyone to think that Carnival staterooms are smoke-free is living somewhere else. I've been on inside cabins with smokers on both sides of me and back of me and it's like my room is a designated smoking area. And for those that swear they have never smelled stale smoke in their cabins they can count their lucky stars they have booked a room behind a previous non-smoker. If you fall in the next day in a room that has had a heavy smoker in it you will know it. There is no "miracle spray" you can buy that will get out stale smoke in a closed small cabin. Besides they don't change the top covers, they don't hose down the walls and ceilings nor do they shampoo the carpets between each occupant. And that's just the smoke smells. Try taking a black light with you next time and see else you find in your freshly cleaned Carnival cabin! Don't you just love it when someone starts out which such an innocent question about smoking?

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We were on the Legend in Feb, smoking was on both sides of the ship, matter of fact, saw the serving people deliver ashtrays to drinkers on both sides. Cabin didn't smell of smoke as long as the popurri in the hall closet was putting out it's aroma, had to beat it a little after a couple of days. We didn't have a balcony so smoke from forward wasn't a problem, we were midship starboard under the casino, no smoke, our dining room seating partners were at same level to port and complained of smoke smell in their room. Problem we had was going from Non smoking dining room to evening's entertainment in Follies theater you had to walk thru casino:(

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I am a smoker and try and respect those that do not. But you know what, get over it. I still have the right to smoke just as you choose not too. I follow the rules as to where and where I can't smoke. If I am in a smoking area and you come in and make an ass of yourself because I'm am smoking, I willl ask you to leave. I don't like nose pickers either, but you don't see we walking up to them and making a scene about their behavior.

I figured this thread would have it comments, my included.


As I said before I dont smoke, and I would never go into a smoking area and start bitching about someone smoking. Just has I would expect someone not to smoke in a non-smoking area. It is that simple.

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I don't know about non-smokers not being big spenders. My husband doesn't smoke and I guarantee you his bar/casino tab will be right up there with any of the smokers.

I would actually spend more time in the casino if I could breathe while I was in there. Not a slam on smokers, just a fact.


Not flaming you, but since you mentioned "fact", I will point out that there is a big difference between ANECDOTAL facts (your husbands heavy drinking and non-smoking) and STATISTICAL facts. Carnival used statistical facts to determine that as a "general" group, non-smokers don't "tend" to gamble or drink as much (IMHO because of the health attitude about these things, which is probably more prevalent in non-smokers than smokers). :)

FACT: The PARADISE had the lowest gambling and alcohol revenues of all the other Carnival ships and was also the most heavily-discounted ship in the fleet.

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Even Disney had enough sense with no casino to not go total non-smoking but they did have the incentive and insight to give their customers what they wanted... a choice for a non-smoking cabin. I don't think anyone will argue with you that non-smokers as a majority do not gamble or drink as much as smokers, hence the demise of the Paradise but what is the harm in giving non-smokers a choice for a non-smoking cabin? And don't give me this the non-smoking cabins will book out early and then non-smokers will have to take a smoking cabin or vice versa. Even at that point you have a choice just as you have in resturants that have both, smoking or non-smoking or next avaliable or go somewhere else if you can't decide. Same for a cruise, book early get what you want to wait another week. I'll stick by my original post in that the executives at Carnival are heavy smokers and could care less what their customers demand or want. They have people reading these post daily and they probably are smokers too so why pass it on. Until the Feds get involved and ban smoking in any public places moving or stationary it will fly on cruise ships. And don't give me that bull about ships are not under the jurisdiction of USA. Our ports aren't either! Make it an international law!

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I'll stick by my original post in that the executives at Carnival are heavy smokers and could care less what their customers demand or want. They have people reading these post daily and they probably are smokers too so why pass it on. Until the Feds get involved and ban smoking in any public places moving or stationary it will fly on cruise ships. And don't give me that bull about ships are not under the jurisdiction of USA. Our ports aren't either! Make it an international law!


I'm just curious about how and where you came about your information on the personal habits of the people who run the cruise line(s)? (If they are all heavy smokers without worry one about their non-smoking passengers, why even bother with the experiment of a non-smoking ship? Yes, I know it is now defunct but they did try.) You state this as if it were fact and I'm not saying that you're wrong, I'm just asking how you know? And you're absolutely right about the Feds "stepping in". God knows they are already in our bedrooms, our marriages, our families, our doctor's offices. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they step into our lungs as well :rolleyes:

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My wife and I will also be on the legend the 17th. It will be our second cruise on the Legend. The first was out of New York. We love the ship. Our last cruise was on the Valor. The Valor was nice but not like the Legend.


We don't smoke. The smoke has never bothered us on any cruise.

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One thing I have not seen mentioned is the fact that many times the ship has a very large contingent of foreign passengers, who are not under the constraints we have in the US concerning smoking in public places. They grow up with it, and it is as much a part of their life as McDonalds may be for ours. So, suggesting that 80% of the pax don't want smoking probably is not a fair assessment.


I grew up in Durham, NC, the home of the cigarette, and when we were getting them at 25 cents a pack everybody smoked. Probably very much true even today in the tobacco growing areas of the south. Doesn't make it right or wrong, but it does prove the point that if you are around it long enough it will be a part of your life. That is what happens in other countries.


I don't know if Bob and the gang at Carnival smoke, but I doubt that has any bearing whatsoever on the fact that smoking is allowed. It is simple bottom line.


BTW, you had better pray the Feds don't start banning things. 99% of those folks in Washington don't have the collective brain power to light a 20 watt bulb, much less discern what is right and wrong. They get into it and who knows where it would stop. But, that's another story.


Mark T

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I have never been on the Legend before. We are looking forward to it! I would love to sail out of New York on any ship, what a site that would be! I lived there alllllllllllong time ago and have some great memories.

You may want to slide over to the roll call thread and post, couple of interesting folks over there.

Next week!

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But not one non-smoker has ever ruined it for a smoker.


You have got to be kidding... All non-smokers are absolutely perfect and have never made a mis-step... never stepped on anyones toes? I make every effort to not offend, and yet I still get the 'holier than thou' attitude. No doubt there are habits of yours that I would be offended by, and I still manage to be tolerant.

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Actually I'm hoping Pres. Bob will come out here and say "I've never smoked in my life but we have chosen to not offer non-smoking cabins on our ships because........" Until he does that publically I am going to assume he is a heavy smoker and could care less. And it was the "old gang" at Carnival that came up with the idea for a total non-smoking ship which I've already said was a bad idea from the get go. They have since been let go for coming up with such a stupid idea. I don't think any of the non-smokers here are asking for another Paridise we just want to be able to lay our heads down at night in a non-smoking room by choice not by chance or luck of the draw. And right I guess a good clean non-smoker could walk into a closed room with 100 people and let go of a big loud fr*t and pretty much get a nasty look from everyone in the room including the smokers! Not much difference there over lighting up a cigarette.

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I would actually spend more time in the casino if I could breathe while I was in there. Not a slam on smokers, just a fact.


It was my impression that the fact being referred to in this post was that luvz2run2000 would spend more time in the casino if she could breathe while she was in there. (This statement was not interpreted by me as a slam on smokers)

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Actually I'm hoping Pres. Bob will come out here and say "I've never smoked in my life but we have chosen to not offer non-smoking cabins on our ships because........" Until he does that publically I am going to assume he is a heavy smoker and could care less. And it was the "old gang" at Carnival that came up with the idea for a total non-smoking ship which I've already said was a bad idea from the get go. They have since been let go for coming up with such a stupid idea. I don't think any of the non-smokers here are asking for another Paridise we just want to be able to lay our heads down at night in a non-smoking room by choice not by chance or luck of the draw. And right I guess a good clean non-smoker could walk into a closed room with 100 people and let go of a big loud fr*t and pretty much get a nasty look from everyone in the room including the smokers! Not much difference there over lighting up a cigarette.


Off topic but I'm curious, what does your screen name mean?

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While on the subject of smells, how about a perfume/cologne free area. My sister is an asthmatic and the smells trigger it. We have had to leave ares of the ship to get away from the smells. Wish people would quit wearing it.

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