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Willdra's Visual Carnival Vista Oct. 15-22 Review


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After we got a few (just ok) pictures, we went back to the cabin. This time our cards were there. I took a few more cabin pictures while W went to get Bottomless Bubbles. After that I decided to take advantage of my last few vestiges of cell service and approve Timesheets for the week. I really wish that I could say all of my team members completed their time, but I can’t. I think they want to see if I'm kidding when I tell them they won’t get paid, and I can’t help them while I’m out at sea. I actually had until Monday night to do it, but since we had 2 sea days coming up, it wouldn’t be possible. I approved what I could and texted the offenders to remind them to log in and complete. One was able to complete her time. The other one said he couldn’t get logged in. Seriously??? Our app used to let me go in and complete it for them, but it changed, and I can't enter their time unless I'm on my work computer. This is a shame, but I knew this would happen, so I made my Assistant Manager a delegate the week before. I also had him test it to make sure it worked before I left. So I sent him a text to let him know that we had a straggler. He said he would take care of it, which I knew he would. I didn’t tell the perp that tho. I told him that I didn’t know what would happen, cuz bruh. Complete your timesheet! Why is that so hard???? Why do I have to remind you every week? If you’re tryna get a scholarship to the school of hard knocks, don’t. Just. Don’t.

























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Ok back to fun. Sort of. At around 3:30 they made an announcement that 500 cruisers still hadn’t signed into Muster. They reminded everyone that we can’t leave until they do. There’s no excuse for this. I know I heard them say it at least 5 times since we embarked. Do the right thing my people. They've made it as simple as possible. 


W and I decided to go on up to Deck 11 for the sail away party at 3:45. When we got an elevator, I swear it smelled like somebody was decomposing in there. Did the couple that was in the elevator when we got in cut that Limburger cheese? Did somebody eat 73 rotten eggs then get in the elevator to relieve the pressure? Was somebody dead and didn’t know it? I had questions. I also had to hold my breath until we got out and try not to keel over on the way.


When we got up to the Lido, there was already a crowd up there. We looked around and found a decent spot to setup for the party. W wanted to be in the shade, but that wasn’t the best place to see everything. He was restless, so he went to see if he could find a better spot, which I knew he wouldn’t. There were too many people on there for that. I stayed put until he came back.  He did bring me a rum punch tho for his troubles. I swear I gulped it down in 2 swallows. Not because it was a drinky drink, but because it was cold and I didn’t know that I needed that until I did. It was warmer than I thought outside. 


After my drink, I was suddenly really happy, and I didn’t care anymore about timesheets or shade. I remembered that I was there for fun. And that’s exactly what I had. When the music started, there was a very mature lady next to me who started bobbing her head and shaking her hiney. Her happiness was super contagious, and everyone around her joined in. Ok Nana, let me find out you’re about dancing queen! 










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The official party started around 4:17. Savannah the Cruise Director came out and she was a fireball. I loved her instantly. She didn’t give off that fake "going thru the motions" energy that some do. I liked that she wasn’t “gimmicky” either. She just came out and did her thing. During the dance competition, she chose the best 2 dancers (in her opinion) to go head to head. It was fun to watch, and in the end they both won. There was also a little guy who wanted a piece of the dance battle pie. He tried his hardest, but she couldn’t pick him cuz the dance battle prize was beer. She did tell him that she would get him later. I hope he got something good. He was dancing his little heart out.















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 W and I stayed until 4:50 then we went down to see if our luggage had arrived. It had, so W started the unpacking process while I sat outside and talked to yall. When W was done, he went to a bar so that he could get out of my way. I unpacked and sprayed some of my dresses with Wrinkle Release to get the wrinkles out. I needed to iron my elegant evening dresses tho. On this cruise, I decided not to go with my normal lacy type dresses because that’s what I always wear. Welp that meant that I was prolly gonna be ironing. I didn’t think about it when I ordered my dresses. When they arrived, I was like oh snap! This is gonna give me work to do. On the cruise. Eh.


 After I put everything else in its place, I looked for our little sign to hang on our cabin door. I took it out of its normal place in my backpack, cuz I didn’t want to have to take it thru security at the airport (it's metal). I could’ve sworn that I put it in my suitcase tho. Alas, I checked all of the places that it could be, and it wasn’t there. I hope I just left it on my dresser or something, but I was really doubting it. I was 99.9% sure I put it in my suitcase. On second thought I was 76% sure. In any event, I made the sign, so if I couldn’t find it when I got home, I will just make another one. This really stinks tho. W said he didn't think he could find the cabin without a sign. Me neither. We have had some sort of sign on our cabin door for ages. It was strange having a nekkid door.

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Anywho I finished up not finding my sign, and as I was leaving to go iron, W came in. He said he was going to the lauderette too. Luckily there was one on our deck across from cabin 6347. He said no one was in there, and he already turned the iron on. We grabbed our stuff and went down there. It was empty so we both took our time ironing. He went first. When I got down to my last dress (I decided to iron 3), he came back. He’d forgotten to iron some pants. He came back at the right time, the iron was getting dry, so he went and got me a cup to fill it back up.


After we ironed, we went back to the cabin and just consumed the space. I went out onto the balcony and there was the coolest sunset. The sun left an orange band between the ocean and some dark clouds. The temp. was also very pleasant out there. That sun beating down on the balcony keeps it heated up during the day, so it was nice to have it not too hot to sit out for a spell.








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When I came inside W had already showered and he was watching one of those Treasure Hunter shows on Discovery Channel. The shows where they try to make finding a rock interesting but they never quite reach the treasure. During the commercial promo dude actually yelled out “Oh Wow would you look at that!"  but in the show it was because he found some pennies. Pennies y'all. Sir it is not that serious. While W watched that foolishness and nonsense I showered. I got ready and we left for dinner around 8:25. We had steakhouse reservations at 8:30.






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It was a short walk to the restaurant and  and once we arrived, we were seated right away. We placed our order and asked for the wine first. We learned that if you don’t ask for it, you might not get it. There were other people on both sides of us. That day must’ve been a tiring day for everyone cuz peeps were falling asleep all around us. Like literally nodding off in their steak. I started to wonder what makes you do that, and then I prayed it never happened to me. I would die if I suddenly just nodded off then bumped my head in my baked potato. Ummm embarrassing. Welp I was obviously the only one feeling like that, cuz snoozing was in full effect at many tables around us. No shame.


For appetizers, I talked W out of getting that Iced & Smoked Fresh Oysters. I’m sorry but it just looks yucky. The smoke smells heavenly when they lift that dome, but that’s where the good times end. Since he loves me, he got the Lobster Bisque and Shrimp Cocktail. We both got the Filet Mignon and only I had the Chocolate Sphere for dessert. I also got the Mac and cheese as a side. The couple to our right left after they finally brought their bottle of wine. They asked for it when they first got there but I guess it wasn’t urgent, cuz it wasn't brought out until after their meals.


We ate and talked about random stuff. W and I can always find stuff to talk about. We usually don’t use our phones or text during dinner. That’s time that we try to spend with each other, present in the moment. But it’s not for everybody that’s for sure. It's also hard to do sometimes when you've been together all day every day for a stretch. We make it work tho. We are also ok with silence. We don’t have to fill every empty space with words. We are both Libras, so balance is always the move. At the end of the day, do you (but as a couple).




















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So we finished our food and I was definitely feeling the wine. It did its job and I got my money's worth. After we settled up, we went to the Atrium for "Rock The Promenade". Savannah rolled in cranked it up, and did a few line dances. She picked 3 of the “best” dancers from the crowd but they really were all just ok. So far, both times we’ve seen her pick dancers they were mediocre at best. I now think she’s trying to be nice by picking them. The three that she picked had a dance off and the first guy won the "best of the mediocre" dance off. After that she said they were going bar hopping as that was the point of "Rock The Promenade". I don’t think I ever knew that. We didn’t go. We would not like our Promenade Rocked, thank you.












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From there we went into the Liquid Lounge for the Comedy Showcase. If you want to know which comedians to go see during the cruise, this is a good show for that. The first two comedians of the week each do about 15-20 minutes. The first comedian was meh. The second one was way better. I would could go see his show.  After the comedy showcase, we went to Lido to get our supplies for the night. My supplies consisted of hot water for my tea and ice cream for my Oreos. W got a soda and ice for his bucket.




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I went back to find W after I got my goods, but he was gone already. When I got back to the cabin, he said he went looking for me, so we just missed each other. W and I sat outside on the balcony awhile and read. Then we turned in. I had to laugh at W cuz he had 34 pillows around him, then when I got in, he grabbed my pillow too. Look man. What do you need all of these pillows for? He actually looked me in the eye and said “I don't have that many pillows”. I burst out laughing and I wish I’d taken a picture. You could barely see his head under all of the pillows and covers.


Before I fell asleep, I said a prayer thanking God for deodorant. I know that I personally worked up a sweat today with all of the walking and back and forth that we did. Not one time did anyone hold their nose or scoot away from me (that I know of), which tells me that my deodorant did its job. What did people do before they had deodorant? Did everyone just smell awful so you couldn’t tell who it was? Or did they all walk around with clothespins on their noses so they wouldn’t smell each other? Whatever it was I’m glad somebody said “Enough is Enough. I can’t take one more funky friend!”.


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22 hours ago, LatinaInTexas said:

You are the Lucille Ball of reviewers. You have me cracking up and waiting for a new episode to see what new situation you and W will get into😁


LOL!🤣 I loved watching her show when I was younger. Maybe a little of her rubbed off on me! 😄

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1st Sea Day 



I woke up unusually early. W on the other hand was still down for the count. I got up and tried not to make too much noise. It’s kinda hard to do in a cabin where the toilet sounds like a jet engine taking off, but I did my best. 


Once I got up and handled two bodily functions, I knew I was up for good. I slept well the night before, so it was off that I just suddenly woke up.


I started getting ready for the day, and eventually I could see movement under the mountain of duvets and covers that W was under. He swears that we could hang meat in our cabin cuz it’s always on the coldest setting. I’m sorry (not sorry) but that's what you get at my stage of life. Night sweats come thru uninvited, ruin everything, and are not your friend. Nobody wants to wake up with moist pj’s and sheets (I hope). Yet, night sweats pull up and wreck ya life anyway. So, it's either soggy pillows and pajamas or freezing cold room. I'll take freezing cold room for 200 Alex. 


I finished getting dressed then I started fiddling with my camera settings. When we were on the last cruise, I noticed that the time on the camera pictures was an hour behind my phone. That’s only an issue because when I’m going thru the pictures, the ones that I took with my phone didn’t line up with the camera. That made it harder to organize the pics that I wanted to use for my review. I sat out on the balcony doing that and looking at what we had taken thus far while W was W-ing. I checked us into the brunch line when he was done, and it took around 12 minutes for our table to be ready. 









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When I got the notice that our table was ready, I collected W and we went down to Deck 3.  OMG it was Armageddon. There was wall to wall bodies just standing around down there. Were they waiting for a table? Did they not check in to the app? Was there a bus coming? I had lots of questions, cuz why? The app exists specifically to avoid this melee. 


We pushed thru the crowd and found a hostess. We were led to our table a few seconds later. When we were seated, I reminded W that this time we would have 3 Sea Days, so if there was something new that he wanted to try he should get it. He would have the opportunity to get his regulars 2 more times after this. I got the French Toast, Ham and Cheese Omelet, and Bacon. W got Skillet Cake, Steak and Eggs, and Lox.  












When his food came out, he only nibbled on it. He was actually looking kinda puny (unwell). I asked if he felt bad, and he said he felt weird. Now y’all. I take his health very seriously cuz he’s had a few scares over the years. Plus, W won’t let me know if he feels bad until it’s REALLY bad. Like call 911 bad. I don’t know what that is or why he does it, but he never wants to look like a “human”. I started asking the important questions, but he’s giving me only one-word answers. Typical W. I finished my food, which tasted like everything that I needed in my life at that moment. Then I told him we were going back to the cabin. Notice I didn’t ask him, cuz if I did, he would’ve denied feeling anything and tried to stick it out. I also told him that he was gonna get us quarantined if he stayed in the dining room looking like a rotting chicken nugget. This motivated him to leave. 

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