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Why doesn't RCI do this?

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So I should get an inside cabin because I don't want someone blowing smoke in my 1 year olds face? Wow!! That is interesting. The reason we got a balcony is so we could still enjoy the cruise, but not distrub people in the dining room with a screaming baby, be able to have the balcony door open while we sat in the room with him as he napped (to keep him from becoming a fussy bunny). But WE are the Wrong ones? Not the folks blowing their smoke into someone else's space? They can go smoke all over the ship, we are willing to confine ourselves to our cabin to not disturb others. And, if he did get fussy, we would take him to a space where he wouldn't hinder other folks good time - why can't smokers do the same things?

Now that is very interesting.



Against my better judgement, I must say this:


My DH is a smoker, and he smokes on the balcony. He is not breaking any rules. If the rules change, he will comply with them.


If the presence of a smoker is objectionable to you, then you should deal with it in the way that you choose, whether it's staying off the balcony when he is there, lodging a complaint with the ship's staff, or whatever you feel you must do.


It's difficult to make everyone happy.

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So I should get an inside cabin because I don't want someone blowing smoke in my 1 year olds face? Wow!! That is interesting. The reason we got a balcony is so we could still enjoy the cruise, but not distrub people in the dining room with a screaming baby, be able to have the balcony door open while we sat in the room with him as he napped (to keep him from becoming a fussy bunny). But WE are the Wrong ones? Not the folks blowing their smoke into someone else's space? They can go smoke all over the ship, we are willing to confine ourselves to our cabin to not disturb others. And, if he did get fussy, we would take him to a space where he wouldn't hinder other folks good time - why can't smokers do the same things?

Now that is very interesting.


Put it this way - you know that people are allowed to smoke on their balcony. You have a one year old. You get a balcony cabin. - How are you going to be angry if smoke drifts to your balcony? You already knew the possibility. So if I were in the same position, I would, upon observation of smoke coming into my balcony, shut the door. Give it ten minutes, try again. I would keep repeating that. I mean, if someone "blows smoke in my one year old's face" then, yeah, you have every right to get upset. I mean, that would mean someone bending down, getting into your child's face and exhaling into it. Kind of dramatic, no? Smoke that blows onto my cabin's balcony and then, unless the laws of physics have changed, blows past me into the wind is passing. Will I sit out there when someone is smoking? No. I don't like smoke. But I won't make someone feel uncomfortable when they aren't doing anything against the rules. Like I said before, figure out the best time for you to use your cabin. You say you will sequester yourself in so you don't disturb others. Perhaps the smoker feels the same way (just like you, although a smoker is permitted to smoke in other places, people look down on it) you do. Also, if your little one is being fussy why would you ruin other people enjoying their balcony by bringing that noise outside? Maybe leaving your balcony door open while your baby fusses would make the noise travel outside to others. We simply can't please everyone all of the time, but we CAN be tolerant and learn to be together happily.


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Guest cvbart
We loved our last visit with NO SMOKING inside any building, including hotels. In fact you cannot smoke within 500 feet of the entrance. Nowi f more states would pass the clean air law, we'd rid the stink & lung cancer scares.


This movement is spreading all across the country and most people now support total smoking bans in all public places indooors or out.


The "Smokers Rights" movement is pretty much dead:)

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If you really don't like the person next to you smoking do something just as disgusting and spit in there face and see if they like it (lol). If more people did this I bet smoking would go way down.



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If you really don't like the person next to you smoking do something just as disgusting and spit in there face and see if they like it (lol). If more people did this I bet smoking would go way down.



Or there would be a dramatic rise in fist fights. :rolleyes:

I have asthma and find second hand smoke to be a serious threat to my health. However, that does not mean I will tread on other people's rights to smoke if that is their choice. Of course I wish people would choose not to smoke. I watched my mother and both her siblings die very painful deaths from lung cancer and I would not wish that on my worst enemy. As others have said, as long as it is permitted for folks to smoke in designated areas, we need to learn to co-exist and hopefully have respect for each other.

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Guest cvbart
Or there would be a dramatic rise in fist fights. :rolleyes:

I have asthma and find second hand smoke to be a serious threat to my health. However, that does not mean I will tread on other people's rights to smoke if that is their choice. Of course I wish people would choose not to smoke. I watched my mother and both her siblings die very painful deaths from lung cancer and I would not wish that on my worst enemy. As others have said, as long as it is permitted for folks to smoke in designated areas, we need to learn to co-exist and hopefully have respect for each other.


I think smokers have the right to smoke in their own homes and cars.


Boeyond that they have NO RIGHT to subject me to their second hand smoke. More and more states are moving toward that point.


On a ship the designated smoking areas should be outside only. Smokers should co-exist with us and smoke outside only.


I will not spit in a smokers face if they light up around me. I will NOT be disrespectful toward them. I will move away from them as I don't want to smell like an ash tray.


I only hope the smokers on my cruise will show some respect for most of us and not smoke inside the ship.

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We went on a couple of Oceania cruises lately - they have probably the strictest smoking rules of all cruise lines. No smoking in cabins or balconies. Period. There are two areas for smoking - in one area by the pool and pool bar, and in a small area in one of the lounges. I stopped to chat with some of the smokers and asked them what they thought of the policy. Some thought it was great, because they knew that people would not be offended by their smoke. A European lady made some remark about "uppity Americans", but on the whole, the smokers seemed satisfied with the arrangement. Their ships sail full almost every sailing, so I guess not enough people are offended to dent the cruise line's bottom line. It seemed to me to be a great compromise


Also, they have no kids program, so - no kids!!! (Please, no flaming - I have kids of my own and I love them to death)


Now, if somehow the average age of the passengers onboard could be reduced.........!!!!


I guess no cruise is perfect, but I've never had a bad one.

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This smoking issue is interesting, but all we are getting is replies from the Unitied States. I doubt smoking has been reduce in Europe and they most likely have a whole different outlook on the no smoking issue. These are foreign flagged ships with a good percentage of the passengers being from outside the US.


Not to offend any Californians', but I am not sure I want to follow in your social law setting footsteps.


I don't smoke and I guess I would not real like someone smoking continually on the balcony next to me, but at this point they have a right to do it and I can respect that.

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Put it this way - you know that people are allowed to smoke on their balcony. You have a one year old. You get a balcony cabin. - How are you going to be angry if smoke drifts to your balcony?


Here's an interesting idea. Why doesn't the smoker hold back from smoking when the person is out there with his baby? Since the man/woman and their baby are confining themselves to their space, while the smoker is invading their space with his habit... it should be the smoker who makes the sacrafices of when he can smoke and when he can't.

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This movement is spreading all across the country and most people now support total smoking bans in all public places indooors or out.


As a non-smoking Libertarian, this movement bothers the hell out of me. I despise/hate everything about smoking. I think it's a filthy and disgusting habit.


However, that being said, my objection to the smoking ban has very little to do with smoking itself, but with the fact that bar/restaurant owners should not have their rights trampeled by the Federal/State Governments (right now it's a state level law... but it could become federal).


If you're running a private establishment (i.e., the place is not funded by the local, state, or federal government), then you have the right to decide whether or not you allow smoking. Smoking is a legal activity last I checked. Until it is not, there is no reason why a particular state government should tell an owner that he can't allow smoking.


I do agree with regulations upon smoking. In other words, standardizations for the architecture of non-smoking sections vs. smoking sections (ventilation, etc...).


However, I find an all-out ban an absolute infringement by Big Brother on our rights.

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Here's an interesting idea. Why doesn't the smoker hold back from smoking when the person is out there with his baby? Since the man/woman and their baby are confining themselves to their space, while the smoker is invading their space with his habit... it should be the smoker who makes the sacrafices of when he can smoke and when he can't.

That is an interesting idea. However, it involves either someone peeking around to see if you are on your balcony or having you start complaining that you are out there and could they put it out. Which, of course, means you need to designate a time frame for being out there so you can co-ordinate with the other person. By the same token, maybe if your child is crying or is fussy or just laughs in a loud, kiddie 'shrill' laugh you should not invade other peoples "hearing" space and go inside while the smoker confines himself to smoking. See how it can really go any which way. People that complain will always find something to complain about. I mean, if you are spending every moment of your cruise in your cabin or on the balcony, then why not just go to an all inclusive land vacation? I just don't understand - it isn't that big of a deal. If you want me to believe that this other person is out there smoking 24/7 or every single time you went on your balcony I'd have to say you were either lying, melodramatic or the unluckiest person in the whole world. Try to enjoy your cruise instead of judging everyone and their habits. I hope you all don't spend the whole time running from deck to deck away from all the smoke.

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Guest cvbart
I hope you all don't spend the whole time running from deck to deck away from all the smoke.


I am going on my first RCCL cruise in May.


Are you telling me I am going to have to dodge smoke filled rooms the whole trip:mad:


I sure hope not.

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Guest cvbart
This smoking issue is interesting, but all we are getting is replies from the Unitied States. I doubt smoking has been reduce in Europe and they most likely have a whole different outlook on the no smoking issue. These are foreign flagged ships with a good percentage of the passengers being from outside the US.


Not to offend any Californians', but I am not sure I want to follow in your social law setting footsteps.


I don't smoke and I guess I would not real like someone smoking continually on the balcony next to me, but at this point they have a right to do it and I can respect that.


I think they just banned smoking in pubs in the UK or Ireland:)

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By the same token, maybe if your child is crying or is fussy or just laughs in a loud, kiddie 'shrill' laugh you should not invade other peoples "hearing" space and go inside while the smoker confines himself to smoking. See how it can really go any which way.


Except the poster said he does just that. If the baby gets cranky or loud, he/she takes the baby to another area so that it doesn't intrude on other people.


It would be nice for the smoker to notice that his smoke isn't staying in his little space and being courteous of others around him/her. From my experience, more often than not, that is NOT the case.


The thing I love the most (heavy sarcasm here).... smokers flicking their cigarettes (even just their ashes) out onto the roads or highways. Uh, you have an ashtray in your car, use it. Stop being such a pig/slob and dispose of your cigarette in the manufacturer provided ashtray. The world is not your ashtray, contrary to what you might believe.

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Except the poster said he does just that. If the baby gets cranky or loud, he/she takes the baby to another area so that it doesn't intrude on other people.


It would be nice for the smoker to notice that his smoke isn't staying in his little space and being courteous of others around him/her. From my experience, more often than not, that is NOT the case.


The thing I love the most (heavy sarcasm here).... smokers flicking their cigarettes (even just their ashes) out onto the roads or highways. Uh, you have an ashtray in your car, use it. Stop being such a pig/slob and dispose of your cigarette in the manufacturer provided ashtray. The world is not your ashtray, contrary to what you might believe.

No, from how I read it, the poster got the balcony cabin so that they could take the baby to their cabin/balcony if he starts crying or acting up.


As I said, I do not smoke. I hate the smell. But if I found out that smoking was permitted on the balcony of cabins, I am not going to be suprised, or get upset when I notice smoke (hopefully not, but) coming from the balcony next to me. I have stood nearby on decks while people smoked. I have also been in outside bistros which allow smoking, and not once has it been so offensive that I have had to be rude and say something. If it had, I would remove myself from the situation, seeing as it is myself that is having the problem with a pemissable activity. Unless you have a strange affliction which makes smoke cling to your face and clothes when someone nearby outdoors is smoking, then I just don't see the huge issue. I also have a friend with asthma. She takes responsibility for her health by removing herself from situations with a lot of smoke. We go to sidewalk cafe's or outdoor pub seating if she wants to go out and get a glass of wine and not sit in a smoke filled bar. When I asked her about this issue,she said she would likely not get a balcony because not having smoke around is important to her. I just see so much intolerance, I suppose, and people just judging others without looking at what they can do to alleviate their own 'suffering'. Gets to you after a while, I suppose. I don't want our world to become a Big Brother type place, either, as another poster mentioned.

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The smoking was so bad in the casino...I picked a black jack table that was empty, and my friend and I sat and played (I was up $90) when two puffers came smoking 2' long cigerettes....was so bad we had to leave. GROSS

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My first post. I just got back from my 1st cruise on Adventure of the seas and I have to chime in with this unique perspective...


From reading all the complaining about smoking on these boards I literraly assumed there were no desginated smoking areas and you could smoke anywhere. That's how it appeared.


I'm a smoker and I can tell you the only places you can smoke are parts of the bars and parts of the starboard side outside, and your room. Cigars are limited to the Connoisseurs Club. You can't smoke in the Dining areas or eating areas. You can't smoke in the halls or promenade.


What I found hilarious was one woman that would sit in the smoking sections of three different bars we were in, then get up and wave a hanky and look at everyone in disgust as she walked by .. :) No... she would not sit in the other 90% of the ship. that's what this reminds me of.


It is a bit much to say they need to change things... given the non-smoking areas make up so much of the ship and that approximately 30%of the world smokes. And it is very wrong to assume that it would be a health hazard for anyone to be around second hand smoke for only a week a year (sorry that's the truth)... personally I'm used to having to move from dining rooms and to find other areas to smoke... and that's how it is set up. It seems a very fair balalnce unless you are a non-smoker wanting to sit in a smoking section and complain.



The other items... never would have crossed my mind. I expect families and children on vacation and assume that it's just the way life is.

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Guest cvbart
My first post. I just got back from my 1st cruise on Adventure of the seas and I have to chime in with this unique perspective...


From reading all the complaining about smoking on these boards I literraly assumed there were no desginated smoking areas and you could smoke anywhere. That's how it appeared.


I'm a smoker and I can tell you the only places you can smoke are parts of the bars and parts of the starboard side outside, and your room. Cigars are limited to the Connoisseurs Club. You can't smoke in the Dining areas or eating areas. You can't smoke in the halls or promenade.


What I found hilarious was one woman that would sit in the smoking sections of three different bars we were in, then get up and wave a hanky and look at everyone in disgust as she walked by .. :) No... she would not sit in the other 90% of the ship. that's what this reminds me of.


It is a bit much to say they need to change things... given the non-smoking areas make up so much of the ship and that approximately 30%of the world smokes. And it is very wrong to assume that it would be a health hazard for anyone to be around second hand smoke for only a week a year (sorry that's the truth)... personally I'm used to having to move from dining rooms and to find other areas to smoke... and that's how it is set up. It seems a very fair balalnce unless you are a non-smoker wanting to sit in a smoking section and complain.



The other items... never would have crossed my mind. I expect families and children on vacation and assume that it's just the way life is.


I for one would support a complete non smoking ship:)


Don't think we will see it soon but I sure hope so.


Any second hand smoke is too much. While I can move away from smoking areas how about the people who have to work in smoking areas?

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