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BIRD'S SABBATICAL ON SENSATION..(Warning~There will be MUCHO chirping)


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Well..WHAT can I say...

I am no longer a cruise 'maiden'..I have been initiated!!

The Port of Tampa was very easy to find from the interstate, being marked well..but WATCH OUT for the rush hour traffic! Stayed the night before at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, and was astonished at the beauty of the place. Very peaceful, relaxing, and elegant (which is what I was looking for when I booked it). Get a 'casita' room, if you can..It's the ONLY way to fly!

Arrived the next day at the Port(11:40am) only to find that 'unloading' and 'parking' the car was MUCH easier than I had anticipated..with plenty of 'sweeties' to help in ANY way possible (for a price). Skipper's Club check-in (we had a cat12 suite..cabin U89-starboard) was very nice and quick. Could not board immediately, as the Vice President of the United States was 'supposed' to have been there that morning, but luckily for us..he was unavoidably detained elsewhere.(otherwise, the entire port would have been shut down for awhile..('we were informed')Therefore, we waited about an hour to board the ship..(were on by 1:00pm)

"W.O.W."!! Having never 'been' on a ship before, that's all I could think of to say at the time..It's easy to forget that you're not in a big hotel somewhere. We got our list of shore excursions from the Information (Purser's) Desk, and went to our cabin to check it out. "W.O.W.", again..

There 'were' two extra 'single' three-prong plug-ins by the sectional couch (for those of you who are interested). The magnet(hee-hee) for the balcony door was NOT needed, as the air conditioner(s) stayed on regardless.(there were 3). No bungee cords were needed, either..On the outside, behind the balcony door, there was a big hook mounted which allowed us to 'secure' the door when we wanted to. Don't know about the other cabins, but could only 'guess' they must be the same. After 'reveling' for a bit, we changed into our SUITS and went to the Lido Deck.

I was told to look for Dante, and 'coincidentally'..DANTE was the very first person I met on the ship! LOL

What a Sweetie! He took 'real' good care of us for awhile, until we had to go check out the back of the ship and the funnel deck..(YES, there 'is' a sign at the bottom of the stairs with a warning) OOHH..but i LIKED being up there looking at the FUNNEL! It was WAY COOL!!

Fun Ship Freddie came up to snap pictures with us, but we declined..(too freaky)ROFL!!

(i will answer 'any' questions you may have about this experience.)

The muster drill was FUN! (no,'really') Didn't last but a few minutes, and even got to see a bride and groom with their life jackets on! (she was SO cute with her tiara and vest!)

Back to the top of the ship for the SAIL AWAY!!

YEAH! Standing at the back of Sensation, we watched the 'peasants' looking ruefully at us as we waved happily and danced around with our foo-foo drinks..(Let them eat CAKE!) ROFL!!

They weren't much on waving good-bye at Channelside, but the people at the Aquarium were a TRIP! They put children on their shoulders and danced around 'with' us, waving us off happily..The poor men working on the cargo ships leaned over their railing sadly..that is..until we raised our drinks to them and blew them kisses. They perked up..and extended their arms in gratitude(i'm 'sure').

O.K...will do this in sections so it doesn't disappear, as I am flying by the seat of my pants and don't have it written down..

(and 'apparently' cannot condense..am having WAY too much fun!)


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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ALL RIGHT!! am gonna 'try' to condense, a little..

After a while, we went back to the funnel deck, because I wanted to be up there to watch the funnel clearing the Sunshine Skyway Bridge by 6 feet...AWESOME!!(thanks for the article, CruiseMark!(wasn't it you?)) The entire passage to the bridge took 2 hours, and then it was nearly dusk..so we went down to chill before dinner at(8:30).

DINNER...YUM!! Thanks to all who prompted me to go for the soups! They were ALL fantastic..

So was EVERYTHING else, I might add...'Never' did I have something I didn't like (alot)!

Vladimir, our server, and George the Greek, our maitre-'d, were STUPENDOUS..going 'out' of their way to be charming.(and the service wasn't bad, either)(hee-hee).

NOW for some heat..

After dinner, Kris(my little sister) and I went to the Pool Bar 'first' to settle in before committing to the disco. Dante was great, but I've got one word for ya...YASA!!! This little slice of heaven was the 'head-cheese' at 'this' bar, and did he have some moves! Even going so far as to 'kiss' my hand (a few nights later), when I offered it..thinking he would 'slap' it...but that's another story. And 'did' he have some stories!! He was on the Celebration when 'something' on it caught fire, on the Holiday when a woman had a fight with her husband and jumped overboard (this one doesn't end well, unfortunatly), on yet another (can't remember which) when the power went out(lots of angry people), and 'still' another when it got caught on a sandbar for three days off Playa Del Carmen..(according to Yasa, Carnival had to pay to fly everyone home, and, of course, a free cruise)!!

He's already been on Sensation for 7 months, so I doubt the SINSATION cruise will get to meet him. Was too busy listening to ask where he was going next. SORRY LADIES!


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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(deep breath)Let's try again..


on second thought..

'You' good people tell me if you want me to condense..

I 'will' and make this a HIT AND RUN...if you all tell me to..

either way works for me

what works for y'all?


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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Oh Boy Bird! I can tell it is gonna be a real adventure traveling with you. icon_biggrin.gif I can't wait!


Valor 10/30/05 Miracle 2/13/05

Sensation 10/04

Conquest May 2003

Holiday Sept 2002

Inspiration 2001

Celebration 2000

Crown Princess 1999

Oceanic (Big Red Boat) 1998


Days til Sensation Cruise from the Bayou



Days til Miracle Partae Pirates Cruise from Tampa



Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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well Hell fire don't you have any pictures. you know I can't read and that my cousin jolene is a typing this for me...


<font SIZE="1">Click here for my Cruise Pics</font>


<font SIZE="1">***PROUD MEMBER O.A.T.C.***</font>







<font SIZE="1">Opinions expressed by the poster are not necessarily the opinions of Cruise Critic or the Independent Traveler.

They might not even be the opinion of the poster, being he may be out of his mind at the time</font>


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It may TAKE me the next 12 days to get it all out, but...



(and 'here' it comes..)


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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Where were we...


(had to play it 'cool' as it WAS the first night, after all..)


After bidding Yasa a fond farewell, Kris and I strolled the Promenade Deck, leisurely making our way to the 'variety' of pounding music affectionately known (to me) as the MEATMARKET..

Stopping briefly to look into Michelangelos, we 'decided' to start with a 'little' more heat..and continued on to Kaleidoscope..going inside to 'scope' the place out..

Yes, they were younger than 'we' were, but their ENERGY was 'right' on par with ours. We chose a table near the door to 'observe' the animals in their natural habitat, while lining up the 'said' table with BREW and SHOTS settling in for a long 'stakeout'.(purely for research purposes, I 'assure' you..)ROFL!!

Kris leaned back against the couch and started 'rappin' with the songs, 'tryin' to teach me the words..(TINKA..i NEED you for this, as I was having 'way' too much fun to remember all the lyrics!)

GRINDING away..the 'younguns' appeared to be having the time of their lives..until I remembered..."That's how "I" used to look"..

(don't worry...i discovered i hadn't 'forgotten' how to do it)LOL

Watching this 'display' for awhile..laughing and drinking..and singing..I noticed the 'little' boys sitting at the tables next to us..intently STARING at 'all' the females. It occurred to me that I was not the ONLY one doing a bit of 'research'. ROFLMAO!!


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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The boys were like tigers..sitting perfectly 'still'..not taking their eyes off their intended prey. I finished my Corona, downed a shot of Jager, and picked up a Red Stripe..taking the first drink while I 'stalked' them..waiting to see how long they would keep it up before changing positions in their seats..

(if you're curious...it took two more beers)ROFL!


After 'clocking' and recording my data, I needed more to study, so Kris and I headed down to 'this' place, and sat at the bar. The musicians were playing 50's,60's,70's, and (maybe)80's music. They 'really' weren't bad at all..but the MAIN attraction was a couple dancing in the center of the floor. Watching them swing and roll back and forth, I was SURE I was seeing some Texas moves from my past. I looked down and 'sure' enough..they were both wearing NICE boots...It was obvious they had been dancing together for quite some time, and they complemented each other well(looks, too).

The floor cleared to make room for these two, and they continued for 4 more songs! Everyone clapped and whistled while they left the floor, wiping their foreheads and laughing.

(he came to the bar after that for some drinks..NO, they were NOT from Texas. He was from West Virginia, and she was from Germany!)

Saw them many times after that, and it was very APPARENT they were in love! (it was SO SWEET to see them together!!)


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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This is gettin' RIDICULOUS!

So in the interest of 'finishing' something today...Let's get on with it..

Grand Cayman was great..beautiful...order your rum by 12:30 for it to be delivered to the ship before it sails..(no carrying liquor on the island)(duty-free shops are 'right' there, so..no problem in doing this)

DO have to interject here for a moment..tendering back to the ship, was 'overwhelmed' by the colors of the water(remember...'first' cruise)

As I fumbled for the right words to describe it, a VERY nice lady from Maine helped me out of my quandry by suggesting the right color would be "TIDY BOWL BLUE"!! and she was 'right'!

On to Cozumel..

We did the Passion Island excursion..OOHH YEAH!!

If you're looking for a big 'party'..Paradise Beach is where you want to go, I hear...BUT..THIS island was for those of you (like 'me')who are looking for more of a "deserted island where they do Corona commercials" kind of thing....FABULOUS!!

(and the food ROCKED!)(DO try the habanero sauce)(and DON'T try to flush the toilet paper, Ladies!)ROFLMAO!!

After our 'getaway', we returned to the city, where we SHOPPED! MAN...would I LOVE to have had even 'more' time to do this..didn't feel like I'd even made a 'dent'..

DO "NOT"..under 'any' circumstances..go to the restaurant Palmeras..on the Plaza Palmeras...or if you 'must', be prepared for 'extremely' rude American hating waitresses to SLAM your iced tea down on the table...only to 'rethink' this approach as she tries to steal money from you at the end.(She was BUSTED!!)(and DIDN'T get the 'profit' she was looking for, unfortunatly..)ROFL!!

Sorry ZONE...tried to go into C&C's after this, but my Mother just "couldn't" take the LOUD music after her day in the sun and shopping.

I DID have a look inside, but had to continue on ...where we discovered "EL SHRIMP BUCKET"!!


If you can BELIEVE 'this'....there was NO ONE in there but us! (they were all at c&c's)LOL

THE FOOD...THE SERVICE...(no,'really')Angel and Carlos were like the service at the Ritz! There were 4 of us alltogether, so we tried many different dishes..wanting to get a 'real' taste of this little island....GOOD DECISION!!

Dos Equis..on draft, of course...CEVICHE..of 'any' kind...(fresh seafood marinated with lime, olive oil, tomato, coriander, and onion..with fresh avocado)(shrimp, conch, octopus, or fish(mahi-mahi))

The 'piece de resistance' of all this?...

The 3 CHILES (in fish, or shrimp)(ancho, guajillo, and pasilla chiles)

Was not spicy at all! Was sweet and a little earthy...(added a bit of habanero to make it even more so....OOHHH...'Paradise')

As we dined, my sister asked Angel where she could find a shark's tooth necklace, as we were running out of time. With her accent(i'm sure), it took him a minute, but he SPRUNG into action!

The restaurant was located in a little mall, so he didn't have to go far. Returning shortly, he held out a 'really' cool necklace on a cord to her..$6..

She paid him and thanked him as he put the necklace around her neck..and proceeded to ask if any of us needed one...

YES!!!I DID!!!

('told' ya...service, and then some..)

As we ate, we asked them all kinds of questions trying to learn the native tongue (in the way THEY say it). At first, I thought this would annoy them, but to the contrary, they 'enjoyed' it, and offered MUCHO assistance with 'rolling' the r's! ROFL!!

Dos Equis?...UNA MAS!!

Dos Equis?...UNA MAS!!

Dos Equis?...NO MAS!! (stick to what you know..)

For the finale......"4"..count them.."4" shots of Kahluha...on the house...(yes.., you heard me right).

I LOVE COZUMEL!!! Thought I would like Grand Cayman more, but NO..


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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Internet cafe was WAY COOL!! Even affording a view of the ocean from your peripheral vision..

Never found a sushi bar, although the catalog 'shows' one..

Room steward was Patrick.......HE'S DA MAN!!

Spa..and beauty salon...Look for Linsey!

(serene56...spa tubs and showers were GREAT!!)


Didn't get to check out the pokey, but think I came REAL close once...

Disembarking took a 'little' time, but it was no biggie..(especially when the girl next to you is painting her toes while they're propped up on a slot machine!)(attitude gets you EVERYWHERE!)

I know I missed things, but (don't be scared..)just ask, and I'll tell..

(REALLY wanted to get into 'tea-time' with y'all, but my bum hurts..)ROFLMAO!!!

maybe in a bit..


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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If anything else pops into that bird brain of yours...please let us know. You are a riot! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.


Valor 10/30/05 Miracle 2/13/05

Sensation 10/04

Conquest May 2003

Holiday Sept 2002

Inspiration 2001

Celebration 2000

Crown Princess 1999

Oceanic (Big Red Boat) 1998


Days til Sensation Cruise from the Bayou



Days til Miracle Partae Pirates Cruise from Tampa



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LOVED the reading! Kept me in suspense to see what you would do next!!! And I agree, there is never enough time in Cozumel. So much to see, so little time.


Next time...... Carlos n Charlies is a MUST


Next Cruise(s).......

Glory, Eastern 7/04

Miracle 2/05


Flavia 4/76

Jubilee 6/02

Inspiration 7/03

Conquestadors! 1/04

Sensational be "Coz" 5/04



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That's great Birdie....but we're draggin your butt to CnC when the Vampires arrive and we'll have them make your famous "shoot the bird" shot! icon_wink.gif....matter of fact, I think you need to book another one with us before then. icon_biggrin.gif


CLICK HERE for "Valor Vampires" Cruise Info on Valor 10/30/05

CLICK HERE for "Partae Pirates" Cruise Info on Miracle 2/13/05


Randy ~ Build17@aol.com

Dallas, TX


Destiny-5/00, Victory-3/01, Pride-6/02,Celebration-11/02,


RCI Mariner-1/04,Triumph -3/04,Elation-5/04,Sensation -10/04, Miracle - 2/05, Valor - 10/05



Days til Sensation Cruise from the Bayou



Days til Miracle Partae Pirates Cruise from Tampa



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Oh Bird my Dear do you not have Pictures to help with the review?


<font SIZE="1">Click here for my Cruise Pics</font>


<font SIZE="1">***PROUD MEMBER O.A.T.C.***</font>







<font SIZE="1">Opinions expressed by the poster are not necessarily the opinions of Cruise Critic or the Independent Traveler.

They might not even be the opinion of the poster, being he may be out of his mind at the time</font>


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Yeah.......what Zone said!.....cough up the pics!....I posted pics with my review. icon_biggrin.gif


CLICK HERE for "Valor Vampires" Cruise Info on Valor 10/30/05

CLICK HERE for "Partae Pirates" Cruise Info on Miracle 2/13/05


Randy ~ Build17@aol.com

Dallas, TX


Destiny-5/00, Victory-3/01, Pride-6/02,Celebration-11/02,


RCI Mariner-1/04,Triumph -3/04,Elation-5/04,Sensation -10/04, Miracle - 2/05, Valor - 10/05



Days til Sensation Cruise from the Bayou



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OOHHH...y'all are so SWEET to me!!


and 'here' I thought I was BORING you guys..







(Dream...you MADE my day!)

(Randy...now "there's" a thought..hmm...THANKS for wanting me to join you! and I'll see what I can do!)


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by zonemasconi:

Oh Bird my Dear do you not have Pictures to help with the review?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I DO have some pics, but 'silly' me is very nearly computer illiterate...so let me figure it out, and I'll post them on here, o.k.?


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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Bird...you're too much girl!!!! LOL...I can tell you had a great time. Just think, as great as it was, the Valor Vampire cruise will REALLY rock!!!!!!! I say we all hit the disco and make the ship rock so much that the crew has to put barf bags out for the lightweights. LMAO!!



1/25/04 Inspiration

4/25/04 Inspiration Part II



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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tdms1324:

Bird...you're too much girl!!!! LOL...I can tell you had a great time. Just think, as great as it was, the Valor Vampire cruise will REALLY rock!!!!!!! I say we all hit the disco and make the ship rock so much that the crew has to put barf bags out for the lightweights. LMAO!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



TDMS...Sounds like a PLAN to me!! (let's just 'hope' the lightweights USE them..)ROLF!!


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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The last sea day, (19th), I went to the internet cafe to check on some things, and 'tried' to check in here with y'all, but the site wouldn't let me log in...SO..I proceeded to get my butt to the library to sign the log (because it was the last time the library would be open, and I'd procrastinated, of course..)LOL

After 'finding' the darned log...(in the attendants desk..just ask her/him)I perused the 'few' entries that had been made before turning over Zone's page, and starting mine. (I was greedy and took a whole page..(hee-hee))

I sat back in my overstuffed (NOT) chair and sighed...'quite' pleased with myself for being so clever in my "I WAS HERE" entry...(NOT really) and looked out at the ocean for a few minutes...

Kris rejoined me here to say (of course) that she was hungry again..I suggested 'tea' in the Touch of Class Piano Bar (Yes..the one with the SCARY hands!) which, luckily for 'her' had just started..


It's right across the atrium from the library, so we didn't have to run...Tea was 'supposed' to be on the Port side of the room, but the other ladies and gentlemen (who 'ran') were already occupying all the available seats, so Kris and I 'bumped to the right' and sat down as 'gracefully' as we had ever been taught.ROFL!! We chose our teas and crumpets(very good, BTW) and engaged in pleasant feminine conversation..(for about 10 minutes..)...Kris, sitting across from me, snapped my photo as I looked out into the atrium..Laughing, she showed it to me...

A BIG HAND was 'poised' behind me..READY TO STRIKE!!!

I was so SCARED I fell out of my chair, my chest convulsing, and 'tears' rolled down my cheeks!!..(or maybe I was just laughing..who knows?)ROFLMAO!!

The 'polite' folk tried genteely to ignore us...but we weren't finished 'yet'...

After composing myself...(a bit)..we switched places with the two ladies sitting behind 'me' so that one of the ladies could take a picture of 'both' of us...and the 'hand'..(don't worry, that lady was a 'friendly' tea drinker!)

When she gave us the 'ready'....Kris and I looked up at the sky..and raised our hands in fear..our mouths opened in a 'terrifying' scream!!(at this point...ALL the other 'ignoring' tea drinkers BUSTED out laughing..before 'remembering' themselves..and went back to their tea..)

Needless to say....I don't think we were welcome there, but I "DID" 'try' to be ladylike....It was ALL KRISTI'S FAULT, ya know..(hee-hee)


(don't go too far away...i have more adventures coming)


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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It sounds like cruising with you is really gonna be an ADVENTURE! icon_biggrin.gif


Valor 10/30/05 Miracle 2/13/05

Sensation 10/04

Conquest May 2003

Holiday Sept 2002

Inspiration 2001

Celebration 2000

Crown Princess 1999

Oceanic (Big Red Boat) 1998


Days til Sensation Cruise from the Bayou



Days til Miracle Partae Pirates Cruise from Tampa



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