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Live from Iona Norwegian Fjords 20th May 7 Nights

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10 minutes ago, CarlaMarie said:


The ships are popular at the moment because of the attractive fares, it is mostly attracting new cruisers - 2000 new cruises on Britannia in term time proves this. It is also the full proper year of having both Arvia and Iona in operation, which again attracts more interest. 


Next year, and probably from the winter season approaching, will be very telling on whether the new cruisers have been enticed to come back after their first, and if the loyal remain loyal. 


You can take this year with a pinch of salt. 


They genuinely have messed with the system onboard that didn't need fixing in the first place. But right now you will not see the affects of that, and how passengers feel, until like I say the next full cruising season. 

Well so far the same cruise I booked on Arvia is significantly more expensive than last year


I'm worried the price won't drop to last year's price


We will still book


But I think most like us will have enjoyed the cruise and either want go again, try another on same class of shop and/or recommend to friends and family


I've done all 3 of the above as a result of my experience 


I guess being selfish I should want everybody NOT to enjoy and not to want to repeat

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10 minutes ago, CarlaMarie said:


You were lucky with the wifi in the fjords. It is often lost due to the location and gets printed in the Horizon paper that interruptions will occur. Britannia lost wifi frequently on one of hers (plus the TV), which is the norm for that area.

No probs with TV either


Maybe Iona has some improvements or again perhaps we were lucky as you say


We went everywhere we were supposed to go as well


I was genuinely hoping for a few Wi-Fi outages so I could claim some money back


But nothing doing this time I could say to them

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45 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:



But they wouldn't be filling their big ships with high volumes of people who want to rebook without the choice of restaurants and without the choice of dining without having to share


They could just keep the smaller ships they have and the existing customer base


You must appreciate that MB


As it is they've  created a system that allows both


They haven't stopped you sharing. 


Nowhere have I personally suggested they should either.


I'm glad EVERYBODY  has the  choice 


They've "messed with the system" in your words and now have their 2 largest ships ever operating close to full week in week out


That's not an example of something going wrong. It's an example of something working.





They are filling them at present because they're cheap.  You yourself are waiting for last minute bargains.  The problem will come when the long time bookers at 2 years out say no we aren't going on those ships.  There's a danger with only three itineraries plus the Caribbean for these ships.  Once the novelty has worn off people may look at other cruise lines and options.


The people rebooking are trying both ships as they had a good experience on the first one.  They're shocked they aren't the same because they didn't realise their original cruise wasn't completely full and sold out.  At present there's the 30% capacity premium allowing the price slashes - we are seeing them across the whole fleet - when that goes and prices inevitably go back to the proper price point.  In the US it was reported last week cruises are selling out as everyone piles back in.  The pent up demand is feeding through both here and there.  Once "normality" returns so will proper pricing.  I doubt P&O have any wish to be the bargain basement cruise line forever.  

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4 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

They are filling them at present because they're cheap.  You yourself are waiting for last minute bargains.  The problem will come when the long time bookers at 2 years out say no we aren't going on those ships.  There's a danger with only three itineraries plus the Caribbean for these ships.  Once the novelty has worn off people may look at other cruise lines and options.


The people rebooking are trying both ships as they had a good experience on the first one.  They're shocked they aren't the same because they didn't realise their original cruise wasn't completely full and sold out.  At present there's the 30% capacity premium allowing the price slashes - we are seeing them across the whole fleet - when that goes and prices inevitably go back to the proper price point.  In the US it was reported last week cruises are selling out as everyone piles back in.  The pent up demand is feeding through both here and there.  Once "normality" returns so will proper pricing.  I doubt P&O have any wish to be the bargain basement cruise line forever.  

No doubt it will find a level


The big things you have to factor in are:


The huge costs of other holidays away from cruising in the UK, Europe and further afield 


The increase In travel costs just getting to those other holidays. (Flights and transfers)


The huge increase in restaurant costs in all of the resorts 


Cruise passengers aren't just comparing Iona to Britannia to Arvia etc


They are comparing what they can get for their money on a cruise compared to not being on a cruise 


The reason I know we will book Arvia in February regardless of if the price goes down or not is I know I cannot get a similar quality 2 week holiday in the  Caribbean with flights and meals and similar facilities  even remotely close to even the new increased costs


Same as I couldn't get a non cruise holiday to the Fjords with food remotely close to Iona 7 night cost


This is where the advantage lies for P and O


It's not comparing a cruise to a cruise


It's comparing a cruise cost to the cost of a non cruise holiday with food to the same places


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7 minutes ago, Britboys said:

But that is a double-edged sword. The more cheap deals there are, the more quality is likely to suffer...

You would think so


I haven't personally seen quality suffer for what I want


And I can add more quality on board by paying for speciality restaurants etc


Funnily enough MDR impressed us so much on Iona we had less speciality meals than ever this holiday


Just one on Epicurean 


And we like the buffet and the quays quality as well 


And I truly believe the 710 club on Arvia and Iona at the cost of just one cocktail per session for us each - offers the best quality entertainment and drinks experience of any ship we've sailed on


And I question what ship anywhere in the  world offers something better than that?


Anyone have any suggestions?


And this is on a bargain basement cruise


Headliners shows in the theatre backed up by the big screens behind them better than any cast shows we have ever seen cruising as well


Cocktails as good or better as well if you choose the right ones?


I've not seen quality fall. Ive seen it improve. Definitely compared to Azura and Brittania


I know i would seriously miss 710 club and headliners on arvia/iona plus the quays on one of the older ships

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35 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

We've enjoyed it on Arvia and  Iona without a single problem. Never waiting the times described by others. 


If there's long queues we just join earlier


Never had to use a pager on these two cruises


Arvia in Caribbean included a half term week as well?


Now the test for us will be when we try MDRs on Arvia I guess


But for all the other restaurants no problems with freedom dining at all


Main problem was actually not joining the queue too soon to be  called earlier that we wanted




There are rarely the number of children on the Caribbean itineraries unless it's Christmas and also many dislike travelling on long haul flights with the younger age group.  I recall looking at those Arvia cruises myself as the price was ridiculously cheap - saver fares at £899 for insides were a regular on most of them and even the naming ceremony cruise couldn't pull in a full crowd until right at the end.  The sailings were also impacted by a lack of flight availability, towards the end of the sales period - from 6 weeks or so out - many were cruise only.  Without the flight they weren't bargains.  


Speaking to future sales on Arvia, my nice helpful guy told me there is already limitations on some of the Caribbean cruises into 2024.  A couple already have flights only from Manchester, a premium is being charged on others for London and Birmingham flights and he even has a couple where insides and window cabins are sold out already.  


You are probably right, there won't need to be big price drops to fill the ships this year, it's one of the reasons I took the offer on the January Britannia cruise I booked.

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3 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

You would think so


I haven't personally seen quality suffer for what I want


And I can add more quality on board by paying for speciality restaurants etc


Funnily enough MDR impressed us so much on Iona we had less speciality meals than ever this holiday


Just one on Epicurean 


And we like the buffet and the quays quality as well 

Those of us who have used P&O for some time have already noticed a dip in quality. The current really cheap deals are fairly recent but should they continue, they may well have an effect one way or another.

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20 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

They are filling them at present because they're cheap.  You yourself are waiting for last minute bargains.  The problem will come when the long time bookers at 2 years out say no we aren't going on those ships.  There's a danger with only three itineraries plus the Caribbean for these ships.  Once the novelty has worn off people may look at other cruise lines and options.


The people rebooking are trying both ships as they had a good experience on the first one.  They're shocked they aren't the same because they didn't realise their original cruise wasn't completely full and sold out.  At present there's the 30% capacity premium allowing the price slashes - we are seeing them across the whole fleet - when that goes and prices inevitably go back to the proper price point.  In the US it was reported last week cruises are selling out as everyone piles back in.  The pent up demand is feeding through both here and there.  Once "normality" returns so will proper pricing.  I doubt P&O have any wish to be the bargain basement cruise line forever.  


We've also had a chat already about a cruise between now and Xmas


I looked at ones involving Greek islands on one of the ships in September time


It was double the cost of doing  another 7 nights in the Fjords per person 


It's made us seriously consider the Fjords again so soon as we really enjoy the cruise experience and entertainment and food and drink as much as they ports we visit


And there is still lots more for us to see and do in the Fjords regardless

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16 minutes ago, Britboys said:

But that is a double-edged sword. The more cheap deals there are, the more quality is likely to suffer...

Is this necessarily the case?  Unless my memory is playing tricks, I'm sure I recall Moley saying on here a while back that Iona and Arvia will break-even if a cruise is at 30 to 40% capacity.  If that is true, however cheap they are selling the remaining cabins, they are making an awful lot of money per sailing if they can keep filling or nearly filling these ships.  And, unless they take all that as profit to pay off the huge debts incurred over recent years, there should not be any real need to reduce quality any further.  

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19 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

It's not comparing a cruise to a cruise


It's comparing a cruise cost to the cost of a non cruise holiday with food to the same places



From a family perspective, and I get the impression Iona is targetting families (could well be wrong), compare to say a week at centerparcs + food + activities.


Also an all inclusive week at say a waterpark in Portugal.

I've never done all inclusive.  Although I like my food, I always feel like I'm paying for other peoples' ability to eat to excess. Though I suspect I'd catch up when it comes to booze.


It seems like the non-speciality food is 'unlimited' on Iona (and most cruises).  Which as people will naturally take advantage and eat "because I've paid for it" would seem a pretty good deal.

Given that we'd not get change from £50 from a meal out at say pizza express, it does seem good value at the moment.


--Also-- really looking to hear about the talks.

I'm sure I saw one mentioned elsewhere about the Norweigian spy efforts during ww2.

I think you mentioned Agatha Christie , I'm curious to understand the Norway link if nothing else.

It's pretty boring I know, but I love talks by random people that I know very little about.


Oh, did you do any quizes? was it tables, or males vs females , or this half of the pub vs that. I've seen mixed reviews on that.


And.... is there kids bingo? Love a bit of bingo.  Again , if not I'll start my own bingo club!





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3 minutes ago, Britboys said:

Those of us who have used P&O for some time have already noticed a dip in quality. The current really cheap deals are fairly recent but should they continue, they may well have an effect one way or another.

You haven't experienced the new ships though have you?


I realise you like the smaller ships


We've done both


710 club,  Headliners theatre shows and The Quays are  all significant improvements on the previous P and O ships we sailed on


You are comparing like with like on your cruises


We are benefiting from new additions the smaller ships don't have


I accept we want different things  though


But in our case we feel what we are getting is better quality


I guess you are seeing the same ships get older. No doubt there are some cutbacks. But in real terms maybe you are paying less now in comparison?


Meanwhile new ships we like as they have seriously fresshened up the offerings


Cabins seem larger. En suites larger and quality of showers and toilets better than ever. 





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16 minutes ago, ParisHilton said:


From a family perspective, and I get the impression Iona is targetting families (could well be wrong), compare to say a week at centerparcs + food + activities.


Also an all inclusive week at say a waterpark in Portugal.

I've never done all inclusive.  Although I like my food, I always feel like I'm paying for other peoples' ability to eat to excess. Though I suspect I'd catch up when it comes to booze.


It seems like the non-speciality food is 'unlimited' on Iona (and most cruises).  Which as people will naturally take advantage and eat "because I've paid for it" would seem a pretty good deal.

Given that we'd not get change from £50 from a meal out at say pizza express, it does seem good value at the moment.





Without looking I would imagine a week at center parcs without travel costs or food is more expensive than a week on Iona with unlimited food


We've done both many times


I actually really like Center Parcs


 Will take an awful lot to persuade the rest of my family to book there again compared to a cruise though. Might take having grandkids to get my wife back there.


I think once people bite the bullet and experience a cruise for the first time and weigh up what you get for the money far more are likely to cruise again and again rather than just cruise once


We got the bug even when cruising was comparatively far more expensive than now


(Ps they dont have as good dining at Center Parcs. Nothing remotely like Epicurean. Nothing remotely close to the entertainment. And pretty much everything you do costs extra)


Good job we aren't all members of a Center Parcs forum! We would have lots more to complain about than on here in comparison 

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5 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:


We've also had a chat already about a cruise between now and Xmas


I looked at ones involving Greek islands on one of the ships in September time


It was double the cost of doing  another 7 nights in the Fjords per person 


It's made us seriously consider the Fjords again so soon as we really enjoy the cruise experience and entertainment and food and drink as much as they ports we visit


And there is still lots more for us to see and do in the Fjords regardless

That will be nice for you. Hope you can find something you like.  It seems really the true cruising experience for you is the ship not the itinerary which is great if that's the way you like it. 


For some of us the ship has to be clean comfortable with decent not necessarily ultra modern facilities. The itinerary however bears a lot of the reason for booking as well.  On the last two releases there have been a lot of comments about repetition of itineraries and less ports, unfortunately this may well impact choice.  It's interesting the 21 day Iceland/Norway Arcadia cruise is not being well supported along with the Canadian offering later on.  These have always been two of the most sought after cruises in the past.  Either people have read of the Arcadia problems or they've tired of the itinerary, we'll probably never know, but they are there again in the next releases.


Difficulties do get reported, if they become a common theme people will take notice, no matter if it's an old or new ship.  There are a few on here who've had problems with Arcadia for instance who say never again but there are others who love her.  

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19 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

There are rarely the number of children on the Caribbean itineraries unless it's Christmas and also many dislike travelling on long haul flights with the younger age group.  I recall looking at those Arvia cruises myself as the price was ridiculously cheap - saver fares at £899 for insides were a regular on most of them and even the naming ceremony cruise couldn't pull in a full crowd until right at the end.  The sailings were also impacted by a lack of flight availability, towards the end of the sales period - from 6 weeks or so out - many were cruise only.  Without the flight they weren't bargains.  


Speaking to future sales on Arvia, my nice helpful guy told me there is already limitations on some of the Caribbean cruises into 2024.  A couple already have flights only from Manchester, a premium is being charged on others for London and Birmingham flights and he even has a couple where insides and window cabins are sold out already.  


You are probably right, there won't need to be big price drops to fill the ships this year, it's one of the reasons I took the offer on the January Britannia cruise I booked.

Yep I don't want to miss out


I might end up biting the bullet  myself MB sooner rather than later


Immediately I got back from that cruise I said on here it was so good I'm worried it will be  more expensive to repeat as so many people will know about it now

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6 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

That will be nice for you. Hope you can find something you like.  It seems really the true cruising experience for you is the ship not the itinerary which is great if that's the way you like it. 


For some of us the ship has to be clean comfortable with decent not necessarily ultra modern facilities. The itinerary however bears a lot of the reason for booking as well.  On the last two releases there have been a lot of comments about repetition of itineraries and less ports, unfortunately this may well impact choice.  It's interesting the 21 day Iceland/Norway Arcadia cruise is not being well supported along with the Canadian offering later on.  These have always been two of the most sought after cruises in the past.  Either people have read of the Arcadia problems or they've tired of the itinerary, we'll probably never know, but they are there again in the next releases.


Difficulties do get reported, if they become a common theme people will take notice, no matter if it's an old or new ship.  There are a few on here who've had problems with Arcadia for instance who say never again but there are others who love her.  

My parents and wife favour different itineraries but my wife now expects very 7 night cruise to be less than 700 pounds each!


So she actually raised her eyebrows when  I mentioned a Greek  cruise costing over 1200 each in comparison (from Southampton). It may have been 10 nights? Not sure on that?


We only paid 1200 each  for 2 weeks  in Caribbean on Arvia


500 each for 7 nights on Iona


So shes expecting deals closer to that all the time now


Especially if we want to cruise often


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6 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

My parents and wife favour different itineraries but my wife now expects very 7 night cruise to be less than 700 pounds each!


So she actually raised her eyebrows when  I mentioned a Greek  cruise costing over 1200 each in comparison


We only paid 1200 each  for 2 weeks  in Caribbean on Arvia


500 each for 7 nights on Iona


So shes expecting deals closer to that all the time now


Especially if we want to cruise often


I think she may either be disappointed or just doing the same fjord cruise ad infinitum!


7 night Norwegian cruises are currently two a penny ex UK. I'm surprised Norway hasn't sunk under the weight of them! Always popular as a starter cruise, the problem will be when the higher prices kick back in where will the people go next?  You've already answered the question inadvertently, your wife doesn't expect to pay more to go elsewhere. Others will think the same.

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5 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:


500 each for 7 nights on Iona



that's insane.  You're looking at £80 a night (for a room for 2 to 4 admittedly) in a prem inn!


I suspect off peak they are looking to break even at best and to make money during peak season.


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1 minute ago, ParisHilton said:


that's insane.  You're looking at £80 a night (for a room for 2 to 4 admittedly) in a prem inn!


I suspect off peak they are looking to break even at best and to make money during peak season.


They are indeed very cheap last minute.  There can be a catch though with noisy cabins for instance.  In the past if you had a cabin issue you would be moved.  Not so easy when the ship has no rooms available as every one is sold.  I was number 34 on the list on my cruise just finished and I complained 2.00am on the first night.  If you're okay with that you'll definitely get a deal at present, although my monitor of fares shows they are moving higher now the better weather in Europe is imminent.

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Just checked and it's 614 per person for 2 people in cheapest Centre Parcs lodge option at Sherwood Forest for 7 nights in June


Gets more expensive in school holidays 


That's without any food at all


And the lodge doesn't move anywhere overnight!!




248  pounds more than we paid for the Fjords cruise between us with no food,  travel or entertainment included


And you pretty much have to e-book every restaurant or activity. Same as on a cruise


There's little or no entertainment anywhere. It's all activity based 

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3 hours ago, Cathygh said:

It's a Marco Pierre White Menu but I'm.not sure if it had the beef Wellington. The mdr one didn't



3 hours ago, AndyMichelle said:

No beef Wellington!! 


That's it, final straw, I'm cancelling... 😂


Actually, Marco is on our cruise, I will be having a word... 




To the best of my recollection, I think all the celebration night menus in the MDRs and Chef's Table both feature Marco Pierre White.

In April on Arvia we ate in the Chef's Table and our lass had the Beef Wellington. I'm not sure if it featured on the MDR menu on the same night, but she did have it in January in the MDR, also on Arvia.

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3 hours ago, ParisHilton said:

That's all really helpful ICF. Especially knowing I can work around 6 hours on shore. Even with my half marathon times, that gives a me a run and time to do something more 'cruisy' when docked.


I'm going to look into doing some treasure hunts, though I need to think about the logistics of setting up a treasure hunt somewhere where I arrive the same time as everyone else, though I see the first port is only a short flight from Aberdeen, and as I'm there fairly frequently perhaps I should pop over leave some clues and come back, though that would be a very expensive thing to be doing!


Will get some rubber ducks to hide, see if we can craft some for people to keep as souvenirs too. Maybe dress one in Notts Forest kit just for you 🙂




We have done this cruise with a 5 year old: there are loads of things to do at port with kids/teens that don’t cost a fortune. The Aquarium at Alesund (walk there is 45mins and relatively straightforward) so don’t pay for the excursion price as it’s a great day out and loads cheaper to DIY. Stavanger has loads of reasonably priced museums within 5-15 mins walk: the Petrol Museum is the best, but there is also Stavanger Museum, the Archeological Museum, Maritime and Canning. Olden you can walk along the Fjord and there are little waterfalls and bridges etc.


The Ship has family activities that are free (treasure hunts, quizzes, crafts, circus skills, sports/games), plus the cinema and the deck games and board games. Don’t worry, there are loads of options that don’t involve Kids club (although it is a great kids club and lots of the kids of all ages seem to love it).

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4 minutes ago, TigerB said:



To the best of my recollection, I think all the celebration night menus in the MDRs and Chef's Table both feature Marco Pierre White.

In April on Arvia we ate in the Chef's Table and our lass had the Beef Wellington. I'm not sure if it featured on the MDR menu on the same night, but she did have it in January in the MDR, also on Arvia.

The MDR had the beef with mushroom crust. I've had that 3 or 4 times and there was no crust.

I heard that the MDR is on a 2 week menu Rota so 1 week there is beef Wellington and not the next. Chef's Table does not change. 

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