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Bimmer 09 sails APEX to Iceland June 2023


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Another beautiful sunny morning as we sail up the Mersey.


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I went to Guest Relations/Services first thing and rang the bell. A young lady came out and I inquired about my missing camcorder. She went in back. 

Once up on deck with a coffee I sent this photo to Carol in a text


Hooray! What a relief. It had been found at boarding security in an X Ray machine.


We have an early excursion today -"In the steps of the Beatles" with a meet up at 8.30 on the dock. We breakfast in the buffet (no pics) I had a full English breakfast and Carol a custom omelet. We needed sustenance just to walk the long trek to dry land along floating pontoon docks that could rise and fall with the tide. Over 1/4 mile including a steep covered ramp.

We found our bus, got our stickers and climbed aboard sitting at the back as is our custom.

Our guide would be Chris who could talk (and talk) and who would play us some old Beatles cuts from the Hamburg days.

Liverpool had hosted the Eurovision Song Contest this year so had been spruced up for the cameras. It was looking mighty fine as we snaked our way through it this morning.



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Norris - thanks for your fabulous review - I discovered it today and have just finished devouring all 18 pages so far... and can't wait to read more.  How great to meet up with family whilst you're away.


I'm on a cruise next month which includes Iceland and the three places you docked.  What sort of temperatures did you have?  I'm thinking I need layers and my trusty walking boots

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Before we start this 4 hour tour here's a note from my mother explaining why the original Cavern club is no longer with us


* There will be some bus window shots during this ramble


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We parked the bus for this 10 minute stop



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Tour did not include the museum


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A statue who wishes he looked more like John Lennon



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back on the bus....

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1 hour ago, Sarah1974 said:

Norris - thanks for your fabulous review - I discovered it today and have just finished devouring all 18 pages so far... and can't wait to read more.  How great to meet up with family whilst you're away.


I'm on a cruise next month which includes Iceland and the three places you docked.  What sort of temperatures did you have?  I'm thinking I need layers and my trusty walking boots

Sarah-thanks for reading all 18 pages and for your enthusiasm!

Temps in Iceland were low 40s F to low 50s F and yes layer-up. The coldest was when approaching at sea with the ship doing 18 knots into the wind. On land it was much less biting. I was toasty ashore in my thermals and puffy coat but Carol had neither and survived.She did get cold during the whale imagining tour but again a boat flying along into the wind on a choppy sea. All the walking on excursions warmed one up. I took hiking boots as I thought I might be walking on slippery rocks at Dynjandi Falls but would't suggest you need them unless you plan to hike up the falls. I let the zoom lens bring the falls closer as I didn't have the energy for a hike that far.

Hope this helps. You will be blown away by the scenery inland in Iceland!


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The bus winds its way to the Albert Docks for the next part of the tour


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Here we had to wait outside for 20 minutes as there was already another tour group packing the narrow warren of rooms beneath the street. 


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I don't recommend this stop and will tell you why when I leave it early

I'm curious as to what lies through yonder archway...


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It's a nice sunny day


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Ok-we can go in now. We file down the steps into the exhibit only to line up and wait for another 10 minutes. Then we are free to roam.


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There were headsets in many languages offering  help in understanding what you were seeing. Carol got one but I declined.


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A mock-up of the offices of Mersey Beat, a local music newspaper of the early Beatles years


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There were random bits of old drum kits in a glass case without explanation. Finally I came to a section that would interest me...

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I am in a mock-up of the Cavern. The sandwiches ("Butties") are very tempting but are fake and not to be eaten (ask me how I know). Cilla Black was great back in the day!


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Rory Storm at right



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Like the rest of the exhibit the drums are set up half-assed like they used to be on the Monkees TV show in the 60s. Unplayable by man.


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No Vox amplifiers


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People were packed in tight and shuffling along. I had seen enough to give up and swim against the tide and get back out into the daylight. I texted Carol that I would be outside waiting.

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I went through that arch I spoke of before-to the Royal Albert Dock


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There were long colonnades filled with bars and restaurants but it was too early for them to be open. Must be a lively spot at night.

A half an hour passed before I saw Carol again.  I expected her to appear from the entrance she had gone in on with me but it turned out she was led by the exhibits to the gift shop back near where the bus was parked. She had to walk from there just to find me.


She did get a couple of photos to share 

A life size Sgt Pepper cover



and some Beatles "stuff" from their commercial heyday



Carol already has an original set of bobble-head dolls 




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Back to the bus and we left Albert Dock


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We wound our way to...


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Carol got off the bus to get a picture taken by Chris the guide



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The "shelter in the middle of a roundabout"


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We wound our way along the  leafy streets of Liverpool-very green and found ourselves here. Everyone got off the bus. 


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My patience was tested here as I wanted to photograph the gates. I didn't seek to photograph the gates with an endless procession of strangers posing with their backs to them. I may have sworn loudly in exasperation as the 16th stranger parked her ass in my shot. I gave up waiting.

The white shirt guy is another tour bus driver and should know better.


The house I really wanted to see on Menlove Avenue. Aunt Mimi's home where John lived.

The guy who bought the house next door came out to shoo our bus away as he didn't want it stopping infant of his home. This is the best shot I could get, as a result.


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Again-click the pic then click it again if you want to read the blue plaque.


Random window shot


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We didn't see George Harrison's home. It ain't on the tour. Huh??

Ringo's on Admiral Grove-we stopped at the top of the street..."see that house with the purple drainpipe? (um, no) that was Ringo's home". We drove on. Useless.

We also couldn't see the giant Ringo mural nearby as the bus was too close and the roof got in the way of a photo. 


google images



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So- who lived here?


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The bus had to stop 50 yards away and we all got off. When I got to the corner of Forthlin Rd I gasped at the sight before me- about 100 people with cameras swarming the street. The residents must hate these coach tours!

Once again I had to be patient to get a photo without a stranger blocking the view. I was prepared to be the last back to the bus (which I was) to get my shot


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We passed the large green space Sefton park where we heard the story of how Alfred Lennon met Julia. There had apparently been a reporter hiding in the bushes (as they do) recording their conversation and today we were privy to Alfred's sweet nothings.


We're going to head back to the docks.


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We have one more bus stop...

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Carol waited until everyone had their turn


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"Please don't spoil my day, I'm miles away

and after all, I'm only sleeping"


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The Tour

Big tour buses are not ideal for tours to far flung private homes in Liverpool.

50 people getting off and on to see a house is a time suck. 


If I was going to Liverpool again -on a cruise or otherwise  I would look to hire a driver with nice car for  3 or 4 hours and give him the addresses I wanted to visit (all can be googled) and have him give me a quote before I get there.

A taxi would be a last resort as he wouldn't have time to plan a route.


Parking would not be the problem it was with this huge bus and you can spend as much time at a given site as you need. I would set out early in the morning and do the furthest places first while the coaches are in the city.


My two cents


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Hope you manage to come back to Liverpool there is more to see than the Beatles history.

A taxi will do you a tour no problem they all know the tour routes,,most Beatle sights are in the same area of Liverpool.

Here are a couple of images of the ‘shelter in the middle of the roundabout’.

The original was turned into a bistro,,but it’s been empty for a few years.

The original…


As it is now…



ps,my favourite photo is the one with the Guinness,,,,looks lovely.



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9 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

Sarah-thanks for reading all 18 pages and for your enthusiasm!

Temps in Iceland were low 40s F to low 50s F and yes layer-up. The coldest was when approaching at sea with the ship doing 18 knots into the wind. On land it was much less biting. I was toasty ashore in my thermals and puffy coat but Carol had neither and survived.She did get cold during the whale imagining tour but again a boat flying along into the wind on a choppy sea. All the walking on excursions warmed one up. I took hiking boots as I thought I might be walking on slippery rocks at Dynjandi Falls but would't suggest you need them unless you plan to hike up the falls. I let the zoom lens bring the falls closer as I didn't have the energy for a hike that far.

Hope this helps. You will be blown away by the scenery inland in Iceland!


To respond in greater detail: I packed three pieces of outerwear, all from Eddie Bauer. A down vest for medium cold days, a hooded raincoat for, um, rainy days, and my down hooded Chicago winter parka, which is good down to sub zero temperatures. Luckily I never needed the raincoat, a useless precaution. I packed hiking boots but never used them. Flannel shirts were a must in Iceland and I did get cold on the whale watching boat even with parka and hood (no scarf) and gloves. No thermals. In the aforementioned new Briggs & Riley 29” expandable spinner I also had room for Norris’s winter parka and had maybe four inches to spare. On the way back some of this was used for the Portavogie wall art, the Irish candy, eight fridge magnets, and a can of stroopwaffles. Great suitcase and even with all this lighter than my previous smaller suitcase. Carol

Edited by Deck Chair Queen
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The tide had gone out during our 4+ hours off the ship, exposing the mud at the dock and making the ramps up to the Cruise Center even steeper. These are all iPhone photos.





The Liverpool  symbol- the Liver Building at right




Modern towers



Carol's lunchtime buffet notes-Middle Eastern was the theme so she had mixed kebobs and grilled vegetables. Norris nothing as he was saving himself for tonight's Eden at 6 p.m.

It was time for a cold beer at Sunset Bar as the sun was shining and the wind had taken the dy off.

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I'll show you some video first as a set up and the food will follow later...



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Yan took care of our drinks-my usual wine and Carol's Prosecco


An amuse bouche of cream, oil, pine nuts, dill, garlic. Gone in a flash 



I had to repeat the Mulligatawny. Best cruise ship soup ever!



Carol's "bazaar bowl"- labneh yoghurt, tangerine soaked raisins, honey roasted almonds, beets, cucumber, olives with a side of fresh baked naan bread (which I helped eat)




All photos iPhone


My roasted carabiniero shrimp. Fantastic!



Carol's wonderful crab cake



I had the lobster casserole tonight



Carol enjoyed the curried Thai grouper



Next the desserts



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Before the desserts came Danilo the Maitre 'd brought over the chef Nicolas to meet us.

Nicolas "I hear you have already dined here"

Me " Yes. We got food poisoning. But-yes we have"

His face froze for a second but Danilo's look told him I was joking and he burst into a big laugh. I went on to shower him with praise. Well deserved.








I told them how I wanted the Sambuca. Score!


Carol's butterscotch creme brûlée 



The complimentary truffles and cookies



Stupendous meal again. Worth the $65 per person

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While we were feasting in Eden, Liverpool was fading into the distance. We had a window table.





Wind farms at sea- got to love that!



Bye bye to a fine city!

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I only spotted this latest yesterday morning - so a few other things I had planned remain undone, but it was worth it!  Loving it, so thank you both.


Germany and Italy are our favourite countries also, and if you did travelogues of those trips, I’d pull up a chair and settle down with a brew!  Especially enjoyed the cat photo, your family visit and I’m pleased you had good weather for much of the holiday.


Happy planning for your next adventure.

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Enjoying reading about your travels!  Desy was our waitress on the Summit when we took a short 4-day cruise out of Miami to the Bahamas in October 2021. Cruising was just coming back and we only had 335 people on board with a full crew! It felt like a private yacht and something we’ll probably never experience again. Everyone was beyond wonderful, but she was outstanding and made that cruise even more memorable!  Thanks for sharing your adventures!! 

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3 hours ago, CMW5060 said:

Enjoying reading about your travels!  Desy was our waitress on the Summit when we took a short 4-day cruise out of Miami to the Bahamas in October 2021. Cruising was just coming back and we only had 335 people on board with a full crew! It felt like a private yacht and something we’ll probably never experience again. Everyone was beyond wonderful, but she was outstanding and made that cruise even more memorable!  Thanks for sharing your adventures!! 

Thanks for telling me this.

I am glad she has found herself in such a worthy restaurant. She really knows her menu in depth and can take a joke which is the first thing I look for in a waiter. "sparkling or still sir?"- I'll have a glass of seawater please." So one sparkling and one seawater?" Yes please.



Edited by Bimmer09
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4 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

While we were feasting in Eden, Liverpool was fading into the distance. We had a window table.





Wind farms at sea- got to love that!



Bye bye to a fine city!

Hi Norris.

The stadium you saw being built is for Everton FC on Bramley Moor Dock.

Be ready in 2025.

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4 hours ago, mrsgoggins said:

I only spotted this latest yesterday morning - so a few other things I had planned remain undone, but it was worth it!  Loving it, so thank you both.


Germany and Italy are our favourite countries also, and if you did travelogues of those trips, I’d pull up a chair and settle down with a brew!  Especially enjoyed the cat photo, your family visit and I’m pleased you had good weather for much of the holiday.


Happy planning for your next adventure.

Good to have you aboard-from the Azamara board if I am right?

The only time we see Italy is before or after a cruise from Rome.

Germany has always been land travels so no CC outlet but I do recaps for friends who were either with us or inquisitive. I can be relied upon to take the photos and Carol makes notes. We were last in Germany for 12 days August 2022. Munich (our favorite) and Bayreuth (Wagner opera)


We have one cruise fully booked- Ruby Princess partial Panama canal Dec 20-30 this Christmas.

I do look at Azamara when we are considering a new cruise but the prices have been unrealistic of late and the line is in a state of flux at the moment.

Apex had comparable food and service to match so we will probably book another E Class next.


PS the cats were watching me type this and insist in getting some more screen time...



Rodolfo from the cover of his first book "I know I'm not allowed on the table but..." (Penguin)



Mimi, laying on top of Rodolfo on the sofa



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