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Upset about canceling cruise (& free photo site)


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We had our 4th cruise planned for October. We've made our downpayment and everything. Now out of the blue my husband has decided it's not a good idea for our son, who'll be 5, to miss kindergarten those days.


I can understand his point but we sure were looking forward to this cruise. So now he wants me to be the one who calls tonight and cancels with Carnival. Shall I have a break down now? Wahhhhhh! Tear all my hopes down, wouldja! icon_smile.gif



Also I'd found a free site to put all our cruise photos on




Maybe I'll still put our photos from the last cruise on there to share them with you guys until I can talk him into another cruise.


Anybody else been disappointed like this?



<A HREF="http://www.ncvaughan.homestead.com/bahamascruise.html" TARGET=_blank>

Carnival Victory 6/8/03</A>

Fascination 9/2/02

Imagination 8/2/01


****** edited to correct link - Kristi


[This message was edited by Host Kristi on 06-07-04 at 07:39 PM.]


[This message was edited by Host Kristi on 06-07-04 at 07:42 PM.]


[This message was edited by Host Kristi on 06-07-04 at 07:45 PM.]

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5 year old to miss Kindergarten for a week?

Is that the week they will be doing algebra? icon_smile.gif

I have been taking my kids out of school for 8 years now (12&14) and I think the week is a better learning experience at sea and in port than they would get in school. In my case I get the school work in advance so they have something to do on the plane.

Good luck, I hope you get to go


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I agree with steveaaa!!! When our kids were younger (all adults now) we pulled them out and they had tons to tell when they got back. At grade K he won't be missing much AND most teachers will give them a "what I did/learned on vacation" booklet to fill out. I think (my opinion) that your hubby dosent want to go for other reasons and is using Kdg as an excuse




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A week in kindergarten is nothing to miss. It is different when they get to high school and have exams to worry about. Enjoy don't cancel your cruise.


Triumph 7/8/00 (Eastern)

Triumph 7/28/01 (Western)

Glory 7/26/03 (Eastern)

Fantasy 7/4/04 (4 Night)


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Wow, I'm very happy everyone here is being so nice about this. I remember awhile back on the boards when this got to be a hot topic and I got slammed for saying due to scheduling we would pull daughter out yearly to cruise.


Fascination 1997 Destiny 2000

Victory 2000 Sensation 2001

Norway 2002 Legend 2002

NCL Dawn 2003 Inspiration 2003

Victory 2004 Holiday 2004

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I was so happy when my kids were little - we had the best vacations by pulling them out of school - nice and inexpensive and uncrowded - Disney in Sept/Oct, Paris in May. Now they are older and we go on school breaks - crowded airports, sky high hotel prices, how I miss the days of relaxing vacations when the kids were in school!

They will miss nothing until about 5th grade.


maria stallings

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Not trying to be rude here or anything, but, I'm a soon to be elementary school teacher and I beg to differ on the not learning anything until 5th grade comment. Here in GA, our students are "tested" starting in Kindergarten and 3rd grade is a VERY big deal here as well. Our 3rd graders take a reading test that determines whether or not they are detained. Like I said, I'm not trying to be mouthy, but, when people say that my profession, especially my certification field (PK-5)is not important because the children "don't learn anything" in these years, I get kind of irritated!


Carnival Triumph Here We Come!!!


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Freddie's Mama: They didn't say a child doesn't 'learn anything' until grade 5. They said they wouldn't 'miss anything' by being away for a week on a cruise. Our kids' teachers have always been more than encouraging when we have pulled our kids out to vacation. They've always provided some extra work ahead of time, usually asked for a journal during, and then a presentation of some sort about the experience, ports of call, native people etc when they get back. It's a fabulous learning experience both for them and their classmates.


Effie: Beg, plead, pout, cry, stomp your feet, whatever, but get your hubby and that 5 year old on that ship!! Good luck!

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Thanks everyone for your individual thoughts on this.


I've conveniently not gotten around to calling Carnival tonight. icon_biggrin.gif I'm trying to look busy and hope he doesn't mention it... icon_smile.gif


As for being out of school, we also have 12 year old twins and hubby says they can make up or take any work with them they may miss. That's what we did during our Sept. '02 cruise... that was 5th grade for them. Whenw e came back they both did papers on Mexico.


Now they would be in 7th grade during this cruise. As for our Kindergartener, he has Asperger syndrome and is reading & comprehending at a high level (7th grade or so) and is doing academic work already at the 2nd grade level.


My husband's main concern is him getting used to a routine of seeing the same teachers and kids and then going on the cruise with Camp Carnival counselors and different kids and then hime having to re-adjust when we get back.


His form of Asperger's causes him to have social skills lower than most folks. He's set in his ways and doesn't like change. That's what his pre-k teacher was helping him with this year so I think this change in routine would be a fine learning experience at a good age.


As the k-5 teacher mentioned, I know in Kindergarten he would normally be missing things that he shouldn't miss but academically he already knows them yet I think it may cause him some anxiety to be away from his normal routine. It may also help his rigidness to change in the long run. Unfortunately, foresight is NOT 20/20.


Oct is also one of the cheapest times for cruising and we were barely scraping this cruise in under the wire. I don't think changing to another time this year is feasible.


I've gone on one cruise without the kids with my husband. I don't think going alone with a friend would ever in my entire life be something I would do personally... more power to those who enjoy that!


But I do appreciate the thoughts on this thus far... keep them coming.



<A HREF="http://www.ncvaughan.homestead.com/bahamascruise.html" TARGET=_blank>

Carnival Victory 6/8/03</A>

Fascination 9/2/02

Imagination 8/2/01



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Better learn the school's policy. Where I teach, that would be unexcused absence and there could be no outside work accepted. Also, unexcused absences require 3 detentions per day. This is a district wide policy which was intended for high school aged students but is now enforced throughout the district.



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Wow, that's a strict policy but a good one.


Anytime I'm planning to pull my older girls out of school for something I find out in advance how it will effect them (absentee-ism, make-up work, etc.) and our school system's policy isn't as strict. They've always let them make it up outside the classroom although some work is required to be done once they are back in school.


If the girls have low grades prior to a trip we just cancel. One of them has had all A's throughout school (K-6th) and the other has had all A's and B's so we make sure that they know school, learning, getting their work done comes first. If not, we just don't go. If it seems one of them will struggle (I always ask their teachers how they are "really" doing, not how I perceive they are doing) we don't go either.


Regardless of school, I guess we'll just be missing a cruise this year. No biggie. As long as we're together as a family I could care less where we are! icon_wink.gif



<A HREF="http://www.ncvaughan.homestead.com/bahamascruise.html" TARGET=_blank>

Carnival Victory 6/8/03</A>

Fascination 9/2/02

Imagination 8/2/01



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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tw1nk1es:

Better learn the school's policy. Where I teach, that would be unexcused absence and there could be no outside work accepted. Also, unexcused absences require 3 detentions per day. This is a district wide policy which was intended for high school aged students but is now enforced throughout the district.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Same here. It's just that the punishment is not as severe. I'm printing this out and taking it to the next Board of Education meeting.


Bottom line is, the school district does not consider "family vacation" to be a valid reason for missing school.




Eleven cruises so far. Up next:

Carnival Valor 10/30/05 CC Group


Perhaps something else as well. Watch this space.


Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, and work when somebody's watching.

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I normally try to refrain from posting on these types of questions, but I will say something here, none the less. Your kindergarten child won't miss a darn thing. Your other kids, however, if they are going in to 7th grade... could, and probably will.. big time! I understand the Asperger situation, as I have a friend who's child also has it, but regardless... He or she will adjust when they return. In 7th grade though, your other kids might suffer. I too, am in IL (as another poster), and our school district also has a policy of no make up work, and consequences for missing school when you are not ill. I don't think this applies to anyone younger than HS age, but regardless... 7th grade is important, and missing a week can be very detrimental to a child. I took my kids out once, when they were in 4th, 7th, 8th, and 9th <?>... The youngest one was fine with missing school, but the others all suffered in the long run. I would NEVER do it again! That said... If my kids were in 4th grade or less, I think they could miss a week of school without it affecting them too much, as long as state mandated testing weren't during that week. Check with your district's policies, before you make any final decisions...


Pam : )

Emerald Seas 6/20/83

Nordic Empress 6/93

Imagination 3/30/00

Ecstasy 9/4/00

Majesty of the Seas 10/27/00

Triumph 12/16/00

Radiance of the Seas

3/26/01 & 3/29/01

Crown Odyssey 6/24/01

Golden Princess 10/11/01

Spirit 11/11/01

Sensation GGC 1/13/02

Sovereign of the Seas 3/24/02

Imagination 5/18/02

Pride 11/2/02

Explorer of the Seas 3/29/03

Enchantment of the Seas 9/1/03

Serenade of the Seas 10/28/03

Grand Princess 11/16/03


check out my pics at http://community.webshots.com/user/lunyma

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When my son was in kindergarden, I too was worried about pulling him out for a week's vacation. The teacher's response was "Do you really think he's going to go through life without picking up the letter D?!" LMAO! Needless to say, we took the vacation!

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If "they aren't missing anything", why do they go to school in the first place?


Schools have vacations built into their schedules. That's probably why 'family vacations' at other times are not allowed without consequences.

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We're talking kindergarten here! Although this may have changed, as of a couple years ago, kindergarten was only mandatory in a dozen states! And, in the OP's state (North Carolina) school attendance is not required until age 7.

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Effie, Could you perhaps go in January?-That is when I am going;the prices just start going up then.Mid-dec.before Xmas(after school tests if your kids have any) is also a cheap time(but unfortunately for us at least one of my girls wants to do the Nutcracker Ballet again-so we can not go mid-Dec.) In Canada we fortunately do not have that law. I do think it is educational for the children(before Grade 10) to see/find out about other cultures/how they live.(also good to see how to act,manners etc. on the ship)After Gr.10, I will not be pulling them out probably. I ,too,would be a bit worried if he had difficulty adapting to the routine at school and then pulling him out a week. But only you know your child best. I will be pulling out my 2(13,7 yrs.old) in Jan.They do very well at school and the older one will not be missing important exams etc. I think:"Childhood should be a journey, not a race." But that is just my opinion; everyone is different. Good luck with the decision.Let us know what your family decides.


Valor Jan.23/05(W.Caribb.)-we are all going and are very excited!!!!!!!!!!!

SeaPrincess Jan./01(W.Caribb)

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I don't understand it, but everytime I told my son's grade school teacher we were pulling him out of school for a week for a cruise or vacation, she would HUG me ! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


Live well, love much, laugh often.


Gary icon_cool.gif





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Hope you get on a ship soon. Hello from NC also

Loved your pictures icon_frown.gif Midway made me sad. My daughter loved them. She was in charge of Gate agents and ran her tail off for very little money but loves people. She is now in a much better paying job but how she still misses the Airlines mostly the people she so loved to serve. Happy Cruising.


10/03 Legend

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Every school district is different; however, many will work with you by enrolling the student for one week in "independent" study - even kid's in Kindergarten. As a former Kindergarten teacher, I can tell you that a week away from class will not impact your child. It is the ADA funding from the state that most schools worry about losing. Enrolling in independent study allows your child to NOT accumulate any unexcused absences (they won't be marked absent) and allows your school to collect the ADA funds. In most cases, it's simply a matter of asking the child's teacher to document their work for the week, and signing off on the paperwork. It's similar to when a kids is out sick for extended periods of time or when a student goes out of the country.


Students in grades 5 and up often DO suffer the consequences of missing a week in school, even when independent study is an option. But for most kids under 7, it's not really an issue. I have no idea how private schools manage this sort of thing, but even missing one day because of illness has a huge impact on public schools, and that's an EXCUSED absence with no ADA.





05 July 2004 Monarch of the Seas

21 November 2004 Carnival Pride

20 February 2005 Mariner of the Seas CC Group Cruise




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Interesting read. Our 10 year old missed 8 days of school in January for our cruise. (A little background here, she was at birth my granddaughter, and now since adoption, my daughter). She had the time of her life and experienced things she had only read about. We are doing it all again in October, this time she will miss two weeks of school. The education she will get visiting foreign ports far outweighs what she might miss in English and Math class. She will research our ports of call, she will write in her journal every day and she will present a report to her class when she returns. She will also get to spend two weeks with her greatgrandparents as they are traveling with us. She will talk endlessly about "what was it like when you were a kid" with my mom and dad. Do I care what the school thinks? Absolutely not! We can work together and make up anything she misses, if the school won't "count" it because she wasn't there, so be it, she and I will know she did it, and most importantly - we will know she understands it. Her education is a joint responsibility - between us! Go on your cruise, show your children the world OUTSIDE of books and movies and television - let them experience life for themselves. If we had more family time with our children, I'll just bet we wouldn't see so many messed up kids. Think about it.


Faye, Ken and Brianna


Till the Legend Begins



Carnival Victory - 2/2003

Serenade of the Seas - 8/2003

Carnival Victory - 1/2004

Carnival Legend - 10/2004

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