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Do you think jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard


Do you think jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard

    • I do not feel jeans are appropriate aboard Cunard.
    • I think jeans are fine during the day but, not at night.
    • I think jeans are suitable dress anytime of the day.
    • No Opinion

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True Religion Jeans=TRLG=NASDAQ=ARGH! (Had I sold two months ago I could buy another cruise!) Not like I actually wear the absurdly expensive designer jeans. I was obviously depending on the Brits and the Japanese to buy these total pieces of fluff...;)



You were asked to elucidate, not complicate! Western civilisation is still none the wiser. True Religion Jeans? Does the ship's chaplain wear these?

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Slow Foxtrot....think Calvin Klein designer jeans with a goofy name. There's even a kind over here called Seven For All Mankind...HUH? It all boils down to the dumber the name the more money they can charge. And I repeat myself...denim is denim is denim ad nauseum! AS to ship's chaplain attire?? Hmmm...don't think I'll touch that one. Suffice it to say you miss nothing by not having a nodding acquaintence with said jeans except a much lighter feeling in your wallet...and the comfort of being dressed just like everyone else! Cheers, Penny

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Slow Foxtrot....think Calvin Klein designer jeans with a goofy name. There's even a kind over here called Seven For All Mankind...HUH? It all boils down to the dumber the name the more money they can charge. And I repeat myself...denim is denim is denim ad nauseum! AS to ship's chaplain attire?? Hmmm...don't think I'll touch that one. Suffice it to say you miss nothing by not having a nodding acquaintence with said jeans except a much lighter feeling in your wallet...and the comfort of being dressed just like everyone else! Cheers, Penny



Thank you Penny for putting us Brits in the picture, so to speak. Talking about pictures, it seems to me that the people who pay ludicrous prices for 'True Religion Jeans' are probably the same people who bid frantically at the ships' 'art auctions'. Step forward, Elmer from Texas! For the same money one could enjoy a lifetime of snifters in the Commodore Club! That's a sobering thought.

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Foxtrot...or if I may be so bold..."Foxy"...so much easier to type...

Quote" one could enjoy a lifetime of snifters in the Commodore Club! That's a sobering thought. " Not so sure I'd use the terms "lifetime of snifters" AND "sobering" in the same sentence!!! As to the art auctions, I plan to be occupied elsewhere so Elmer is welcome to my sharer of "art".


By the by, (as a QM2 newbie) may one's Commodore Club snifter be filled with ginger ale? I'm decaffinated and non-alcoholic ( but not as boring as that might sound) and am already enthralled with the looks of the Commodore Club, and hope that won't disqualify me.

Cheers, Penny

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:eek:Gosh, I can see there's a group of people that are going to be very unhappy that Cunard is allowing a couple from Kansas on the "ocean liner". We do wear jeans (even with suit coats) and no, they ain't designer jeans. I'm going to pack an extra couple of pairs after reading some of these responses.


I think the one that shocked me the most was the hired help have to do what master says. We have Fur Kids, but no hired help.


Hubby and I are just dumb rednecks living (we can't even say we are from here) in Kansas and we will certainly shock some of you. The rest of you sound like our kinda people!


Oh, we drink beer right from the bottle too!

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:eek:Gosh, I can see there's a group of people that are going to be very unhappy that Cunard is allowing a couple from Kansas on the "ocean liner". We do wear jeans (even with suit coats) and no, they ain't designer jeans. I'm going to pack an extra couple of pairs after reading some of these responses.


I think the one that shocked me the most was the hired help have to do what master says. We have Fur Kids, but no hired help.


Hubby and I are just dumb rednecks living (we can't even say we are from here) in Kansas and we will certainly shock some of you. The rest of you sound like our kinda people!


Oh, we drink beer right from the bottle too!



Not to worry!

I am originally from Tennessee, have lived in "upstate" (Southern Tier/Binghampton/Endwell) New York, grew up in Ormond Beach Florida (Where I am at the moment, right now, visiting my father) and currently live in Colchester CT. I qualify as a born and bred redneck, so don't you fret none, honey! You'll be plenty welcome, and don't you give no mind to those folks that got their uppity all on about 'em! We got all our own special kind of class, girl!

Beer, from the bottle? you're gettin' too big for your britches girl, if'n your drinking BOTTLED stuff? Whassamatta? Cans too good fer you'ns?



who prefers to laugh than to sneer!


C'mon down! We'll show 'em how REAL folks live!

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:eek:Gosh, I can see there's a group of people that are going to be very unhappy that Cunard is allowing a couple from Kansas on the "ocean liner". We do wear jeans (even with suit coats) and no, they ain't designer jeans. I'm going to pack an extra couple of pairs after reading some of these responses.


I think the one that shocked me the most was the hired help have to do what master says. We have Fur Kids, but no hired help.


Hubby and I are just dumb rednecks living (we can't even say we are from here) in Kansas and we will certainly shock some of you. The rest of you sound like our kinda people!


Oh, we drink beer right from the bottle too!


Well -- do I have the prefect solution for you. I notice onboard this cruise that CUNARD does enforce the dress code -- EXCEPT for the Scots on-board. They get away with wearing the most outrageous kilt combinations with their evening wear. I saw one gentlemen in a tuxedo with what can only be described as a mini-kilt on a formal evening. It was funny but it was also what the Americans would call "gross".


So, if you dare, just wear a tuxedo with your jeans -- if anyone from CUNARD objects, just tell them you (like the Scots) are wearing your cultural costume. However, since jeans were invented in California not Kansas, you may wish to be vague about which area of the US is your ancestral home.


As for the beer from the bottle? You will certainly be noticed, if that is what you want. And nobody will remember anyone drinking champagne from a flute (since there will be hundreds doing that).

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:eek:Gosh, I can see there's a group of people that are going to be very unhappy that Cunard is allowing a couple from Kansas on the "ocean liner". We do wear jeans (even with suit coats) and no, they ain't designer jeans. I'm going to pack an extra couple of pairs after reading some of these responses.


I think the one that shocked me the most was the hired help have to do what master says. We have Fur Kids, but no hired help.


Hubby and I are just dumb rednecks living (we can't even say we are from here) in Kansas and we will certainly shock some of you. The rest of you sound like our kinda people!


Oh, we drink beer right from the bottle too!


I think that it depends on when you wear jeans (and where). I'm just back from the QE2 - I wore jeans both on my arrival and departure from the ship, although I changed for dinner on the first evening, and I wore then for one of the port days, again changing for dinner. I did not feel out of place, nor was I alone in wearing denim. However had I insisted (or wanted) to wear denim in the restaurant or had I wanted to wear denim in the evening then I would have been out of place and I would have known it.


Maybe you've hit the answer - there are people (you call then dumb rednecks) daft enough to book a formal ship and then complain that they can't wear their denim on a formal night. I feel sorry for them; I hope they consult forums like this one to seek clarification of their understanding of the ship before they book it!

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I think that it depends on when you wear jeans (and where). I'm just back from the QE2 - I wore jeans both on my arrival and departure from the ship, although I changed for dinner on the first evening, and I wore then for one of the port days, again changing for dinner. I did not feel out of place, nor was I alone in wearing denim. However had I insisted (or wanted) to wear denim in the restaurant or had I wanted to wear denim in the evening then I would have been out of place and I would have known it.


Maybe you've hit the answer - there are people (you call then dumb rednecks) daft enough to book a formal ship and then complain that they can't wear their denim on a formal night. I feel sorry for them; I hope they consult forums like this one to seek clarification of their understanding of the ship before they book it!


Welcome back. Trust you enjoyed your trip. This thread's going to run and run!

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Welcome back. Trust you enjoyed your trip.


Thanks - we did:) When you talk about it 5 nights doesn't seem that long, but when you're on the cruise it seems to go on forever! We met up with two other couples from Cruise Critics, there was also a FOD meeting as well, so we ended up meeting more people that we knew on the streets of La Rochelle than we normally would on the streets of York.

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Foxtrot...or if I may be so bold..."Foxy"...so much easier to type... By the by, (as a QM2 newbie) may one's Commodore Club snifter be filled with ginger ale? I'm decaffinated and non-alcoholic ( but not as boring as that might sound) and am already enthralled with the looks of the Commodore Club, and hope that won't disqualify me.

Cheers, Penny



"Ah, the delectable Patwell, I rather like the new soubriquet, although in truth it belongs to my hunting friend Jonquil Carruthers. Can you drink ginger ale in the Commodore Club? Of course you can my dear, although I must admit that it's normally consumed in the proportion of one part to 10 parts of Scotch. But I'm sure the barman will bend over backwards to oblige, if you'll pardon the unfortunate phraseology!

However, do be aware that Cunard is apparently preparing for an invasion of 'rednecks' who wear jeans and drink from the bottle (see postings above). I have suggested to Cunard that Jonquil Carruthers bring 30 of his best hounds on board and they be trained to attack anyone in jeans, Frankly, my dear, it's the only language these people understand.

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Maybe you've hit the answer - there are people (you call then dumb rednecks) daft enough to book a formal ship and then complain that they can't wear their denim on a formal night.


My comment was not about wearing jeans to dinner. Rather my remarks were to those who expressed that wearing jeans anywhere anytime on the QM2 was lacking in fashion sense.


Though I will admit on one cruise our entire table decided they didn't want to dress for one of the formal nights so the gentlemen wore shorts with their suit jackets and the women dressed equally ridiculous. It was more or less a group prank and we were fortunate that it went over very well. The waiters and staff were coming up asking to take pictures and had a great laugh as did many of our fellow passengers.


We like to have fun. We know appropriate dress and aren't going to be swayed by those with their noses in the air. I just thought I'd scare a few of them, thinking they might wet their shorts in horror!:p

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Ah Foxy...i'm happy you weren't offended by my taking liberties with your soubriquet! Certainly wouldn't want to be presumptive...


Quote "But I'm sure the barman will bend over backwards to oblige, if you'll pardon the unfortunate phraseology!" Depends on the barman!!!


30 hounds?? Can the kennels handle them?? Shall I bring my "pinks"?? And here all along I was thinking Jonquil Carruthers was a "she"!! Silly me! However I do fear for you and pnhmrk...hope you are both are attired in something fetchingly asbestos...you know how this subject can heat up!!


Just read somewhere that the Hollywood "hotties" are forsaking their bleached and torn designer jeans in favor of more "ordinary" dress...being such trend setters and all that, perhaps we will see the end of this subject as everyone hustles to follow suit and jeans will once again return to the pursuits they were intended for. Cheers, Penny

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Hounds, my good friends, are one of the few types of mammals that are completely understood (and accommodated) by the "red necks". There is a bond, nay, kinship that they share (i.e "my wife ran off with my dog and I sure miss him).


Perhaps some other beast may be employed?

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Hounds, my good friends, are one of the few types of mammals that are completely understood (and accommodated) by the "red necks". There is a bond, nay, kinship that they share (i.e "my wife ran off with my dog and I sure miss him).

Perhaps some other beast may be employed?


Not in our neck of the woods, my friend. Jonquil Carruthers tells me that his hounds are especially fond of rednecks wearing jeans. However, he does have several huge wild boars (one weighs over 300 kilos) and these can be very ferocious at times. Whether they could be trained to attack Cunard passengers wearing jeans is another matter. But it's worth a try. The only drawback is that the boars may be mistaken for Cunard passengers and allocated a cabin.

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The only drawback is that the boars may be mistaken for Cunard passengers and allocated a cabin.


Or we might just decide to have an open pit pig barbeque right there on the deck:D . Can't trust us rednecks, we see meat, we eat it.

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Perhaps it may serve to distinguish between Pigs, Hogs, and Boars at this point.

My humble submission would be that:

*Pigs wear denim on formal nights

*Hogs elbow their way into the line

*and Boars make snide comments about both of these actions. (ad nauseum)


The old notion of "Judge not, lest ye be judged" may fit I suppose. But what the heck, I'm just a simpleton from the former colonies.


I hope this will not disquailify me from the snifters!

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Will someone, PLEASE, euthanize this thread?


Wear what you want during the daytime and dress appropriately and respectfully in the evening! Where did this notion ever start that Cunard ships (at least today) are "above" jeans?


Happy Sailings (Jeans & Tux)

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I had to add this- on our crossing last week there were several people who boarded wearing jeans and cowboy boots. Something in the uncomfortable way they walked made me suspicious that these were not true cowgirls and cowboys. Sure enough, a minute of eavesdropping revealed that every one was a Brit who had obviously been shopping stateside.

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OK, Karie, I'll call off Doctor Denim Death! :rolleyes:


LOL!!! Can we put him on speed dial for the next time this subject comes up?? Or perhaps, like lawyers, we could have him on retainer? The minute someone says the "J" word old Dr DD could swoop into the thread wreaking havoc on all who participate.


Let's see...in the past 7 months we've annihilated smokers, beaten to death the dreaded "S" word (pssst, that's steerage for those of you who are recent posters, and bashed jeans in the dining room ad nauseum...what on earth have we missed?


Bobby1119, I agree..euthanize this thread. Look what it's doing to normally rational people...like me!! Cheers, Penny

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My humble submission would be that:......

*Pigs wear denim on formal nights

*Hogs elbow their way into the line

*and Boars make snide comments about both of these actions......


I hope this will not disquailify me from the snifters!



Well, Mr Blacksmith, as President of the Snifters' Club I have decided not to disqualify you for the above remarks. However, it was a swine of a decision!

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Let's see...in the past 7 months we've annihilated smokers, beaten to death the dreaded "S" word (pssst, that's steerage for those of you who are recent posters, and bashed jeans in the dining room ad nauseum...what on earth have we missed?


I'm with Karie - I don't think this thread should "ever be allowed to die":)


I don't see why steerage shouldn't be allowed to enjoy tobacco just as much (if not more) than those in first class, although I still don't think jeans are suitable in the dining room for dinner.


We haven't criticised those unfortunate people who walk about the ship too slowly! They're almost always over the age of 35 and don't seem to realise that some of us haven't got all day to get from lunch to afternoon tea. If they can't manage to keep up a good pace then they should be confined to their cabin.:p

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I'm with Karie - I don't think this thread should "ever be allowed to die":)


So far so good.....my dear old mother used to tell to be careful what I wished for...etc etc



We haven't criticised those unfortunate people who walk about the ship too slowly! They're almost always over the age of 35 and don't seem to realise that some of us haven't got all day to get from lunch to afternoon tea. If they can't manage to keep up a good pace then they should be confined to their cabin.:p


Whoa....some of us fit this profile....and then some. I will endeavour to maintain a sprightly pace....at my age I don't have all day either!

Cheers, Penny

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