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Has This Happened to You in Dining Room?


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I think she meant no "melt downs" at the table. Quiet conversation when it's your "turn" to talk is still quiet. If he couldn't do that, sit quietly and eat until it was his turn to speak, and make his point, then he would have to go to his room where he would, indeed, be alone, with no distraction at all, including quiet conversation.


That is EXACTLY what I meant. Thank you for clarifying. Ken would do things like sit and howl at the table. If he had a meltdown, he was excused from the table--and frankly, the same rule held for the rest of us kids as well.

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wraithe -

Off topic, how do you add the quotes? I looked all over when responding and could't figure it out?




We've talked before!


You log in first and then when you see a thread you'd like to respond to click on the Quote button in the cell where you'd like to quote the reply or original post. As long as you edit their comments between the brackets all will be in the window when you Submit Reply.


I used Preview Post a couple of times to make sure I was doing it right.


Hey, on another note, I got a renewal today on the GMRS radio permit, and the FCC now lists three frequencies that are not allowable for the walkie talkies. I'll check and post them back to you on a later date.

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I think it is a shame that dinner time is not family time. I was brought up and have raised my four children to stay for the meal and asked to be excused. When my 5 year old grandson comes, he is expected to sit with us. He may not like what is being served, but he does sit with us. I don't expect others to do the same.
I have to agree. We sit together and eat dinner EVERY NIGHT. Since they were toddlers, the girls have sat at the table and have been a part of the conversation. I think a 7-year old who's used to being part of things will have no problem sitting through a two-hour meal. On the other hand, a kid who's expected to sit there and look pretty while no one speaks to him is going to get bored with the adult conversation.
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Hey, on another note, I got a renewal today on the GMRS radio permit, and the FCC now lists three frequencies that are not allowable for the walkie talkies. I'll check and post them back to you on a later date.


Sorry everyone, some potential thread hijacking here. I'm gonna step out on a limb and assume (uh oh, you know what that means) that you were talking to me. Cool, I look forward to hearing from you about the freqs. I'm thinking of taking a hand held scanner with me next week and listening to the Marine bands. Never know, might hear something interesting!


JWMom, never got to ask you before, was your husband a fighter jock or a respectable flier (heavy iron handler)? LOL. We've been having a good, old time on our Roll Call thread. Several of the folks there said they were going to leave their kids with me since I didn't have any young 'uns going with me next week. When I casually pointed out they'd be leaving their darlings with the guy who volunteered to go to sea on a ship designed to sink and built by the lowest bidder, flies small airplanes as a hobby, and occasionally scuba dives, they all changed the subject! You'd think maybe they didn't believe I had good judgement or something! Glad you had a good time on your cruise, did your husband like it better than the carrier (ROTFL, go figure)? Catch you later.

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Sorry, I just thought it odd that both of your threads incited huge debates. Just pointing out the obvious here.


And you think a 7 year old watching the DVD at the table is "tacky" but you actually had to question about shorts in the dining room? :confused:


I think you're being a bit unfair to hold me responsible for the debates that are incited on the threads. Yes, with this one I made more of a comment but my first thread I simply asked a question about whether kids could wear shorts in the dining room-I had never cruised before and had no idea. Geeez-

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JWMOM, I did not read the thread on shorts but feel you have done nothing wrong. I did not see anything argumentative in any of your posts here. You were stating a fact. There are some wonderful people on cruise critics so don't let the one sided posters upset you. PS I've got your back. LOL

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Good grief-I had told LeeAnne I was going to let this go, but then you show your back end. Are you any better of a person to attack me this way? I just can't believe how nasty some of you posters can get. You all act like I went over and confronted these people and made a big scene. I started a simple thread to ask if people had seen this, and yes, to a smaller extent, ask if it bothered people. Maybe I overwrote my initial thread-it didn't ruin my meal, I didn't call the head waiter over etc.... I did notice it, didn't quite expect to see it and that's all. It's people like you that make these threads become so "heated" as another poster stated.
JWMom, as far as I'm concerned you redeemed yourself by saying that you took another look at your original post, and could see how others interpreted it differently. To me, the best you can ever expect in any discussion in which there are differing opinions is for each side to be willing to look at the other, and try to see things from their point of view. You did that, and were gracious enough to say so. I personally feel that roc13sha was unreasonably and unnecessarily harsh to you. Personal attacks never add to understanding. Sorry you had to read that.


Now, breathe, and let it go! :)



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JWMom, as far as I'm concerned you redeemed yourself by saying that you took another look at your original post, and could see how others interpreted it differently. To me, the best you can ever expect in any discussion in which there are differing opinions is for each side to be willing to look at the other, and try to see things from their point of view. You did that, and were gracious enough to say so. I personally feel that roc13sha was unreasonably and unnecessarily harsh to you. Personal attacks never add to understanding. Sorry you had to read that.


Now, breathe, and let it go! :)



Good for you Lee Anne. This board is for information, not personal attacks. You stated what I am thinking.

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These kinds of threads bring out a lot of different opinions. Nothing like kids to set off different type of people. 1.Those that don't have them; 2. Those that have them; 3. Those that love them (whether they have them or not): 4. Those that hate them (whether they have them or not) and every type in between. On one Rhapsody cruise (it was Spring break), I remember being at a blackjack table with a bunch of fun people, it was late in the evening. One of the goofiest (and drunkest) was a 28 year old elementary teacher living in Texas. It was the spring break cruise that I was on where everyone witnessed two families being summarily ejected from the cruise ship at the first stop because their teenage boys had gotten drunk, jumped one of the bars and tried to steal some liquor. It was a bit of "the talk of the ship", not quite an overboard or murder but exciting back then. Anyway, this 28 year old, unmarried, no kids teacher, (and self proclaimed expert on child rearing) proceeded to explain to the rest of us (me - mother of three: two teen girls one 10 year old girl), another mom (one 17 year old girl and 14 year old boy),

one Dad (father of two 17 year old (twin) girls), one divorced Dad, (sailing w/o his kids, but father of two teens) and another man, (not sure of his status with kids) how what happened on the ship was entirely the parents fault and how she sees every day how parents have failed their children, etc., etc., etc. Never mind that this 28 year old "teacher" was what I would call a blonde bombshell type, makeup to the hilt, drunk as can be, etc., etc., etc. Anyway she hit a nerve with those of us with teens, we became a unified force, all of us knowing how hard is is to raise children in todays society and how easy it is for people without children to condemn us, put us down, tell us what an awful job we are doing, etc., etc., etc. Anyway, I have been a stay at home mom for 20 years now (having given up a well paying career). I challenged this young woman and told her that once she was married , had children, and experienced the teen years, I would be fully prepared to come and prepare the crow that she would have to eat. She of course, being too young and inebriated, could not appreciate my words. I then proceeded to buy the table a drink, as I often do when a group stays together and we make friendships. She could not believe that I bought her a drink. She said to me, "but we were arguing", and I said no, we were having a conversation.


Let's try to take the kids issue into prospective, after all, this is what this thread is all about. There are those that have them, those that don't have them, those that love them, those that hate them, and of course the vast majoritory of people in between. If you are so distracted by what a small child is QUIETLY doing at ANOTHER table in the dining room of a cruise ship than in my humble opinion YOU are the one that has the bigger problem. I mean come on, what are you thinking about ? Pay attention to your own table, have fun, enjoy yourself. Who in the world has time on a cruise vacation to really care about what a small child at another table is quitely doing? All I can say is Relax, get a life, and look at your own faults, first. Oh, and by the way, the time for this thread was up long ago. JMO

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JWMom, as far as I'm concerned you redeemed yourself by saying that you took another look at your original post, and could see how others interpreted it differently. To me, the best you can ever expect in any discussion in which there are differing opinions is for each side to be willing to look at the other, and try to see things from their point of view. You did that, and were gracious enough to say so. I personally feel that roc13sha was unreasonably and unnecessarily harsh to you. Personal attacks never add to understanding. Sorry you had to read that.


Now, breathe, and let it go! :)




Thank you dear LeeAnne and Cruisin G! You really made me feel better-I don't know why I'm letting these people get to me but I really feel like I've been attacked (I guess I'm really taking it personally! There is a way to express opinions without getting so ugly. I felt I was not ugly in my initial thoughts and if anyone thinks differently then I'm sorry. But I guess these mean posts bring out the worst from me and I feel the need to defend myself. I guess I'll just ignore Lady...Who?? and her comments. But I appreciate you both posting what you did. I am a nice person but will defend myself! Also, the girl who was watching the movie was a darling girl and I'm sure is a very well behaved girl. Seemed like a nice family and the parents obviously adored her. So, can we all move on?!!!

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Thank you dear LeeAnne and Cruisin G! You really made me feel better-I don't know why I'm letting these people get to me but I really feel like I've been attacked (I guess I'm really taking it personally! There is a way to express opinions without getting so ugly. I felt I was not ugly in my initial thoughts and if anyone thinks differently then I'm sorry. But I guess these mean posts bring out the worst from me and I feel the need to defend myself. I guess I'll just ignore Lady...Who?? and her comments. But I appreciate you both posting what you did. I am a nice person but will defend myself! Also, the girl who was watching the movie was a darling girl and I'm sure is a very well behaved girl. Seemed like a nice family and the parents obviously adored her. So, can we all move on?!!!
I'm with ya! :) :) :)



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I can just see it now:


Tonight suggested attire - Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women; Ipods, Personal DVDs, and battery operated TVs under 13" (with headphones) for children under 9.


Kinda of tongue-in-cheek, but I wonder how many of the "formal dining room" croud that voiced objections on jeans etc. in the "formal dining room" feel that this is ok. ;)


Even more tongue-in-cheek, how many see it as a non-issue and it would be ok to have a child bring in a dvd player in a "five star" restaurant back at home.

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Even more tongue-in-cheek, how many see it as a non-issue and it would be ok to have a child bring in a dvd player in a "five star" restaurant back at home.
Personally I think this topic has been debated to death, but I just wanted to point something out. There are some significant differences for families between dining on a cruise ship and dining at a fine restaurant at home. First of all, your options for dining are significantly more limited -- you can't cook for yourself, and your restaurant choices are between a casual buffet and formal dining. You are on a vacation, for which you presumably paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars, so you will probably feel far more inclined to go eat at the formal restaurant, since you've basically already paid for it. You don't have all the babysitting options available to you at home -- you can't always get a babysitter on board, and some parents aren't comfortable leaving their kids with strangers anyway. And families who may not dine at "nice" restaurants with their kids at home may be far more likely to do so on board a cruise ship -- it may be the only opportunity they get to expose their kids to some interesting "grown up" foods without feeling like they are throwing away money on menu items their kids may not eat.


Hence, I would imagine it's more likely you'd see this type of thing in a cruise ship restaurant...and I would find it far more understandable and acceptable.


Just some food for thought.



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Personally I think this topic has been debated to death, but I just wanted to point something out. There are some significant differences for families between dining on a cruise ship and dining at a fine restaurant at home. First of all, your options for dining are significantly more limited -- you can't cook for yourself, and your restaurant choices are between a casual buffet and formal dining. You are on a vacation, for which you presumably paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars, so you will probably feel far more inclined to go eat at the formal restaurant, since you've basically already paid for it. You don't have all the babysitting options available to you at home -- you can't always get a babysitter on board, and some parents aren't comfortable leaving their kids with strangers anyway. And families who may not dine at "nice" restaurants with their kids at home may be far more likely to do so on board a cruise ship -- it may be the only opportunity they get to expose their kids to some interesting "grown up" foods without feeling like they are throwing away money on menu items their kids may not eat.


Hence, I would imagine it's more likely you'd see this type of thing in a cruise ship restaurant...and I would find it far more understandable and acceptable.


Just some food for thought.





LeeAnne, I'm sure there are many that feel the same way here and your response is certainly what I expected, especially dealing with the kids and hey were on vacation. My "tongue-in-cheek" comment was I was wondering, kinda out loud, how many folks have got up in arms about the folks that don't follow the "rules" when attire was addressed because this was a "formal 5 star restaurant" but find it ok that junior can bring in a DVD player to the same setting.

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JWMom, Don't ignore your original post. This thing has gone on far too long because of it. You stated you couldn't get away from the poor little girls dvd night after night because she sat in the same chair. Helloooooooooo are we supposed to believe you are an adult and couldn't change your seating arrangement? Why do you have to attack my honest post?

Sheesh, let it go!


Did you not see this?


After giving it some thought, I can see where you might misinterpret my title-I did not mean it that way-perhaps I should have said, Have you ever seen this in the dining room-I just typed that out with no agenda in the way it was worded. I still think though you're nitpicking me but oh well... have a nice day!

And she made other statements indicating she felt she could have stated it differently. The bottom line is, she acknowledged that she tried to see the other side. What more do you want from her? Blood? Her first born? (Tonight I'm about ready to give you MINE -- she's giving me way too much of that 15-yr-old-girl lip tonight...)


Anyway, really, I think JWMom has done her penance, and had a great opportunity to read some other viewpoints and see things from other perspectives. Good enough for me.



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JWMom, Don't ignore your original post. This thing has gone on far too long because of it. You stated you couldn't get away from the poor little girls dvd night after night because she sat in the same chair. Helloooooooooo are we supposed to believe you are an adult and couldn't change your seating arrangement? Why do you have to attack my honest post?


Aren't we all human, with different tolerances for different things. Some things that bother some, don't phase others (lets not talk about the dress code). ;) The OP was bothered by it. I can't say why she did or didn't move. Quite frankly, for me it doesn't matter, to you it does (were human...with human differences). We all have our push buttons. Our human nature is to react when one is pushed. I think the OP had one pushed in the dining room. I think you had one pushed on this thread. We're all human.

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I tried to hijack the thread and just couldn't pull it off. Sorry! lol, have to agree with Leeann, just keep breathing through the contractions :eek: and don't hit anything you'll miss after it's cleaned up :D.

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I tried to hijack the thread and just couldn't pull it off. Sorry! lol, have to agree with Leeann, just keep breathing through the contractions :eek: and don't hit anything you'll miss after it's cleaned up :D.


Thanks Wraithe-btw, hubby flew S-3 jets-you know them? Have a great cruise!!!

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LeeAnne, how do you quote two different posts like you did in this post? Off topic, but I think we've beaten this poor dead horse enough, and I think you do, too. So I'm looking for help here. Thanks!

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Thanks Wraithe-btw, hubby flew S-3 jets-you know them? Have a great cruise!!!


Know S-3's well, good airplanes, funky looking though, with the engines so close to the fuselage. Just glad he didn't fly helicopters, helicopters don't really fly after all, they're just so ugly the Earth repels them :p.

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