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Willdra’s Valiant Venezia Review

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On 6/21/2024 at 9:08 PM, dolfndreams said:

Yeah!! another Wildra review. Always a delight


Thank you for this! 😍😍

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On 6/22/2024 at 12:29 AM, Drew B 58 said:

I’m not positive, but I think the outlet in the Venezia bathrooms is different from the outlets in most Carnival ships’ bathrooms…


Now this makes me feel so much better! 😃😃

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On 6/22/2024 at 7:46 PM, Retired20 said:

I am so excited to see this new review of yours ! I have been eagerly waiting for it ! I have just finished page one and have already laughed out loud twice ! You are a fabulous writer ! I can’t wait to read more ans find out your opinion of boarding a ship in NY.


Thank you so much for joining me on this one! There's lots more to go! 😁

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On 6/23/2024 at 7:23 PM, AKR2011 said:

I actually lived in GA for a few years and remember the black tarps they put over all the alcohol in the grocery stores every Sunday. It was a sin to even look at it, I guess? 🤷‍♀️


Yep, you are correct! They JUST changed that law a few years ago. I have never understood the purpose of those types of laws. So if my eyes landed on a box of cheapo wine on Sunday, I would spontaneously burst into flames, but on Saturday night it was OK? Make it make sense lawmakers. Make it make sense. 

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On 6/23/2024 at 7:25 PM, TNVolnteerCruiser said:

You and W are a hoot, in the best way possible! I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you on a cruise one day.  #notastalkeronlyafan


Thanks, and if you do see us please say "Hey cousin!" 😆

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On 6/23/2024 at 11:29 PM, swimmingpoolguy said:

THANK YOU, Willdra, so much for taking the time to do this review and share your adventures. You are an amazing writer with an engaging turn of phrase, and I feel so lucky to get to read your stories. 


(And yes, I am mostly a lurker as you can tell from my post count, but I worked up the courage to type some gratitude.) 


Awwww!!!! I'm honored! Welp, from one lurker to another, thank you so much! I appreciate all of the love!!! 🥰🥰

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On 6/24/2024 at 10:13 AM, Jeafl said:

I totally agree.  We were on a 10-day cruise, and there was at least 4-5 comedians.  Only one of them was mildly amusing.  The rest were awful.  Surely there must be better comedians out there.


Some of these comedians are as appealing as humidity and a pile of used Qtips. 🫠

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On 6/24/2024 at 11:48 AM, Jeafl said:

I said the exact same thing to my husband!  We found that they just renamed a few things with fake Italian names.  We are smarter than that, Carnival!


Play with dem mobile trivia games, not us Carnival. Count your days, fancy names for the same old foods. We see you! 🤨

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On 6/24/2024 at 11:50 AM, noshoobie said:

Loving your review! I have this same problem with my DH. I always have to ASK him if I have food in my teeth after we eat. I can't tell you how many times I have found chunks of broccoli or spinach in my teeth when I'm able to get to a mirror. Geez!


LOL! Ok, like why is this a difficult request? I am constantly picking stuff off of W. The least he could do is not have me walking around looking like I'm deep in the throes of the pox! 😬😬😬

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On 6/24/2024 at 11:57 AM, noshoobie said:

Same with us! We have found most people to be very nice and friendly but every once in while you get the people who want to talk about politics or the people who complain about everything! Love your candid observations and I know if sitting next to you and W at dinner we would have a great time together!


We try to be decent table company, but with us it's hard to know if we are gonna show up to the table as Ike and Tina, Shrek and Fiona, Lucy and Ethel, Boris and Natasha, Brutus and Olive Oyl, etc. etc. It mostly depends on how much sleep I've had, and the quality and length of that sleep. 😴😴😴


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On 6/24/2024 at 6:36 PM, DeanDeeDee said:

I just found your review - I'm only on page 3!  I just love your reviews and enjoy the laughter you provide. Enjoy your cruise!


Thank you for finding me, and for staying! 🥰 

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On 6/24/2024 at 9:30 PM, matt082600 said:

Hi Willdra, I'm all caught up and looking forward to the rest of your review.  Thanks for taking us along!


Thank you for taking this cruise with me! ♥️♥️

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On 6/25/2024 at 4:07 PM, Destaw71835 said:

😱 🤣 the buffet line conversations… I feel you on that. I just try to zone out.


I normally put in my AirPods to cancel the noise, but I forgot em in my bag, so I had to suffer. 🤪 On this beautiful ship, in the middle of this beautiful ocean, on this beautiful vacation. My life was a mess. In shambles I tell you. 😊

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I will be back tomorrow with more of the review! I had to catch up with the pictures and editing. This 11 Day cruise has me in the hucklebuck y'all! 😃

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I love your reviews, you have a way of writing that makes me happy and makes me laugh.   I am glad you enjoyed the Venezia.  I won't lie it wasn't our favorite ship we have been on, but it sure beat working, cleaning and cooking!


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8 hours ago, ALSPAUGHDOLL said:

I love your reviews, you have a way of writing that makes me happy and makes me laugh.   I am glad you enjoyed the Venezia.  I won't lie it wasn't our favorite ship we have been on,


Following along too.  I also followed the fellow from Somerset, NJ.  Like you, it wasn't our favorite ship! We did the 10 day out of NYC in April of this year. Two very small pools for so,so many people.  I guess the ship was meant for cruises in Europe and not the warm Caribbean climate.  

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Venezia Day 6~San Juan


I woke up before my alarm, but waited until it rang at 7 (yes 7) am to officially emerge. W rose up a short time later coughing incessantly trying to clear his throat. Ethel, please just drink some water. There was tons of water since the steward insisted on bringing that unnecessary fresh bottle. Swallow it.


We moved around the cabin getting ready without saying much. It was way too early for words. When we no longer looked like wrinkled up Chipotle bags, we walked to the elevators and rode up to 10. Thankfully, it wasn’t that crazy busy up there. Going up in the aft and eating in that section had been good so far. There weren’t that many people back there.


We got our foods fast, and there was no line at Tomodoro again. Y’all did a great job at keeping this one under wraps. I’ve noticed on other ships (who shall remain nameless) the Blue Iguana has gotten busier and busier for breakfast. Somebody’s been spilling the tea on that one big time. The lines at Tomodoro however, have been at 2019-ish levels. Kudos y’all. Let’s keep this one our little Cruise Critic secret!









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We ate our food then went down to meet our tour at 8:45. The gangway was on Deck 0. We walked forward on 10 and got the elevator down. When we got down we stopped on Deck 1 to let someone off. While the door was open this couple hurriedly got in because the doors opened. The lady had two of those forearm crutches, so she really couldn’t run or walk fast, but the guy yelled at her to “come on!”. Pardon me, but why are y’all rushing on? If you press the button with the wheelchair on it, you will get the space and time that you need to ride the elevator in comfort. Don’t risk re-injuring or injuring yourself for a ride. It ain’t worth it.


We went the 1 floor down and got ready to exit the ship. I’m still fascinated at the number of people who don’t have their cards out and ready to be scanned. How many times do they tell us that? How many signs do we pass that have those instructions printed on them? Why is it hard? I reckon people just have a lot on their minds.


We dinged off then went to find our tour in the terminal building. Everyone was instructed to go thru the building to exit but that must’ve been confusing because they still had to wrangle a few people and send them the other way. As soon as we walked in,  we saw our tour. They were already gathered up. We left promptly at 9. On our way out to the bus, we saw the comedians leaving. As hard as it was, I resisted the urge to clap and celebrate loudly that the one guy was leaving! He was so terrible, we still had PTSD. Hopefully we got some good replacements. I wasn’t going to hold my breath tho. I wasn’t wearing my passing out clothes. Unattractive.




















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We boarded the bus and rolled out. Our first stop was El Paseo de la Princesa. We were there around 45 minutes. The guide was very informative, and he gave us a lot of info. Although W and I have been to San Juan several times we still learn something new each visit which is what we love.


While the guide was giving us a lecture about the wall and the buildings at the beginning of the walk W’s A.D.D. kicked in. This was not a bad thing. He walked ahead and took pictures cuz he knew once the tour advanced to the scenery, it would be much harder to get clear shots. Especially when people don’t just take their pictures and go. Leave please. Sometimes I walk with him, and sometimes I stay with the group. I did both this time. When I wound up in the front with the tour guide, it was much better. I was able to hear the story of the area that we were visiting, I could get my pictures before the crowd, then I could go stand in the shade with W. Win Win Win.


While W and I were standing there waiting for the group to catch up, a lady passed by us with a BBL looking like some bent back paper clips. Now, I’m not a BBL aficionado by any means, however, I do know what a normal derrière should look like, and what it should not look like. I am 100% certain that it should not look pointy like a Dorito chip. I am also certain that a refund is due unto you if you emerge from the BBL procedure, and your body has taken on the shape of an impacted wisdom tooth. Not ideal.























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The group caught up to us and we continued on. Our guide stopped to tell us about the Rums of Puerto Rico (one of W’s favorite subjects), and a little girl became fascinated with a cat (cuz she’s a little girl) then suddenly 12 grown up people had to go and take pictures of that cat. A cat y’all. They traveled all the way to Puerto Rico, paid for an excursion to learn about San Juan, and the cat was the winner?  Feral cats can be found anywhere for free. Our tour guide cleared his throat to regain their attention. “Ahem. 1,2,3, all eyes on me. Ok moving on”. Cuz yes, this is now Preschool.





















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We walked around some more, getting a lot of history and taking  pictures, then it was time to get back on the bus. We couldn’t even get on the bus right. W and I were done early, so we went to get back on, but there was a lady in front of me talking to the driver. Alright,no problem, but she stopped right at the top step, thus blocking me from getting on. I waited a couple of minutes for her to either step to the side so we could pass, or conclude the conversation. She did neither. Ok. We’re on vacation, no stress. I give her another couple of minutes, since the rest of the group was still making their way back. I was just standing 1 step below her mind you, doing the mannequin challenge. Nada. She kept on with the “bok bok bok”. After waiting very patiently, I had to say “Um excuse me”. Then she huffed and moved. How come? Was she not expecting anyone to get back on the bus? Ever?  W laughed, he knows I don’t like to have to be assertive like that, but  there are times when I refuse to suffer in silence. Her grace period expired.



















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Our next stop was in front of the government building. We got 10 minutes there to take pictures of the statues of US Presidents who have visited Puerto Rico while in office. W got out but I didn’t. It was cool on the bus and I didn’t want to mess up a good thing. If it a’int broke don’t fix it.









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The beach that we were visiting was in Isla Verde, in Carolina. Before we got off of the bus, we were given a little pouch of Sangria. W didn’t want his, so I got 2. Yay me. Next we got off of the bus to get ready to go into the beach. We went in through the Royal Sonesta Hotel, which seemed nice from what I could tell. When we got out of the hotel we needed to wait until the guide caught up with us to give us instructions. People didn’t listen (as usual) and kept walking down to the beach. Where were they going? They didn’t even know cuz they didn’t wait for the guide. W and I waited, and we got the 411. We were told where our chairs were and we were given menus to order food and/or drinks. We were also told who our servers were which was muy importante.











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The beach itself was nice and it reminded me of where we were back in May 2023. After W and I picked our spot and settled in, I called Josue our server, and he hooked me up. The key is remembering their name. Then using it. A lot.

















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